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  • in reply to: Impulse control / impulsive selftalk #223409

    Dear anita,

    sorry that I get back to you and everyone so late. I can only post from the library but didn’t make it there recently.

    Indeed, “I hate you” is allways meant towards me, though it should actually be “I hate me” then. Kind of like distancing myself from myself maybe?

    You theory sounds very true. When I was suffering from depression I remember how I would feel the fear in my whole body, especially my arms for some reason, it was nearly painful sometimes. Yes, definitely energy without an outlet. It makes sense then, that the energy would find an outlet this way as you say. In the past years my mood has improved a lot through therapy, I also tried various sports so there was an energy-outlet there. Sometimes I have set backs, I guess with depression there is allways that risk. But it got better overall.

    Did you find a way to deal better with blurting out stuff to strangers and with Tourette and OCD?

    in reply to: Impulse control / impulsive selftalk #222013

    Dear Peter,

    thank you for your reply, that article looks very interesting and I will study it closely. And I totally agree that it is important to take charge of nurturing/ protecting oneself, the older I get the better I manage to do that.

    While I think everyone has negative thoughts about themselfs, not everyone voices them, so I am at a loss as to what to do.

    in reply to: Impulse control / impulsive selftalk #222003

    Dear anita,

    thank you for your reply. Indeed, most of the time it doesn’t seem so problematic. But sometimes I slip or can’t help be overheard. I might be in my thoughts standing in front of the supermarket unlocking my bycicle when it happens, having people nearby, or just walking down the street. More than one stranger probably thought I was a lunatic. But those are strangers anyway, more troublesome was once when I was standing together with friends and it happened, I said it low voice and luckily either they didn’t hear it or pretended they didn’t. Recently I am sure my mother overheard when I thought I was all alone at home and she came back. And I just remembered when I was abroad studying and suffering from severe depression sat in my room and shouted stuff like “I hate you”, probably half the dorm heard me but I was at a point where I didn’t care anymore. There were no direct repercussions but I wonder how many people think I am crazy.

    As for the job opportunity I had been in contact with a job agency, we had some calls and I was calling them back one day, talking to the answering machine. Needless to say applications are stressful, I felt my voice was wobbly when talking and once I ended the call I said “I hate you” right away. Only I hadn’t actually ended the call, only flipped the cover of the smartphone close. So that also was recorded. Never heard from them again, which I can totally understand, thing is even if that particular job wouldn’t have worked out they have connections and constantly look for entry lvl applicants, so this was a good opportunity lost.

    As to your last question: I don’t articulate the sentences in my head before saying them. Saying them doesn’t shock me anymore but sometimes I am like “okay where did that come from now” especially when its a new sentence. Its automatic in that I am not aware when I start talking, but with concentration I can stop midsentence and not finish. Tone of voice depends on my stress level, maybe sad, angry, calm and when I am really angry with myself over something I might actually shout (though not lately in the past months).

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Lara.
    in reply to: My little brother lost all of his friends #221021

    Dear Katie,

    in a time of #metoo, on the one hand I am glad that people are not like “well this is nothing”. But due to social media obviously he got much more attention than he would have gotten  say 15 years ago, and the backlash sounds extremly severe. For a fourteen year old boy, this might well feel like the end not only of his social like, but of his life in general. I am glad that you are wondering how to help your brother, and I hope you are also willing to take action.

    In another thread you wrote ” Neither of my parents have been around to guide me or my siblings”. What was your parents reaction to this situation, aside from your mother crying because now she as well is isolated? What attitude did she and your father show towards your brother? Did they talk about the situation at all with you or your brother?

    And I know this is difficult, but did you talk with your brother about this? Ask him what happened in his view, if he understand why it was not okay what he did? Without judging, just hearing his side of the story?

    in reply to: Should I call off the wedding? #219869

    I have not been married but I heard it can be pretty difficult to get out of a marriage once you are married. You can’t change men (/ women), so is this really the guy you want to be with for a long time? Depending on where you are, your parents might try to argue but I think you should listen to your gut feeling.

    in reply to: He unblocked me after 1 month of NC #219867

    Clearance, I vote NC too. There is nothing for you to gain getting into contact with him again, he sounds fishy.

    in reply to: Different needs for sex #219865

    Actually I am not sure if a compromise is possible. Yes, it worked for two months. But I am wondering if there won’t be a price, and your girlfriend will pay it. If I were in her situation and had sex though I didn’t really feel like it (pretending to like it) at fist that might be okay but more and more I would feel angry and ashamed that I didn’t stand up for myself. It might turn me off from sex more, not draw me to it, beeing pressured.

    in reply to: question on buddists #217885

    Hey Trying to understand,

    sorry that you had such bad luck of suffering a break in and then also strange people lingering in the neighborhood. You took a proactive step in asking the neighbors for help, but you met someone really unfriendly.

    Your neighbor reacted very strangely: “The woman screamed, I will not call the police for you, you call the police yourself.” I can see why you would look for a reason for her rejecting your request, and it seemed you found it: “Other neighbors told me they were a house of buddhist nuns.” . But what if they had said “Its a house full of vegetarian”? “Its a house full of republicans/ democrats”? “It’s a house full of high school teachers”? I think you see where this is going. Unfortunately there are bad apples in every crowd, buddhists, christians, islam, atheist makes no difference.

    One thing I wonder about that is the conclusions that you drew from this one time encounter: “I feel like the message sent was basically to tell me I was scum”. Indeed, that woman treated you badly, but I wonder: do you also believe that you are scum?


    in reply to: Advice on fiancé and mother #217871

    Dear Salina,

    I think you did the right thing. Your mother indeed is in a bad place right now, but maybe living in a hotel will spurr her to really look for a long term solution instead of moving in with her children. How are your other siblings viewing the situation? And what happened to your younger siblings (“5 years old brother, 14 year old sister, and 18 year old sister”)?


    That ex is not worth your time. He treated you badly, and frankly its sounds a bit like he used the fact that you were raped to victim-shame you and wash his hands of you as if you were at fault here, to get out of a relationship that he wasn’t much into in the first place. Good riddance.

    I would read anitas suggestions closely and check what you can learn from this situation. Also please get into contact with a rape victim support line, I think you don’t realize what was done to you yet. Its the first step to get through this.

    How are you doing lately?

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