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December 27, 2017 at 3:19 pm #183965
ParticipantIt has been a week and still nothing from the both of them…I have been doing marginally better but I am still hurt that both of them have not reached out to was all a massive misunderstanding and it really could of been cleared up by now…clearly that guy now thinks less of me which upsets me greatly as everything had been fine.. I just feel frustrated and betrayed. I know what I want and I was happy to go with the flow, as was he supposedly, but its all ruined now
December 18, 2017 at 10:43 am #182761mouse
ParticipantI am young, in my 20s, and I do agree, especially if me and my friend have agreed to let it go. I am feeling a bit better but I still expect to see his name come up on the phone but he is on a trip at the moment and god knows what he is getting up to. I am hurt because I finally met someone I liked and I did see its potential, I still have no idea why he decided to just ignore me and it is a bit painful even if nothing much ever came of it.
December 15, 2017 at 4:15 am #182309mouse
ParticipantYeah I think I need to move on from the situation now, maybe towards the new year I may reach out. I feel really sad about it because we were such good friends and I also got on really well with the guy and saw potential there, but I’m drained from things now
December 15, 2017 at 3:57 am #182305mouse
ParticipantSomething was said that was taken out of context but I spoke to my friend to explain and he told me it’s fine and to just forget it, I did message the guy after like what is going on but he didn’t reply and that’s the last thing I said to him a week ago, heard nothing since.
December 15, 2017 at 3:47 am #182293mouse
ParticipantYeah I did meet him and it went well, my friend messaged me the rude message after the meeting, and yes they are they live together however I think their friendship isn’t that stable
December 14, 2017 at 3:37 pm #182239mouse
ParticipantIt is very confusing, things were fine and I was happy and then overnight things just went to a bad place. I have anxiety and things like this just make me feel awful and occupy my every thought. I do feel like they need space but it’s driving me crazy! I do hope somehow I can find a solution to this
February 16, 2017 at 5:40 pm #127947mouse
ParticipantYou are so right, I KNOW this and yet we still keep hurting each other. I can only hope now I can move on finally and enjoy my time at uni. I was having a blast until he showed up again and left me confused!
February 16, 2017 at 5:39 pm #127945mouse
ParticipantHe told me he had been speaking to her for a few weeks prior bumping into me, and that changed everything. He said he wanted to work things out and thought that we could make it work, as things with this girl would not develop. it was his idea. However, I just wasn’t sure.. so I guess this is for the best. I feel sick at the thought of him and her but I guess one day I will be happy again.
August 8, 2016 at 4:58 am #111834mouse
Participantthanks a lot for your response, you’re right, one of the reasons I broke it off was because I felt like I just had no self love, and was only relying on someone for that..I’m also still really young and I know I will meet someone else, it just really hurts right now. Thanks a lot though, it made me smile x
August 7, 2016 at 6:05 pm #111805mouse
ParticipantI mean I have progressed in terms of distancing myself from the breakup and trying to heal. I’m unsure whether I really do miss HIM or if its loneliness. I would love to see him, call him etc but I’m unsure if I’m ready.
August 7, 2016 at 4:27 pm #111798mouse
Participanti know this is a late response, but wow, i relate to this so much..its such a painful thing to go through because this person was lovely and you know it COULD have worked but right now it just can’t. just keep going and reminding yourself of why you did it, some day it will become clear and you will understand you did the right thing. its a shitty shitty feeling but life is about pain and learning to go through it. i feel the same as you, so guilty and just want to contact him but its probably best not to 🙁 hang on in there, pm me if you need to x
August 7, 2016 at 3:03 pm #111795mouse
Participantlike four months or so
May 3, 2016 at 5:13 am #103440mouse
ParticipantThe relationship was becoming the source of all my depression, I felt drained and it is impossible to love someone when you cant love yourself properly. I felt disconnected and torn for a long time, so I couldn’t stay in a relationship that no longer made me happy or grow. That’s why I broke it off.
May 2, 2016 at 5:10 pm #103394mouse
Participantlove this post…I am going through this right now with my first real painful breakup. I love him to pieces but I was unhappy and didn’t love myself properly. These tips are just what I needed.