Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Monica,
Thanks for letting me know you felt happy reading my feedback! I wish you will find more moments of happiness and to have patience when things are seemingly gloomy 🙂
Actually I am in the same region (Asia) too 🙂 So I am quite familiar with Korean culture as well from the dramas I have watched!
Yes, your upcoming weekend does sound very awesome and filled with love! Hope everything goes well too.
ParticipantHi Monica,
Thanks for allowing me to call you by your name too!:) and also thanks for explaining yourself! You have explained your needs, wants, frustrations very detailedly and I appreciate that! I think it is good to also express yourself when you are not at your calmest as that is also the most raw way of expressing yourself with no self censorship. So feel free to reply when you are distressed or calm!
I agree with your parents that it is okay to feel lost and I thought you have a very good headstart as you are 19 (20 soon!!) and you are already embarking on this journey of self discovery! I only started at 24 and I can relate to when you said you lived in a bubble until you entered uni. I was in my bubble until I was 24 and life dealt me a huge blow when my mother passed away. That was when my bubble burst and I was forced to face reality and grow up and begin the journey of self discovery.
It is a painful journey to be forced out of the bubble and for you, it is worse when you are away from your loved ones. I can imagine how sucky it feels to not have your parents and your loved ones with you. The loneliness must be immense. And that is no wonder why you have moments that you lash out at people. The journey is not easy and like you, I had moments that I wished I could go back to simpler days.
I am glad you have hopes and believe too that you can be happy again! I think it will happen when you slowly find yourself and know what happiness means to you. I think at 19, it is hard to know what happiness is and it is an ongoing journey too. I am 30 now, I cannot say for sure I know what happiness is but definitely more sure than when I was 20.
I liked how you say “I want to be happy and content with my life. Happiness is not bought with money, or defined by grades, or university, happiness is something from within. It does no matter whether it is in Korea or Singapore, I would go wherever there is happiness. Anyplace that can give me happiness and a peace of mind.” And it is true that even if you had gone to Singapore, there is no guarantee that you would be happier. And it is beautiful how you said happiness is something from within. I believe so too. It does not have to be attached to any material needs or achievements.
I feel happy when I am thankful each day. I am thankful for being given another day on this earth, I am thankful to have loving people around me, I am thankful to have a job I love, I am thankful to see beautiful sunsets etc. Every little thing counts to me. And these are little happiness that adds up.
And connections with people makes you happy Monica – speaking with your parents, taking a trip home, spending 4 precious days with your friends. And that is what you want. You want to be surrounded by people you love and this is not dependent on their achievments or your achievements. They love you for you and you love them for them.
I see being in your prestigious university as a key that can open many doors for you in future. It is beneficial when you are more sure of what you want to do in the future (when you know what work brings you happiness; your own definition, not your parents’). And if you can hang on in your university, then it will help to open more doors in the future. It is part of your journey but not your whole journey.
But seeing how stressful it can be, I am not sure if you have the extra capacity for self discovery too. But take one step at a time, just listen more to yourself each day, watch out for what non-material things make you feel alive (it may help to make a list!). Soon, you may slowly find yourself detaching from the notion of happiness being attached to certain outcomes (value laden outcomes).
Sad to hear your dad cant be there when you go back! Hope you would have a fantastic time nonetheless!
Take your time through this journey, when you emerge on the other side, I think you may find it worthwhile! I guess when you are more sure of yourself and what happiness is, there may come a day whereby you are not so bothered by people’s angry stares or cutting people out from your life when they dont fulfil your needs or make you feel comfortable. That is when you are comfortable with yourself and you put your needs first.
Aja aja hwaiting! (This is what people say in Korea right?)
With care,
Not so lost star 😉
ParticipantHi H,
I was reading your post and the concept of attachment style came to my mind. Not sure if you have heard of attachment styles but you can go have a read. Sounds to me you possibly fit the description of someone who may have anxious attachment style and your boyfriend fits that of someone who possibly has avoidant attachment style.
The thing is these two attachment styles reinforces each other’s way of interaction – the more anxious you are and you reach out to him, the more he avoids. The more he avoids, the more anxious you feel. And the cycle repeats itself.
Bad news: psychologists believe attachment styles stick with you.
Good news: awareness and making changes to how you interact and react can move you to a more secure way of relating with each other. Having a good therapist you can form a secure way of relating helps too!
Seems like you have the awareness that you tend to get anxious and you are wrking on it which is great! Im wondering if he is as self-aware and as willing to work on it with you?
