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July 29, 2014 at 3:44 am in reply to: can someone define love and show how to love myself and others #62041
ParticipantRahel, I hear you. Keep going with your great work 🙂
I attach a link to the “going beyond series” by BK Shivani – lady in white. It is an awesome non-religious resource that you can tap into and watch one video a day to keep your positive energy levels up.
And remember, you do not have “psychological” problems unlike some others (trust me when I say this) – you just didnt get the right guidance in your life after going through all these traumas. With proper guidance, you will be flying high and there wont be any stopping you then 🙂
July 29, 2014 at 2:19 am in reply to: can someone define love and show how to love myself and others #62039@Jasmine-3
ParticipantCongratulations. You are becoming more aware. Today, you have bravely put your foot forward to take charge of your emotions and life. I am so sooooooo proud of you girl!!
Today, you became aware of anger after the episode and stopped to apologise. Close of chapter. Full stop.
Keep being aware and in a few weeks, you will hit the stop button before getting angry.
ParticipantThanks Raeeka – you are so beautiful and vibrant looking 🙂 Warms my heart just looking at your picture. And no, I am not hitting on you he he he
Thanks Paul – very insightful 🙂
Hi Peace57 @peace57
Thanks for telling us a little more about yourself. I will address few issues raised in your post with my creative thinking hat on 🙂
– creative field: no different to scientific field or any other field where there are more opinions than facts. When we deal with people, we are dealing with emotional beings. Beings, who think their idea or creation is the most superior. It is the survival of the fittest kind of thinking that we all have. We shouldn’t feel bad about this trait but instead learn to use it more effectively. A bit of give and take and good negotiation can do us all well. There are many negotiation courses that you take part in, which will guide you in working optimally in any field, which involves humans. Or you can go to a park and watch some dogs come together for the first time and learn from them lol
– Fear. We all have fear of some sort. You can either have fear or you can have love. When you love something, you don’t have fear. When you fear something, you cant love it as you keep thinking about its loss etc. How to turn this around ?
You are respected, you are the best in your field, you are mature, you know what you doing and you have a lot of work experience – All good. Others can take your spot too if they wish as it is not difficult to find a better and bigger person out there. The ultimate question remains: So what ? You are YOU. They are they. We all bring something valuable to the table with our unique capabilities and perspectives. Some people will appreciate it and some wont. So what ? Live in fear ? NO.
You tackle the fear head on. You learn the lessons that the fear is trying to teach you and move forward. Every experience can teach us something if we open our eyes to it. Every negative emotion can lead us to freedom if we see the underlying blessing and go beyond our ego stroking habits. If something is meant to be yours, no one can take it away and if it something aint yours, keep tryingggggggg to have it and it aint coming or staying with yah (opinion rather than a fact…but may become a fact in the future, lol)
When you are fearful, you will lose in the rat race whether you like it or not as your creativity will not be at maximum. You can either use your energies for creating something awesome or you can use your energies to create fear. It is your choice.
There is an awesome book by Susan Jeffers titled, feel the fear and do it anyway if it takes your fancy.
– Now coming to my secret of how I deal with my emotions before entering a room with people. I have only mastered this technique few months ago and it is working wonders for me. No more arguments, no more pressing hot buttons, no more what ifs, no more you are wrong and I am right etc.
Before entering any room with people, I send positive energy into the room (imagine white light engulfing the whole room) and offer a simple prayer – pls help me to stay light and bright. If disagreements occur, let me handle it without losing my temper or getting judgmental. It is going to be an awesome and productive meeting and I will learn something valuable for the future. And wah lah…..each meeting, each client……is suddenly vibrating at positive frequency rather than a disagreement frequency.
Try it before you buy it.
Enough of my preaching 😉
Ciao my friend
ParticipantThanks Jessica.
Thanks Peace57 @peace57
This is a very interesting question and something, which I am sure most of us struggle with. I will share my perspective as I deal with people left, right and centre. Everyone has a story and their own take on things and own reasons to be the way they are.
When I hear something, which doesn’t agree with me, I pause and take a deep breathe in. Why did this thing not agree with me ? Is it because it touched me at an emotional level or it is just not practical ? If it is not practical, I start with loads of questions to the other person to figure their thinking out. By the end of the conversation, it is often clear if this was an opinion or a fact. If it is an opinion then everyone is entitled to one. If it is a fact, lets go with it 🙂 Either way, it is a win-win solution, yeah ?
When I realise that I am having an emotional response, then I shut up as anything I say is not going to make sense. Once I calm down and can see another perspective without getting carried away, I come back in and give my 2 cents worth in a confident manner.
Always remember, no matter how thin a slice you cut of a bread, there is always going to be 2 sides. Conflicts and resentment occur when we are not able to see the other side, thinking that only my side is correct. There is so much anger in the world today because of same – I am correct and you are wrong. So we have to take a back seat and figure out, Can the other person be right too and Can I be wrong too ? Then put forward your argument and I doubt you will have issues.
