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ParticipantHello All,
Im coming back to this thread because I thought that you should know that I am living the best season in my life. Thank you for everyone that took the time to answer me and to offer your support.
I also think that it is important to say, to anyone that is feeling like I did: It took me lots of meditation, therapy and support from loved ones to realize that I was in an abusive relationship and discorver how to find a way out. It’s not an easy path but it is all worth it! The freedom and the lessons learned do really worth it.
For the last 2 years, I have focused on healing myself, my career, my family and friends and when I least expected, I found someone that introduced me to a new approach on love. I didnt think it was possible for me to fall in love again and here I am, falling for a man that is reliable, genuine, consistent and never makes me question his feelings and intentions. I dont know the future but I know that I’m happy and at peace now. This relationship is nothing like a rollercoaster, I feel calm and serene by his side.
So you guys were right, the pain really doesn’t last forever.
ParticipantHello Victoria,
I know that a difficult workplace drain our energy away, but as we all have bills to pay sometimes it isn’t so simple to get rid of this situation.
It seems to me that your coworker is a compulsive, maybe pathological liar, so I imagine there’s no much you can do about it. It is a problem inside her and she probably knows you know she’s lying.
At the same time, it’s pretty common to have bosses who won’t stand by you or who won’t get engage in resolving team issues. So it is a dead end and I assume you don’t have a great career path inside this company, especially if it’s a small family business.
As you don’t need to stick to it for long (4 months) all I can think of is you try to change your mindset. You can’t change people around you, only yourself. Try to see this as an opportunity to improve your resilience and start looking for other jobs (maybe you find something you like sooner than expected).
I guess not so many people would say that, but my suggestion is don’t work hard. Stick to the essentials, doesn’t embrace a cause or try your best to solve problems and etc. Do just what you’re told to, literally just the essential. You need to hang in there for 4 months and you’re not trying to get promoted (I imagine you have higher dreams) so try to save yourself all psychological energy you can.
Meditation helps a lot in those times you feel like you’re going to explode or breakdown. I suggest you to try.
And when you’re in non-working hours enjoy your life, do what you love and do a conscious effort to not think about work.
I’m certain you’re capable of going through this and you are going to learn a lot from this experience. Rough times makes us stronger.
Wish all luck and best!
Keep me posted.
ParticipantHello everyone,
@Eliana, thank you for answering me. Yes, everybody that talked to me was very supportive and I had great inputs.I already reached the exhaustion point, that’s when I decided to break up. I can see clearly that’s not the relationship I deserve, so I’m trying to have faith that I will be able to find love again, even though it feels like this is going to last forever. But one of Anita’s inputs is that it just feels this way, so I’m trying to believe.
@Anita, cutting contact seems like an universal opinion (my family and close friends included).So, I did this today. I said that wasn’t going to answer him again. I changed my number and asked my relatives and friends to not tell me in case he contacts them.
I know this is going to be hard, and I really expect I can be strong enough…I need to be. I don’t know exactly how this is going to be. The other times I felt lonely, helpless and felt like I have nobody. I know I’m going to walk this path again, but this time I need to go through all of it in order to be free, finally.
I can’t thank you all enough for your time and consideration in reading my story. For making me believe it is possible and that I’m going to survive.
I will keep you posted.
I wish you all happiness and peace. I hope that when this is over, I will know better a lot of things and will be able to help other as you all did to me.
ParticipantDear @anita, thank you again for your time and consideration by keeping coming back to answer me. I’m trying not make you bored or tired of this, so I’m sorry if I can’t be brief.
There were sometimes when I was worried about that anger. He didn’t hurt me, but he often punch walls and doors, break things, driving reckless while we were fighting inside the car and etc. So yes, there was a point where violence became something to worry about, even though if never actually happened.
Regarding his mother, my conclusion is that he is angry at her mostly because of what his father tells him. His father used to treat his mother disrespectfully, they got into a traumatic divorce and they both still kinda hate each other til this day.
So his father basically criticizes and bad mouth her on a daily basis to him (since his father is his boss).
I know his mother is not perfect and she’s made mistakes such as spoiling him and preventing him to assume responsibilities for his actions, but, as far as I know, she was never abusive towards him. What I saw during these 6 years was a mother always trying real hard to “deserve” his love and affection. As he is always refusing – saying she bores him or whatever – I guess, she desperately tries to compensate by buying things and paying his bills and this cycle goes on.
