Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThank you for replaying teak, i should say that i needed validation to know that im not those things, but i thought about it and validate myself
In one brief moment you showed an openness to learn more about healing
Not really, i just asked to be sure that its a lost case, because i knew long time ago that this is the cure and its unreachable for me
But very soon you abandoned the idea,
I will quote you here “its nearly impossible to heal without having the things you missed in your childhood” thus i abandoned the idea, cause its “nearly impossible” to get that in here, and for me
When I mentioned quality online resources for free, e.g. videos of world-known expert in healing of trauma and addiction (dr. Gabor Mate), you stopped responding.
Because i already know that this is just a waste of time, i already read books and watched videos, and did “healing” by myself, as you said, i need the things i missed in my childhood to heal, and those things requires another person
I also offered my help (which is of limited capacity, but still) here on the forum – if you were willing to share a bit more about your childhood. You never took the chance.
Your help is to “give explanation to why this is happened, and tell me what to do right now to make it better” while i appreciate your help, this doesn’t do much, i already know why i have all this, knowing won’t change a thing, and all the things you said, i was aware of them, i thought about my life for a long time before i make my decision, its bit silly “no offense” to someone to think about it for a few minutes and tells me about it, don’t you think?
All this told me that you’re not really interested in helping yourself get out of your present state
While its undertandable to think this way, but please don’t judge it from there only, i love myself, and im welling to do anything for it, just not the things you say or people say that “might” help, no i figure out my own life and the things that helps me, there isn’t any objective way to help people, there isn’t any objective way to live life, everybody should live according to his hands that he dealt
Basically, it means your protective part is very strong and you’re almost completely identified with it
No, I am the protective part, if you ever listened to the song i mentioned, you would understand
so the smidge of interest you’ve shown in therapy and healing was immediately squashed by it
I only asked you about therapy to validate myself, validate that its a lost case, and i was right
that you might consider her argument if she gives you a good one
If i remember correctly, i said that i might accept her argument, not consider it, i also mentioned this in last few replaies, and im gonna say this again, if you give a good argument, i might accept it, acknowledge the fact that you are right, “just like when you mentioned that therapy needs other people and that i need the things i missed in my childhood” i accepted this, acknowledge it as the right solution
Which is not really true because there is no argument that can convince you to change your mind
Just to be clear, im gonna repeat this point, yes there is no argument that will change me, but if you make a good argument i will accept it, i will have to, if it is true and logical
when it suits you, you use science as a proof that you’re right, and in the very next breath you say you don’t trust science. That’s how you can dismiss any argument you don’t like,
Didn’t i accepted that therapy requires other people? That us human beings need other people? And that the healing requires exactly that? Those all based on science, i only dismiss things that seem suspicious, for example you mentioned that there is plenty of evidence that there is freewill, but science never said there is one, there is plenty of evidence there is no freewill either, and what I’ve heard and saw, people only dismiss this argument because of the moral issues it brings, not because of science, no one wants to live in a world of chaos, i do trust science, not all of it, that would be stupid, and i sometimes make my own observations and ideas, because i respect my mind more then any “science”, science nowdays is very controlled by the masses
So perhaps at the very end you were a little manipulative with anita
Im not perfect, and if i ever did that it wasn’t consciously, and i didn’t manipulated her, i just manipulated the truth, its more like i fooled myself, if she said that i was dishonest with myself, i might accept that
you might consider it and even change
Thats a pure Strawman, i never said that i will change or consider it, but acknowledge that she is right and im wrong, there is a big difference
You didn’t give her the reason to hope that you would change, but she still did hope
I had a very strong opinion about my life and the things i want to do, and i never discussed them to change them, only to see what other opinions are there, “to see not to consider or change”
I am sorry you’re unreachable at the moment.
