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  • in reply to: Alone #219147

    No women I have met or am likely to meet. Most likely that woman would be heavily criticized. There are a few strong women who accept this burden but not many and certainly not enough. Most women are content to keep the patriarchal cycle going because it benefits them to do so.

    These are the only women I can look to for support but they are very difficult to find or communicate with.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #219091

    I think I am understood but few are willing to sacrifice their rewards in the name of integrity so they don’t know what to say to me.

    Integrity is not worth giving up a boyfriend or husband or standing up to them so women who do have and hang on to their integrity have little power and are left alone.

    I have seen many examples of this. Women tolerate too much.

    in reply to: Alone #217619

    “Supporting” typing correction.


    …and yeah I said it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #217613

    There are reasons on my end for that one Anita. You have heard about my life but no you haven’t lived it. You have lived your experience and that is valid but you have not lived mine and this is where I wish I could take anyone who is trying to help me on a journey and see what I lived and then make an assessment.

    1. I value love above everything

    2. I am not for sale, which is what most marriages are based on.

    3. I have been abused by many men. My view of them has been based on what I experienced.

    4. I think for myself and I am stubbornly independent. They don’t like strong women, especially ones who talk about anything beyond having fun, pining for someone, praising misogynistic men. Look at all the women that support that joke in the White house. Because supportung him supports the patriarchy which supports them. They can’t do things on their own.

    in reply to: Alone #217545

    Dear Anita

    Are you under the impression that I wouldn’t be nurturing in a relationship? Just a question.

    Oh yes I still daydream, quite often. I feel it is the only place where I can experience these things and I am a part of the world.

    In the mindset I am in right now I am not waiting for him because I know he will never come. When I am feeling better is when I hope there is a chance.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #216891

    There is more suffering in honesty than reward.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #216879

    I have been living the life that is barely available to me Anita and frankly I am tired of fighting to at least have my empty life as opposed to nothing at all. I have to fight to deserve to be called mediocre.

    Why is a basic good life not available to me? I am just as good as others. I don’t want to be catered to. I want to be thought of as just as good. It just annoys me when some who clearly don’t deserve it are catered to. I don’t demand I be catered to.

    My life is not worth anything to anyone and I am supposed to be ok with that when sell outs and conceited bubbleheads are told how wonderful they are?

    I appreciate you but I can not accept my life. That’s claiming defeat and I am not accepting defeat. I am not going to make things easy for the ones who look down on me.

    I am really bad right now and I have to pretend I’m fine everywhere I go. I can’t find a peaceful place either. I wanted to get out of my room away from women catering to their boyfriends. I am truly amazed how reasonable people can be unreasonable when it comes to their relationships with other people. It’s like they become different people and I was never willing to be blind on behalf of having a relationship.

    I am in a second place that is full of mindless chatter and noise from construction. I can not find peace anywhere. There is no where to go. I am tired of this. I have to suffer for what I fight for I guess. I am just tired of suffering.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #216795

    I will come here because I have no where to go. I don’t know what to say. I can not talk to anyone. This summer is not going well and it’s my favorite season. I am trying to figure out what to do for my birthday that is coming soon and I don’t know what to do.

    You think everyone is the same and I am telling you that some are catered to but ignore what I just wrote because it doesn’t matter.

    I am so upset right now I do not know what to do with myself and if I show anyone that I am upset that will be considered bad behaivor. I erased what I just wrote because it doesn’t matter.

    All I can say is “You lost out.” I say that to the general population. I had/have so much to give and they don’t want it. This country especially is getting the leadership it deserves and I should be proud that I “don’t fit in”. I’m proud that I don’t fit in.

    What to do now though?? I don’t know what to do. There is nothing else I can accompliah besides a roof over my head and it’s all I have to hang on to because there is nothing else. The roof wouldn’t matter so much if there was someone with me.

    I don’t know what to do.

    in reply to: Alone #216059

    Dear Anita,

    I can not put together a response I am happy with.

    in reply to: Alone #215803

    Dear Anita, thank you for offering to help, that is very kind of you. I will elaborate more on my post later on…I have so much to say but have to go to work shortly. Will post again in about 7 hours and will explain.

    in reply to: Alone #215787

    Anita I need direct help. Not traditional therapy…I have done that, not affirmations, not positive thinking, not meditation, not medicine….I think my problems with emotional regulations stem from hormonal problems I have had since my teen years.

    I need a coach, a mentor, someone to hold me accountable who I can see physically everyday. The one thing I am is I am a very good student and love being taught but there is no class or teacher I know to offer this. A life coach is expensive but somehow I have to swing it. I can’t do it on my own. I have the mental intelligence to understand what I need to do but lack the emotional intelligence to do what needs to be done. I am essentially fighting myself.


    in reply to: Alone #215301

    Thank you Anita. You are lucky in that people want your help. No one wants anything from me.

    I have flaws but I see other people act unreasonable and selfish and yet they are not alone.

    Everything that the bullies couldn’t take away from me was taken away from me by people I trusted. Now their effort is realized. I have nothing now.

