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January 22, 2019 at 11:23 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276203
It is so comforting to know that I am not alone in this, please don’t take this in the wrong way at all as I do not wish you any pain, only happiness, but it is comfort to know that perhaps I am not going as crazy as I think..
Your description of the spiral is exactly that. That overwhelming feeling of ‘I do not want this life anymore. I just want to die’, almost like I have trialled, tested and exhausted every option to heal and get better and there is nothing left but to just escape reality. That final escape, once and for all. That was me yesterday, on the floor unable to even dress myself following my bath, crying, screaming. I remember looking at myself in the mirror and not recognising the person looking back at me. What a mess. You are right though, thinking it and doing it are two different things and I thankfully I am still here 8 months later BUT it is absolutely terrifying. When it first happened I was lost, shocked, how has this happened to me?!
You’re very lucky that you have such a special relationship with your sister. You speak very highly of her and often and it is clear that she has helped you in some of your darkest moments, she loves and treasures you very much. I too like to think I’ve got an incredible relationship both with my sisters and my mum, but I just can’t seem to reach out to them for support or a helping hand. I cannot. I feel it’ll hurt them and in turn hurt me even more to see them hurt. I do believe that this is something that remained from the trauma as they were my only source of support and yet I saw them crumble and break into pieces just as much as me, I witnessed that pain in their eyes when they held me and cried with me. As much as the events were out of my control, I never want to be the cause of that pain again. So instead I normally turn to my friend, the same friend I spoke of in many of my posts but it has gotten to a point where I don’t want to bother her anymore (even though she reminds me each time that it does not and she wants more than anything to be there for me) but I know what it’s like to have your own life, especially when she gives me such valuable, understanding advice that my silly self seems to ignore most of the time – beyond my control but nonetheless.
That saying the only way through it is literally through it, feel the pain. I have and I don’t want to anymore. I feel like it has gotten too much, too far and right now it is not something I can deal with. It literally feels like I have tried everything under the sun to feel better at this stage. I have tried to not feel, I have tried to feel, read, journal, therapy, exercise. What to do next? Because it’s not like I’m not trying to help myself. I’ve just hit a brick wall.
How did you get yourself out of the spiral?
January 22, 2019 at 8:29 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276109Kkasxo
ParticipantShelby & Michelle,
Thank you both for your kind words, honestly, in a time like this every tiny detail makes the biggest difference.
Now rationally I would like to believe that I’ll get through it and that the only way is up and the lot, on a normal day that proves difficult, on a day like this it is impossible.
Shelby, you asked what happens during my spiral. Let’s start at the beginning. The first ‘spiral’ I have ever experienced was days after my trauma. I wasn’t okay, I was in complete shut down mode but I was surviving, as we do and literally within minutes I went from staring blankly at the TV screen (myself and two of my friends were watching a movie) to being in absolute hysterics, crying in complete panic. The feelings of I am stuck, I don’t deserve anything good to ever happen to me, what has happened to my life, who am I, what have I ever possibly done to deserve any of this, why does this hurt so bad, why is this happening to me suddenly taking over my whole body like a whirlwind. I have no answers, all I am aware of in that moment is the lack of answers, the intensity of the pain felt and the extreme need to escape, by any means necessary – each time leading to me resulting to the conclusion that the only way through it is to die, that is the only way I will not feel this pain anymore. Prior to my trauma I have never experienced any mental health issues, depression let alone suicidal thoughts to the first time this happened to me I was so terrified, I didn’t feel safe even around my own self, how could I be capable of even thinking those thoughts?! Am I actually capable of doing ‘the deed’?! Since then, I’ve had probably about 5/6 more of these, last one being in October, with that I really thought I was making progress – foolish me!
Although I can never really pinpoint how I get myself in such a state or what triggers it each and every one of my moments so far was always based on my trauma and the difficulty of having to live the rest of my life carrying the weight of it. However last night I felt was different, I remember thinking ‘the only way to get away from this man is to die.. that is the only way I’ll ever be able to live without him’. That’s messed up. Now he really is not a terrible person at all and I don’t think neither him or I ever expected for the events to effect me in this way but my mental health at the moment is clearly so deteriorated that I literally cannot cope with much at all. The anxiety around the whole separation situation with him, whilst rationally wanting to get away has probably played a part in last night’s spiral. I’m so up and down right now I can’t understand myself or how I can possibly help myself. I wonder how I went from a completely functioning young woman to someone who is clearly suffering with mental health in an extreme way – how did this happen to me?! I actually feel like I sound like a crazy lady at times.