If you have resentment towards someone, learn to let go of it. Creating hurt for yourselves doesn’t harm anyone else but just you. Forgive yourself and this person and try to create a happier relationship. You wont regret it. It may take time but it can be done the moment you realise that the only person suffering in this resentment (or negative roller coaster ride) is YOU.
Our Karmas or thoughts do not bring ill or happiness to others. Our Karmas bring ill / happiness only to US. We can curse someone left, right and centre and it wont affect them until they choose to soak in our negativity. If they choose to soak in our negativity, they are now doing a Karma on their own. See what I mean ?
I am a work in progress. Each day is getting better as I become more assertive in my communication skills. The more accepting I become of others, less resistance I face from others. Everyone wants to be heard. Hear them out BUT also have the courage to let them hear you too when it is necessary. You can not just say nothing in most situations as you cant be having an emotional response all the time.
Introspection or reflection (as part or meditation or without) at the end of the day is a good tool for cultivating such skills in real time 🙂
Best wishes and I look forward to hearing other people’s perspective on this thread.
ParticipantThanks everyone. Steve you will be fine and you will have a civil relationship with your ex one day. You can never say never. I am sure Big Blue must have thought something similar about his ex too.
Hi Mags @mags
I suppose you didnt have the courage to write a response directly to me. I understand. Sometimes the pain and suffering are so much more dear to us that when a simple solution comes to fore, it feels quite threatening to our being. How dare someone tell us something otherwise ? What do they know ? I hear you. One day, I am sure it will make sense to you 🙂 Until that day, enjoy your existence and loads of blessings coming your way for sending your positivity into other people’s lives.
ParticipantHi Katie
Thanks for wanting to change your relationship with your sister for the better 🙂 I would like to offer you a very simple solution, which leads to 100 percent success, if you commit to it. I have used it myself to great effect with family members.
Your sister just wants love and acceptance subconsciously and consciously. Give her that. Be the bigger you and just give love. Sooner rather than later, your sister will turn around and become your best buddy 🙂
Best wishes,
ParticipantThanks Matt. Agree with your teacher. Pain is unavoidable for most of us but suffering is avoidable for all.
Big Blue, I dont know if you could have gotten to this stage of forgiveness earlier. I am not that evolved to answer such a high level question. However, I do know that your future is very bright now, all thanks to this learning that you have had. Nothing in life is going to make you suffer for too long now 🙂 When we forgive, we are telling our mind in a very convincing manner that we do not have time to hurt ourselves. We are too precious and awesome to suffer, yeah !!
ParticipantThanks everyone.
I dont like to make decisions for others but in your case, I will. Your heart wants to say GB to both. Do just that. Say good bye to both as they are not adding anything positive to your happy existence on this planet.
Beautiful life awaits you where you wont have any confusion. Enjoy life woman 🙂 Keep flowing.
July 28, 2014 at 12:01 am in reply to: can someone define love and show how to love myself and others #61934@Jasmine-3
ParticipantThanks Rahel 🙂 You will be fine and I know this very well in my heart. Keep in touch.
ParticipantThanks everyone for your insightful thoughts 🙂
Hi Steve @guitardude
Re: forgiveness
Big blue has been through a lot and he has learnt the same things that most people do when they go through such experiences – FORGIVE and you set yourself free from all the pain (emotional, physical, mechanical, chemical, financial etc). However, I am starting to now realise after reading so many posts on this forum about forgiveness, it is not possible for people to forgive if someone asks them to. We do not learn from other people’s experiences until we go through them. And guess what, it is correct. Our brain only learns from mistakes and it has to be our own mistakes. Some people learn sooner from their mistakes, some people take a lifetime and some never learn and die questioning. Choice always remains in our hands though to live a happy existence.
I wish you all the best in your journey and I hope one day you will be able to forgive yourself and free yourself. Whether that day is today or in 10 years, it is your journey to live and discover. I just want you to know that you are loved by you. I would also like to leave you with this quote: ” everything that has happened in our lives is just preparing us for the moment yet to come”.
Hi Mags @mags
Read your earlier posts about PMR and fibromyalgia. Your healing lies in forgiving your mother. You think you could do that for yourself ? Think about it.
July 27, 2014 at 8:12 pm in reply to: can someone define love and show how to love myself and others #61923@Jasmine-3
ParticipantThanks everyone.
Hi Rahel
Getting back to Dad. Yes, growing up I have had similar problems with Dad as well. His anger, his ways of doing things and his discipline didn’t suit me as I wanted to lead my own life the way I wanted to. I had this problem with not one but many people close to me. I was the problem kid. I was stubborn in my own mind. I did not think about others much and I had a great capacity to hurt anyone with my words and arrogance. This capacity has reduced in the past few years ha ha ha ha
I have been lucky to have many great people come into my life who have tried to teach me forgiveness but eventually, I had to learn it in my own ways and in my own time.
