
Giveaway and Review: the 2-Year Anniversary of Tinybuddha.com!

Update: The winners for this giveaway have already been chosen. They are:

It seems like just yesterday I wrote, “It’s a pretty exciting week in Tiny Buddha world,” before crafting a massive year-in-review post for the site’s first anniversary.

Yet here we are again, a full year later.

So much has happened in this year, but instead of creating a lengthy year-in-review list, I’m just going to recap the five biggest highlights, for the site and me personally. I’ll also provide a selection of posts from the year that you may enjoy reading if you’ve missed them. But first I’d like to thank you—every last one of you.

This site is what it is because of you. I am continually inspired, humbled, and flat-out blown away by the vulnerable, generous, insightful blog posts many of you submit. You really put yourself out there, and it changes people’s lives—more than you may realize.

For those readers who haven’t written for the site, you also make the site what it is. For your heartfelt comments, here and on Facebook; for your willingness to learn and grow; for being exactly who you are and bringing that light here, thank you.

Lastly, thank you all for your help in keeping Tiny Buddha up and running. Earlier this year when the site crashed, signaling it was time to get a dedicated server, many of you sent thoughtful emails and generous donations. I saved all of those emails, and I refer to them whenever I need a reminder that what I do makes a difference. There are no words to describe my gratitude for your kindness and support (well, except those ones).

The Giveaway

To celebrate the site’s 2-year anniversary, I’d like to offer 5 readers a free copy of my eBook, Tiny Buddha’s Handbook for Peace and Happiness.

This is a compilation of some of my most popular posts, including a few posts that you won’t find on the site. If you’ve already purchased a copy, you can enter to win a copy for a friend. I’ll be happy to send it to them instead! To enter:

  1. Leave a comment on this post, including something you’re proud of from 2011 so far.
  2. Tweet: RT @tinybuddha Giveaway and Review: the 2-Year Anniversary of Tinybuddha.com http://bit.ly/oQKkxU

Please note this is an electronic book, meaning you will receive a PDF file through email. If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can still enter by completing the first step.

You can enter until midnight, PST on Monday, September 12th. I will choose the winners using randomizer.org, and contact them on Tuesday, September 13th.

Top 5 Highlights from the 2nd year

1. Tiny Buddha, Simple Wisdom for Life’s Hardest Questions

Shortly after the 1-year anniversary, I started writing my first print book, Tiny Buddha, Simple Wisdom for Life’s Hardest Questions. Previously, I had asked a handful of difficult questions on the @tinybuddha Twitter page, including, “What’s the meaning of life?” “What does it take to be happy?” and “Why are relationships hard?”

Featuring nearly 200 of these responses and stories from own experiences, Tiny Buddha offers numerous perspectives and ideas for an empowered life, even in a world with so much uncertainty.

I’m thrilled to announce that Tiny Buddha is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com! It will be officially available through Conari Press, an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, just after the New Year. I look forward to planning some exciting events leading up to the launch!

2. The Tiny Buddha Quote Widget

Thanks to Michael from Pliable Press and Joshua Denney, designer extraordinaire, I launched the Tiny Buddha quote widget in February, 2011. This allows you to display the Tiny Buddha daily quote right on your WordPress blog.

3. Tiny Buddha’s Handbook for Peace and Happiness

Once again, with the help of Joshua Denney, I launched Tiny Buddha’s Handbook for Peace and Happiness, a compilation of my most popular blog posts, in March, 2011.

I’ve revised and improved the eBook numerous times since it first launched. If you purchased my eBook before August 8, 2011, and you’d like the most current version, please contact me at email(AT)tinybuddha(DOT)com, and I will be happy to send you one. Please include the email address you used to purchase the eBook so that I can look up your account.

4. Tiny Buddha, the Nokia Ovi App

Earlier this year, Nokia contacted me about creating a free app for their Ovi store. If you have a Nokia device, you can download that free app here.

5. The Intent Web Award for Spirituality

Last month, Tiny Buddha won the second annual Intent Web Award in the spirituality category. Many thanks to everyone who voted! If you haven’t visited Intent.com before, I highly recommend checking it out.

Most Popular Posts from the Year

As of right now, there are 927 posts on the site, meaning there’s a lot you may have missed! Some of the highlights from this past year include:

Top Posts about Happiness

Top Posts about Mindfulness

Top Posts about Passion and Purpose

Top Posts about Self-Love

Top Posts about Friends

Top Posts about Relationships

Top Posts about Change

Top Posts about Peace of Mind

Top Posts about Letting Go

What’s Next

Going into the third year, you can expect to see a more social Tiny Buddha. I hope to announce some exciting new developments a little later this month!

In October, Tiny Buddha will feature a Sounds True book store—meaning you can purchase a wide selection of books on happiness, peace, and mindfulness right here from the site.

In January, Tiny Buddha, Simple Wisdom for Life’s Hardest Questions will officially be available for purchase.

But most importantly, Tiny Buddha will continue to be a place for community—a space where we all have the same authority and ability to share what we’ve learned and learn from each other.

Sending you much love and light!

Photo by Joshua Denney

About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others to do the same. You can find her books, including Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal and Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal, here and learn more about her eCourse, Recreate Your Life Story, if you’re ready to transform your life and become the person you want to be.

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