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ParticipantYou need to understand it’s not about what you can do, it’s not something you can do, it’s just the way she is, because you said she was like this in the past, so it’s not really about what you can do. All you can do is talk to her kindly and understand her points of view…I think that if you really care about someone you would try to resolve the issues in your relatiomship by talking honestly and saying kindly everything that is on your mind.
ParticipantWhat do you mean she can’t say anything? She doesn’t know why she’s like this, she doesn’t have any reason to tell you or she doesn’t want to talk about it?
ParticipantI don’t agree that all women want less sex than men in a relationship. It just happens that you two have different needs when it comes to this. The only solution is to talk to her about it… and how it makes you feel and come to a conclusion together and agree on a solution. This is something you should talk to her. It may be that she is not very attracted to you or maybe she has her views on sex or maybe she just doesn’t feel the need to do it as often as you want, you’re just different here. The best way to find a solution about something regarding your relationship is to talk to her about it !
ParticipantHi Rox. I started to move on when I realized that we will not be together again and that there is no hope. I begged him too.. but the reality is that I wasn’t truly happy in that relationship anymore and we kind of wanted different things. I read a lot of articles, I talked with people who care about me and it got easier.. day by day. I thought I’ll never get over it or stop having panic attacks/anxiety about what happened but it stopped. I didn’t get over it 100%, it’s been only 3 weeks from the breakup but I’m much better and pretty much over it. I talked to him about how I felt and asked him if it’s really over forever and his answers helped me because his answers hurt me/made me realize it’s time to move on.
ParticipantWow. I totally relate to your story. My ex-bf has had enough after 6 months but somehow he was hoping I will change and we lasted almost 2 years and a half. Yes, he meant everything he said, and everything he said was true in that moment. He didn’t feel like you love him or care about him when you were acting like that. I understand 100% elwhen you talk about the pain you are feeling. In a way, our stories are the same. Me and my ex bf were talking about how we’ll be together forever, how we wish we had been together from childhood, I was the only one for him and he told me so many things. When he broke up with me for good I had a real shock, no joking. The thing is I somehow wanted the breakup too but this is another story. So back to you, I am so sorry for what you are going through, I know it’s extremely hard because you thought it will last. Don’t contact him. You did everything you could: apologizing, talking to him about it..nothing changed. Focus on yourself. I’ll write to you again if you have questions or something. Stay strong. It’s a good step you are aware of what you need to change… Don’t rush into a relationship too soon to fill the void and to “cover” the pain with distractions.
ParticipantEverytime you talk to him you’re hurting yourself. Stop doing this to yourself. If he decided to leave he can’t have you in any way: no talking, no telling him how much you still love him or care for him. He doesn’t deserve this. He decided to leave then okay. He won’t have you around in any way, that’s his decision, don’t make it easier for him. Detach yourself from him, don’t talk to him or if you have to keep it casual, keep it cool, detached, whatever. I know you still care but you can’t show this to someone who doesn’t want you anymore, because he doesn’t deserve it and because in this way you’re just hurting yourself. Don’t try to talk to other boys so you can distract yourself. Use the right distractions, distractions that will make you feel good about yourself. So try to heal without talking to other boys, drinking, smoking etc. It doesn’t help because the pain will still come to surface and because you’ll feel bad about yourself afterwards. And talk to people who truly care about you.
ParticipantHello. Maybe he will come back. But would you still want someone who left you? I don’t know what to say, you have to think of what you want too. I mean, don’t just take him back in case he would come back just because you want him back… For me, hoping for a “miracle” only made me relive the breakup everytime I was reminded this is over for good. That’s why I don’t want you to hope, cause you’ll just not get over it like this and you’ll prolong your pain…for what? Ok boy, you decided you don’t want this anymore, bye. I know you care so much and you still love him but all of this is causing you pain. Don’t continue to hurt yourself for someone who decided they want to be single…Nobody deserves this, but that’s life. Think of what you want for yourself and what you want from a boy in the future.
ParticipantThis is something you’ll learn from, you’ll become much stronger. You’re still young, the thing is you have to understand you still have lessons to learn and even if it sounds scary or it hurts hearing this, you will still go through disappointments in relationships, you’ll go through some breakups again, even if you don’t believe it. I’m 22, I thought my last relationship will never come to an end because of all those feelings and future plans and how he loved me and etc..And now here I am, single and hurt again, going through a breakup I never thought will happen. I know how much it hurts, trust me. But this will make us stronger, we have to learn our lessons so we won’t go through the same pattern again, so we won’t repeat the same mistakes.