I remember the analogy about the thorn.. I thought therapy would help with pulling that thorn out, exploring every aspect around the trauma, feeling all those feelings and learning to deal with them but this spiral has just proven that perhaps it’s not working as well as I thought. That just goes back to the idea of time, I hope & pray that by 30 I will be okay. That I would have learnt how to live a content life post trauma but it seems so unrealistic. I realise it has only been 8 months so in hindsight it isn’t a long time considering I had to practically start my life all over again, but it is still a long time to be suffering and trying my hardest to get by and just when you think you’ve taken one step forward you are presented with the worst, the spiral. It is so disheartening and gives me no hope for the future.
Michelle, it is interesting you mention trying to be compassionate to myself as though I was looking after another in my situation. When I look at it that way I think you are doing so well, you have no idea just how well you really are doing taking into consideration what you have been through, you are completely entitled to feel at the lowest of the low right now and it is okay. But when I try to tell myself it doesn’t apply..
My friend who normally sits with me through these moments lives pretty far, so I’m afraid no can do there. In any case, I think I prefer to shut myself out anyway in these moments and just be alone – when I’m coming down from my spiral that is. When it’s ongoing although I prefer to be alone I realise it is not a good choice, just in case.
I keep telling myself I am strong, I really really do but I am just running out of strong at the moment. I am so tired of fighting this endless battle on my own and being no better off at all. I feel I will not have the energy to continue my life in this way for the rest of my days.
January 22, 2019 at 6:09 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276065Kkasxo
ParticipantHi all,
So I write again as I feel absolutely lost..
I can feel myself in absolute overdrive all of today, the warning signs before a complete spiral and with the last one only hours ago I’m terrified. I am getting to a point of no return if I am honest. I have come to the conclusion that I will never get through this. I can spend days, weeks even going on about my day, getting myself to work, working out etc but the pain ALWAYS returns, without a doubt. And it is this completely overwhelming, full of intensity kind of pain that takes over my body, my mind, my soul. It’s never going to stop. I’m never going to be able to move past any of this. I’m never going to get better. I’m never going to be able to lead a somewhat normal life because it’ll always take me by surprise and return. I feel stuck, suffocated, struggling for breath and I am completely at my wits end. I have no more fight left within me to continue down this road. I am done. There is no more. I am so utterly shattered. I can openly say that from May 2018 onwards my life, my person, everything is gone. I feel destroyed, obliterated, desecrated, annihilated, demolished, shattered, demoralised and I simply am not coping anymore. My head is pounding, my heart is beating out of my chest, my hands are shaking, my muscles hurt.
I want to scream for help, some kind of release but I realise that there is nothing in this world that will help me. Nobody can help me. No amount of therapy, self help books, reading, researching, meditation, exercise, socialising, self-love or whatever else anyone puts on the list, none of it can or will help me.
January 22, 2019 at 2:23 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276059Kkasxo
ParticipantMorning ladies,
I hope you’re both feeling a bit better this morning.
I myself had one hell of a night, unfortunately I ended up spiralling last night, something that hasn’t happened now since October so it scared the hell out of me once again and brought to my attention just how real these moments are and that they do indeed just wait around the corner. I thought I was making progress until I found myself back in that terrifying place. It just confirmed my thoughts on the need for my ex and the fact that I may have outgrown the relationship itself, but I still need the connection just in case of the dark times. My ex rushed to my rescue and I was grateful for this as I was all alone and spiralling terribly. God, I honestly hate every second of this. I wonder how I have become this person honestly. It is beyond me or my understanding. I used to be so normal… and now I have literally hit rock bottom.
Victoria – it is natural that you worry about your ex, you may not want to be with him right now but you still care. But you just have to trust that he’s wise enough to look after himself when you are not around, which I am sure he’s doing. Are you seeking help now after your trauma? Do you think exploring more of your trauma on here will help gain some insight into your anxiety? No pressure at all, feel free to share as little or as much as you are comfortable with. I am assuming that your problems too began following a traumatic event?
January 21, 2019 at 9:04 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275961Kkasxo
The idea of doing something for others whilst not being able to keep yourself happy is amazing, but whether it’ll be effective for me personally I’m not sure. I’m a natural giver. I give give give and give until there is nothing left to give. I put others first before myself always. It’s just who I am, and in the process of this all I’ve learnt that I have basically become a doormat to many people. Walking in and out when they please, getting in touch in times of need because they know I’ll always give and I am drained. I am trying to learn how to change.
Shelby – I hope your day is going just a little bit better. Mine sure isn’t. I feel like I’m stuck in that despair mode again like I MUST contact him. I MUST see him. I have to get my fix, it’s sick. I hope the rest of the day passes quickly..
January 21, 2019 at 6:04 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275935Kkasxo
Back to feeling meh eh?! Makes two of us! You’re so good though still trying to rationally tell yourself that Martha or your feelings will not get you down.
