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April 13, 2014 at 12:11 pm #54696
ParticipantWell done for coming through your experiences up to this point and for realising that to go forward requires a new type of depth.Spirituality can definitely offer you that and you will be strengthened by it.
From personal experiences i can say that meeting like minded people is a sign that we have so much to share and that longing is because the remainder of society as we see it it far too preoccupied with banality and superficiality to realise that.In that however we are like minded , in that we need to share- or we fall into the trap of regarding everyone else with a certain disdain or that they might feel so even tough we do not.keep contact with your “little friends” but maintain the gap which allows you to breathe as an individual and grow independantly.At some point we often have to realise that even though we have family friends etc, fundamentally we are alone with our Maker until such time as we shed our mundane existence for a purely spiritual one.In that I can definitely relate to your current position.
Only the giving of one’s self can ease the passing so to speak and we are called to do so.I think if you do so you will find that the like minded people you seek will gravitate towards you naturally and you may find unexpected depth in some of your current associates surprisingly.
I wish you lots of happiness in this life and the next, maybe we shall meet there too!
March 28, 2014 at 8:43 am #53705BRUNO
Participantit’s hard to ignore some feelings or emotions , however some girls have a handle on them from earlier on than guys.Some use that to be manipulative, others are more sensible.If i were you because i do think i have had a case of infatuation/love/will never know- I would concentrate on anything else but the girl especially that one.Placing too much atention on her will actually drive her away and gifts and the like can seem to be an obligation upon them to return the favour which they won’t want to in any way.
Sounds like a girl who would prefer to keep things at arms length for a while but who just wants to enjoy life- give her a measure of fun and a measure of dissonance, wher you focus on something else entirely-if she is interested enough she will come to you , if not you will just be saving your self the trouble that will come your way if you persist in trying to either get close to her or even just understand her- as for the latter i recommend you don’t even try, that’s a labyrinth thatchanges daily , no offense to any of the ladies on the forum , or elsewhere for that matter!one last thing- you aren’t stuck for the simple reason that you don’t need to choose where to go , your character and disposition will guide you, even if it’s to another girl’s arms- trust me you will be happier if you follow yourself than a butterfly, no matter how beautiful she seems to you!
March 28, 2014 at 8:33 am #53704BRUNO
ParticipantI agree some girls can be very offish when they want to be , if they are not straightforward from the start it’s probably better that nothing transpired because these things can spiral out of control and at the age we are talking about feelings and thoughts are magnified by ten or more
March 28, 2014 at 8:31 am #53703BRUNO
ParticipantThat does not sound like lust to me, maybe an infatuation-pheromones exist!
March 25, 2014 at 2:21 am #53506BRUNO
Participantthere are two issue you need to deal with, maybe three
1.With your emotional state you can’t see the forest for the trees- at some point we all become inundated-nothing we do, try or ” learn” will change that however since life is about self-discovery , at some point you WILL get to a clearing and be able to see.You should change the perspective on your life and acquire a bird’s eye view which will both distance yourself from the noise of these emotions and enable you to see that opening. Then go for it like everything depends on it.2. Central to the feeling of being inundated is the fact that Despair worsens it , Hope defeats it. Despair is the ILLUSION there is no end in sight- Hope is the KNOWLEDGE that there is a better pathway and you will find it.That pathway is specific to you- no one can show you the way but it lies within you.
3.At some point we are all left alone with the darkest part of ourselves- if we reject it’s truth we fall into quicksand, while if we accept its truth we will arise because then nothing can defeat us.
We all feel we need inspiration, we all think that the answers are out there- they are not , you have the answers, you have the solution, you are holding onto anything at the moment in the hope that a quick relief will appear- that is not the case, however nothing will transpire until you engage your fighting spirit- when you realize that you yourself matter enough as something to fight for.Get up and Walk Friend!
March 24, 2014 at 6:12 am #53437BRUNO
ParticipantI disagree @The Ruminant with the comment that “grumpy people” are a result of their choices or that it is sad ?Then, your force field is something of a bubble? to carry on the rhetoric speak of War and Torment , bubbles can be invaded since what keeps the bubble intact is also mutual respect- when that fails, it won’t matter with what force you try to keep up the energy field.The comic world is as full of super-villains as well as superheroes!
Don’t forget that some of our choices may indirectly be the cause of another’s torment and even just an unkind word may cause much more suffering than we think even if we imagine our bubble to be impenetrable is that to sound as well or all the sensory elements? , we may do harm to each other by not interacting. Anyway no need to carry on with the analogy, I do understand your reasoning and even appreciate it, only that is is only when we make an effort to understand the other that the element of respect for another’s dignity can be effective in keeping the peace in the kingdoms, even if they are grumpy!
March 23, 2014 at 10:47 pm #53421BRUNO
ParticipantFirst of all- you might just be too much to handle! nothing wrong with that- that’s how you are so accept yourself, there might not be anything wrong with you , only you yourself might be convinced of it.You might just be a caring person but a little overbearing;take a step back from all situations and concentrate on what you feel is important.
