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Participantdear Anita
of the possible sources of love in your childhood, he was the best (or the least bad). When a person is thirsty enough, he/ she will drink water that is a bit muddy, if that’s the only water available. I think that the end of the era is about you preparing to quench your thirst with water that is not muddied by lies and back stabbing. when we are child we are told that the people who have our best interests are our parents and nobody gonna be that way , that
s why we have only one of them and it makes it very hard to believe that they can be selfish and self serving , i don
t deny the fact that my parents put a lot of efforts on improving their childrens life , but i can
t forgive them to be so nasty to us when we disobeys . i believe the main reason was making themselves happy and if we succeed that would make them look good .(my mom was complaining to a relative about me not doing a trivial thing that she would want me to do so she could dissociate herself , but if i did something good it was her achievement not mine , i wasnt a person as my siblings. other people
s opinion mattered more than our feeling , so they could lie and mistreat us as long as it served them , in my fathers case , he couldn
t hurt her as much as me because she could divorced him , but i couldn`t .it is so nasty to view your children like that .do you believe the only people who have our best interests are our parents ?i guess not , i met people who were selfless and kind , there are not many . but still .
trusting yourself is definitely a cause for celebration!!! this is the true self confidence , based on past experiences and that costs a fortune
if you no longer have mud in your water, you can drink it without caution and fear. Imagine that…? i can
t but maybe the peace i
m feeling right now ?Farnaz
Participantdear Anita
to be honest , i don
t know why replying to this particular post was hard for me , i almost cried when reading it , i had a mixed feeling of happiness and grief . i said before this is the end of an era . nothing is gonna like before , and i
m sad but hopeful in the same time . i loved my dad from early childhood , and he was the one who i believed loved me the most .i didnt even like my mom and didn
t care for her till she got sick . when she passed even grieving her was much more complicated , i don`t know why everything about her is so complicated .I think that your self-esteem is quite strong now because you were able- as a child and for long enough- to maintain this belief in him being the good guy, pushing his lies and sneaky behaviors away from your awareness. i learnt to love him despite i knew he was liar and back stabber but i kept my distance he had obviously a very bad effect in my romantic life that i couldn`t skip
he was still the good/ perfect guy, so you maintained contact with the people who came with him…there was no reason to maintain these people once he was gone very well said . i feel relieved
to forgive him and to see him in the best light that was available to you. If you didn’t.. you wouldn’t turn out to be the strong woman that you are today. yes , exactly , in another way i got stronger because all the mess , he put me through directly or indirectly , i learnt to find my way and define myself a separate being which was totally neglected when my mom was still around . i read somewhere a few years ago that children who have a life separated from their parents are usually happier . in my culture living with your parents till you get married is common , so having a life for yourself usually means having your hobbies , friends and job so you are not completely dependent on your family financially and emotionally
i remember i was a happy kid when i was 7 to 11 , i danced without any music all the time , lol , and i didn
t care about others opinion , i wasn
t self conscious and it was glorious time , the other night i was checking my instagram explore and i watched teenage girl dancing very well and i remembered my self when i was so naive , joyful and blissfully ignorant and i wondered if i could return to that time , of course its not possible but all the storm in my life and all the hardship now i trust myself much more than before and if that
s not a cause of celebration , i dont know what it is ?we can be super cautious and scared of past experiences but i believe that couldn
t help us , i was isolated and not really dealing with lots of people and i still got hurt .farnaz
Participantdear Anita
i read your post and i`m going to reply back tomorrow
have a good day
Participantdear Anita
thank you very much for your note , it warmed my heart ,
to answer your question, well , that
s hard . if you saw me in person , you would think , you can easily take advantage of me , not that you would .i
m laid back and dont talk too much except with people i
m comfortable with .but if somebody crosses me im assertive as hell , i
m gonna call them out , not all the times though , some people including my father and his brothers family , the infamous aunt i talked about , they were more subtle and at that time i wasn