You don’t understand, i will always be like this, until death comes, im determined, thats why i wanna do it
and that you will have the chance to live from your true self
Its funny because there is no true self, there is no self, only the illusion, and science does say that, but most people does reject that because of the strong feeling of the illusion, but don’t take my word for it, wait for science unitl it confirms it (p.s he will never do that, because people won’t like it)
Though i think you mean the self i was given by my past and environment, i will never let it live for a few reasons, A. It like saddnes and being a victim, B. Very insecure, C. Very needy, and as you said those requires therapy to heal, well too bad, im not a fool, i won’t accept such self for a temporary reward, a possible reward, and i won’t accept it as long as im alive, because it conflicts with my goals, which im very determined to make it true, i will never change or let anyone or anything stops me from pursuing this goal, no feelings, no values, no people will ever change that goal
Participantno, I don’t think that you ever liked me
Yes that’s true, because i don’t know you really, but i do like what you do here, how you talk and how you treat people
I think that you liked how you felt using me
At first, yes, in this post? No, you were the one who replied and show attention, i never asked for it, and i never asked for your love either, but i didn’t mind it, and i was very clear and honest to why im here
The reason I liked you so much is because the idea that a rude and arrogant person such as yourself
I know you aren’t even gonna replay to me, so i will speak freely, without fear of consequences, you build an image of me, and you loved that image, but now you realized that this image is bad, and it goes back to childhood trauma, and you must dismiss the person who you think have this image, without any proof that this person may not have the qualities of this image, unfair if you ask me, if i meant anything to you besides this image, you would at least tell me why you are ending this conversation, but besides that image? Im nothing to you, who is using who now?
I may sound arrogant, and rude sometimes, but i was never dishonest, that was a claim based on the image you bulild, pure projecting, a proof of my honesty is my replies to both peter and teak, by calling me those things, you made me re consider myself, (im i really that bad? Am i really dishonest? How?) But its only a defense
it made me feel very special- something I yearned for a long time ago
I wish i knew you to tell you that you are
I don’t like you, and I am not at all apologetic about it.
Sure you don’t, that only proofs my theory, the very thing i like, which is “not much likes me in this world”, you aren’t the first nor the last, the question would be, did you ever liked me for myself? I wonder what self that would be, because im still the same guy that “can’t cry”, i never changed, always showed the good and bad in myself “i value nothing” “i only have one goal” i acknowledge the ugliest truths about myself, and you call me dishonest and manipulative, i just wonder when did i do this, while this whole conversation we were only talking about me, maybe im not seeing your pov, which i wish i heard, before you just throw words at me
I really hope i didn’t hurt you in any way, or didn’t trigger anything, and if i did, im sorry, i didn’t meant it, not consciously, why would i ? You the only person who was nice to me, i wished that i somehow give something back to you, anyhow it doesn’t matter now, i wish you a very pleasant life, take care anita, and i really mean this
ParticipantIt went from 100 to 1 pretty fast, i think that if you loved me before and what i said back there made the love go away, and it turned to hate, then you didn’t love me really, you didn’t even know me, im not saying that you are wrong, i may possess some of the quality you mentioned, im actually surprised by your response, how did i not see that coming? I always expect the worse, but this i didn’t expect, anyhow this is my last post here, to respect your decision of not commenting with me
I will be answering peter posts right after, i was lazy to carry two conversations, take care anita, i still like you as much as the first time i talked to you, and there is nothing that you can say that will change this liking
ParticipantI will accept your argument
by accept i mean just agree and acknowledge you are correct, so far i don’t think you did that, i always asked you for the truth, no matter how ugly and how much i don’t wanna hear it, i don’t think that im 100% sure, i told you before i never be that sure, but im very convinced by my argument, if you provide a better one, i may take time to process it, i may even dislike you for a while, and my mind start eating me, but i will accept it, sooner or later, if it is the truth ofcourse
i should say, me saying that you are correct, it wasn’t accurate, you were close, to correct myself i will revisit your post
