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  • in reply to: afraid to live #95671

    i’ll try tonight or even later today. and what about numerology? do you think there’s any significance in numbers?

    in reply to: afraid to live #95633

    i’m gonna try focusing more on just one thing besides trying to focus. i always felt like i had to focus on something inside myself, but outside might be easier. i have tried guided meditation, even guided meditation through sleeping but i’m not sure those ever worked for me too well.

    i agree, anita! i think all the things we covered today were very insightful and can help us both out a lot. good night!

    in reply to: afraid to live #95608

    the balloon analogy was great it made sense and it’s always best to learn from what happens to us.

    do you meditate at all? how does that work for you? actually shutting out the voices in your head to even get into a “state” is the hardest part i think

    in reply to: afraid to live #95606

    i can’t think of too many other questions or statements i’m stumped haha! there’s just so much to think about. just to figure what it is that’s going on in the world and we probably don’t even know the half of it.

    in reply to: afraid to live #95605

    it’s weird though, cause we all come from the same place. the same figure (god). and then when people say we are all a part of god, i always feel that maybe it is possible, but then again i usually forget how big the world is. the whole universe in general

    so not every single thing happens for a reason?

    in reply to: afraid to live #95600

    i’m back!

    a lot of what you wrote i’ll have to reread again just because it’s a lot to take in haha! i was on a roll this morning.

    about brainchildren: good thing no one can necessarily take anything away from you. like how picasso can’t be basquiat and vice versa. although they’re from different time periods, they both had different art styles that were totally unique from each other. a better comparison would’ve been basquiat & keith haring or maybe even warhol. jean-michel and andy worked together, but it’s not really like they could’ve stole from each other. or they couldn’t really do the same things in the same way. so the levels thing makes total sense to me. maybe on the outside looking in it’s different, but i usually keep to myself so my view of things get a little skewed. but even in a roundabout way i feel like people will always try to take something. sharing is pretty hard when you feel like that though. especially when you feel like you have to hold on to certain things and certain feelings in order to get the next best thing.

    with dreams, i’m still not so sure how i feel about them. i think that maybe for me, at the moment, they could be a mixture of both, but it would be nice if there were messages sent from god and angels guiding you. a hodgepodge they are though, all the time and i can never figure what they’re supposed to mean to me.

    and rewards: why exactly does god let that happen? to have good things for bad people and bad things for bad people? what exactly are we supposed to learn from that? is it for good people to learn to be or stay happy without material or manifested things? and for bad people to come to finally realize that all through the bad they could probably be too greedy or selfish or something with all the good things they may have or have happen? and although you don’t believe in heaven or hell, maybe that’s when god would give good people good things. i don’t like to have the idea of anyone going to hell at all. i don’t really know if i believe in hell, but evil, i think evil is probably real. or just a real illusion. i like to believe that everyone is good, even if they don’t show it.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Wisdom.
    in reply to: afraid to live #95560

    i definitely will post more! as soon as i get out of school. talk to you later, anita!

    in reply to: afraid to live #95420

    and are other people rewarded better than others? sure there’s people that are less fortunate, but i believe there are gifts even in that.

    i know i asked you a million questions this morning, but i’d thought i’d share them with you.

    in reply to: afraid to live #95416

    and what would you say is the signifigance of dreams? would you say they are foretelling or a hodgepodge of what’s left over in our minds?

    in reply to: afraid to live #95415

    or maybe if you hold on to something for too long, would god take that as we’re not using it and then gift it to someone else?

    in reply to: afraid to live #95414

    anita, do you think it’s important to share our creativity? like, is it a necessary thing to do? i usually refrain from it because i always feel like something would be taken away from me and then given more credit if someone else tried to translate what i was trying to convey.

    do you think anyone is capable of taking our brainchildren away from us?

    in reply to: afraid to live #95309

    i love reading yours too they always give me peace of mind! outside of this i have no one else to talk to so i really appreciate it. i know i thank you all the time, but you’re the only person other than god (even though he’s not really a person) i can talk to about spirituality and things i’m concerned with. i don’t see all that i’m capable just yet, but i like to believe that i’m capable of something.

    in reply to: afraid to live #95299

    you’re welcome, anita and i’m glad i can help!

    hopefully i’ll be able to see that the answers are inside of me one day. it’s usually hard to discern whether i’m looking at anxiety or a true answer. i guess this kind of thing comes over time after spiritual growth which i know is never an overnight thing.

    and how our paths come together goes to show just how people that we come across in our lives are significant in some way shape or form!

    in reply to: afraid to live #95274

    i really hope you do well on your path, anita! i would really love to help, but i wouldn’t want to give you any advice that i was unsure of, you know? hopefully you are getting advice from someone that can be way wiser than me. i’m very sure you can get through whatever you’re dealing with though, anita. you seem very strong and balanced. almost as if nothing could be wrong with you at all.

    it’s very much easier to say than do!

    acting seems very exciting, but i have never taken any classes. i can barely even read in front of a class. have you taken any classes or been in any plays to get the feel of acting? i see we have the invisibility thing in common.

    in reply to: afraid to live #95260

    i’m just fine, anita. i still haven’t talked to him, but i suppose i can wait. it might not be the right time if i’m still not ready. and i’m going to apply for jobs too. still thinking very much about acting (or just wanting to). so far all i’ve been doing is thinking (as always haha!)

    how are you?

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