t aware i was taking advantage of , so i didnt react versus bullies like my mom , my sister , some classmates some of my colleagues were more open and wanted to intimidate me , then storm was gonna follow . i know i
m strong person , and that pissed off a lot of people including my dad but sometimes i was mistreated because of my strength , maybe they wanted the challenge to break me even harder or i was abandonned for my step mother for example because he knew i could handle mistreatment and i`m strong or foolish ?? enough to forgive him but she was gonna hurt herself or him because she was gonna have a total meltdown .Did you change that much? yes i did , a lot . i have now zero tolerance for other
s bs , that
s why i cut ties with lots of people and i have no regrets .Farnaz
Participantdear Anita
in what ways did you dearly pay for underestimating the role of others (who were not your family members) in your happiness or misery? by hanging out with people who were similar to my family , i couldn
t count on them , they betrayed me , they mistreated me and bullied me , and i was too forgiving . in my mind this was normal , if i couldn
t get along with them , that was my fault and it was according to my mom .i haven
t even heard about the standards a friend should have , e,g trust worthy , having my back. , being there for me . therefore i put up with a lot of bad behaviors. strengthening my core believe that people are bad . also validating my parents view that i don
t deserve to be treated well because i wasn’t good enough .i had always connecting with people, surprise , surprise . i felt so pessimistic about them specially men and i chose subconsciously guys who were like my dad . liar , cold hearted and selfish , confirming my inner believes that there is no good man out there , until i realized it
s not true and there are good people out there and i shouldn't hang out with easiest options and i definitely shouldn
t tolerate bad behaviors, for a while i was confronting them and calling them out for their behavior , hoping them to change and that didnt do any good , i was giving my power to them , till i accepted that they are who they are and i should leave if i can
t deal with them . but i wasted a lot of time trying to change them or changing myself to please themfarnaz
Participantdear Anita
yes , it does . and i can relate to it a lot . i was and am , much less than before , lived in my head until recently i realized nothing would happen or change if i don`t Do anything , i believe the less we think the more we are happy.
like you, another thing i realized that i didn
t pay attention to my surrounding , as i was living in my head i didn
t care about being organized , i didnt care about who i
m spending time with , as the title of my post , i was surrounded with bitter people and not nice ones and i didnt care for it for such a long time , because in my life it was only me who could help me . although it
s true and after all , you are the one who should pick yourself up when you are down , but being in contact with people who dont want your best interests doesn
t help .and i got used to it , that became a normal. But you want to be around with positive people who can at least keep your spirit up , i underestimated the role of others in my happiness or misery a a lot and i paid for it dearly .farnaz
Participantdear Anita
i don`t think people who ignore abuse are any better than abuser themselves
you said something before about another people choosing you rather than you choosing them ,could you elaborate?if you like?
Participantdear Anita
our conversations affect me positively and the shame within me is a little less i
m happy to hear it. there are few people who can understand these family dynamics , not that it
s uncommon but its so painful to see it for what it is than they choose to close their eyes and numb themselves and i
m glad i found someone to share it.I was hurt and very disturbed by her behaviors, but no one ever said anything about it except three times in my case nobody saw anything wrong specially about my mom except my family members , my dad and my sister specially . my dad
s story was different , he was aloof and arrogant and pissed off a few people , but no body told me he is bad news either, i learned it by myself . as you wrote your note 2 days ago he would do what was easy and convenient for him , when he got married , her wife was and is always a drama queen and in dividing people , and he accompanied her , because of fear and i believe he was enjoying it too .that was undeniable that he was not a good guy after a while , i was very depressed and was taking like 8 tablets per day for anxiety ,depression and anger outburst in few years after my mom
s death and i couldnt discern between him being a jerk or me exaggerating what i was experiencing i couln
t rust myself and he used it . but when he got married , from not telling me and further problems we had ,it was obvious for me that he was a bad father . to be honest i wouldnt care for her wife , she was as i said a fifty some thing , that time, who was competing me , she was a low life in my opinion , not anything going on in her life based on what she was fighting about , but my dad was making her such a big person to hurt me and put me down maybe because i wasn