your pessimism is a disease that is eating you alive
you believe that its learned, and therefore changeable, un learn it, while this sound promising, it is not true, you said that there is no sociopath gene, i believe that science disagrees, i think that you refuse to believe in such because the latter is problematic to your values and beliefs, you like to think that people learn such thing, and unlearn it, a world without evil, the same things goes for believing in freewill, imagine thinking that there is no freewill, no morals, this isn’t a very nice way to look at the world, now i obviously just assumed those things, but i like to assume then to not, you can point out that im wrong
to back to our main argument, even if there was no gene for what i have, for the sake of argument i will accept this premise, i think that it doesn’t matter what is the reason, because the person have no desire to the other options, its more like homosexuality, if there wasn’t a gene for it, and we learn it, why couldn’t we just un learn it? if we aren’t very advance to do that, then i would assume my problem is similar, adding to that im already on the meds for whatso called depression
there is no cure for it, no hope whatsoever to live without this disease
i should say that i don’t use science solely to back my argument, i think that science is now very much effected by many factors, and that its not always correct (which is a good thing)
the only way to stop the disease is in death
saying its a disease meaning its must have a cure, to this day and age, i don’t see any, i always wished for a mind format, sad, no such thing exist, its funny because you mentioned animal farm, i rad 1984, and you know what i liked in that book? in the end when the guy torturing him to change his beliefs and thoughts, when i read this, i very much wished for such thing, in the end (if you ever see the movie) the main character finally accept, and he say “i love you, big brother” if i remember correctly, if there is such place, and the result is guaranteed, i would pay to be in such place, to finally not have this “me vs society”, to finally have peace, to accept society ideas and beliefs, to embrace it and live in it, the suffering would worth it
is your worldview, which you are absolutely 100% sure that you will never, ever reconsider or change
its not that i don’t wanna change it, its that i don’t care about it to do so, but i will hear a good argument against it, but sadly i don’t think i will change it, unless my mind start torturing me
ParticipantI think that you and I should leave behind all the issues that are 100% resolved in your mind, and no longer discuss them
Yes i agree, i really don’t know why we discuss them in the first place, in my first post, i didn’t even thought that anyone will answer, and i chooseed a section that you don’t regularly go in, my thoughts was “to make a good argument why this is a good idea” and just let the other party accept this argument, now i came to believe that some people won’t accept any logical argument if it touches some taboos, such as death, which i call them norimes, to not waste either party time, i was sleepy at that time, and made the post recklessly, i imagined that people will be shocked by my logic and argument
Although i did come to a good ending with teak, she silently accepted that its a lost case, which kinda made me glad, i like having arguments honestly, they are the only things that makes me change my mind, if you right now made a good argument to why i should live, and made a very sound argument to why im wrong, i might need to process how on earth i got it wrong, but i think i will accept your argument, im just saying, im honestly bit tired of talking about this, and i imagine you are too, especially with the heat
I hope you are having a good evening, since it seems this is kinda the end of this conversation, feel free to ask me anything, i also want you to listen to a song i think you might like, (Michael Kiwanuke – Final days),i think you can also relate to it
ParticipantI could make a change in your life- silly, really. Definitely silly.
I wouldn’t call it silly, just not true, dreamy if i may say, since silly seems hurtful
that’s better than considering my thoughts then.
No its not really, there is a big different when you get influenced by a person, and when you talk to him in your head, its not you really, its not that you didn’t try hard enough, its me, i already choose what i have to do and think, its too late now
climate change has been happening for a long, long time and it is escalating fast.
I meant when it becames an actual problem that effects people, right now people seems to not care, maybe they need more motivation, more hotness
not with the “their silly army” part-
I said this with context, what i was saying is that, compared to us they matters more, i shouldn’t say this actually, i was angry, because its not fair, to value humans based on where they from and what they have done
Don’t disregard the human value of each and every person.
