
Posts by Doe Zantamata

Doe Zantamata is the founder of Happiness in Your Life. She wrote everything she knows in her third book, Happiness in Your Life -  Book Three: Forgiveness. This book will give you the tools and insight to help you set the past down and move on. She hopes you read it and get out of it exactly what she put in it for you. Freedom. The book is available in kindle ebook, hardcover, Audible, and paperback on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YlQ4bU.

What Forgiveness Really Means and Why It’s the Ultimate Freedom

I used to loathe the word “forgiveness.”

What it meant to me was that someone could hurt me, lie to me, or even abuse me, say “sorry,” and I was supposed to pretend like nothing happened. If I didn’t, they would say to me, “I thought you were a forgiving person,” or “What? I already said I was sorry.”

It felt awful, outside and inside.

I had one relationship that I knew very well wasn’t good for me and I wanted out of, but my misunderstanding of what the word “forgiveness” meant kept me stuck there for a very long …