It takes two hands to clap to change the pattern of interaction so if you alone are doing the work, it may not be as effective.
You can read up more to see if it really fits your situation and what can be done!
All the best! 🙂
ParticipantHello “Mina” (& hello Anita too),
Hope you dont mind me dropping by again to say some things 🙂 and of cos, like previously, please feel free to ignore what I have to say here if it is not helpful to you and continue with Anita!
I know your question was addressed to Anita about whether it is normal and nothing wrong to miss your ex but I would like to say it is perfectly normal and I think it is perfectly okay to miss him from time to time. I remember this quote, “If you miss someone, that means you are lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing”. Your ex was someone special to you and he has left alot of memories and impact on you. I think it is beautiful to have those memories to look back upon, something that is shared just between the two of you 🙂
So long as you are not too caught up in the nostalgia that you get stuck, I dont see why not 🙂
Before your this post, I wanted to come and add something about you being happy again. I believe you can be happy again like you were 15/16. I see that there are two parts of you being torn here – one part of you buys into what your parents tell you about happiness (having to be successful, marrying well, etc) while one part of you feels that maybe a different life from what your parents have prescribed exists (cos you are feeling the effects of following that path of success which is highly stressful and you are valued based on your achievements, not for you yourself). And your pain comes from trying to reconcile these two parts of yourself.
While what your parents say to you seem to make sense and you want to follow them but on the other hand, deep down inside you also yearn for something different (which I guess would lead you to wanting to make your own choice to leave your university and go to Singapore). Going to Singapore is appealing because that is what you want and not what your parents want.
When you were 15/16, you were happy in class because you were doing what you want.
When you were with your ex, you were happy because he accepted you for who you are.
I know it is quite difficult to tune out your parents’ wishes and what they have inculcated in you since young, but imagine if you had a nurturing mother inside of you, who wants to listen to you and who wants to know what you want and who you are. Deep down, you know what you truly want. And this nurturing mother wants to know.
What would you say to her it is that you want and desire for?
I think happiness comes to you when you follow your heart. And I guess at 19, it is when you start to individuate and since you are away from your parents now, it is also when you start to question what they have told you and you start to want to follow your own path. So listen to yourself and slowly find your own path.
And maybe imagining a nurturing mother (who is on your side and has no strong opinions on how your path should look) would help to counter the critical voice of your mother (nothing wrong with her, she wants the best for you in the sense that she thinks success = happiness. that is her worldview but you are you and what you want can different from what she wants). I gather each time you think about wanting a different path, there is the voice from your mother that says no and justifies why that path isnt good.
so try to be compassionate towards yourself:
Your needs are important.
Your wants are important.
You are a wonderful being with or without your achievements.
End of the day, maybe you will come to the conclusion that what your mother wants is what you want. but at least you know it is your choice and you are living your life the way you want it to be.
Hope you will find compassion for yourself and listen to your inner voice my dear!
With care,
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thanks for the open door for me to come back anytime! Yes, I believe it is the conclusion of this thread.. this chapter in my life, unless somehow there are some developments.
But I will definitely come back here from time to time.. to update or to contribute where I can 🙂
Take care!
With a bright smile,
ParticipantHi Anita,
I had a wonderful birthday – received alot of love from people around me. I count my blessings to have them in my life! 🙂
Your last sentence brought a huge smile to my face – it is beautiful how we came one round to the conclusion back to my title of surrendering while keeping faith. Im like wow! I guess when I started the topic, I was not sure if it was possible. But at the conclusion of this topic/chapter in my life, it is the most apt mantra moving forward. Surrender while keeping faith.
That brought so much peace to me. Thank you Anita. Truly grateful and wishing you peace too! 🙂
ParticipantHi Anita,
Yes! The not_so_lost_star name is great to use and I welcome you to use it! I did not realise you were using it until “Mina” replied and it struck me that you were using it a few posts before that already. Chuckled to myself to see you used it right after we were talking about me not being a lost star anymore.
And indeed there is the other part of the world that is not so beautiful when distress is passed on to others and it does get quite disheartening too. But I also hope that I keep seeing the beauty and pass it on! I’m glad that you are smiling again too! Reminds me of the song pass it on..