t a good wife figure for him when i learnt about my dads disorder , i learnt to react to it much better , i also had a studio downstairs so i could live without dealing with them all the time when i came back from university . if i didn
t have that independence these 2 would make me crazy , im sure about it . her idea of good life is me being inferior to her and serving her and make my father insult me in front her .and he was more than willing to do it . when he got sick , she basically mentally checked out my brother and i was taking care of him and his wife was going out with her family , in that time her brothers was visiting , she didn
t even cook anything for my dad because he had no appetite , im serious . well i think they deserved each other . one i moved out from my childhood flat 2 weeks ago , she tried to contact me and get me to invite her over to stay with me , she mentioned it indirectly a few times but for what i learnt about her she can be so demanding and delusional to actually expect me to that for her . she is scared alone , i
m so worried about her , lol .one thing about her that i hated was some people who knew about our relationship basically used it against me , maybe they didn
t believe what she was doing because she should herself as a very loving person , very innocent and quiet , but they not only didn
t believe me , they wanted to make it clear that they dont , including the aunt i talked about very posts older , the one who wanted to fix me with a very low class guy, my brother didn
t also care until now that he is in the receiving end of her nastiness , i was so tired to have her in my life even when she is not physically and others used her as a weapon , so i cut ties with all these people , and i blocked her number too .congratulations for educating yourself and making it difficult or impossible for him to successfully inflict his mind games on you. Indeed, Knowledge is Power yes exactly and thank you
i hope it wasn`t too long for you and i would be happy to hear your insights too .
Participantdear Anita
thank you for note
ParticipantDear Anita
we are both adults who are trying to understand each other (that’s more than a lot of people have available to them , i totally agree with you , and i`m so happy to talk to you about our experiences, it certainly changed how i feel about the past experiences in positive way , not that i see them positive but as they are minus blaming myself for every thing , i hope our conversations also affect you positively . obviously shame is still present but less intense.
After leaving her apartment and her brand of hospitality, he told me: “your mother f*** your brain was he mad at you because of your mother or was telling you , your mother is crazy because how she treated him?
what i understand from what you shared is maybe you weren
t aware of your mom
s mistreatment that time and that was shocking for you that somebody realized that so quickly , she wasnt shy about showing her colors to him , and the situation must be embarrassing for you , obviously . i
m so mother inserted her hand into my brain and messing it up, stirring and disturbing my brain matter. Literally she did that in all kinds of ways, one was that whatever I expressed (however logical, however sensible, however honest, however TRUE) that
s the worst kind of mind f******, that
s brutal and some people may never trust themselves again , and that`s the purpose of this behavior , my parents especially my dad did this and another nasty things liking gaslighting , withholding information , divide and conquer and ect …i` m curius about how you realized your mother is hurting you on purpose ??would you like to share it?
me personally , i realized my dad had a personality disorder , most likely narcissism , not long ago , maybe 7 or 8 years , it was when i was abroad and i had a phone call from him , actually i don
t remember what was the problem , it was 2 or months after i left home and i didn
t have any contact with him because of all drama his wife caused me and he was a willing participant , i was care free and relaxed for a while , after our conversation i was broke and miserable , and i literally typed why some people want to hurt you intentionally in google and then i found out about narcissism , i studied a lot about that and that was very helpful , after returning back months later i was prepared , and my dad sensed it , he was upset because he couldnt play mind games to me like before , and that made him to do worse to hurt me , i wouldn
t survive if i didnt know about their tactics , it
s true that knowledge is power .farnaz
Participantdear Anita
But please don’t take my thinking (that maybe you will not want to communicate with me anymore) personally: I didn’t think that because I think less of you, or because I think that you are not dependable, or anything like that. honestly first i was offended a little bit but i understand you most people wouldn`t and they would look at you like something should be so wrong about you i had this experience before.