It might be other people weakness not to relate to you since people always like to live in a feel good zone sometimes ignoring reality.It is good to find joy in mutual relationships , that does not mean that you are tying to gain their approval, maybe just that you need to adapt to the context of that particular social group, there are many , each one with it’s own rules.It’s not a personality issue either just that you are adopting a veneer in order to “fit in” or it may be unnatural for you to fall in line with this group in particular- find another social context in which you fell more in tune naturally.This is part of social dynamics that not everyone is built for.Rise above that particular circumstance.Probably you will find when you have less to do with that group they will criticize you less, When some people gather together they feel better about themselves if they have another person to” bring down” it’s just a form of cowardice where they only feel comfortable with others similar to themselves.
Life is not a walk in the park, get used to overcoming trouble, danger and disaster, which are more likely companions than happiness joy and elation, otherwise you are also in a form of denial about why we exist at all.
bear in mind that you get defensive only because you are left with less options of how to relate nicely to others in the face of their reactions to you. Apologise where you feel you are wrong but where you feel you have no need don’t be apologetic, marking territory creates respect even though they may not like you for it.
As for overdoing things, if someone asks you to go a mile go two! willingly, then what can they have against you
good luck!
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
March 20, 2014 at 1:23 pm #53168BRUNO
Participantat least you have us! maybe there is something else you can devote yourself to, just to past the time; another facet of intrigue to your character might brighten the day. not saying you are not anything but bright…
March 20, 2014 at 6:49 am #53148BRUNO
Participantthank you- it is very helpful advice, I tend to be very quick about everything I do, maybe ot would help to try and just slow the clock down, 10 notches should do!
March 20, 2014 at 6:35 am #53145BRUNO
ParticipantMaybe I can identify with your man,I do a lot of retreating into the cave and under my rock .I realize though that it is not the best way to deal with matters- I don’t think it is a get out of jail card though-I just feel that I at least take a longer time to process what i feel whereas the girls have much more experience in dealing with emotions and feelings ( maybe, can’t say for certain)
There is a certain “time gap” between males and females I believe where ladies tend to stay much more in the here and now, while men are more involved in “plotting the course” there can be a lack of “resonance” in that way with each one pulling the other in another direction.Time needs to slow down or up on one of the clocks, sometimes they run fast for one thing and slow for another and vice versa
I also note that there are times that ladies need to be given space from the over eager or fool rushing in type of thing.In your case there is a need to deal with the practical side of things since you have already been together a while.The only thing I can think of , because it would suit me is to give a timetable for your relationship , i.e. set out certain times to be together and times to be separate, then each one knows the limit of what is healthy and what is not.Your approach to the dilemma is highly practical and sensitive though.I believe the distance between you results from a feeling of lost companionship, that somehow what one feels is not being transmitted clearly to the other and that leaves room for not discussing and avoidance as well as increasing the confusion and double guessing.
Your objective here is to break the ice and hope that he opens up somehow- you need to get in touch with the friend side of your relationship and less of the wife type of relationship- a buddy might take him out for a beer or to watch the game-sometimes boys just want to be boys.
I do sympathize with you in that distance and separation is not a pleasant thing, while I may withdraw , it does not mean i want it that way.It could be a case of being unwilling to submit to the will of the other which forces the withdrawal, you would have to find common ground again- maybe presenting a matter which concerns you both and requires your attention may do it or just asking his advice or opinion, without it sounding patronizing, just try to draw the respect out of him.
I am in a stranger situation where i just don’t know how to react and that’s whats keeping my “usual self” at bay, and it is tricky since i keep imagining a scenario where i Do one thing and it’s taken the wrong way or i say something and it gets countered, I keep having these mental conversations and wondering if at all how can they be since they seem so close to real life.I would like an icebreaker to come along but don’t want to create one not only out of fear but maybe it’s unwanted- I just can’t tell and would rather wait for a chance for things to warm up naturally even though occasions a few a far between and even when they do arise , there is no guarantee that anything said or done is actually going to resolve anything.I am going to go the friendly route though and just offer the warmth i can as a friend.that has to be enough
hope it helps- your writing your questions down has helped me so thank to you at the same time.
March 20, 2014 at 2:06 am #53135BRUNO
Participantthat’s awful and I’m sorry that you should endure something like that. Emotional abuse is as bad or worse than physical abuse- it is said that hurt people hurt people-I just read an article in Yahoo where people have labelled George Clooney in the same fashion with almost the same words!
I believe that shaming people at a sexual level is extremely abusive and infantile; not all people get to develop attitudes and habits towards matters like this in a normal healthy way and it is a credit to you that you have been able to have a baby!.Once anyone suffers any form of abuse the psychological effects are enduring-I would focus on my child and on his upbringing as a form of healing for both of you.Remember that not only are you suffering as a wife but the child will suffer from a lack of proper parenting from his dad as well and you may have to compensate.This seems all to like the Marlon Brando movie.
