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  • in reply to: Desire for Different Experiences #436084

    Dear YoungMusafa

    I am glad that you have  come to this site to look for answers for a way to balance your needs & wants.

    Exercise is one way to get endorphins, & keep physically fit  maybe join a five aside football team. We all crave a sense of connection, which if you are moving around a lot for work this may be harder to access. Doing voluntary work is a good way to meet people of different gender and age.

    I would go for massages so that you get used to being touched physically without it becoming a sexual encounter. A lot of of women like to have affection but do not like that the only time they receive it is when their partner wants sex.

    Pornography can give unrealistic expectations and some link violence to what should be a beautiful meeting of minds & bodies.

    Look into the difference between having sex and making love.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Losing weight, but family having doubts about me #435856

    Dear Lulu

    About six weeks ago I had various blood tests they all came back within range, but I noticed the diabetes marker was 41 and the normal range is 20-42 so that was a wake up call. Being a full time carer I needed to take  uncomplicated steps that fitted in with my commitments, So I stopped drinking tea as I normally have sugar/ sweetener in (Brain does not distinguish and triggers messages to pancreas) and replaced it with water and the same with squash. I now have a waistline yeah.

    A world renown teacher Thich Nat Han has written a wonderful book called Mindful Eating. Well worth a read.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: Losing weight, but family having doubts about me #435758

    Dear Lulu

    Congratulations in being proactive over your health and succeeding in bringing your BMI into the healthy range.

    Helecat & Anita have given you much sound advice & information.

    I am sorry that your family is not supportive of your efforts. Maybe you could ask them what they would  do to achieve and maintain a healthy body & weight? This might actually get them thinking  rather than  just criticizing. If you are eating health giving foods and not empty junk food and exercising moderately rather than excessively, then ask them ‘what are their fears ?’

    I wish you a happy & healthy life.




    Dear t

    The most recent conflict from my end was: I invited him to plans and he gave a weird, clearly fake semi-excuse, then invited me to the same plans that he just said had a time conflict with my plans. (I feel that this is so vague so in more detail, he said something like “I might be going to dinner with x so I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it, but you guys should definitely come to dinner!”). My plans were for 3pm and never would’ve interfered with dinner and we ended up going to both. The situation was a little more complicated but that’s mainly what happenef.

    This annoyed me a lot because I have repeatedly told him just to tell me if he doesn’t want to do something. He will insist that he doesn’t have any doubts and was giving a legitimate excuse, until I push harder and he admits that he had a lot of concerns about my plans

    We all have different speeds to requests/suggestions, sometimes we can answer in the affirmative quickly and other situations we may need more time to make a response and this may not suit the other persons.

    If you keep interrogating your boyfriend of course he will eventually crack and give you the answer you are demanding, basically he is dammed if he does and he is dammed if he doesn’t.  Which of course is not satisfactory for either person and does not improve the chances of  open dialogue in the future.

    My friend & her husband have come up with a list of colours and number scale to help them communicate with each other ie blue for depressed, red angry, pink excited, green jealousy/envy, brown confused, orange anxious, purple conflicted, black tired and 1 for a little to ten alot.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: Life Lesson and Accountability #435601

    Dear Omyk

    I hope that you & your daughter are getting the support of your community & that the work issues have resolved themselves.

    It is possible to be happy, content & active within a community (the fathers of my children died young 23 & 37) without a special someone. I have a lot of fun, friendship & my  younger son looks after my dad twice a week so that I can lead meditation sessions. Each of my friends offer the parts ( other than sexual intimacy) that a spouse would. I am also free to be there for people of our island, where as if I was in a relationship this would take time away from my family (2 lovely granchildren) & community activities. Celibacy should be a joyous freedom not a burden.

    Best wishes



    in reply to: Life Lesson and Accountability #435417

    Dear Omyk

    I am sorry that your wife died & that you had no warning. So I guess you were unable to have the discussion with your wife about new partners should a tragedy strike.

    As I deepened my spiritual life I decided to try out celibacy in my 50’s as I did not want to have casual relationships. Initialy I took a vow for one year and a few months before the year was up I reviewed whether I wanted to be in a relationship.  I realised that I was content for at least 90% of my time I could handle the short & occasional bouts of loneliness/longing.

    I have good friends & family so I continued renewing my celibacy vow each year and after  5 years I decided to stay celibate for the rest of my life. My spiritual life has deepened over this time and once my family commitments are over I hope to take robes.