When I realised that Dad and Mom were doing the best they could in their capacities, my anger started to melt little by little. I could understand that Dad and Mom are not ME and I am not them. Yes, we share a genetic print but we are 2 different people. People can be different. People can have their own agendas in life. We can live peacefully with each other and without each other. Dad was being the way he was as that’s the upbringing he was given by his parents. Does that mean that I start to hold anger for his parents and his ancestors ? NO. I was able to accept that Dad is Dad and he is doing what he is good at. He may not know any better and he may never come to see my perspective in life. I also learnt that no one ever says or does anything wrong. There are always 2 sides to a coin. Your perspective may not match mine and mine may not match yours. However, this doesn’t mean that people are wrong.
Within a few years, all anger was gone. As the anger left, acceptance took its place. Every time he said something, which didn’t agree with me, I would just look at him and smile in my mind that Dad is Dad and I am ME. We don’t need to agree on things.
We could have continued the cycle of suffering if I didn’t choose to break it with Dad. I left my arrogance behind and chose to take charge of my life. And now, he has followed the suit. He doesn’t get angry with me and I don’t get angry with him. We talk like friends who have accepted each other for who we are with all bads and goods. Who is perfect in this world as a person ?
Above obviously didn’t come about from doing meditation alone. Sometimes, when our mind is too logical (esp with high IQ), no amount of meditation practice can help us achieve a state of balance as we are constantly in a state of questioning (Why this and why that etc.) Logic keeps taking over and the meditation practice looses its meaning and we feel that meditation hasn’t done what it is supposed to do. Once you shut this logic brain with love, forgiveness and acceptance, meditation can take you to new heights of bliss. And I agree with The Ruminant that meditation is like an exercise for the mind which can achieve great results. An exercise, which works well when we are in charge rather than the mind 🙂 Well, that’s what my personal experience has taught me anyways. To tame the mind, we need understanding of self and others.
I shall take my leave from this thread. Wish you all the best in your forward journey.
ParticipantHi Alexy
I am glad you had great travels 🙂 I am glad you have added loads of priceless experiences to your life in the last few weeks.
If I were you, I would only keep the happy memories from this journey. Anything you do in life has 2 sides – positive and negatives. If we keep getting stuck to the negative, we will never move forward and embrace the world for its beauty.
It is not the end of the world for you 🙂 Take up any job, which helps you pay the bills for the moment. As the financial burden eases out, look for better opportunities and something that makes your heart and mind tick.
Make a mental film of all the happy memories of Rio, Japan and keep replaying it in your mind every time you feel sad or confusion or have a dilemma. Trust me, it will snap you out of any adversities.
Best wishes my friend
July 27, 2014 at 9:19 am in reply to: can someone define love and show how to love myself and others #61892@Jasmine-3
ParticipantHi Rahel
Congratulations for having a high IQ. Unfortunately, high IQ doesn’t equal happiness in life. You can get to as high a position you want in life and make as much money as you want….but if you are not kind to Rahel, all will be a waste.
I don’t know if your God can turn back time for you….instead, can you imagine a scenario 10 years in the future. You are still the same Rahel 10 years into future at the age of 39 like you are today – still suffering and crying for help. Now, life has given you an opportunity to turn back time and become 29. Can you create the life you want. Can you do it ? If you can create the life you want now, good for you and this is what taking personal responsibility for your pain means.
Start today. Every second that you waste now is not going to come back and in 10 years, you will be repeating the same story if you do not take an action NOW.
I am off to bed now as have work tomo. Hope this helps.
July 27, 2014 at 8:37 am in reply to: can someone define love and show how to love myself and others #61890@Jasmine-3
ParticipantWhy do you want to stop attraction towards guys ? Are you a nun like Rewa ? No, right ? Be attracted to guys. All heterosexual girls are attracted to guys. It is a normal phenomenon.
How to open the door to wisdom ? First fulfil all your desires and the door will open. As long as you keep suffocating yourself, no door is gonna open up. Forgive yourself, accept yourself, love yourself. When you are able to do this, you will be able to forgive others, accept others and love others. When we can see the Jesus in everyone and ourselves merging, the door of wisdom opens automatically.
Does it make sense ?
July 27, 2014 at 8:30 am in reply to: can someone define love and show how to love myself and others #61889@Jasmine-3
ParticipantHi Rahel
You know all the answers and yet you seek affirmation…..because you are blaming everything outside of you for your pain.
Once you take personal responsibility for your pain, you wont need help from others. You will be able to chin up and move forward with your dreams.
Go and make your parents proud. Go and be the best daughter you can be. Go and be the role model you want to be for others. Be the good person you want to be. No one is stopping you my dear friend except for yourself.
Things have not gone wrong in your life because of others. They have gone wrong so that you can learn something beautiful from each experience and become bigger and better Rahel 🙂
When your Jesus is with you in your heart, why are you looking outside ? Ask your Jesus for strength and guidance and you will be surprised with the power you generate within.
We often say that there is no one to help us or show us the right path but we forget that we have not asked ourselves for the help as yet. We are always looking outside to other humans. Humans who are still learning themselves he he he