Yes i apologize, honestly all lives doesn’t matter, but it just gets in my nerves when life treat us unfairly, when people suffering in iraq and other countries, from all kind of mental health problems, and they don’t get any help or sympathy
your pessimism is a disease that is eating you alive, (2) there is no cure for it, no hope whatsoever to live without this disease, (3) the only way to stop the disease is in death
The reason why i mentioned people like me, its to give you proof, that these people does exist, and they have a full life, of this thing, my father is enough proof since it implies its genetic,
is your worldview, which you are absolutely 100% sure that you will never, ever reconsider or change
I also believe that part of this disease is the desire to not change, just like the people i mentioned, that lives a full life, without even considering change, turn the other cheek to anything that they don’t like, its a full package of misery
Is my understanding in this paragraph 100% accurate?
Yes anita, as always
Participantif someone who is financially capable sends you money
Even if someone somehow agrees to do that, i won’t accept it, i won’t respect myself
I am guessing that the financially capable person (or persons) will need to send your younger sister a ticket too
Can we get back to reality, lol
Your intention with me was to get a bit of attention and affection.
At first yes, but not anymore, if you ask me to stop, i would do it right in this post, that our conversation is one sided
but my attention, affection and love really make no difference in your life,
Though it does lessen the suffering, did knowing me make a difference in your life? Did knowing anyone in your life made that effect? Maybe its just me, but i do appreciate our conversation, i like it, but don’t expect a miracle to happen, the facts didn’t change when i knew you, and i don’t think they will ever change
then the only thing another person can give you that can make a practical difference for you is money.
What do i do with it? Live? Marry?
your intention was never to consider my thoughts and suggestions
I wish it didn’t was this way, i wish i had the mind that i do actually consider your suggestion and thoughts, i value them, though i won’t lie to say that i did consider any, the only thing that i benefited it that when im lonely i talk to you in my head, create imaginary conversations, and that i have proof of someone loves
but now it is … HOT!
Hell on earth, lol
I actually don’t think a lot about climate change, its the least of my problems, since if that happened it would be a worldwide problem, we will have it first ofcourse, the middle east, the funny thing is that USA done 60% of the damage, and we take the consequences, then they come to Iraq to steal oil, Fake the 9/11, the funny thing is that 9/11 is so taboo because people died, they don’t consider the thousands of people that died in iraq because of thier greediness are people, and oh dear thier silly army with thier mental health problems, we must sympathize, im very sure that i have more mental health issues then anyone that went to iraq, and you don’t see me get anything, do i? Big unfunny joke
ParticipantJust wanted to say thank you for your kindness and patience, i also appreciate that you didn’t ignore the song i mentioned, i know rap is hard to listen to, but you did, i also want to apologize for that long post and grammar mistakes, when i was writing just the thoughts flow away, and i didn’t edit any, i just wrote what i thought, thats why it feels like there is no point, because i didn’t plan anything
Participantis it really that bad for you?
No but it really Express how i feel
that’s not hell on earth, is it?
Its not heaven either, also i thought you said i should quit smoking? Because i have a payment latter on to pay, a high price for a basic reward, imagine thining this is the best thing in my life, what a sad life, its not even funny anymore
As for describing my pain, i think i already said it above, now since i don’t want you to go back and try to know, i will say it here, its not that i won’t get love, or won’t get what i want, its the idea that i could and wouldn’t, its the idea that its my fault, that’s its my own decision im so miserable, the reason why i like birdman, is that he acknowledge this fact, that “no one will ever love him” that “he don’t exist” that “he wished that he was someone else just to be loved”, though what he did after this realization, is what made me love him, he suicide, it motivates me to care enough to do it
The only difference between me and my friend, is that he cared enough to end his own life, and i just developed apathy, just to see myself became a monster, i remember that when i was a Muslim, i begged god, “please don’t let me be an atheist, take my soul before that happen, please god, i don’t wanna go to hell, i don’t want to be bad”, one thing that he said “its either you die or you just live long enough to humiliate yourself” i guess i chooseed the latter, its everyday, would you let i loved one live like this? That’s why i wanna do it
I have seen this life before, my father, not leaving his room, paranoid, apathetic, not even caring about anything, he was 60 though, im still 20 and im worst then him, by worse i mean at least he worked and had a family, didn’t bother to fit in, you know how he died? i remember his head was on my lap, after he had a heart attack, we had to go to the hospital (there is no number for ambulance) so we went in a taxi, when he was on my lap, he was suffocating, i remember i was very uncomfortable because his head is near me, and i never get that close to him, when we got to the hospital, we rushed in, and he was dead, i had to fake being sad, because i just don’t care about him, im already heading this way, there is no doubt, i have a somekind of a defeating personality, i refuse to live like this, no one accept this life
The thing is, my days are numbered, soon life will be harder, i can lose my father retirement, or if my mother died, and i refuse to accept any less then what im already living, the only fear i got is that i became so apathetic that i don’t care to end it, sometimes i feel like i hate myself too much that i don’t do it, but sooner or later i will do it, the more i live, the more unneccessary suffering, the more i become apathetic and distant from life, tell me the truth, can it be any better then what already is? If so why does it feel like it aren’t worth it?
