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  • Jay

    Morning everyone, thank you for your kind words, I’m glad I’ve been able to make useful contributions to the thread when you was all so helpful to me when I was going through the worst of it.

    Danny I’m glad my posts helped when you’ve had such a difficult few days, I don’t wish them situations on anyone and it’d hard not to start blaming yourself when it’s not even I’m your control and I felt you definitely needed to be reminded of that, although you made an a insensitive comment I feel you will get to the bottom of what’s going on and things will be better for it in the long run, hoping that all levels out for you in the coming days bro.

    Sammy I’m so glad your bf liked the message in the bottle gift! As you said the thought that goes into a gift like that is powerful and also something you can keep forever rather than aftershave etc, I recall last year my ex was having a tough time with her kids and being isolated from the first lockdown I sent her a silver plated rose with a sweet little message engraved and she appreciated that at the time, I like to think she would keep that and have a reminder of a sweet gesture.

    I know I’ve not really commented on my own feelings recently because if I’m honest it is slowly getting easier as time goes on, it’s kind of a sad feeling knowing it’s fading away and she’s pretty much gone from my life now but at the same time it’s good to not have anxious feelings constantly and also to not keep thinking about what’s going on in her life, I am still curious of course about how she is because I think I will always care about her know matter what has happened and how things have turned out.

    I did actually match someone on tinder and have a long conversation with them, the distance is quite far and if I’m honest I don’t really feel like I would like to go any further than just chat at the moment. However it was good to know that I could have a conversation and flow with it, just reinforces that when I do feel like I want to I have nothing to worry about, was a good confidence booster.

    I’ve done well over the last couple of weeks, kept my spending to a minimum so I can try save for my goals, my appetite seems to have returned to normal now so I will definitely have to up my gym sessions! Also I’m getting more sleep although I still wake up first things with anxiety it does seem my body is coping with things a lot better than I was.

    So on the whole I’m not exactly happy and in the best place because I do terribly miss her from my life still but things are moving in a better direction and I’m slowly but surely getting there lol

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.

    Evening Danny, I must say after reading all of that I’m just as baffled as you are to what’s going on, I do think she is being a tad unfair to you though mate, she must of been able to see how it’s affected you and at least deserves to let you know how she’s feeling so you know what’s going on instead of running through multiple worst case scenarios in your mind, I think you definitely done the right thing in not engaging in any sexual activity, seems she is really confused in her own head if she was trying to push that after waiting so long, I’m sure she will appreciate that.

    I really do know what sort of advice to give you now mate I really don’t, don’t push too hard but as I said you deserve to understand what’s going on


    Danny bro, sorry I’ve been quiet, didn’t feel great yesterday so spent most of it asleep and not paying attention to my phone. Sorry to hear how your feeling mate, especially after sending the message, I still think you need do stay strong and wait it out, you’ve done all you can until she’s ready to speak, she will when she is good and ready too.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.

    Of course not, I’m more than comfortable with divulging how I see things, I think I have been suffering from depression for a long period of time which was manageable until I had an event where I had a high of happiness that ultimately went wrong and I have experienced a low that I cannot cope with, I’m hoping once I speak with a professional I can explore these deep feelings and get to the root of my own unhappiness and understand what I need to do to get on a better path, I’ve tried so hard to do this myself many of time but always end up at the same place searching for answers, I am very lost and as much as I talk to people I’m close to I never resolve anything, I’m really keen to discuss how I feel with a neutral professional and get there point of view just to see if it will help, it may not and I might be someone who is beyond help but I know I’ve never wanted to confront this before and now I really do now because life is passing by and there are people who bury those thoughts there whole life and suffer for it, I do recognise a lot more good things about myself than I did but I still need help dispelling those negative ones. A problem I’ve had my whole life is anyone that I’ve cared about and wanted a romantic relationship with I’ve ended up developing a deep platonic relationship which has caused me heartache it’s just the way I’m wired and how I am with those individuals.