I wish for you my friend, this happiness that I’ve found
You can come join in, it matters not where you’re bound
I’ll shout it from the mountain tops [how apt, you can shout from your mountain top!:)]
I want the world to know
The joy of friends has come to me
I want to pass it on—
Another mini update.. my birthday just passed and I was wondering if my ex bf wld msg me.. n if he did what would he msg. and he did msg me but it was more a platonic wish.. in the sense tt we used to have a special term for birthdays.. and he did not use the term in wishing me (I used it when I wished him for his bday)..
and it gave me a reality check that he is making it clear that the past is the past.. and i guess i was looking for a signal from him that he is where i am.. that if he had used our special term.. perhaps he is also holding on? but i guess it is clear that he is not holding on and it is time that I do not hold on to the fantasy anymore.
although I was a little disappointed to see it being so platonic.. but in a way, i am also glad that he is clear and appropriate and did not lead me on. i thought it was once again consistent on his part that he does not give me any mixed signals and he is responsible not to give me any wrong ideas. which i am thankful to him for.. and i do find that he is a very decent man.
so yeah, it kind of gives me the final closure that it is clearly OVER and i should stop looking back and stop habouring hopes. and truly surrender 🙂
ParticipantHi Anita,
Smiling again too 🙂 I am marveling at the beauty of human connection and how technology has made it all possible for us to connect even from different parts of the world. It is a beautiful beautiful world when people reach out to each other and every kind act adds to the beauty of this world. I am filled with gratitude for people who put technology to good use (the good people setting up this website) and for kind people (like you) who spend time reaching out to strangers in pain.
Oh gosh! That is such a bummer when the connection causes your post to be lost half the time! Copying before submitting is an absolute must then. Downsides to living on the mountain – maybe one day the imagery of you with fantastic wifi connection would come true too. When technology improves one day!
Hi “Mina”,
Such a pleasant surprise to see you leaving a comment on my own thread! 🙂 Yes, I have been following your daily thread and there were times when I thought of replying to you too. But the conversation between you and Anita felt too intimate for me to intrude. Thanks for dropping by here so I can also say something to you!
I am so so proud of you and how far you have come. I am not sure if you notice your own growth but seeing your first post until now – from not wanting to accept the reality and knowing you are not ready to face the reality.. until today when you feel ready to accept reality and slowly close this chapter. You have a lot of courage inside you and I am amazed that you have such insights!
I also felt the goosebumps when you told Anita your real name and how you are going to step out of the shadow of the name you had when you were with your ex. I was like awww! Way to go!! Cheering you on silently!
And one thing I noticed is “Mina” is a subset of your real name, a smaller part of your real name. And I am so happy for you that you are going to start a new journey – a new journey whereby you are not smaller than who you are meant to be. You no longer have to be the smaller “Mina” who puts others’ needs above her own. I wish you strength in your self-discovery journey and may you discover who you are truly inside and be the person you are meant to be (not the person your parents meant you to be or any other people)! I hope you will pour all the love back into yourself and I believe you will find it worthwhile 🙂
Thanks for your well wishes too! You are also another kind soul that I got to know through the forum and I am thankful for you too. I learnt alot from your posts and thank you for being so open in your sharing 🙂
Wishing you love and light too!
To both of you:
Thanks for making a difference in the life of this not_so_lost_star! 🙂
ParticipantHi Anita,
I cant help but laugh when you shared that you do live on mountain! So my imagery is quite accurate afterall – a wise lady tt literally lives on a mountain! What are the chances 🙂 it is a good thing in a way too that your connection is intermittent then you would have time to go on your walks and appreciate the beautiful mountain views!
Just like how I would also take breaks from shining and recharge myself too 😉
Smiled to myself when you shared on your smile yest too. The wise lady on the mountain smiles and the shining star in the sky smiles back too 🙂
A rather pretty imagery to me and a comforting one too. Feels so serene.
And I truly appreciate our interaction here!
ParticipantHi Anita,
Hehe, maybe I should call myself not_so_lost_star then! I suppose I feel like I found my place in the sky now and will shine brightly! Hopefully it will bring light to the people around me too 🙂
Thanks for helping me find my place and enabling me to shine too! Will continue contributing when I find moments to and will come back to find the wise lady on the mountain too.
