Forum Replies Created
September 21, 2024 at 7:41 pm in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #438272
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
I will reply further Sun morning, but for now, this sounds/ feels very special.. precious: “If there is such thing as a twin flame, K is one. He makes me feel safe in wounded places“.
ParticipantDear Klast:
I thought that maybe the reason for my PT (Pulsative Tinnitus) was high blood pressure. In the past, whenever my bp was checked it was always low or normal. The day before yesterday, it was checked and it was normal. I suppose that’s why the doctor suspected a blocked/ twisted artery where the blood flow is disturbed.
“The alcohol probably acted as a sedative“- yes, it makes all kinds of discomforts disappear for a long while, a very welcomed relief. I drink red wine every day. Not that I recommend drinking alcohol (many thousands of people get injured and die every year because of operating under the influence, as you know).
“I have hissing/ringing in my ears pretty much all the time, it fluctuates throughout the day“- I remember the moment I realized that I never hear nothing, I felt claustrophobic in my own body, stuck in a forever- hissing. When I heard the PT, I almost panicked, as in: what if I will always hear that?
Hissing is always there when I am not outdoors with lots of sounds around, and whenever I direct my attention to it.
“For about 2 years after coming home from BC surgery I couldn’t go to sleep on my left side without loud whooshing/pulsing. Later in the night it would go away“- sounds like PT, and that’s after the surgery..
“I might have to stop using the label ‘fate’, maybe BHC, beyond human conception. I get relief in knowing there are big mysteries humanity doesn’t understand yet. That I am just one infinitely small part of it“- I agree with and relate to this.
Three days ago, I read in another thread: Every person has an inexhaustible creative and innovative energy. We can mobilize this energy in order to grow… Daoist saying: ‘When you are ‘sick’, do not seek a cure. Find your centre.. and you will be healed.“- I believe that a person’s center is part of an infinitely bigger energy, energy of a kind that is BHC. The BHC- energy is like the ocean, and each person (animal, plant; organism) is like a single wave rising and then falling back into the ocean. I find relief in this imagery. It feels good to know that I have that creative, innovative energy within me, that I can direct my attention to it in times of feeling helpless, and be helped by it. I noticed that my attention and learning abilities improve when I tap into the BHC-Energy.
“There is no who or what, there just ‘is’. When I am being mindful, I repeat the phrase ‘just be‘ and visualise/imagine other intrusive thoughts disappearing in a ‘thought shredder’. I have a t-shirt with ‘be’ hand written inside a hand drawn circle”- I will visualize a thought shredder next time I try to sleep, and I will repeat Just Be during the day. Thank you.
“I would love to fall through the cracks and stop this fog inducing medication from threatening my drivers license. Hopefully your issues are just related to stress.“- it is very important to keep ourselves as calm as possible.. just be calm, in all kinds of circumstances, best we can. As a rule, Calm Helps, Stress Harms.
I find it meaningful to communicate with you, thank you.
ParticipantDear Emily, Dear Hero, Dear Ms. Independent… Dear I am Building a Healthy Routine, Dear Jasmine, Dear Shandrea, Dear Joy:
I remember you, in all your screen names, and I miss you.
ParticipantDear Klast: I feel like sharing this bit, following the above post- I just had half a glass of wine following an early lunch, and the pulsative tinnitus that was there all morning is gone.. how can this be, any idea (still hearing hissing/ ringing)?
ParticipantDear Klast:
It is amazing that you posted about your bran scan (revealing two black holes) only 10 hours before a doctor ordered a brain scan for me because I told her about my pulsative tinnitus in one ear. I hear it now, but when it started, or when I noticed it for the first time (weeks or months ago, I don’t remember) it was very, very loud, late at night. Seems like a blood vessel in my brain is either somewhat blocked or twisted, or.. I may have a tumor that’s pressing against blood vessels.. scary.
“We are those baby sea turtles that get injured on the way to the ocean. Once we get there we cant deep dive with the others very well. We mainly hang around just below the surface“- very well said. Increasingly in recent months I’ve been hanging around with others deep in the water, so to speak. It’s a very different emotional- social experience than being sad, scared, lonely and numb just below the surface.
“Don’t get me wrong, fate isn’t completely absolved. It still was the root cause of my seed trauma (prolonged febrile convulsion), and choosing neglectful/abusive parents for me. But realising this and understanding the overall effect on my life is a big relief“- who did the choosing of neglectful/ abusive parents for you? (I am not intending to argue with your belief in fate, which brings you a big relief, only to understand it better).
“Yes, I have read about how the US health system is run by the insurance companies. They aren’t keen on having new diagnoses added to the DSM“- there is a saying about understand how the modern world operates: follow the money.
