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  • in reply to: afraid to live #97789

    have fun anita, and be safe!

    in reply to: afraid to live #97787

    i’m not sure anita, i never looked at it like that, but i truly did believe everything my grandpa told me. i always believed in spirits, but i never knew what was behind it, but he did and he helped me kind of categorize what that was or just to give it a name other than just “ghosts” he opened my eyes to the world. to the universe. to just…being. it’d be nice to feel that love all the time, but i think there’s a big difference between loving something or someone and then being in love. i save in love feelings for certain things and people. i haven’t really figured if too many people deserve that kind of love from me. especially if they’re going to make me feel bad for feeling that way. for feeling overly passionate about them or something i like. this guy that i like is special and i choose him to have the love that i have for him. just figuring out whether he wants it or not, i think that’s way ahead of me at this time. i don’t think we’re at a point where i can ask or tell him about it. i hope things move along a little further by sometime this year. i’ve liked him for almost 4 years now and he’s really the only one i’m going for. i don’t want anyone else. this i’m very sure about. i used to say the same thing about a lot of the crushes i had just to make it feel or seem real to me, but this guy, he’s like the top of the line. the one i’d really only want. for real.

    i think going up for vice president at the school club is definitely the challenge for today. there was so much talking to so many people today and it was so out of my comfort zone. and that’s just today. imagine what’ll be asked of me next tuesday haha!

    in reply to: afraid to live #97780

    yeah! it’s a pretty weird feeling to have someone ACTUALLY love you. and i do feel something similar with this guy, i really really do. which is why i keep waiting for him mostly. i feel like something is just bound for us for some reason. a lot of the people i’ve liked in the past, it was so easy to just let go, but with this guy, it’s so different. it’s just…it feels real!

    and with my grandpa he lived very much by the universe and astrology and he believed in them. i wish i could explain it better than that i haven’t asked him about any of these things in too much depth, how he felt about them, but it was evident that he was extremely passionate about it all. he probably knew way more about it all and how it would work than i think. he would usually tell me lots of things (mainly things i would ask about) but in bits because there’s so much to learn.

    in reply to: afraid to live #97766

    anita –

    you and i used to think the same! i wanted to be all the things you wanted to be, but i let go of all those dreams very recently. i rationed them down a lot and figured that maybe it’s too late or just not what god wanted. i think about acting now though a lot. i don’t necessarily know too many people (personally) that talk about the universe, but when i look at interviews from some of my favorite musicians, they make it sound that way. but now that you said that maybe they actually did something about what they put into the universe, i think that makes more sense. all i do is hope to play the piano or yada yada one day, but they actually taught themselves and put in all the work and stuff. or…one example he used one time was “if i want to fuck that pretty girl tonight, then i will cause i can cause i put that energy into the universe” lmao! but maybe that could happen just because he’s famous too. a lot of people do things without heart. but back to the universe, everyone makes it sound and look so easy. no one ever shows the gap in between and i think that that gets pretty confusing or almost ploylike.

    i think a soulmate is more than a mutual attraction. it’s actually something i really don’t know i can explain. my grandpa would tell me that he loved me and i could actually feel the love. it was like…my heart did a backfip. and maybe that sounds a little silly or maybe even exaggerated, but that’s literally the only way i can explain it haha! it’s like i feel all these cool sprinkles around me or something. just like an actual feeling. my mother or my father, i don’t think they can do the same thing. with the guy i like, he’s of course never told me he loved me, but there’s just a feeling that i get about him that makes me feel that he’s the one. as if someone’s over my shoulder tapping me and whispering in my ear, “yeah, that’s the one, girl!” haha! i just feel like i know (or my heart or higher self knows). he’s different and i can tell. i’m sure that we are aware of things beyond us for the most part.

    the universe is really a complex thing though. i don’t think anyone really knows what they’re talking about when they talk about it, but if my grandpa explained more to me i think i’d have a better understanding. he really lived by it and that’s one of the things i wish i could’ve asked him about and see what he knew about it in full.

    in reply to: afraid to live #97757

    anita –

    i’m actually so glad that you brought that idea up because the whole “universe will give you what you want/think positive” thing just hasn’t seemed to make sense. and then no matter how people make it seem like “oh i got this because i wanted it” or “wow look at me i’m famous cause i put this energy into the universe and it worked out for me so now look at me because i made it”. i never really understood it. i believed it because this was something my grandfather was very serious about – the universe, but i never understood it, never tried to understand it because i always felt it was so much bigger than praying or anything.

    i’m so glad you said it that way anita because you’re right. i COULD’VE said something to that girl today, and maybe the universe did give that to me by having her being there. i don’t know. i don’t know how it works.

    now with the waiting and the taking action – i feel like i always mess THAT part up. like how now after maybe a whole year, sending the guy i like just one message allows him to send me stuff now, BUT how do i react? i feel like if i do anything to be myself or try to be sociable (which is NOT easy at all for me) that’s when i mess up. i have the chance, i suppose, but i don’t know what to do with it. but just to say, i don’t feel that i have to be perfect, i can be closer to myself when i talk to him, but i do try to be a little more dainty than usual so that i can come off as some kind of attractive. just so that there is at least some kind of appeal. other than that, i’m usually myself because i want him to take me for who i am. i am not so sure how this whole relationship thing works at all. as far as i’m concerned i’ve never had any friend besides my grandpa and this guy that i like, i want him to be my friend so bad, but i don’t know how to make that happen. me and my grandpa just clicked, which makes a soulmate only much more believable to me. and i know that i said me and the guy that i really like, i feel that we are soulmates, but wouldn’t we have clicked already? i think so, BUT, i think that maybe since i felt so good about being myself around him since the beginning that that means something. i feel as though maybe he just needs to see me as a less timid version of myself and maybe he’d like or appreciate me and all of that.