Competing with men in the romantic context of his daughter’s adult life is violating his role as a father that was disgusting and it
s been a few days i
m remembering all the other stuff he did and i tried to ignore all these times , his selfish acts toward me and others , i admit i try to do stuff because i know that would make him angry , nothing dangerous though , just being happy and joyful and not worrying to make him or my mom pride from heaven , lol , that would make him unhappy for sure .Seems to me that you are now more of an adult than any of the children-in-adult-bodies with whom you grew up. yes i think so too and i`m happy for it
reading this instantly made me think of my mother could you elaborate ?if you wish
Typing f*** is .. fine and dandy. thank you , i looked up dandy , i haven`t heard it before , lol
ParticipantDear Anita
I thought that maybe you’ll stop posting because it (the reference) would be too much for , no , no , i admit that was disturbing for me , but i
m sorry for you , because you were in receiving end . she is the one to shame and i
m sure she doesnt see anything wrong with it , as my parents didn
t .reads to me that he thought that if he expressed favoritism toward you, giving you this “gift” of favor, you will owe him a gift- or a favor- in return: paying attention to him exclusively (no 0ther man in your life), and competing with his wife for his affection (an ego boost for him). yes , i think you are right , and he supported me much longer than my other siblings , i felt like he meant you don`t need any man , and no men would do stuff i do for you , disgusting .
His wife punished him for favoring you, so he feared her, and did what he thought he should do to please her the funny things about his wife was that she also think only about herself , she is a 12 years old in body of a sixty something woman , she was and is always comparing me with herself always competing always wanted to drag me down , i
m sure my dad had something to do with the jealousy , he was a master in mind f*****and i
m sure he played her insecurities and made her feel even worse , i believe if she was a better supply for him he wouldn`t bother to keep me around that long ,i think that would be better for me though .sorry if i cursed in this post
have a good night sleep
Participantdear Anita
did you really think i
m gonna judge you for what your mom said ?give me some credit . i know better than most people what our parents did or were is not our fault . i admit i judged people based on that in the past , but based on my experiences and what you shared so far here , there is no way i
m gonna judge you because of it and i appreciate your bravery to share it here , i know it`s very scary to be vulnerable when we were raised with that kind of parents we had.she was sitting in the apartment that night waiting for me, angry, and thinking how to hurt me best when I return, what words will hurt me the most. that reminds me of my dad , he was also there to ruin every momentum i got and made it about himself , he was more covert though and passive aggressive , he showed very overtly favorism toward me in front of my siblings , sometimes i feel like he did it because he knew his behavior made the relationship between me and them even worse and he discarded me in front of his wife because apparently she could make his life miserable and he was also delivering shame to me , that i
m not good enough and i
m disposable , i truly believed he did it on purpose specially in siblings situation im wondering what is your opinion about it ? he also told me as i once shared i should help my sibling keep their s*** together , it
s like i wasn`t suppose to have a life of my own , i was like a wife to her and a mom to my siblings ?I think that she had that smile at that night, and with that smiled, satisfied, she went t bed. i saw that sardonic smile in my dad`s too , when he was trying to get a reaction from us and succeeded about my mom too less than my dad though , maybe because of limited amount of time i had with her , i just wanted to add , my mom in others eyes were humble , shy and very very kind , the irony ?
ParticipantDear Anita
the sentiment.. from a mother, it is too vulgar, too wrong. I never brought it up to her, never asked her about these words. I don’t quite understand. May i say ?this was disturbing. how she even see about situation this way ?and she dared to say that ?
i don
t understand it either , i don
t know what to say .maybe that
s good you don
t understand it .what is rather interesting for me is that although their image is very important for them , how we their children see them couldn
t be less valuable . they didn
t hold back hurting us , i believe first they didn`t see as human and second we were their hostage , we had no choice , this is maddening .I never shared this here. And in my mind, you will not want to talk to me anymore because of these words . thank you very much for sharing it to me , i`m not sure the last part though?
Participantdear anita
yes , to all the your questions? and he was comparing me to his wife , yikessss .
m assuming that your mother was similar , wasn
t she?far