“Where I live, the CPTSD label has no real effect on my life, unless I can convince a psychologist, to convince the government/insurance, that it has stopped/severely reduced my ability to do ‘my normal occupation’. How vague is that, especially when I have never had a ‘normal occupation’“- falling through the cracks..
“all through the first 30 years or so of my life, I never met someone with any sort of epilepsy. Let alone someone with an invisible disability like Arrested Psychological Development. I was constantly alone“- a human being is not meant to be alone.. or Arrested in any way.
“Now I am going to do some intense research on how to deal with APD in adults“- I just read this sentence for the first time, and again, I am amazed that only yesterday, I was ordered a brain scan in regard to my pulsative tinnitus. I also told the doctor about my Hissing/ white-noise type tinnitus, which she said is indicative of hearing loss..
ParticipantDear Clara:
Thank you! Although I was up for a while in the early hours, I fell back asleep and had more sleep per night than I had in a long time.
“I was re reading some of our conversations recently… I started to understand breaking up is the way out for her to escape her emotions… this allows her to escape from me and thus no need to dig out the way she relates to me and others. Thus no need to reflect… say I want to run a marathon and got cold feet and just say ‘I am not interested its not for me’. This is a lie to myself and the negative feelings associated with me lying to myself, will unconsciously affect me. Because what I said and did, was not genuine“- Yes, I think that many people break up rather than reflect and change, so to avoid the pain, distress and hard work involved in reflecting and changing.
On the other hand, when a person gets cold feet and says running is not for me!– it may be true and genuine (not a lie) that the person doesn’t like the idea of running, not anymore.
“But of course, the break up can also be something that she really wanted ( then I also cannot fully explain why she is in such a pain after u get something that u really want, anyways)“- I am sorry to say (because it hurts you), but from the totality of what you shared about her words and behaviors, it seems to me that she really wanted the breakup.
As far as her being in such a pain, last you shared about it was on Sept 7: “So I texted her early this week… She suggested… to use a google form (to communicate in regard to the yoga studio, so that the two of you don’t meet there by accident). I thought it was a bit sad to revert to this, while I thought we could just text each other like normal interaction. So I counter suggested that I would just text her… Later that night I texted her… She… said she was too emotional still and was afraid if any of our conversation went sour, she could not handle, and so she wished to limit the interaction. She said I might think it’s easy for her to move on, but she was still in so much pain“- I am sorry to say this (again, because I think it hurts you..), but I think that the too emotional and so much pain are lies designed to make you feel less rejected by her, more empathetic to her, and therefore, less angry with her. I think that she is scared of you pursuing contact with her (texting, having conversations, and more), scared of your intensity (an intensity I noticed as a virtual 3rd party). She may be afraid that you will hurt her, that you will become a vindictive or vengeful ex.
The problem with these lies as that although it may calm you a bit (you thinking that she cares or cared so much for you, and will care again), long-term it keeps hope alive in you, and therefore, it keeps you from moving on. Best would be if you really no longer contact her, not for any reason. This is what she really wants, seems to me. I am sorry.
“to answer your question: no I do no need for someone to save me. I think I would practice loving myself or my little self more so I feel the warmth and love from inside“- there many books and workbooks, real paper or online, in regard to Inner Child Work, which are designed to help people feel the warmth and love from inside. I wonder if you did any such work using a workbook..? (I did: Homecoming: Reclaiming and healing your inner Child/ John Bradshaw)
ParticipantYou are welcome then❤️& 😊!
Participantdouble posting, I think- see my post submitted 3 minutes before yours..?
ParticipantDear Taylor:
“I guess that’s how anxiety works, you just want the answer. I get impatient to know if someone is going to work for me or not, but it’s obviously not that black and white“- the someone who is going to work for you is the kind of someone who is honest and straightforward, a black-and-white kind of man when it comes to certain things. Otherwise, you’d be confused and anxious.
“I do struggle with what the ‘appropriate’ response is as you say. I feel like I can’t trust myself to know what behaviors will lead me to a healthier place, or will be digestible by the person on the receiving end“- I think that you will struggle way less in regard to an appropriate response if you are interacting with an appropriate man for you: one who is honest and straightforward.
“It could be that you’re right in this case I should have just ignored him – problem was he was still contacting me, and I don’t feel comfortable ghosting people“- if you knew that he was contacting you for the purpose of using you selfishly/ taking advantage of you, you wouldn’t feel badly about ghosting him, would you?
It’s important to figure out the man’s motivation in contacting you. You can ask a man in a straightforward way: what is your motivation with me, what is it that you want? and listen to his answer (or lack of answer.. which would be answer enough).
“I guess this comes back to boundary-setting“- boundary setting with a motivationally compatible man would be very different from boundary setting with a motivationally incompatible man.