    in reply to: afraid to live #97733

    i just have this thing with perfection where when i see someone do something, i think they finessed it, so when i attempt something i want it to be a one shot kill.

    in reply to: afraid to live #97732

    haha! and i’ll try my best to calm down. i just really wish that things i really really want to happen would happen for me already. i don’t see why there has to be this big whole long wait. and when i say wait i don’t mean like…wait and sit around. i feel like i put in so much energy to things and then nothing ever seems to happen. i don’t understand why that is, but i never know when it’s okay to wait. like you could try to be someone’s friend over and over but when will they get it? or you could paint over and over but when will you be an artist?

    in reply to: afraid to live #97726

    i’m actually more apprehensive than excited haha! and the club actually meets every tuesday so this’ll probably count for a majority of tuesdays. i don’t actually know if i’m happy for myself or bummed from being drained out. i just feel like god’s throwing so many eggs at me. let’s just say it was a passive aggresive “decision”.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Wisdom.
    in reply to: afraid to live #97722

    anita –

    actually just now, i got nominated as vice president for this club at school. i almost got nominated as president, but vice president and…yeah. just a little too much for one day lol. i already have a hard time speaking out in front of people and it kinda happened and now i feel like i’m in a position where i gotta do stuff. i wonder why god is letting these things happen. why these things are continually happening everyday. what will this all lead up to? (i know you can’t answer that one, but i wonder what it’s all doing for me). just the way things are continually happening, i feel as if i opened a door where stuff is just coming right at me. i suppose that MAYBE i can get used to it. maybe, but it’s sort of a sudden thing where like one day nothing was going on and then the next thing after thing is happening.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Wisdom.
    in reply to: afraid to live #97719

    anita –

    i think i actually kind of screwed my assignment. remember the acquaintence i made on friday? i didn’t say hi i was too afraid. kinda. i waved to her when she first came into the classroom but once class was over, i never really said anything to her even though i really thought about it.

    i wish i could do a better job of taking care of myself. the job i asked for was already filled so i have to wait till next semester to be considered. which only means that i have to keep looking for a job. i just wish i had one so i could do things for myself, particularly to treat myself since i don’t get to get out much with anybody or anything like that. i also HAVE to. my mom expects me to get necessarily toiletries myself by now although i still live with her, but i need a job to fund that. but if i had something to do something that makes me happy, i’d feel way better. i think so anyway. i’d be able to get out of the house and do things other than stay home and worry and overeat.

    in reply to: afraid to live #97705

    yes, anita that answered the question and it was very clear! i guess since we all have different life paths, things may go differently for others (ie. having friends before (true)self love). maybe some people have to be on their own and be on their side. what you said totally made sense!

    in reply to: afraid to live #97679

    do you think it’s really true that we should have to love ourselves before other people love us? i think that i’ve asked you this before but i don’t remember. either that our i just held on to the question for a long long time. i just don’t get it though people can have friends and all, but then they’ll discuss insecurities and yada yada. not to say that they’re the best of friends, but they seem to be. i just don’t get how people can have friends, true friends but they’re either too mean or they don’t really seem to love themselves (if they talk about insecurity). yet some very genuine and nice people just get left behind. it’s almost unfair.

    in reply to: afraid to live #97669

    i actually never thought of it like that – feeling that everytging is being taken away from me with the connection of my brother. that actually makes A LOT of sense.

    and yes, definitely physically, but also definitely personalitywise, and maybe emotionally too. i can’t necessarily say spiritually because that’s always at your own pace, but don’t you think different beliefs, different religions build you up with a different kind of personality?

    and thank you so much anita! it’s really hard to look at everything as “nobody’s better than anybody” but i guess i’ve got years to go before i realize that, like how you said it took you so long to see that you yourself are perfect in your own way and that no one’s better than you. i don’t know, it’s just a long way to go.

    in reply to: afraid to live #97663

    i just did the exercise anita and i actually feel a teeny bit better by being nice to myself, but how true do these things really become for us do you think? do you think that even though we are really all beautiful in someway, that there is anybody that is really and truthfully beautiful? anyone that is very perfect? i guess this whole saint thing is something that i’ve been thinking about for a little while now. you know, just thinking that everyone else is better than me and anyone else can do better than me in anything or feeling like everyone’s trying to take (or is taking) what i’m trying to achieve. things like that. they make me wonder whether or not i’m really made for the things i’m after and if people really are better than me or purer than me in whatever way possible. of course the exercise is going to take time for me to believe that i am beautiful and anything else i might affirm, but for some reason i feel like i’m running out of time. like there’s just not enough time for me to waste just sitting and waiting for things, but i have hope and faith as well which is why i always do it.

    in reply to: afraid to live #97653

    anita –

    it’s an office job in the africana studies department at my school. i’m pretty cool with the people that work there and it’s my major so i’m hoping that i’ll be able to be considered and i’ll definitely let you know about the exercise once i do it!

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