    Everything has been taken away from me.

    in reply to: Alone #209097

    Anita it is very difficult to describe a situation and my experience to you without you having a front row seat to what has been going on. Especially at my new job I have gone the extra mile to appear happy with everyone. I have taken supplements, tea, stress throat drops…I have been upbeat and smiling and let everything roll off my back. I haven’t just “not be angry.” I have appeared happy and smiling and mannerly. I accepted an invitation to go to a party. I have filled in when they needed help. I couldn’t possibly be any more aggreeable and it’s still me?

    I have had these women who resent me around me since I can remember anything. They don’t like that I whistle, They don’t like the way I say I’m sorry, they jump in and answer questions that are asked of me before I have a chance to speak and then act like I didn’t know the answer. If I speak to someone or show 5 seconds of a conversation with something they go into action and  want to give me something to do. That is fine if that was the case for everyone. I observed two of my co workers talking for a bit and nothing was said so my question is why is it imperative to these women that I not do anything but to be put to work. I want to use my mind at work but she talks about me cleaning. She says oh “you like that.” No I do not want to clean. I want to do or be appreciated for something else.

    She creates problems for me that do not exist. Telling me something was in a tray when I said we were out of something. She turned around and nastily said to me “Lisa it was in there.” I said was it underneath something? She said no it was right on top. I know what I saw so I was like that is really weird. I know what I saw and if I miss a stack of something really important with my hand actually in the empty tray…I wouldn’t be able to function at my job ever. The truth is I am very good at what I do. I let it slide and laughed it off.

    Another thing they do and it’s foolish of me to hope for a different attitude from them is sometimes they are nice to me, my guard is down because I give people who I love or people who have my career fate in their hands endless chances to be nicer to me. My guard is down and they try to sabatoge my job.

    You don’t believe it because tou don’t see it. Unfortunality I do not have a secret movie camera for anyone to watch my interactions with people. There are so many people that like me there but they do not control the critique of my job performance. Some women are absolutely determined that I fail and then make it look like my fault. I have lower level managers that praise me and like me but not the ones that can really decide how I do.

    Do you know how exhausting it is to navigate around bullies when you feel as defeated and lonely as I do?  Let every woman experience that instead of getting a free ride handed to them through their fathers or husbands. These are the same women that love to villianize women that did it on their own.  I doubt they would be as successful at what THEY do if they didn’t so much help. Marriage should not be legal but just a spiritual or philisophical union that has no money or real estate benefits. I will tell you what will hapoen. It will be labeled old fashion. Every person should be rreated like a single person and then we will see who comes out on top. Not too many sponge off of others women who do not know how to take care of themselves. They wouldn’t last 6 months having to do everything completely and totally alone. They wouldn’t but they should be made to. Maybe then they wouldn’t be sitting up on their high horse looking down on other women while manipulating men.

    I have to navigate around bullies and OF COURSE no matter sunny I have been, no matter how many times I have laughed along with them, complimented them, no matter how many times I have let borderline verbal abuse slide off my back it’s still my fault…and for someone who witnesses the scenes and knows how I behaived I do not know what else to turn to or who to ask for help. I do not dare go above them because opening that can of worms of me trying to tell someone that I am being bullied puts my bullies into I don’t know what she is talking about mode.

    The only relief I get from this unhappy life is to have the outlet to tell the truth and if you want to know the truth about marriage and relationships today there it is. Too bad.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #209013

    In my world it exists, in my dreams it exists, in my soul it exists, I believe it exists…but in the real world love does not exist. You can not see love so in 2018 it doesn’t exist to the majority of people. Money exists, sex exists, status exists, Real Estate exists and everything you have to be and do to aquire those things exists. People are under the illusion that they love but how much would they love if they didn”t get some kind of pay off?  How many people would marry if they received no monetary or physical pay off from it? It’s like selling yourself isn’t it? A product on a shelf for people to pick and choose from.

    Marriage should be rare and with no demands. No demanded gift on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s day, Birthday. It’s not love to demand gifts yet men do it because they get some kind of pay off. I don’t like business. I don’t like money, I don’t like meaningless exchanges, I don’t like aggressive, ill mannered people….I don’t belong in this world and yet I’m here. I want to be here but I am different thanks to many reasons.

    Without going into detail, I am depressed because I am disliked by some for reasons unknown to me. I am friendly and complimentary to these people but I sense a real resentment from them. These are different people in different times in my life. These women have families, boyfriends, friends, admirers. I admire them too but they don’t let me. They are nice to me sometimes but other times I sense a deep resentment. I can not explain fully because I have to go to work.

    I apologize for the post but I am not feeling well.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #204623

    I have made a few changes. I am no longer at my first job. I gave notice a little over two weeks ago and I am in transition mode. I will miss the animals I cared for but promised to visit them as much as I can.

    I am embarking on my own personal career starting Monday morning. I have been organizing and getting supplies. I have all the tools to do well except discipline. I day dream, I think too long about things…discipline, confidence and perseverance are actually what I need the most.

    I have kept my second job because of course I need it. I do like it there but it’s not my dream.

    I hope that if I become more confident that I could find a man who doesn’t just admire me from afar. I am confused because men have said I am attractive (strangely enough married men)  but that’s it. After that nothing.

    I feel that if I can focus on my dreams I will become more attractive on an intellectual level rather than just a physical one.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Lisa.
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