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- This topic has 13 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 7 months ago by
July 29, 2018 at 12:09 pm #219287
ParticipantHi there! I want to thank you for reading my post, you don’t know how much this means for me.
I am writing because I am in a serious relationship for almost 2 years now and besides one thing everything is great. I am 24 and a guy, my girlfrinend is 21. Our main problem is is that I have a HUGE sex drive. My ideal would be 1-2 every day maybe three on weekends. I eat healthy, do sports and I just want her all the time. Which I assumed is a great thing, she literally always takes my breath away and I just want her. But she does not have a need for this that is this high. She would be fine with it once a week. There were problems with this since the beggining. We are literally made for eachother, but this is really tearing our relationship apart.
We realised this quite early and we figured out that if we would do it once a day that would work. But it doesn’t. I am fine with it but she does not always want it and I don’t want to force myself onto her, but I am left frustrated, depressed, I lose my confidence and energy. I just feel like crap, and I communicated this to her a lot of times. This created the problem that I get frustrated, impatient and sometimes I can lose my patience on little thing, on things that I would have no problem if my needs would be met. When this happens she says that I am like a little girl which makes me less attractive which makes things worse. It’s not like that I don’t court her, I take her on a date every week once, I always listen to what she has to say without interrupting her and I always try to flirt, so I am confused on what I am doing wrong. I always try multiple times every day so that she could even choose the time, and I go in slow so it is good for her. And besides, I am an athlete, I have a good body. I don’t know what is wrong with me. We have not been able to find common ground on this so I came here to ask two things:
1. Is there a way for both people to meet their needs? How have people you know solved this so both of them were happy, and none had to give up themselves?
2. I honestly started to think if there is something wrong with me. I try to love myyself but this happened so much times that i actually started feel if there is something wrong with me. On the other hand I am a guy in my twenties and my testosterone levels are quite high and I just simply don’t understand in why somebody does not want to make love. We feel better beause of it andour relationship becomes stronger. I honestly don’t know anymore, There might be something wrong with me and it scares me.
July 29, 2018 at 9:33 pm #219309Justine
ParticipantHi Csaba,
First of all I wanna tell you that THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. You’re needs are totally normal. Are you familiar with the 5 languages of love? Read it here. This saved my sanity and finally encouraged me to break up with my ex. You’ll find out there that each and everyone of us expresses our love in different ways and in life, we simply need to find the person that speaks the same love language/s as we do or balance them out. Well I know they’re not easy to find but knowing what type you are (you definitely fall under the ‘physical touch’), it’s a good point to begin with in finding the right partner for you.
I’ve been in the same situation 2 years ago except that I’m the woman and I was the one who constantly demands intimacy! Can you just imagine how it was harder for me since I am the girl? At first we would do it once a week, then once a month, then once every 3 months! I just couldn’t take it anymore and just like you, I became irritable! He would just never understand why I needed intimacy. I remember him accusing me “Is sex really all that you want?”. From this I concluded that there are just people who don’t have that high sex drive, whether male or female, young or old, it doesn’t discriminate. Just let it go. You can’t change them no matter what you do. They can only change for themselves.
I am worried about you cause I know that your self-esteem and sanity are already suffering. This can cause irreversible issues on your mental health and well-being. That also happened to me, I felt like I’m ugly and unattractive. Have you tried removing a certain part of your diet? Let’s say carbs. At first you are fine with it and as weeks go by you would find yourself fantasizing, craving for it until you would become obsessed and binging on it. And that’s not a good thing. This is what’s happening on you except that it’s intimacy. It affected me a lot on my next relationship as when my boyfriend would rejects me (in which he rarely does), I would interpret that in a negative way when in fact, he is just simply tired. (that eventually led up to another breakup btw). Get out of that relationship as soon as you can.
You two are made of each other? I doubt that. If that’s true you wouldn’t find yourself writing that post above. There’s nothing wrong with you and with your gf, you’re just not meant to be together. You’re better off as friends cause friends dont have sex right? Haha. My point is, what if there’s someone out there who has the same interest and values as you have and at the same time, speaks the same language? I’m 100% sure there is. And my goodness, you’re just 24! I was in your age when that happened to me and now, I’m in a relationship that perfectly suits me. Go out there and find/wait for the right person for you.