I became close to her and we used to spend hours talking, so I could see her both perspectives.
I tried everything I could (or knew as I have my own limits) to show him another way. At first I tried to explain to him how a loving family is supposed to be by bringing him closer to my family but he always avoided them, making excuses for not spending time at my place. Even in special occasions he was always in a hurry to another “appointment” (but when he left I always discovered that this “appointment” was with his friends).
Then I tried to talk to him about forgiving his mother, showing that she’s just a human being, she made mistakes but she’s not a cruel mother. I tried meditation, yoga classes, conventional church…I was available to go to him, I was always searching, inviting. I even got him to meditation classes but was a dead end.
Eventually, I accepted. But as I was always around in their house I saw these fights constantly. So the only thing I asked for was: “do not fight with her when I’m here because I can’t not stand seeing it”. It was also a dead end and he never respected the fact that I was present. Everything she said was enough for him to snap. Sometimes, I liked to spend time with her in the dining room and he used to become very angry about it saying I should go to his room with him, when I refused, he would go out with his friends, leaving me with his mother.
When I thought about my future, I couldn’t help to think about him treating me this way. His mother once said to me that he was his son, so she didn’t have a choice but that I did and I was not bound to bear his mistreatment.
Well, by reading my own text I really don’t know why I stayed so long. Maybe I was blinded by the faith that he could change. I guess he could, but he doesn’t really want to.
So this leads me to what @treegirl said about him not learning. Maybe he never will.
I’m really thankful for your taking your time to read my story and answering me.
I just believed this soooo much, I invested soo much. I gave up my own friends, sometimes I didn’t spend time with my family to be with him, to be available to him 24h. I worked my ass off to build up a career so we could start a family together. It feels like I was the only one putting effort to make this relationship work. When I broke up, he said to me it never crossed his mind I would (even though I said I would leave some day innumerable times).
Even now he won’t help me, the break up is all on me. The whole process depend solely on me. Instead of stop contacting me, he is always present. He talks to me everyday and I’m tired of being rude. Specially because he will play the victim if I treat him badly. Now he wants to be friends with my family, calling them asking about their day, saying he misses my grandmother. My family likes him very much. I never told them how many times he belittle my family. I think it’s important to point out that the day I decided I couldn’t take this any longer was the day he decided to curse my father. That day I said to myself I had to leave, that this was beyond everything he could say or do to me. It took me 9 months to have strength to do so.
Few months ago his life became to fell apart, his stepfather was very ill and I had just broke up with him. He lost a lot of weight, saying he was devastated. He used to tell me he was going to kill himself. Maybe he was and that’s when I felt guilty for leaving him. I felt guilty for a long time and I ended up giving him another chance, that’s when I discovered he was hanging out with this girl and the lies became to appear. So I decided to end things again. Two days later his grandfather died and I felt like I should support him, be there for him, and that’s what I did. Since then, we keep in touch, sometimes we hang out but it’s really hard for me to move on when he’s still so present and I can’t cut him off. I don’t know why. He is always making promises, he is very affectionate, very supportive, saying he sees things clearly now. I’m starting to obsessing about this situation. Sometimes I feel really sad and look for hope inside my heart, but then I think about his lies and this new/old girl. Thinking that besides all, he might have cheated on me.
I really miss him and our life together, our good moments were special and happy, we used to say we were best friends and it really breaks my heart when I remember. When I think we could have been very happy together. That we could have build a really beautiful story. I just can’t seem to let go of it and I also can’t forgive him for his lies. Sometimes I think he is manipulating me but then I feel soooo stupid, like “how could I be fooled so much for so long”. But it’s hard to truly admit that, so I take comfort on the fact that he is just troubled and don’t do that on purpose, so I really don’t know.
Well, thing is I really don’t want to fool myself again and I want to be able to let this situation go. I feel like I’m trapped into this for too long, I just don’t know how.
ParticipantHello Anita,
Thank you again for your time and answers.
It’s been really tough. I wish He coud Just stop looking for me and trying to reach me. It would be a lot eaiser. He says he’s never letting me go, that he will do what it takes. This even doesn’t make any sense, since all I’ve ever asked for was respect and commitment. I’m trying being friends with him but I keep asking questions, imagining he is lying about where he is or what he’s doing.