I literally cannot see any of those positive things in myself anymore. I have victimised myself completely in my eyes and I do not like one bit of it. I want to be this strong, level-headed woman that I make out to be but I just am not, I am not that person right now. I want to rationally get it in my head that I am worthy, amazing, incredible and the lot but I just do not believe it at this point. I don’t know how to help myself anymore because anything I do just isn’t working. We don’t have contact, i’m unhappy, we have contact, i’m unhappy. Anything I do I am unhappy. Literally wish I could just erase him and anything related to him out of my mind.
I actually said to myself, if I had the chance to meet him again, I would run so far in the other direction! I wish I did.
Sorry for rambling on! I’m getting bored of it myself. I’m tired, so so so tired at this point.
January 21, 2019 at 3:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275915Kkasxo
Sorry I didn’t see your response before my last post!
My mum mentioned to me at one point that you can be surrounded by those who love you, friends family etc but it will never compare to the kind of love from your partner. And I think that hits home for you regarding the weekend, yes of course you love your sister and you loved spending time with her BUT it is a different kind of love and joy if you were there with your ex.. It’s not to say its more or less, it is just different.
Once again, you were with him for a very long time so let yourself feel sad, afraid, not ready to accept the fact that it is over. The thing is, you don’t want to not be with him, you don’t want to be without him so it is only natural that your brain holds any kind of hope of a what if. The important thing is maybe to allow yourself to feel the what if’s but still focus on your life as it is in the present? The reality is none of us know what the future holds. Who knows, you could reunite with your ex, you could not, we do not know. But it is important to still do everything in our power to be present in the here and now – I say this but I know it is a lot harder doing than saying!
To answer your question, right now, although extremely difficult, I feel more at peace without him. Because when I am without him I don’t worry about his next move, I don’t worry that he may say something and do another out of pure stupidity, I don’t know what he is up to or why and it doesn’t have the power to affect me, my emotions and my day. Essentially, keeping him at a distance means he cant hurt me, whether intentional or not he just cannot because he doesn’t have access to my life.
January 21, 2019 at 3:29 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275913Kkasxo
ParticipantI’m feeling extra rubbish this morning. I have journaled loads and cannot focus at work. I hate the person who I have become throughout this never ending, hopeless process. I just want to skip this all together, honestly, one of the hardest things I have ever gone through! It is like grieving someone who is still alive and their actions still affect you!
I have come to the conclusion that I hate love. Because it has the power to make you feel oh so content and wonderful but God it can break you to the extreme too! Not a fan anymore.
January 21, 2019 at 1:59 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275909Kkasxo
ParticipantGood morning ladies,
Shelby – your kind words never seem to amaze me! Honestly! I wish I could be so kind to myself when I take massive steps back in my progress. I did indeed get very sick, very quickly and felt panicked I guess, so it was an easy option running back to comfort as we always call it. Now on the other hand, I feel myself triggered by tiny things that he is doing again and I realise just how much anguish the contact has caused me. Although being away from him is extremely difficult emotionally at least I feel at peace. That peace once more has been disrupted. I’m overthinking again, I’m questioning his intentions, I am in anxious mode all over again! The up and down of it all is so exhausting I just cant rationalise with myself why I keep doing this! It honestly is like a drug isn’t it…
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re deep in your feelings once more. I think Victoria maybe has a point of the extremes of it all, the highs (weekend with your sister) followed by the lows, when reality kicks in. I do think maybe the cinema trip with your friend was a bad idea as he expressed romantic interest and you are not interested or ready for that but we live and we learn! This is a very individual process to all so do not be ashamed that you are back to feeling rubbish again. We WILL get through every part of this. The up’s and the downs!
ParticipantDidn’t reflect under topics*
ParticipantDear Heartbroken,
Having read your story it resonates closely to that of mine and my ex partner. I too discovered he was a compulsive liar when we were giving each other another shot some two weeks ago and the truth about his behaviour during our split started coming out..
Although they’ve lied about different things the pattern is clear. They release some truth, a tiny part of the truth to see our response. Then if that goes okay they tweak it just a little more towards the actual truth, see how that goes and the cycle goes on and on until you actually hear the whole truth, or don’t.
My ex partner too has now started to seek help through therapy as he has admitted his lies have ruined our relationship.
Im sorry I can’t offer much advice as I too am in your predicament and I know it is horrible, so so horrible when you really want to believe everything they’re saying but because they’ve lied so much it is just impossible. The back and forth of push and pull, anger betrayal and then forgiveness is exhausting and yes I do believe it does set out a guideline of how we allow others to treat us!
