
Posts by Kelly Higgins

Kelly Higgins is a lover of yoga, life, writing, family, friends, dogs and nature. She works full time in the corporate world although easily transitions to a part time yogi, writer and volunteer facilitating teens in a grief support group in New Jersey. Kelly spends her free time with her fiancé and two dogs out in nature, hiking and exploring the outdoors.

When You Think You Need to Know More to Be Good Enough

“All the wonders you seek are within yourself.” ~Sir Thomas Browne

I’m constantly looking for answers—in books, in yoga classes, in meditation. Everywhere I go I meet people, new and old, and I’m constantly asking questions. I thrive on learning new opinions, spiritualities, lessons, and facts. Relentlessly, I’m always searching for more.

Aren’t we all looking for the answers?

How am I going to leave the position that I’ve held for most of my life and start a new job, in a new company? Raise our first child (or puppy!)? Take care of our aging parents? Start teaching yoga …