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Participantit is exciting! i could never tell whether or not he would be the one to give me attention or affection. he was never mean to me, but i always feel pretty on and off. like i’ve always ended up doing somethinh for him to stop talking to me. i’m always myself with him, i don’t put on too many fronts besides being a teeny bit girlier than i usually am. i hope i get to meet him one day, i’d really really like that. so far all i do is try to get him to notice me outside of directly talking to him. that’s about as far as i can go. actually talking to him would make me way too nervous and afraid.
Participanti do plan on getting that book though benzrabbit. or at least getting a good read of it. i read a few pages, that’s all, but hopefully i’ll be able to actually get it.
Participantbenzrabbit –
it’s actually very funny that you mentioned that book because that’s the EXACT book i came across the other day, yet i didn’t buy it over the shining by stephen king. i knew i should’ve gotten it but i have this massive obsession with the movie so i couldn’t resist getting the book haha! i actually have her app for symptom healing, but the closest mantras i have to what’s in the book is the one for apathy.
i hear you on how i should put in my own strength as well as god giving it to me, but i think i’m very very frantic and just as long as it may take to love myself and heal myself, it may take for me to acquire strength.
i also believe that god is not vengeful, although what i feel is happening (or not happening rather) for me is the opposite. i usually feel that maybe i have to do something in order for god to work with me. maybe that could be my own illusion.
god bless you too!
Participanti feel like i should be able to “man up” about the situation since he’s someone i only know from the internet (i haven’t met him in person yet), but it might take more time for me to just get over the fear. i’m still thinking down the destiny road with him, so if he were to hurt my feelings, i think i’d be crushed more than i’ve ever been with any other crush i had before. which is probably totally silly since i’ve never met him! i get a feeling he means something different than other guys meant to me.
Participantthat makes a lot of sense – the what’s here now is all that’s here – i guess the dreams and hopes and expectations we all usually have make way for more anxiety in our lives, but i guess it also helps us keep hanging onto life too. i should probably read more on other religions and beliefs very soon i always get caught up in deciding what i should learn first.
and i never really looked at life that way (the part about innocent children). i’ve been taught that we choose our lives – not to say that innocent children or anyone with ailments deserves to die or be in pain etc. – but we chose certain things in order to learn and grow. but then how can you learn and grow when you choose a life cut so short? maybe just to come back into life and experience it again maybe. but that goes back into past lives which i remember you said you don’t believe in. it’s just really interesting the many ways life and spirituality can be looked at.
this is going off topic, but what would you say about relationships anita? there’s this person i want to talk to after not having so for almost a year now, but i’m afraid that maybe they won’t remember me or even care really. mainly because i like them. lately i’ve just been going by “if it was meant to be then they’ll come back”. i’ve never been in a relationship with them and we were never neccessarily the best of friends, but friendly. what would be the best thing to do about this? i feel pretty…i don’t want to say desperate but thinking about how often i think about them, that’s probably the only word that’ll fit. i’m also pretty scared that i’m probably not his type of girl. he always seems to like other girls.
Participanti enjoy our discussions too anita, they’re very helpful and also make me think more of what i say and how exactly i’m thinking juxtaposed with what others think and believe.
not to sound like a lunatic, but how you learn from nature reminds me of when i was looking for answers from trees. not that trees can actually talk with a voice of course, but i do believe that they can talk. that they do have some kind of soul to them. i used to ask trees questions in my head and wait for them to answer (one person i watched on youtube said that usually they shake their branches as a response) but i never really understood how that worked.
with watching people: i believe that can be something to. to just watch and learn, but there’s so many people to look at haha! but i do try to take as many people as i see into account. i believe just about every single person we come across means something to us or our lives in some way.
Participanti understand what you were saying before. sorry that i didn’t catch on too quick. this discussion about god doesnt bother me at all.
i suppose seeing things as they are in the now is better. i never really figured whether i was being impatient with god or just not able to recieve anything.
i’ll write more tomorrow.
Participanti think i understand a little bit. or maybe you’re sorta saying he tells us the answer, it just takes time for us to know that’s his answer?
Participanti’m actually not so sure how to discern the voice of god. i usually feel like lots of things i make seem like they’re from god just because i am waiting on him to answer me. is there really a definitive way of knowing somethings truly from god? usually there’s a sure feeling, i’m sure, but i feel blocked emotionally and somewhat spiritually.
and i’m still trying to navigate the site, but so far the weather part seems really helpful! they show the weather in just about every city so that could be very helpful in the future. i’ll get used to how their site is set up though to actually get to know about everything haha!
Participantright on point, anita! and then when people say to ask god for answers, i don’t know when or how god answers. whether it be a dream or a song or anything, i wouldn’t really be able to tell, causing me to believe that maybe he’s not answering me at all or maybe he’s holding back the answer from me.
and i’ll definitely check out that radio station thank you for the reccomendation!
Participanti think it’s a little too personal anita. i was going to write it and then delete it after you read it, but i don’t think you can do that. not mobile anyway.
i think i just have a thing where no one can stay with me too long. either no one actually ever liked me or they have me around for their own benefit (like if people’s plans fall through, i’m the next to fill that void). but this was never the case with my grandpa. he actually loved me and i know it for sure. i guess there’s just something about me that won’t let me keep people around. something beyond the physical world i think.
Participanti did have one true friend. my grandpa. unfortunately i didn’t get to know him for too long. sometimes i feel like i did something wrong for it to happen, but i don’t know. it’s really a pretty long and personal story. i’ve never done anything to cause him harm, but i feel like i mess up anything at pretty much anytime.
i see you as a friend here already anita and i just wanna thank you so much once again for being one of the only people to take your time and answer my every inquiry i am really truly thankful
Participantjust to add: maybe since i look at god as a friend (because lots of people say that god is our friend), i see him as i see how people that would be my friend would treat me. maybe i feel like god is supposed to be by my side because he is god, but he’s maybe testing me or playing around with me. i’m not so sure.
Participanti’ve actually never heard of rent control, so i’d have to look into that!
and i wouldn’t so much say that i think god is too tricky. confusing – yes. but tricky, i’m not sure. maybe more strict than tricky. the way i view god could be sort of connection to my parents, i’ve actually never looked at it that way. and i usually try to see how other people view god, yet and still i feel like god is different for me. maybe because people have things work out for them or they have things that i’d like to have (like a friendship or a relationship, or both really). and after seeing how others view god or how god has helped them, i feel i either have to wait and or eventually feel like maybe there’s nothing good in store for me. hopefully i answered your question, anita.
i am also definitely very interested in opening my beliefs of god. i am actually contemplating what religion to look into. at first i was thinking islam (i have a qu’ran but i haven’t just yet figured how to navigate through it), but i also find buddhism/taoism very interesting, but it’s a little tricky to find books on that. i was also pretty interested in judiasm, but i want to focus more on islam and buddhism at the moment.
Participanti think an apartment would work best for me. i think rooming with other people would be kind of unnerving. i guess the communication part of it haha. i’m not used to it so much.
and i do feel like a pawn, but i also feel like god’s keeping me from whatever may be good as well. like if i cross the line or if i make a wrong move it’ll be taken away from me. i like to believe that maybe there’s something good for me, but if i mess something up, then i won’t be allowed to have it. this thing, i really don’t know what it is. i guess it must be that good if god’s hiding it haha! but outside of that, i really do feel like a pawn. like i’m an example to others of “don’t be like this. live a better life. you’re better than her”.