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  • in reply to: Alone #190401

    Anita you do not have to repeat what I say. I react to what I observe. I think I have a right to be proud of one or two things about myself although that doesn’t seem to go over well. I am quite observant, almost vigilant. I study everything. People can think whatever they want about what I say about myself but I am very grateful for my intuition. I understand motivations, intentions…if I had to choose between lonliness or being unaware I guess my choice is lonliness. It’s not worth losing myself.

    Like I said I base my thoughts on what I have observed. Let someone prove me wrong. They never do. I want them to prove me arong. They seem to even go out of their way to prove me right.

    in reply to: Alone #187551

    I always want to get to the root of a problem to learn how something came to be so I can understand. There is always a reason for things I believe. I don’t accept “well that’s just the way it is.” I have to go to work again. I won’t accept injustice. That’s not an answer….and if things have to be unjust then I will call every injustice out no matter how much they don’t want to hear it. It’s my only power.

    in reply to: Alone #187467

    I really wish one could edit posts always because I am sometimes in a hurry and I do not text very well.


    I know on paper what I need to do but I can’t get over the original rejection and what seems like the ongoing rejection. A handful of people know that I am a good person…I can post more later but I do not feel I can.

    in reply to: Alone #187445

    I have a difficult time accepting what someone thinks is my truth when my reality contradicts the what they think.

    I want to know why I am unwanted. The trouble is you can not answer that so you have to look to me even though I have felt this way since I can remember. I felt like I was an annoyance first, felt like an annoyance at school from teachers, felt like a tag along with “friends,” felt like a “loyal” friend who was only there to support someone else and be made to fee just glad I had them as a friend and make them look like the better person. I was a good person but everyone puts themselves above me. They couldn’t be equal to me…they had to be better and ignore thier faults like they had none. I am punished and right now I am in a fight with every saboteur heading my way to mess up my job and I have dodged everyone. Can I keep up that pace. They determined to make sure I mess up and open my mouth. That’s my problem I talk but I am encouraged by what is happening.

    Sorry for my seventeen page thread. I post here because I have no where else I can talk about this.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #185305

    There is nothing to write. There is no there there. There’s nothing, so it doesn’t matter what anyone chooses to do. My only existence is work and my room. If I didn’t have to make money I would stay in my room.

    I just want to know why it has to be this way?

    I am hated for my own pain.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #184681

    Anita it is I who can’t win.

    It is your choice to respond to my posts and I am grateful for your input but you certainly aren’t going to lose by not posting in my thread. I am sure there are plenty that wish you wouldn’t. I am not one of them.

    You have many others on here I am sure say what you want to hear. I am sharing my truth which is why I chose to post under that title. I do not know how to be anything but truthful.

    in reply to: Alone #184655

    Oh if I had enough today than it will be all my fault that I’m garbage to everyone I meet. No matter how pleasant and tolerant I am of other people’s 365 bad days. It’s all my fault I’m a complete nothing. I don’t play the game. That’s what I don’t do.

    in reply to: Alone #184653

    People in 2018 don’t care about anything that is “not my problem.”


    Of course I’m going to get blamed for everything and somehow it’s my fault I get treated disrespectfully. How dare I smile and say good morning…how dare I ask if I am in someone’s way…How dare I ask before I do something at another job I have…even if I was proven in the right to ask. I am just annoying everyone by my presence and I have to be completely fine with their disrespect and annoyance. You think the people who see the unfairness would speak up? Oh no….they don’t want to ruin their standing and reputation and the admiration they receive.


    I am sick of going into uncomfortable situation only to deal with someone don’t want to talk to. He can’t say anything to me today because I will not be able to be quiet.

    in reply to: Alone #184649

    Someone takes away from me and wonders if I’m ok with that after the fact and I have to be ok with that to not upset someone’s boyfriend because if I am not ok with my comfort being disrupted than I would be labeled difficult by women who tell me to stand up for myself. Women should remain individuals but they don’t and they don’t mean what they say…only if you are standing up to people who can’t do anything for them.


    I have to go work for someone this morning who shows no respect towards me because I feel obligated to the beings I take of. When I stand up to him I do it alone. I shouldn’t have to stand up to someone when I am a good worker. Well welcome to the upside down world of 2018 where if you are honest and hard working you are a “problem” and a loser.

    in reply to: Alone #184641

    I will be up all night and have to go to a job in the freezing cold in the morning and deal with someone who has zero respect for me. I’m ok to call last minute when someone else calls out. I’m ok when I get hurt at work. I’m ok when I am in pain. For all those things I am ok. The minute I stand up for myself is the minute everything is not ok. For the ones who think they got me beat and they know who they are…you can’t beat me. You can’t beat me and can’t control me which makes me nothing to you. I have truth and integrity and I’m not giving them up and that is why you will never win.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #184629

    I can’t win against so many when so many won’t support what I fight for.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #184625

    It’s a lot easier if bullies weren’t defended so much as being the poor little victums they are not. They are free to do as much damage as they can because people let them get away with it. As long as they provide them with something (praise, house, companionship…) they don’t care what they do to others. I wouldn’t put up with someone stepping over someone else which is why I am alone. I wouldn’t tolerate it.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #184617

    My day started off hopeful but now all I can hope is for reason to win out in my country.

    I am really upset right now and I am alone in my truth.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #184243

    The men I would be interested in are never around. My experience has been being used, resented, ignored, yelled at, hurt, mistreated, worked hard, insulted…everything that I value about myself means nothing to them.

    It’s hard to fake it when you have been alone as long as I have. I am intelligent enough to know that I have to get out more and make myself attractive but I am holding out for someone who sincerely likes me and wants to be around me and not for what he can get from me.

    I think marriage is far too common. I think it should only be for people who really want to be commited to someone else otherwise it is cheap as far as I am concerned.

    I don’t know how to create a love life…I am an intelligent woman and I do not know how to create a love life and unless you have experienced my experience you can’t possibly understand how I feel. I am sitting here tonight downloading a life coach app…the 2017 equivalent of going to the library when I was 15 and reading up on how to improve my life. I have been doing what I am doing tonight since I was in my early teens. If you know how old I am then you know how long, how many years, days I have spent trying to change my life. Many people, men and women may have struggled here and there with what I struggled with but you would be hard pressed to find someone who’s love life has been a complete 0. You can’t imagine how I feel. I feel cheated and punished. If I could have found one person who I was attracted to, who was attracted to me I would feel so different right now. Why do I have to be alone all the time when I don’t want to be?

    I don’t want to waste my time dating men I don’t want to have a relationship with. I would know right away so dating is scary for me. I don’t want to date. I want to be married. I don’t want to pretend to like or reject anyone.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #183137

    This is just an observance: Not only am I invisible but in the face of my strenous hard work, honesty, pleasing people, always wanting to do the right thing on top of being invisible I somehow am constantly corrected, reprimanded, or criticised in some way. Even when I try to mind my business in what is the entitled people’s world I am not even rewarded for my hard work, loyalty, dependabity, or honesty.

    You and no one reading this has my experience of this because you are not at my side and also the people who say negative things to me choose to do so when no one else is around rendering me “it’s all in your head.”

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.
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