    I wish you all the best in which ever path you choose.

    Kind regards Roberta


    in reply to: Taking a break #434955

    Dear Clara

    I hope you have a good trip.  Along with the causes that Helcat stated at the moment fear drives my anger ie If dad has a fall I cannot lift him by myself so when dad’s unco -operativeness puts us both in danger of this I have to slow down and realign into my parasympathetic system.  The problem is that if anger is not counteracted it becomes more frequent and stronger. Gratitude Love patience & compassion are the antidotes.   Working with Anger by Thubten Chodren is well worth a read plus I am  currently reading a book called Prescence.

    Best wishes Roberta

    in reply to: Taking a break #434942

    Dear Clara

    Now that you see that there is a pattern & a root cause for your anger and you appear to be willing to start to actively address the difficulty with emotional regulation.

    Whether your current relationship continues or not I hope you will continue with self exploration so that you will have a happier future.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: Taking a break #434890

    Dear Chau

    If you do not honor the no contact agreement, what message do you think that is sending out? ie needy, untrustworthy.

    Use this time to nurture your good qualities and allow the other stuff to arise and pass away as  is the nature of thoughts & emotions without acting on them. Journaling is fine as long as it does not feed your pity party. Eckhart Tolle’s talk on the pain body is well worth a look.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: I am really struggling #434835

    Dear Vee

    I am sorry that life for you at the moment appears to be without joy & contentment.

    May I ask how was your marriage prior to having children?

    You should congratulate yourself for noticing the connection between the stress your husbands attitude towards you and your comfort eating. At the moment I am reading two book one call Presence and the other is Real Meditations in minutes.

    Do your children see & hear these troubling interactions?

    Would your husband be open to couples counseling, he too maybe is unhappy or stressed and it has leaked into your relationship.

    I hope that you will get plenty of support from the members of this forum.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: What is some advice for an almost 32-year-old virgin? #434653

    Dear Franco.

    The big thing that you should take from the encounter is that she looked into your eyes.

    This means that she has no hang ups about meeting someones gaze.

    in reply to: Fake friend….or a jealous friend #434391

    Dear Arie1276

    You chose to accept the invite to go around even though you know that the situation between you & other family members/inlaws is volatile. You were sober and capable of walking away the moment things began to get uncomfortable especially since you saw that they we really drunk by the time you arrived.  You in your post you say that you & your son used the F word on several occasions during this visit. So its a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.  I think you are right to keep any future meetings to a minimum & act with dignity and walk away from anything that you find provocative. It is up to your nieces parents to go into bat on her behalf.



    in reply to: Taking a break #434389

    Dear Chau

    I am sorry that you were unable to get the support you wanted to cope with the distress that your mothers dementia blip gave you.   Just the other day a friend of my late mum asked me how she was & I said we lost her a while ago. Then  she shook her self and said ” I have dementia”. I spoke about the little funeral we had & told her I would hold the memory for both of us & that she could never upset me. She smiled & we hugged.  My dad would just tap his head and say his brain was not working. Over the years we have had a couple of these poignant moments. Have you been to any talks about the different aspects and stages of dementia? My dad is on 35mils of coconut oil in his breakfast & there was / is a marked improvement in his mobility & cognitive skills. My friend tried a bit with his mother but she has diabetes & it played havoc with her blood sugars.

    Kind regards



    in reply to: Taking a break #434217

    Dear Chau

    I guess hope, despair & confusion are your companions at the moment. It is okay to feel these emotions or any others, just do not feed them.

    Pema Chodren has a book called  comfortable with uncertainty and also Living Beautifully – uncertainty & change, in fact all her books are insightful & helpful.

    When ever I am at a crossroads I review How I want to live my life. This helps me be patient with being in limbo and makes sure that I am keeping to my core values .

    Keep yourself busy with healthy pursuits and avoid alcohol or other mind /wisdom altering substances & people.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: My Obese wife and my troubles with it #434215

    Dear Mr A

    Unfortunately you appear to adhere to a society which promotes excessive wealth and intellect over kindness & compassion and  women are  often regarded as 2nd class citizens especially if they fail to produce a male heir.

    Learning about Loving Kindness Meditations & practicing them alongside gratitude meditations may help raise your emotional IQ. Also I get a Daily Good by email each day I find it interesting & stimulating you could try reading this with your wife each evening, it may give you something to talk about on a level playing field.

    Kind regards



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