Take care Anita! Sending you light and love 🙂
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thanks for the clarifications! When I read your reply, I was worried you had picked up something I said that suggested I would still be inclined to save him. Worried cos I thought it might have been a blind spot of mine and whether it was some indication that I am still stuck in that cycle of wanting to rescue him! I am relieved to hear that it was not the case and yay that I still have your WOW! 😉
Actually it is also good that you brought up the point about if I had insisted on saving him then what the likely trajectory would be. It reaffirmed that what I did was correct then – to accept and respect his decision, exit his life gracefully and not beg or prolong the suffering. Somehow my intuition then told me to just leave gracefully 🙂 Although there were times when I wondered if I could have fought harder or convince him otherwise but I think like you have pointed out, it would not have ended well. At least when I exited his life gracefully, our relationship ended on a very beautiful note and we were able to keep the goodwill from the loving months we shared with each other.
On another note, wanted to share with you something my friend told me yesterday. I was sharing with her my growth since the breakup. (I also shared with her how wonderful you have been in helping me seek clarity!) She told me that she could see the difference in me and that she can see I am a more complete individual now as compared to before. She sees me doing things on my own and that I am more independent and living life my own way! I felt happy to hear that my growth was observable from a third party. Then we both said that actually the breakup was good in the way that it really pushed me to grow.
*on your unrelated note: It means sooo much to me to know you appreciated my input on the other thread! Thank you!! I am always apprehensive about disrupting your flow with the owners of the threads and whether it would take it to another direction from what you intended. I am glad it helped and I was happy and amazed to see how you brought the part on “reject” to a whole new level with the owner of that post! I thought it was so clever to use the definition of reject. And coupled with your rapport and trust with the owner, I saw how you helped to bring her forward on that theme 🙂 I was secretly cheering both of you on as I read the developments.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I got a little confused by your last post and am asking for some clarifications.
I have zero intentions of helping him with his impossible mission of getting his parents’ approval. And he did not ask for my views on his situation so I will not interfere either by offering unsolicited views on what he is doing through with his family. I only wish that he could see the situation for himself and I know I am not the person to help him see it. I agree that he would see any views or persuansion of him to not help his parents as obstruction to his goals of obtaining approval. He is the only one who needs to want to make a change and then get a neutral third party (ideally a competent therapist) to help him work it through.
So I only think about giving it a second chance if and only if he has already gotten the insights of his impossible mission and has abandoned it and he has become an individual on his own without the unjustified guilt.
So I am not sure if you misunderstood my intentions cos I never wanted to save him now.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Your last post helped me to untie a lot of the knots that I felt in my heart and answers to the various questions I have been mulling over 🙂
Okay, thanks for validating that it is alright to have a hope and I guess you are right in saying that as of now, he is the “face” of what I envision in a loving, functioning relationship. He was the one who gave me the first experience/glimpse of what a loving, functioning relationship is like and thus it is strongly attached to the image of him.
Ahh, it is so true that he is abusive to himself and it would not be easy to watch him do that to himself and overtime it will be draining to me as well. I did also experience that in the time I was with him when I saw how he put himself through the family situation. And that was an interesting point that I am “similar perhaps to him feeling it would be wrong for him to run away from his family“. As much as I want him to step away from his situation, I should be saying the same to myself too.
I would certainly supplement my thoughts with “I would have helped him if it was possible. I wish I could help him. But I can’t.I would have helped him if it was possible. I wish I could help him. But I can’t.” And I know I would have helped him if it was possible. But I can only be there for someone who wants me to be there for him. So it is not like I am walking away from someone who needs my help. He pushed me away and it was not my choice to not be there for him.
Thanks for still thinking of our situations while you are away from the computer!
So yes, I think I just have to remember that it is not possible for me and him to have another chance to build a loving, functioning, win-win relationship, unless he has worked through his unjustified guilt.
And what is in bold and italics is the crux.
It has to happen before anything else can happen.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thanks for the time taken as usual to help me out here!
When I read this bit
“If he was to see his situation clearly, he would have to … clearly see that his parents were dishonest with him, self serving, manipulating him to serve their interest, to his detriment.”
I felt the ouch from this statement and I can imagine that my ex would not take to this very well as he holds his parents in very high regard. It reminds me that I did mention this bit to him before about how his parents are not taking into account his needs.. that why are they sacrificing his needs for his sister? Are his needs any less important? Why are they expecting and allowing one child’s needs to be fulfilled at the expense of another? And he just shrugged his shoulders when I highlighted this to him.
Maybe that is why it is so much easier for him to continue in his misery than to even accept this fact. Too distressing like you said. It would crush his idea of his parents.. crush his world and all the beliefs he had.
Thinking about this, I realise I do not have a lot of details of how his growing years were and perhaps there were more of such instances from when he was younger. Alot of damage to be undone. sigh.