“– do you suggest just asking people to stop contacting you when you start seeing evidence that are ‘a little bit interested, but not that much’?“- if you are looking for a monogamous, committed relationship with a man, and he is looking for occasional sexting or hookups, then yes, tell him to stop contacting you due to.. a significant difference in motivational compatibility.
“This brings things back to the original title of my post which is how to know if it’s my own insecurity with normal fluctuations in interest, and it scares me that I’m pushing away good people who really are interested“- there are normal fluctuations in interest in men who are only interested in hookups and in men who are interested in monogamous, committed relationship. Everyone’s interest fluctuates in regard to any topic.
* from previously: “I told him that I get anxious when I feel like connection is inconsistent and that I need reassurance that he’s still interested… it’s been 2 days and he hasn’t responded“- you did not push away a good person in this case. You pushed away a man who does not care about how you feel and what you need (if he cared, he would have responded in the last few days).
Yesterday, I commented on the above quote: “you talked to him as if there’s been a long-term relationship with him going on, years-long. What you told him was probably too much/ too heavy for him”. I am editing and adding today: you talked to him as if he cared how you feel and what you need. Seems to me that this is a man who is interested in a very casual on-again, off-again relationship with you, so hearing about what you feel and need beyond the casual would be indeed too much/ too heavy for him.
But what is your loss in it being too much for him?
You lose a casual on-again, off-again thing, that’s all. Not a real loss, is it?
ParticipantDear Clara:
You are welcome. I am well other than not sleeping enough, thank you!
“I wrote something to my little self, telling her I love her the other day… But when I try to pamper or comfort my little self, I realized there are things that I wished someone else could tell me/ did to me, when I was younger, but nobody did. I think I am reliving the childhood for a very long period of time, the loneliness, the scare, the threatening environment… I still want to get in touch with her… that urge, somehow, is still there… I actually don’t miss the actual ‘her’. I miss the image of her, the future that ‘her’ may have with me, the relationship that a ‘her’ could provide“-
– I think that the image of her is that someone else you wish was there for you during the loneliness, the scare, the threatening environment of your childhood. No wonder you still want to get in touch with the woman who represents this image.
There is still a lonely, scared, threatened girl within you looking to be saved..?
ParticipantThinking about you, Lily-Mae.
September 18, 2024 at 6:21 pm in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #438220anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
I can complete my reply this evening, so here it is:
“I mentioned a fear of being/becoming a narcissist. I believe both my parents are on this spectrum“, Seaturtle, Oct 11, 2023).
No wonder you weren’t seen growing up, and no wonder most recently, in regard to talking to K about yourself, at a certain point on, you felt that you were making things too much about yourself. Talking about yourself is like leaving your shoes by the door, or dishes in the sink, or shoes downstairs, and being reprimanded for it. The “house cleaning” sessions were really about cleaning, or removing any expression of you from his house.
Both parents on the narcissistic spectrum, the daughter is not SEEN. A strong need to be seen was understandably born in childhood and adolescence.
ParticipantDear Taylor: You are very welcome. I will reply further Thurs morning (it’s Wed evening here).
September 18, 2024 at 5:36 pm in reply to: Surrender, Accessing Shakti by clearing samskaras, eliminating false selves #438218anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
In regard to K: “as I would express myself.. I would start to feel like I was making things too much about myself... l like I am being selfish… I feel like I am oversharing, or over-burdening him” (Sept 15 & 18, 2024)
In regard to your father: “I left any trace of myself in ‘his’ house, he would get upset.. list all the ways I had exemplified being ‘ungrateful’ at his house… how I didn’t think about him” (Oct 11, 2023).
Craving to express yourself, to comfortably leave traces of yourself for others to see and hear, on one hand; feeling selfish when expressing yourself, on the other hand. I am reminded when you had your roommate/ friends at your father’s house not long ago, for a vacation, how you left no traces of yourself in his house before leaving.
It’s a conflict within you. I will write more tomorrow. You are welcome to add a post before I return to the computer.
ParticipantDear John:
“Every person has an inexhaustible creative and innovative energy. We can mobilize this energy in order to grow… Daoist saying: ‘When you are ‘sick’, do not seek a cure. Find your centre (Hara) and you will be healed.’…
“Practicing Hara breathing… With your mouth closed, breathe in, only using the muscles of your lower abdomen, gently pushing and breathing out. With each inhalation feel your abdomen filling and expanding – like a balloon… Gradually slow down your breathing, allowing an ever-longer interval of time after each exhalation and before the next inhalation”.
(End of Quotes). The boldfaced above is very meaningful to me, and the Hara breathing- I will practice it. Thank you.