    I do know this, that all with our deep thoughts and insecurities with certain things we are amazing people and anyone we enter a relationship with will be lucky to have such caring and compassionate individuals who have so much love to give, we all will have a moment to post where we post our ‘we made it moment’!



    It is comforting mate, this thread was what I never had before when I went through all the same crap and felt terrible, it has been a godsend to have people I don’t even know to show so much compassion. We are all good people who have gone through a hard time and give it each other the time to help thorugh difficult situations which in itself is such a nice thing.

    Myself I know in my heart it’s been over for a long time and was never right but I still even to do this day long and miss for that person for whatever reason it may be, my low esteem and the unknown or I generally loved the girl, even after this time I can’t stop thinking about her and what could of been but I’m being real with myself and know I need a lot more than what I got from it and journeying a new path to hopefully greater good.

    I’m very open to making casual connections that aren’t physical, that’s all I want at the moment, I’m not a typical male who wants to just sleep with women, yes I enjoyed the physical connection with my ex but I miss the daily messaging and calls more than anything. I know something will happen when not expected, I’m not chasing I’m content in my routine and I want to explore my own personal issues with therapy as well to understand myself more because if I’m honest like Sammy said I do feel lost but I do know I have a lot of good to give and I never used to feel that way.

    For me at the moment it is just going day by day and not forcing anything.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.

    Mate I’m really feel for you at the moment because I know how horrible it is to feel like that, like everyone else I’m rooting for a positive outcome but confident everything will be OK.

    Myself, I’ve been up and down again but I just in transition of moving onto a new phase, it’s tough don’t get me wrong but I’m confident in myself that I’m doing all the right things to progress, it may be a while before I’m in a place where I’m content but it’s where I am and I’m doing the best I can. It feels good to give back personally to yourself although I know it’s not in the best of circumstances.

    Rhaenys you posted earlier with your own thoughts and all I would say is: don’t overthink too much, you’ve been speaking to this person for a while and it feels comfortable and has made you feel good so there’s no harm in exploring what could be by meeting face to face, just have no expectation and let things run naturally without any pressure and I’m sure you will be happy with the outcome, it doesn’t have to be a romantic result if it’s not meant to be but you should definitely give it a chance without feeling any anxiety.


    Evening Danny, touched you would ask me mate, me personally I would just say along the lines of: I know what has happened has affected you but I am truly sorry, I love and care for you more than anything but am giving you space, I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and want to resolve things when you are ready to do so.

    Not sure if that’s right but that’s what I would send, you said yourself it’s better to explore deeper face to face but the txt is just to shoe your thinking of her and respecting her space the same time.


    You will get your opportunity bro trust me! I know it’s tough, I would probably send a message over the weekend of you don’t hear from her to say your thinking her and everything and when she’s ready to talk you can, I’m not sure if that’s the right course of action but you don’t want her to think your not bothered about what’s happened, again I’m not the most knowledgeable in this situation, I think Sammy from a female perspective would be the best person to follow.

    I do think you should not be so hard on yourself, yes you made a insensitive comment in the heat of a moment from a sore situation from the past, you’ve recognised where you went wrong and are determined to make amends, that makes you good person and she will know that.


    Bro I didn’t mean rethinking! I just meant a small seed of doubt given your history, I think it’s totally normal for anyone to have that with marriage, it definitely doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to, let her work it out and have a good discussion when she’s ready, like I said it could be of benefit to really talk it out so your all on the same page. I know you think the world of her and she must know that and you know the feeling is mutual so you just need to navigate the bump in the road and everything will be fine I’m sure of it.


    Danny bro you told me off for apologising in this thread before when you are in a situation where your emotions are out of sync so please don’t, especially after I’ve been at the centre of this thread for the past 2 months with my own problems.