You always say that there is freewill, but when i look around, see myself becaming worse then my father with no desire to change, my little sister is even more apathetic compared to me, my big sister has shopping addiction and smoking, my brother has autism, a low functioning autism, and my mother has something i can’t even describe, tell me where is the freewill? Why do i desire self sabotage and sadness? Why do i not wanna change? Im not afraid of death much, but life? It scares me, and at best i don’t even care about life, its not like im missing a lot of things, all the things i enjoy am already doing
I wish i just have what i want, not to be fulfilled, no i don’t even seek that anymore, just to get red of this annoying desire, i won’t satisfy it, never, on my dead body, i just need prove to shut up this mind “can’t stop the bad voices”
I just wish that after death, i have a very short dream where i cry, but this cry somehow heals, feels good, can’t even ask for anything more, everything is too expensive, basic desires requires a massive payment, a high price for little reward, i perfer apathy
This thing, its in me, i have seen it in my father, this pessimism, its like a disease that eat you alive, you cannot get red of it, a very few people that has it, (the auther of American splendor/ phillip Seymour / Charles bukowski) and i won’t call it depression, since that implies its an illness with a cure, what is the cure ? Death.
ParticipantI didn’t know you had asthma
I have asthma, just nowdays it a problem like it was, although in the past i didn’t smoke (and now i do without triggering the problem)
saying “no thanks” to people who repeat sayings that they hear without considering the bigger picture.
I didn’t understand this statement, what i understood that i don’t see the bigger picture to the benefits of walking, to that i answer: i don’t like it, i can do it for a long time, but my liking doesn’t change, i would still not like it, not without a specific goal in mind, and healthiness isn’t a goal to me, since it doesn’t change anything in my day or mood, it doesn’t actually make a different, unless i do something physical like corrective exercise that relive my lower back pain, this is not only good, but neccessary, so does smoking to me, its neccessary not for survival but for not hating life so much, its not about smoking, but more about the routine, the whole thing, going on the roof, alone, near the sky, with my favorite music, and a cup of cappuccino, while smoking, just so good
I didn’t understand the italicized part (something happened just then?)
Not really, i just had those feelings back in the day, i saw a woman in the TV and i had them again, its a complicated problem, since those are tied together, helplessness and females
would pay anything just to be with her”- pay what?
The thing is, i know that if i pay what i supposedly should pay, i won’t have it, i will be disappointed by the result
you mean you said it out loud to yourself.. not to the pharmacist/ in public, right?
Almost said it out loud, though i tend to say it out loud when im alone
based on your strong need to love and be loved in return
I wished i didn’t have it, its suffocating, whats the point of needing something that you will never work for?
I asked in case there is something new in your willingness to pay.. some new something (not that I am wishing that there was
Whats the point? No matter how much i try i won’t shake the hate i got for ordinary life, the stromg need intepented, to be free and to have my own time, i wish it was there, but with a full package, i wish i was normal, i wish i was something, all i do is wish and whine
By doing so, I hope that you will.. not rush it.