July 30, 2018 at 1:13 am #219333Csaba
ParticipantThank you for the reply Justine!
The reason I wrote that we are made for eachother because around 3 months ago I had enough and said to her that I am leaving. 5 days later she apologised and I gave her the terms that would make me happy, which is doing it once a day and a few other things. The thing is that everything was fine for 2 months. And those two months were perfect, I was truly happy and head over heels in love with her. But of couse the thing happened that happens every time in a situation like this, it only lasted two months and now we are back to the same problems. What annoys me is that she could do it and she also was happy and I communicated this to her, that is she would do it for a certain time it would become a habit and it wouldn’t feel like an “effort”. But recently she even told me that since I acted like a “little girl” (when I was frustrated because of this) she actually lost her attraction to me which really scares and hurts me. We concluded that if we do it enough times then I am not annoyed and I can maintain my composure and confidence. She is testing me more and more lately which is always a sign that things are not fine and I actually started to become jealous, which never happened before. I am scared that she will lose her attraction to me and I will end up in the friendzone. things were great and I know they can be with little effort. I want to make this work somehow, is there no way to solve this other then to let eachother go?
July 30, 2018 at 10:32 am #219439Brandy
ParticipantHi Csaba,
I’ll answer your second question first. No, there’s nothing wrong with you.
Now on to your first question. You say that this situation is causing you to lose confidence and feel depressed. That shouldn’t be happening. This isn’t personal. She simply has a different libido than you do. It’s just the way she is. This girl obviously wants to be with you. For two months she proved that to you, and you say that those two months were “perfect” — maybe for you, but for her too?….I’m not so sure. So back to your question. First, you have to decide if this quality of hers is a deal-breaker for you. In other words, can you make peace with not having sex every single day? She’s not saying she doesn’t want to have sex at all; she’s saying that every single day is too much for her. You don’t share much about the other aspects of this relationship….is she supportive, thoughtful, honest, trusting, kind, fun, etc.? If so, do you want to give up all these other great qualities because her libido isn’t a perfect match with yours? Maybe so, and that’s a fair choice for a 24 year old guy with a self-admitted “HUGE sex drive”. I believe that sexual compatibility in a relationship is very important. I also believe that as one gets older he may realize that there are other aspects to relationships that are also pretty damn important. Again, if she had said that she didn’t want to have sex with you at all, I’d say cut your losses now. But she’s not saying that. She’s trying to compromise. You need to do the same. How much do you love this girl? Why not try 4 days a week? 🙂
July 30, 2018 at 11:19 am #219453Michelle
ParticipantI gave her the terms that would make me happy, which is doing it once a day and a few other things.
This statement was, admittedly, a red flag for me. I’m going to counter what other people are saying in this thread. You are coercing her into sex that she doesn’t want. She is telling you her boundaries and you need to respect them. There are other ways to meet your sexual needs (masturbation) that don’t put another human being in an awkward, uncomfortable position.
July 30, 2018 at 1:23 pm #219461Mark
ParticipantI agree with Michelle. There is a difference between making demands versus expressing what you want.
There are different ways of being sexual without intercourse. Cuddling. “Petting.” Oral. Mutual masturbation/stimulation.
If you are not compatible sexually then best to move on.
July 31, 2018 at 12:14 am #219561Ladybug
ParticipantGuys forget women like to be aroused, that is what we thrive off sex, its not necessarily the the orgasm its usually the slow touching and turn on climax that gets a girl forget her inhibitions. Try the approach of asking what she enjoys, and a little hint is touching her near her erogenous zones not just when initiating sex but also randomly throughout the day. TRUST ME you’ll find her wanting sex more often. men must never stop touching his woman, her sex drive depends on that erogenous zones being stimulated on a frequent basis. in simple terms.. TEASE YOUR LADY 🙂
July 31, 2018 at 2:07 am #219585Csaba
ParticipantDear Michelle,
I was not making that sentence properly. What happened there is basically I expressed with love that I would feel happy in the relationship like this and she agreed and told me she’ll take steps to increase her libido. She started working out for a short time and stopped masturbating and she even told me that she wants to have sex more and loves it that things are this way and once a day is good for her now. But after two months she became complacent again and slipped into her old habits, even though I communicated with love this to her many times and I do a lot for her and put a greater effort into our relationship than the average guy does. I never, I repeat NEVER forced myself onto her, because I love her and would never do that to her. Whenever I felt resistance I respected her boundaries and stopped, please don’t make assumptions. The reason I wrote this post is because I want things to work between us and I want to solve this somehow.