What I do know as well is that it is easy for us to recognise what is wrong and right but that once we get individually into the mechanics of a relationship , those precepts can fall out of the window very easily.What is a healthy exercise is also to keep alive what initially brought you together and encourage the lustre to be renewed each day in a little can be superior in your humility but at the same time you need to keep your boundaries clean and clear.I agree with the Ruminant- a little more emotional maturity will go a long way and you can take the lead in that to improve your current situation.
I wish you many blessings
March 19, 2014 at 8:43 am #53076BRUNO
ParticipantWe are obviously talking of a love /bond type between two persons attracted to each other.I am more convinced that the dating game at least for me can produce no fruitful relationship- it only leads a state of quasi-dilemma between friends which can spiral out of control.When something is spontaneous it should be let to grow. If not, the hundreds upon hundreds of iterations possible when the next level is suddenly introduced can induce a state of panic which is capable of destroying a friendship and possibly a real union between couples-
both times i have attempted something more serious with a girls i really liked on the surface , they both did the same thing, the other two occasions were spontaneous and unexpected but much more powerful and with less anxiety even though they did not grow further ; a time and a place and a direction is what you need to bring two people together in love.
March 19, 2014 at 3:29 am #53062BRUNO
ParticipantIn your own words Archie,love is something which has many descriptions but resists definition- it could be the God particle for all we know.if you call it a Force emotion feeling or action you could be right and wrong at the same time.It is an elusive essence which can only be experimented but never possessed.You have to resist the temptation to classify it as well I believe as that can only lead to a division of it’s true meaning.Your post has two sides to it, one that your experience of it has left you confused as to what you really felt if at all you managed to feel it , or to question if what you felt might or might not have been what could be called love.That is your experience of it – in that for even a brief moment you could feel all its facets up to and including it’s absence- which is what lead you to delete the photograph.This is just another experience of love, unfortunately in this case the only way we can make contact with it is by experiencing all the range of emotions which are it’s by product including sadness and pain while we hope to feel joy and elation in the future.Hope it helps you make sense of it all.
March 18, 2014 at 10:20 am #52989BRUNO
ParticipantI would find this very disturbing and unsettling to start.Relationships do not have three legs.I believe that the inconsideration is coming from your BF’s GF. She needs to find someone else to hang out with as clearly she is crossing a boundary which most people would decently respect.
i would suggest this to her in a simple way, ask her if she has anyone she is interested in or introduce her to some of your male friends.This will both indicate to her that you are not comfortable with her around your BF as well as illustrate to your BF that it is inappropriate for him not to be sharing aspects of himself with you if he is in a relationship with you.Clarity is important and if he values you then you will see a change, if not then you should interrupt them more often to break up the cycle a bit.This is very unpleasant for you and you should make that clear.If there is respect, there will be a positive change
March 18, 2014 at 5:44 am #52955BRUNO
ParticipantFrom my male perspective and without opening a forum to anything degrading in nature-
1) I would have to google 34B to get an idea-no reference to you only that I’m not familiar with sizing not sure how many men keep that info on hand.(it is also true that the internet introduces us to many a shape and size and each one has it’s own quality-this is just nature, nothing obscene)
2) in my case, a woman’s physique becomes associated with her character or vice versa when i feel attracted to her therefore if i find something cute about her the rest follows including size and shape of things.I also wouldn’t worry about them as long I was the only one with the privilege of admiring them.(if you don’t mind me asking, what were the other 5 things?I would have you know that from teenagers men carry on discussions about their dream girls and about what they like the most- I don’t think you can escape that.However i do know that each individual goes for things altogether and that what some guys like other’s would not notice.Women can make the most of anything and though i can feel an instant physical desire for women of great typified sex appeal, i have never fallen completely for anyone of them more than the girl who sat next to me at school and was a Plain Jane.These are the ones who usually take our hearts away- the one you can kiss for ages without regard for whether they still have clothes on or not
You are concerned with the romance associated with physical intimacy- rightly so – it terrifies me , to the extent that it is far easier to only attend to one of the two at any given time which is sad since the fulfillment of a relationship can never come to fruition within that framework or, which should be the case , that intimacy is a factor of spontaneity and has nothing to do with size and shape but with the underlying mutual feeling of appreciation of the other in an integral manner having nothing to do with the size or shape of things- Don’t discuss it at all especially if it makes you feel uncomfortable- Nature has a way of blurring it out.
I can say that today’s world has brought about too much commentary about what we should do about sex, how to do it when how many times etc which detracts from what couples really do.I can also say that i have one ocasion discussed this particular attribute with a friend privately about a proposed romance in my life and regretted it quite severely since it has nothing to do with what i most liked about that person.Intimacy should rule, i think if you creat the right conditions for it you will feel comfortable again-it’s not a task or something which needs to happen rather something which happens wheni t does because it should.
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This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by