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  • in reply to: Why do I punish myself? #86717

    You seem to have insight and answers to your own issues so there’s no need for me to offer any suggestions. I am similar in that I like to think I am the expert on myself. For both of us then, we need to emphasise the positive for the past and present. Can you see anything good happening to you at present? Today for instance, I took my dog for a walk this morning, and he was so appreciative, he hasn’t stopped smiling at me since then. I am grateful for this at least. But I can easily slip into negativity if I dwell on silly little melodramas that occurred in the past. (I don’t mean your past events were melodramas, just mine πŸ™‚ )

    in reply to: Was any of your parents good-enough? #86682

    Please note. Anita is showing her real class now. (woof woof) πŸ™‚
    [if you don’t get it, that’s me the guard dog, praising Anita]

    in reply to: Was any of your parents good-enough? #86680

    ha my spelling mistake this time but a funny one “power” instead of “powder”. Maybe “power” is a Freudian slip. I think on any reasonable forum, Pomp would be suspended for that “guard dog” comment though.
    You can’t expect me to say “you’re sorry, that’s Ok, move on”, as if it was nothing. So every time I agree with Anita, that label can be used against me. I’m entitled to feel humiliated and this is by far the worst “attack” on anyone in this thread. Pomp is accustomed to these battles. She’s used to stooping low, hitting below the belt. I try to maintain some dignity, some shred of self-respect in these confrontations. I can’t help thinking that Pomp reminds me of some unsophisticated people I’ve had to deal with in the past. So there’s my own example of transference I admit. I put Pomp in the category “too hard basket”. Emotional, unpredictable, hysterical, given to mood swings, dangerous. There’s probably a diagnosis for it. Why should I bother trying to help or understand such people? It’s not worth the effort. They’re too needy. Anita is more skilled and more compassionate in this regard. it proves to me I could never be a counsellor because I don’t have such broad empathy.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Was any of your parents good-enough? #86675

    It might be an idea for me to take a break here for a while. I think perhaps I was seen as a threat to some kind of mother/daughter kinship and the resultant healing Pomp gets from this. I feel like I’m spending too much time in ladies’ power rooms anyway. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: JOKES #86635

    He was a witty guy Churchill, that’s for sure.

    in reply to: Was any of your parents good-enough? #86634

    I’d say this is more about Queen Bee envy isn’t it.
    You’re not quite up to that status here yet. Keep trying. You’ll get there.
    But you’ll need to work on the nature of your communication style which tends to be rambling and incoherent.
    Not to mention those spelling mistakes…er..
    Shame it came to this though. I was going to let it go, let you get away with that obnoxious post. But no, I think its time you had some of your own medicine.
    If you can’t take it Pomp, don’t dish it out.

    in reply to: Was any of your parents good-enough? #86633

    Were you drunk this time? You should be careful. It triggers some people on here.

    in reply to: Was any of your parents good-enough? #86601

    just a shame this place is not more lively

    in reply to: JOKES #86600

    You can’t beat her
    She’s always here
    to send good cheer
    you want empathy?
    then you’ll get empathy
    you want sympathy?
    then you’ll get sympathy
    she can analyse
    those inner selves
    those naughty elves

    she is so feisty
    and not so fancy
    she is direct
    and usually correct
    I could say god bless her
    but she don’t believe

    in reply to: JOKES #86596

    What did the dog say when he heard other dogs talking about him?
    Woof Woof!

    in reply to: JOKES #86595

    Woolly Bully
    Don’t know you fully
    But I’m guessin’
    your mind is stressin’
    Your inner critic
    is playin’ havoc
    and you need some outlet
    and I’m your outlet
    but stop the A-buse
    ’cause I don’t D-eserve it

    Affirmation Interlude ” Noone can make me feel less about myself”

    My mistake
    Woolly Bully
    You don’t exist.

    in reply to: JOKES #86594

    I’m back! I’m back!
    It’s Llama Llama Jack!
    You can’t give me
    the sack, the sack!
    because I have the knack, the knack
    of finding out your lack, your lack
    and being leader of
    the pack, the pack
    I have to
    clack my rack
    my rack
    and eat a nice
    Big Mac Big Mac
    look out here comes some
    flak, some flak
    I’m under
    huge attack, attack
    Have to rebuild my
    shack, my shack
    OK I know
    it’s only prac
    but still

    in reply to: JOKES #86592

    Why did the lama cross the road?
    Because he could see enlightenment on the other side.

    in reply to: Religious resentment #86589

    now learnt the entire family will be fasting over 3 days apart from myself. I feel incredibly uncomfortable at the thought of being the only person eating and drinking over these days

    πŸ™‚ forgive me for being amused by this scenario but it would kill me because I am so fond of food.
    I’d say skip the event for sure.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Dealing with a STALKER. #86588

    because she’s in lala land

    reminds me of my dog sometimes.
    sorry if that wasn’t relevant

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