
Posts by Brad Ahern

Brad’s life’s purpose is to be of service to people. He currently devotes time to working with Autistic kids. He’s working full time on his Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, and in the future will be pursuing a PhD. He writes to share relatable stories to help with spiritual growth.

You Have to Know You’re Worthy to Attract a Healthy Relationship

“Your problem is you’re too busy holding onto your unworthiness.” ~Ram Dass

Three years ago I went through a breakup with someone I loved deeply.

I had no idea what had happened to me after I fell in love with this girl. I now know that I was asleep from the beginning to the very end of the relationship.

I was totally encapsulated with this girl to the point where I could not see what was in front of me. I was unable to see the red flags that were there in the beginning.

When I first laid eyes on …