Rationally, I can understand, accept and agree with this point that “[I am] preventing suffering in [my] life when [I] don’t get involved in a situation like this.” and I will not want to get involved at this point in time.
But there is this part of me that wonders.. about the other aspect of loving someone which is wanting to be with them through thick and thin. And it kind of feels like a very practical decision to run while I still can (“better prevent what is possible to prevent”) which I am trying to reconcile with the bit about loving someone. It feels a little wrong to me somehow.
I mean if he was abusive, or there was something fundamentally wrong with our relationship, then yes I have zero doubts about running while I still can. Like my previous relationships when it ended, I have zero qualms about shutting the door tight and not wanting to ever be with them again. Just that in this instance, I felt there was nothing fundamentally wrong with us.
So I guess right now, I can accept the current situation in that it is not right for us to be together now. I am moving along with my life, making plans for myself and I am cautious about not “overly investing time and energy waiting for people to change”. I reread your replies earlier and this part stood out for me again. That I have to be mindful of this trap not to overly invest time in waiting for him and I will not put my life on hold for him.
But I still have some hope in me.. that one day things will work out for us. Sometimes I envision that maybe one day, maybe a few years down the road.. I will return to this thread and tell you Anita, we have worked things out, he has overcome his issues and we are getting married kind of thing.
And I wonder. .is it all that bad to have this hope? I thought as long as it does not impair my functioning and I am open to other experiences and possibilities, not putting my life on hold.. it is alright?
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thanks for providing this safe space for me to air my thoughts and to seek clarity 🙂 I appreciate the welcome from you and for the time you take to read through what I posted again in order to help me seek my clarity too.
It meant a lot to me when you validated his good character (in that he is trustworthy and he is someone who tries as hard as he does) and also that my trust in him is reasonable! I guess I have this nagging concern if I am looking at things through my rose-tinted glasses and being too idealistic in my thinking.
And he really gave me no reasons to doubt him and it just tires and frustrates me when people hint otherwise at my “gullibility” or question what he said then. One of my wishes is probably to preserve that period of time I had with him without other people tainting it with their own judgement.
You know, reading through your latest post, I wish and I wish that I could show him your analysis of the situation because it is so true. I am not even sure if he has this clarity for himself (I highly doubt so) as he is too caught up in his situation. If only he can have this insight to his own issues, that may provide him some food for thought that may help him break away from his situation.
You are right that he has very heavy duty guilt which is super difficult to break away – unless he seeks therapy (which like you said he probably doesnt cos of the money involved which would be given to his parents/sister and given his heavy schedule, time would be a constraint too) or unless a miracle happens somewhat (haha).
And I also had the same guess that he probably overspend on games “as if saying: I want to have fun too! When is my turn to enjoy my money?” I also believe he has that resentment towards his parents but he feels it is wrong to have that resentment and thus he channels it to his sister instead. In his world, it is wrong to be resentful towards his parents and he is angry but that anger is turned inwards towards himself.
I also imagined that if we do get married, my money would be spent on his parents too. I was reading one of the recent posts by one of the forum posters who lent money to her inlaws and it became a frustrating situation. It really struck me that wow, that is a likely scenario I would land myself in if I married him when his situation remains.
Thanks for this reality check – “your choice in regard to a possible relationship with him, as I see it, is to suffer with him or … no, there is no choice. If you are in a relationship with him, you will suffer. His guilt allows nothing but suffering.”
You see that I would suffer with him, he also sees that I would suffer with him. And thus he let me go so I would not suffer with him. And I imagine me being in a relationship with him now would only add on to his guilt – that he is dragging someone along.
And I do not want to add on to his guilt.
Thus, us not being in a relationship is a win-win situation for both of us.
And what amazes me sometimes is really how well he knows me. He knows that I would gladly stay on in a relationship with him even if I am suffering. He knows I would be by his side and he knows I would make sacrifices to be with him. And he does not want me to do that. So he pushed me away in the hope that I would find my own happiness.
And I will Anita. I will find my own happiness. Alleviating my own suffering is my way of carrying on his gift for me – his gift to let me not suffer with him.
At the same time, I wish for his suffering to be alleviated too. But I know I am not the person to alleviate his suffering. Once again, I felt the pain for him that he is going through this but like we have said earlier too, this injustice exist and we have to sit with it.
I find it such a pity that he is such a good man and we fit so well together and have good chemistry. He cares for me, he loves me and he has my interests at heart. I feel the same way for him too.
But yet, we cannot be together.
It just feels so tragic.