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  • in reply to: I need advise. I'm lost. #85323

    You can also try my Skype session called “discovering the llama within”.
    Discount if you have a weird sense of humour like mine.

    in reply to: Being a Bully to Myself: #85322

    I have no wish to discuss suicide and I know it is against forum rules but sometimes I think it is useful to refer to it as prevention measure. You talked about getting rid of your internal bully too.
    Is that what most suicides are about? People can’t stand the noise of their internal critics, their self-bullies? They want to escape asap?
    I mean if we can nail these bullies through IST or any other way, we can go a long way to preventing suicides? or am I getting carried away?

    in reply to: Being a Bully to Myself: #85321

    The internal Critic whole LIFE is about criticizing us

    I could’ve chosen a lot of other quotes too.
    Our critic or bully is obsessed with making our life difficult.
    Like big brother (haha) watching us all the time. CCTV.
    Like The Police song goes:
    every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you

    in reply to: Board Meeting of Inner Selves #85319

    Now let me introduce Dr. Jack Kornfield. Jack is going to give us a talk today on a revolutionary new self-therapy called IST or Inner Self Therapy.
    Dr Jack: thank you Mr. Chairman. But first let me tell you about a person who really deserves all the credit for this sensational therapy. I’m referring to a Dr. Anita Freud, great grand-daughter of Sigmund. Her insights and analyses are mind-boggling, super-outrageous, bowl me over brilliant, totally awesome. I could go on and on…and I will…earth-shatteringly sharp, intensely and intellectually iconic, ..
    Chairman: OK jack that’s enough. So tell us what makes IST so profound, so unique, so wing machine?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Board Meeting of Inner Selves #85293

    re exercise
    I use resistance bands to avoid injury before using dumb bells.
    What do you think of resistance bands?

    in reply to: Being a Bully to Myself: #85291

    while we’re on the topic of self-bullying, I wonder if the stronger our inner critic, the louder he or they are, the less able we are to take criticism from other people?
    I know I am hypersensitive to criticism. Is that because my inner bully is so loud? has so much power in my inner selves world?
    And vice versa. the people who have no internal bully or at least have theirs under control, can take criticism in their stride, like water off a duck’s back?
    I know that when I experience a negative event, like being micro-managed by a fault-finding boss at work, I fear the actual pot-mortems afterwoards more than the event itself. I really beat myself up. So the internal bully is worse than the “real life” external bully.
    Or the external bully stirs up the internal bully, triggers him, wakes him up into action.

    in reply to: Being a Bully to Myself: #85289

    great thoughts again anita

    just another fan
    jittery jack

    in reply to: Board Meeting of Inner Selves #85278

    interesting what you say about Norman. And I thought he was one of the good guys 🙂

    in reply to: Being a Bully to Myself: #85277

    I’m not sure if matching their aggressive behaviour with equally aggressive tactics works…or does it? I don’t know. You tell me the results.
    What about rewards like 8 year old children or puppies love (operant conditioning) You could start a smiley chart for each character on a board and reward good behaviour.
    “If you are quiet and well-behaved today, I’m going to give you a treat. (example sticker, smiley or whatever works with that particular character)
    Is this too weird a suggestion? 🙂

    in reply to: Anxiety and spirituality #85276

    I’ll give you a recent example of my anxiety. I had to give an impromptu 2 minute speech last night at a public speaking course I attend. I developed a nervous tic with my arms, “ums” and “ahs”, looking down at the floor instead of at the audience, heart racing as if I was doing a 100 metre sprint, and thoughts racing to keep up saying things like” you idiot, why are you even here? you are hopeless, just quit now while you’re ahead, see how people’s heads are down, they are too embarrassed for you to even give you eye contact. Just admit it, you are a f###ing loser”
    I have a panic attack every time I have to speak to a group in public, but am trying to come to terms with it.It is not easy. Good luck with yours.

    in reply to: Board Meeting of Inner Selves #85273

    Hey I am definitely more mindful of not eating biscuits for a while. And I walked for 2 hours yesterday.
    I admit that writing about Max the Motivator and not actually doing anything about it, would be highly hypocritical. You haven’t met Harry the Hypocrite yet. He does attend the occasional meeting. I try to limit his influence and am mostly successful. I find it is best not to talk too proud, in case you can’t follow up. Walk the talk which is something you are definitely good at.

    in reply to: Being a Bully to Myself: #85270

    those naughty characters of yours are playing up again…
    could you talk to them like naughty children?..” if you don’t…, then I’m going to have to….”

    in reply to: Board Meeting of Inner Selves #85268

    Just I miss that feeling of jogging and how I felt after a run.
    But I take your point.
    Have a nice day Anita and don’t walk too far today!! 🙂

    in reply to: Being a Bully to Myself: #85266

    thanks for more insightful comments anita

    in reply to: Board Meeting of Inner Selves #85243

    Chairman: We have a guest speaker tonight. I’m going to ask Adam to introduce him. Adam?
    Adam the Adult: It is indeed a pleasure, Mr. Chairman for me to introduce someone whose track record speaks for itself. He’s not an athlete but his zest for life is contagious. I know you will enjoy and benefit from his enthusiasm. Mr. Chairman, I present Max the Motivator!
    Max the Motivator: Thank you Adam for that splendid introduction. Adam has told me about you all and I am looking for ward to meeting you over the course of several workshops that Adam has planned. This will be either privately or in groups, whatever is suitable for you.
    Marvin: I don’t need motivating. And neither do they.
    Max the Motivator: Ah Marvin. I’ve heard a lot about you. The rest of us are going to ignore you tonight I’m afraid. Now if you choose to become loud and obnoxious, I will have to ask you to leave immediately. OK?
    Marvin: Whatever. Who cares anyway…
    Max: Now, the first thing I think we need to address is physical fitness. Not pointing any fingers, but Abe, you need to realise that, overeating is not doing you any favours nor anyone else here tonight. You need to get fit sir. that means self-discipline. Doesn’t have to be over the top but it has to be consistent. get up early, exercise before you eat. Reduce that waistline sir. And your weight! Here’s a 10kg dumb bell I’ve brought with me. See how heavy it is to lift? Now imagine carrying 10 kg less around. How light you would feel. You might even take up jogging again. it’s never too late Abe. you’re not old. 57 is the new 47. You got plenty of life left. Lose 10 kg, 10 years younger. Simple as that.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by jock.
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