    I would strongly advise against approaching her until a certain and fair amount of time has passed as it could do further damage, it could one of those situations where in a couple of days you will feel silly for over thinking everything. The incident may have been a trigger to her thinking about things in more detail, marriage is a massive commitment and she may just need the time to reassure herself in her own mind, it may even been a blessing in disguise to further cement her own comittment but I would try not think of worse case scenarios as when you do speak to her it may get blown up into something bigger than necessary, you know the relationship and bond you have with her so trust that and try to not to worry mate.


    Danny I completely sympathise with you, I would feel exactly the same and over think but I’m sure she would not get cold feet over a misunderstanding, I’m so sure time will level everything out and you’ll both learn from the situation, we’re not perfect but in the grand scheme of things it’s a not massive issue, I’m sure once she had cooled off you’ll discuss in detail and it will be water under the bridge. She’s upset because she cares a great deal about you, you’ve both come back stronger from a lot worse so everything will work itself out, chin up mate and try not to worry so much.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.

    Hi Danny, sorry I’ve not replied, I wasn’t too sure what to suggest, in my opinion all I would say is you can apologise and make a nice gesture like a surprise meal or something, if she is asking for some space then just provide that until the dust settles, I wouldn’t panic your getting married at the end of the day, I know you feel you’ve overreacted but you can’t help your inner feelings escaping, especially if something that has affected you deeply in the past, all you can do is communicate how you feel in a calm manner when the time is right.

    Sorry mate you have been most helpful to me when I was in a bad place and I’m not sure if that helps as I’m not the most experienced in those situations.


    Thanks Danny, I hope so I’m nowhere near out of the woods but it’s no as bad as it was everyday, I know I’m doing the right things and now it’s just time before things move in a better direction for good. I know that I still need the therapy because I have other issues I need to deal with as well so I can only benefit from that, when I get the appointment I’ll have a few sessions and they will determine what my needs are, I’m still feeling down at times with the medication but it has helped and the dosage is not really high and to be honest I don’t want a stronger one, I just felt I needed what I’m on at the moment temporarily so will see how I go over the next few months.

    As I said mate I’ll keep the thread on my phone and check regularly to stay in contact, I’m sure I will post if I need any help and be happy to help if I can in anyway.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.

    Evening guys, thank you for your concern! I am okay, just felt like taking some time out from posting on how I’ve felt, I had a good weekend, Saturday was really good connected with a lot of people I know and got a lot of compliments from how I looked, also I opted to post a normal picture rather than change my profile picture in the end and that got a good return!

    I think I’m entering the phase of where I’m not constantly thinking about things and it’s starting to feel normal, kinda like the addiction is fading which is good progress I know. So I feel like I may not need to post so much now, I do appreciate all your help over the last few weeks and have been a very good support bubble for me, I am still going to keep this thread open and will still post any good milestones in my journey and stay in touch.

    I’m glad she’s coming around Danny, I would probably be the same as you in that situation and would find it hard to let it go but their mot important to you anymore, your wife to be is! It was good to let her cool down, also with the big day approaching things are bound to be a bit tense now and again.

    Sammy I can’t thank you enough for regularly checking the thread and responding, you have been a big help to helping me get over the worst of it, I hope your bfs bday is a good day and the house comes along nicely!

    I will be sure to post if I do feel rubbish or seek any advice for anything and I will also check to anyone posts and be happy to post back to stay in touch!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.

    Understood Sammy, I know where your coming from, I could of just come here and not had a few drinks and I would of probably let me mind wander and think about things, I just felt in a well state of mind that I could just relax and loosen myself up, I’ve felt so good in myself and I do feel like I’m making progress.

    When I see that picture before I went on heavy drinking session and it was a bad decision, I’m in a better mind frame today and feel comfortable with it, I’m still aiming for my goals and nothing will change that! You are right as well, I don’t know who I am at times and it does change, as a human being you make decisions in the moment, whether it’s a mistake or not I will try my hardest to learn from it.

    I do appreciate your concern though and I don’t want to disappoint you or anyone else because I know you want the best for me!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Jay.
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