And i should just see myself suffer for 60-40 years for nothing? Death would be the reward after enduring this life? What a great deal, i have to say currently im not suffering much, its the medication, relieved my GAD and depression, but the thing is, for all i know that i will be like this for as long as i live, and the world is getting harder and harder to live in, the competition is getting harder and harder, while i, not even living, i accepted this whole thing, but i accepted something unacceptable, im no good to myself or others, i won’t move and marry and make a family, that’s the only way to get what i want, and i refuse to do it, im rushing because imagine living like this in my 30, how would people will see me? And then i will have those ideas and beliefs in even deeper level, so change would be harder as i grow, i feel like i just watch people live, like i don’t exist, and its my fault, i wanted this, to be nothing, i worked for it, and its hurts, and the thing is, i don’t wanna fix it, my friend was right, i should do it already, but no i develop more apathy just to see how things go, just to see myself, this character i always wanted to be, a monster i created, i highly recommend you listen to the song i mentioned to teak (im the devil, lil b), just listen to the lyrics, i couldn’t explain it any better
ParticipantI wish you didn’t feel guilty following my input about smoking
No its ok, i think this gulit is good since it can make me quit something that hurt me
I will not repeat it.
No, i want you to say anything you like, i just mentioned what i was feeling, i don’t want you to hide the truth from me just because it hurts me or makes me feel guilty, say any truth no matter how much it hurts me, i will get used to it, and its important i accept it as soon as possible,
how did he do it
That’s why I mentioned the inconvenience/ difficult-life consequence.
Maybe those will give me enough motivation to relieve myself, or i might even develop more apathy
it is too hot for a walk.
In here its too hot to be alive lol
yet a habit is a habit (so is smoking)
Its funny because i remember developeding a walking as a habit, and i didn’t like it, i even got a program that track footsteps, and i manged to get the 1nd one trophy (after around a year) i remember that if i stopped for a day or two, i just lose interest and have to do the whole thing again, and i had to listen to music to make it barebale, i reminded myself that walking makes you live longer, oh my god, more years to suffer, no thanks, i quit as soon as possible (i had to continue out of boredom) it was so hard to waste time that i had to include walking in my routine, the benefit of smoking for me is more then the negatives, if i got lung cancer, that’s a one way closer to death, if i didn’t die, then at least i will have an excuse to not do anything, an excuse to not live, and i wouldn’t feel so guilty, but then again i might not, did i mention that i have asthma? im slim, and healthy, but its genetic, the funny thing is, i used to struggle from asthma before i even smoke, but nowdays i don’t even have it, i guess it was the whether, but i tell you im gonna have a hard life to live, im my own worse enemy, i just saw that my feelings (of begging if you remember) got back, the learned helplessness,
I saw a woman today, she has a pharmacy, one of the few interaction with her that made me like her, i was looking for my medication, and i went to the all pharmacy near me, they didn’t have it, she was nice enough to bring one to me “i looked hard for this medication but i didn’t find the specific one, but i found the same with another brand, but i thought that you need it, because you are used to it”, i was so glad that not only i found my medication, but that i met such a good person, i saw her today, and i remembered who is the blame for not having such people, i would pay anything just to be with her, i got a very short anger and said “F*CK”, i know that i already said this and i will try not to mention this again, it just gets in my nerve
ParticipantDear anita, the following method you suggested about my email isn’t neccessary since i don’t use it much, and have planety more, i don’t value privacy that much, its
Regarding to your suggestion of quitting smoking, i can’t right now, since its the only thing that i look up to in my day, its very important to me since its my alone time, its more like talking with someone (the songs i listen to) its the only place where i somehow feel, even though when i do it its not that good, as for the effects in the long term, do you really think i will live this long? If so i will have to pay a lot of things, i remember reading that loneliness is worse then smoking, i can’t deprive myself from things for a fear of future, cancer lung is also could cause death, which is kinda my goal with smoking, i did thought of quitting, but i just didn’t find a good substitute to it, where could i feel/think like myself? Im already paying the price of smoking, i think if i ever did had what you described and didn’t suicide somehow, i will accept it, i will have to