I hope that you can find some peace and resolve through this forum and I will follow this thread closely, it’ll be interesting to see other people’s take on this!
January 20, 2019 at 10:13 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275767Kkasxo
ParticipantEvening ladies,
I have managed to catch up briefly on the previous posts so will just do a general reply.
Victoria – focusing on your uni work is most definitely self-love. You are working towards creating a better and fulfilling future for yourself, that in itself is incredible! In times where you feel you may not have much to do (I know I get like that when away from my ex, suddenly I have so much spare time) try to do something productive, like your uni work! It’ll be a good distraction and also help you out in the long run! Also, the boundaries thing is incredibly difficult. In all honesty, as with your mum, you will probably back track more times than you can count but you’ve just gotta make the promise to yourself that even if you do, you’ll go right back to trying again. All we can do is try.
Shelby – I’m so glad that you enjoyed your well deserved weekend with your sister! I’m sorry to hear that the feelings are back and the intensity of them aren’t helping! I’m right there with ya. I decided to hang out with some friends yesterday, friends that I have been putting off seeing for many many weeks because of anxiety, I thought no! I have to get myself out of the house even for a few hours! Long story short, I had two drinks and felt extremely sick straight after so left to make my way home. I felt so terrible on my way home, ended up puking everywhere, may I just add I was not at all drunk or even close, clearly just my body did not appreciate the alcohol intake at all, and reverted to contacting my ex! Bummer yet again!!!!! He was a gentleman and looked after me the whole night while I shivered and felt nauseous but today, today I am disappointed with myself yet again. It’s like I take 3 steps forward and 5 steps back! Honestly! I have no idea what I’m doing anymore!
January 19, 2019 at 4:10 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275547Kkasxo
Yes it’s my rational self trying to justify the need for no contact – boundaries! It’s working so far so I’m going with it hehe.
I struggled with my sleep for the past three weeks or so also, I think it’s something that just passes. Although one of the days I made myself get up super early and it kind of brought my sleeping pattern back to normality, kind of. So maybe try that?
Bless you! The up and down is so exhausting isn’t it?! I’ve been checking up on my ex on social media but that’s about as far as it has gone today. I don’t feel too terrible yet.. although it could all change!
I hope you enjoy your weekend with your sister and hopefully it keeps your mind off things!
January 19, 2019 at 2:03 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275539Kkasxo
ParticipantGood morning both,
I too had a look at some dating websites a while back, after my friends advised me that it’ll be good to take my mind off things. Honestly, I logged on and off within the space of a few hours. It felt odd, I didn’t want to entertain conversations with these men, I wasn’t and am not ready, my heart still very much belongs to my ex so it felt like a pointless task. My ex on the other hand appears to have found it a useful distraction following our split, so who knows, sometimes it works other times it doesn’t.
Victoria, I think it’s a good idea to plan a holiday and get away for a little while. I did the same back in September and although it was difficult going away without him, I only have happy memories from that holiday. I say difficult because I recall sitting at the airport, my friend had gone to use the loo and for a moment I lost sight of the fact that I am with her and I sat there looking at thousands of faces walking by me and looking for my ex, it was strange, but I did it and got through it.
Boundaries – oh that dreaded word! But it makes all of the difference once you set them! I am practising boundaries with my ex heavy since the no contact began and I am trying to practice those in all aspects of my life right now. I acknowledge that right now I am a work in progress, I need peace and clarity to continue on my healing journey and anything that disrupts that peace I will put a firm boundary that cannot be crossed. It doesn’t mean that you have to be mean or harsh to people, it just means you’re putting your health and well being first and that is super important!
I’ve only just woken up not that long ago so I don’t feel anything as of yet.. let’s see how the rest of the day goes!
January 18, 2019 at 2:55 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275507Kkasxo
The fear isn’t so prominent this evening, perhaps because I saw him earlier on.. who knows! Fear does however overwhelm me on most days, but I don’t think it’s the fear of ‘what is my future?!’ because I think I’m slowly starting to believe that I will be happy one day, I don’t know how but I will. But it’s the fear of I do not actually want to be without this man. I don’t. And he claims he doesn’t want to be without me. Aside all of the BS that we’ve been experiencing post break up we were great.
its so tough. But despite him trying to squeeze hours of conversation into 30 minutes earlier on, looking broken when I said I must leave and asking if we could meet later on tonight to speak, I am proud to say I haven’t reached out, I haven’t entertained the idea of meeting with him tonight or whenever really.
It is all just a bunch of words to me. I don’t believe any of it. And he knows it now. Oh he knows! I have never managed to go without responding to him, I always gave in. Every single time. Yet I’ll be soon approaching week 3 of literally ignoring his every effort to get in touch. I do believe he is really feeling the loss now..