I hope I can let go of these feelings and be able to cut any form of contact. Because I simply don’t want to live like this anymore. It feels like he’s blocking my way to freedom while I’m blocking his. It’s almost like I’m not able to let him go. Maybe I’m not prepared to see him with somebody else, especially this girl.
@PearceHawk, thank you for your time and words. Your metaphor actually makes a lot of sense. Sometimes we are so absorbed by the problem we can’t see things clearly.At the same time that I feel guilty for staying so long and for allowing him to manipulate me, I still feel like he’s not that bad and maybe he could change. It’s like the rational part of me knows that patterns never change and the emotional part of me wants desperately him to. Anyway, the good news is that I feel that my rational part is gaining more and more space in my mind.
Yes, jealousy was always a problem between us. At first I wasn’t really jealous, but he was so controlling that I started to believe that this was how a relationship should be (as he is my first boyfriend ever).
Today, what scares me the most is that I will never be able to trust anyone anymore. Maybe I was in an abusive relationship and it’s kinda hard for me to admit it because I let that happen. I was always so sure I loved myself, insecurity was never a problem to me (at least I thought so).
But when I saw him flirting with this girl and then discovering he actually had sex with her shook all my self esteem away. I was so sure he was never going to do something with her, even when we were apart. Mostly because she’s not intelligent, she’s not classy, not beautiful nor educated, she doesn’t work or have a career, she doesn’t study. Also, she have had sex with all of his friends, including his brother. So I used to thought he was different and that he had higher standards. But truth his that he didn’t and he was also available to keep on going out with her, making holiday trips with his friends and her by his side. I mean, it was not only sex, they were together somehow and they were hanging out as a couple.
He says he regrets it, that he was depressive and didn’t know what to do. But still. And even when we were talking back again and trying to figure things out he was still seeing her and lying to me about it. Actually, he still does and says everything I discover was just a coincidence and that never happened when we were together or trying to. He swears he cut her off when we started talking again (but I simply can’t believe that).
Thing is, it shouldn’t mean nothing anymore. I don’t want to stay in this relationship, therefore it shouldn’t bother me anymore, but it does and i’m almost obsessively thinking about it. That’s why I experience this rollercoaster of emotions, in one minute I’m so angry at him (and at myself) and next minute I’m feeling pity for him.
To explain what I meant maybe is better to say how I feel. I feel like I’m never going to be able to love somebody like I loved him (in the same intensity) and I’m afraid I will never be able to let go of this feeling.
I frequently see love stories of two people we were never able to let go, or to stop loving someone eventhough years went by. Like this is the only one and true love. And that true love only happens once.
I know that forgetting is not possible (unless I have amnesia or something haha), he is part of my story now. But what I mean is I fear he is my only true love and therefore I will never stop loving him, or that it will never happen again. Like this will never be over.
I can’t thank you enough for your time and words.
Do you truly believe that there is such thing as unforgettable love? Or this is just a romantic vision of love and relationships?
ParticipantDear Anita,
I’m really thankful for your idea. It seems very simple and viable option.
I just need to be able to keep this emotional distance and not get involve or talk into a relationship again. Sometimes I get to angry at him for everything and we end up fighting. I even got out of social media because I get jealous and frustraded that he didn’t change at all.
So at first I’ve tried to cut all contact, but I couldn’t mantain that, maybe because of my emotional attachment. As I said, I no longer have any friends. My family is very supportive but I feel alone most of the time, thats probably why I miss him so much.
I’m also trying therapy and meditation in order to forgive him and myself. But most of all, I need to let go this expectations.
ParticipantDear Aislynn,
I know it’s been a while since your post was created, but I’m living something very very similar. The more I read the more I can relate to your story with you ex.
But I’m still in the breaking up phase and it’s been like hell. I’m suffering like never before and even though I know he got all these issues I can’t stop loving him. It’s like a part of me still want to believe that he will change. But that goes on the opposite way of reality – since our relationship lasted 6 years and he had all the chances a person could have to live a better life and never did anything about it.
He still contacts me with promises and love quotes. I’m confused between anger, disappointment, pain, love, forgiveness and soo many different feelings.
I didn’t know how to contact you directly. So I just would like to know how you are and how things are working out for you so far because I really can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel and it feels like I’m going to live like this forever.
I thank you in advance for your time and input.
Wish all the best!