As im typing this, i feel guilty, for not quitting, i also feel angery at myself for developeding such habit, i also feel helpless, like im controlled by my habits and routine, i have this very strong need to follow my routine, no matter how damaging it, im also afraid, very much of the future, how will i live? I have the worse beliefs and desires to live on, a friend of mine 2 weeks ago, my only friend, suicide, he was the only person that had a Similar life to mine, similar desires, similar beliefs, he was from Bangladesh, had so much shame and so much guilt, anytime i think of life, i remember how much i hate it, how shitty it is, and how i avoid the solution that can actually fix it, so smoke? Why not, at least im doing something that i somehow enjoye, even if i don’t the idea that i enjoy it is enough
I think that if we ever did something together such as changing the world, we would be a great team
As for addressing everything you say: i like it :D, if i get tired i might just take a break, but i like answering everything you say, and think about it for a while before i replay
ParticipantMy apologies for not responding to your post, i somehow didn’t see it
I realized that I may have come across as manipulative
It did sound like it when i first read it, and i wanted to point it out in a respectful way, but when i re read it, and took my time thinking, i knew that this wasn’t what you mean, and you meant only that thing is important, so i replied “i will take this very seriously then”
please don’t treat what I am sharing with you as a Nothing, because if you do, it will hurt my feelings and it will hurt what I feel about you.
Your feelings matters to me, even if i didn’t felt in the video you sent, i would still try, out of respect to you and what you do, and how much you give, even if you didn’t, i just admire your personality, and would at least put some effort for you, even if we didn’t had this conversation
You may not reply to me at all.. maybe for no other reason but for you being apathetic
Since apathy is just a defense mechanism, and since i no longer need it when i talk to you, but if i could control my emotions, i would choose you to spend my feelings on
I remember reading that the smart people who choose to care about the right things, i do care about my sister, actually i might even care too much, i did cared about sara (until she proven that it isn’t worth it to care about her), so i do care about you anita, although i don’t know you very much, but i feel like i have an idea, of how you might be, and i like that idea.
It was a risk to send you the information I did
Im glad that you did share it, i hope it doesn’t effect you badly, i appreciate that you risk it just to told me, though since i care about you and don’t want you to be hurt, i would suggest we take precautions (such as using email) i would be more then glad to give you mine, only if you think its neccessary, just skip this section of the replay if it is no, im just suggesting really
Participantand I was worried that after you watch it, you will no longer like me, because of where I was born.. or for some other reason.
I like you even more, somehow i feel like you an angel, though i don’t believe in angels lol, i was thinking who do i know from the same country, and i remembered hella (from h3h3), a wonderful person, i hope you have a nice day
ParticipantDear anita, i listen to the song carefully, i will save it so i can listen to it when i think about you, i look up for the subtitle, “doesn’t matter” “you and i will change the world” i wished that you were here, so we can actually do that, i felt goosebumps just thinking about it
I wish i wasn’t on antidepressants, i would’ve felt more, i would’ve loved this moment, i would fantasize, its funny because i have a strong need to feel special, and you do exactly that, i thought “what are the chances of such thing to happen?” Its a mystery to me why you love me the way you do, i ask “why me?” “From the all people she talk to, she must seen better”, when you say things “only to you” i feel very flattered, not just because i feel special, but its coming from a such a wonderful person, and she knows me very well, the good and bad
a *none* normie is a person who genuinely likes and loves Murtaza just as he is (not wanting to change him).
That’s true, its funny because you always say this and get ths answer right, you know me like i know myself, that’s too good
In your recent replay you sounded excited, but in this replay you sounded bit disappointed if i may say (or less excited), did you expect me to answer something specifically? Im just guessing here, but your feelings is important to me, i wish i can give back, the things you give to me, with the same value they are to me.