ParticipantHello. I am so sorry you have to go through this. You don’t deserve it. I am going through a breakup too. What I realized is that guys are stupid. You give them everything you have and then they decide that they want to be single. The ones that do that are just kids. You say he is mature, but if he was so mature he wouldn’t give up on you and this beautiful relationship just because he wants to be single. Maybe he wants to see what is like to be with someone else, meet other people, just out of curiosity… and immaturity. It feels unfinished because you still have hope and because you remained “friends” kind of, I mean you didn’t hurt each other in the end, which of course gives you some hope. I am hoping that my ex-bf will realize what he has lost and that he will regret it and come to me, but I don’t think he’ll ever do that. We, girls, are so emotional and give everything in a relationship, to a guy, we just give our all, and then if it ends we hope and hope and hope. I think that even if he will realize he will not come back. They are more rational, they stick to what they decide, they are not that emotionally unstable as we are… They are more detached, even though they have feelings for us, they are detached somehow. And even if after some months he will be like … man, that wasn’t worth it or I really lost something beautiful… he will not come back, he will just move on. I don’t want to insult them when I say they are stupid, and I’m not saying it as an insult, but they are stupid… Meaning that they don’t truly realize anything ever, they’re like kids… which is really annoying.
ParticipantHe is heartbroken and he feels a void inside of him, so he was trying to fill that void with you. He misses the presence of his ex and what they had, and now he is trying to cope with that by creating and rushing a connection with you so he can be over his last relationship and not feel heartbroken anymore. I think you should not think of a future with him, it’s so unfair for both of you. Find someone who is not trying to recover from his last relationship and someone who is not heartbroken.
ParticipantMy opinion is that he was still suffering because of his last relationship as he told you and showed you. Maybe he was trying to heal by having a relationship with you. He was still hurt and had this fear of not wanting to lose you but it wasn’t really about you here. It’s about his past. He wanted to heal by trying to be close to you and let you in, because somehow he felt like he could resolve his issue of being hurt with you, but he couldn’t. And because he was in that state of hurt he thought that he could make it go away by being with someone else, ’cause by himself he couldn’t do it, it was too much. The thing is you can’t heal your past hurts by being with someone else… He wasn’t completely there, his heart wasn’t complete, he wasn’t complete, he was broken and he still is. Even though everything was perfect, the truth is he saw in you a chance to heal (which was completely wrong). He didn’t give you his heart, he gave you his fears. Those weren’t feelings from him… just fears. Next time you should be careful, and never hope for a real relationship with someone who is broken and not healed.
ParticipantI completely relate to your story at least from what you wrote. It’s like you’re talking about me. He is right. I’m not saying he’s perfect, I am saying he is right and I tell you that from the bottom of my heart because I just realized the impact this has on our relationship. You have to realize it now, because if not you’ll eventually be with someone else and this cycle will repeat over and over until you understand that you’re doing something wrong. You can’t be with someone who criticizes everything you do, everything you say, everything about yourself. And imagine how this feels like when it comes from the person you really love and loves you back. I won’t go into details about why we’re like that, ’cause I don’t know and it doesn’t really matter right now. You absolutely must understand, I mean REALLY UNDERSTAND why you need to stop this. It took me a really long time to understand. For now I really understand and hope I won’t fall back in my pattern of fear… ’cause that’s what it is at the roots. Only fear. Every time you exaggerated something, overreacted about something small and you two started to fight he felt negative emotions in his heart. Every single time. These added in his heart and now he feels there are too many negative emotions. He can’t relax with you, ’cause you won’t relax and just be and enjoy his presence. Your mind would find something wrong in his every action and then you would feel something negative (fear) and would react. And maybe after some time you would realize you really overreacted and it was nothing. You can’t erase anything he felt. You have to change for yourself. It’s not like he cheats on you or lies to you or hides things from you. He doesn’t do anything like that, right? It’s just your fear and lack of trust in general and overthinking and insecurities. When you will have real facts you can act like that. Learn to trust, learn to love and understand he is his own person. Just like you he has feelings and thoughts and wishes and etc. The thing is… even if he would be perfect, you’d still find something that’s not right or you’d still always wait for the ‘bad thing’ to happen. I’m waiting for your reply!