Ladybug, thank you for your comment. I actually do this but it does not seem to work and I think I have to work on my approach in this department. Can you tell me in a bit more detail on what works in this regards with you? I would love to read a long comment about this, maybe detailing a specific situation if you feel comfortable with it. Thank you for your help!
July 31, 2018 at 3:09 am #219591Ladybug
ParticipantAlot of the time a girl will act surprised or playfully try to stop you but deep now she longs for that feelings. Logically it may be an inappropriate timing but thats what makes it thrilling. Since you have a loving relationship, touching her legs, thighs, lower back, soft kisses in the neck, massages.. feeling a manly presence is amazing, through physical touch you are awakening her feminine energy, be patient… a woman wants a man with a slow hand, so dont be quick to jump the gun. if touching her gets her body aroused she’ll become a rhythm in your hands and thats when you kiss her passionately and just when shes at peak of that kiss, pull away.. lock eyes with a dirty smirk on your face and walk away. if you keep doing those things and playing around with these tools, your sex life will progress dramatically and she will find herself lusting after you.
July 31, 2018 at 7:08 am #219609Csaba
ParticipantSo if I am understanding this right, I should be really slow, and basically I should do it for just long enough for her to want more and be more playful about it? And I should do this throughout the day, with a sort of spontaneity, unexpectedness and leave her wondering? I need to grow on this department and I am really thankful for telling me about this and giving me this opportunity to make our relationship better. If you have anything else to say please don’t hesitate to write about this or if any of you reading this, please give you further comments if you have something to add. Thank you!
July 31, 2018 at 9:50 am #219671Anonymous
GuestDear Csaba:
This is my input for you: your “HUGE sex drive” is neither a good thing nor is it a bad thing, no morality to it, it is what it is. What is wrong is to make another person responsible for the satisfaction of that drive. In other words, you are responsible for dealing with this drive. It is not your girlfriend’s responsibility.
You wrote in your original post: “I am left frustrated, depressed, I lose confidence and energy. I just feel like crap, and I communicated this to her a lot of times“. When you communicated this to her a lot of times, you have placed that responsibility with her, as if she is responsible for satisfying your high sex drive, and following that, she is responsible for you not feeling frustrated, depressed and so on.
You have placed a burden with her that is not hers to carry.
You have options, you may want a girlfriend who does have as high a sex drive as you do, that can be something you ask a future woman and then proceed. Another option is to not be in a monogamous relationship but instead in other types of relationships, as long as none of it is harmful to anyone.
If you choose to stay with this particular woman, accommodate her drive- frequency, is my advice to you. Don’t pressure her to accommodate yours, it is not fair to her.
July 31, 2018 at 1:33 pm #219735Mark
ParticipantWhat anita said.
August 1, 2018 at 8:32 am #219865Lara
ParticipantActually I am not sure if a compromise is possible. Yes, it worked for two months. But I am wondering if there won’t be a price, and your girlfriend will pay it. If I were in her situation and had sex though I didn’t really feel like it (pretending to like it) at fist that might be okay but more and more I would feel angry and ashamed that I didn’t stand up for myself. It might turn me off from sex more, not draw me to it, beeing pressured.
August 1, 2018 at 12:07 pm #219917RevRy
ParticipantCsaba, sex and intimacy are just one fraction of the whole – I too was the same – however if like a tree you fail to bend in the wind you will break! Try tantric sex for yourself to ease and release the inner urge and take your own sexual pleasure to a new realm – and when your partner is ready go at a pace you both enjoy, maybe even try joint tantric pleasure? Men in general are always thinking of sex as one I know, but in re-training and thinking you can learn to control strong sexual urges and in turn develop a higher sexual fulfillment – their are many free male tantirc lesson on youtube – watch a few see how you feel about them etc etc. Hope this helps a little hugs RevRy