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ParticipantDo you prefer that I address you as Dear Birdman, from now on?)
Lol, address me as you like, i didn’t leave religion to go to another religion and be a follower again, that’s why i said i perfer birdman, but really you can say anything you like, i don’t mind
talked and talked to him and he didn’t say a word, not a single word!
I wish mine didn’t say a word, at least i wouldn’t felt so much bothered by her misunderstanding, by giving terrible advises
how does your room look like
Alright i guess, would sent a photo but i can’t, i might upload it in some site and sent the link? I don’t mind really, i don’t have a lot of things, so its kinda clean, my mother always clean the whole house including my room, but really i don’t have a lot of things, and i don’t really make it dirty
do you stay at home all day
I try to, since its very comfy
go shopping
Almost everyday, since we are a full family and no one buys food and things but me, sometimes my big brother does some things, but its mostly me
how does your day look like:
I think i told you my routine, but since you asked, i will answer anyway, i wake up usually with a good mood, i listen to music while i make my breakfast, before i do that, i eat an apple or some fruit, while watching a movie, sometimes i skip the movie and go to workout, just corrective exercise, for my lower back and upper back, since i set a lot, i only do this when its neccessary, sometimes i even workout (weight lifting), i kinda have a home gym, but i haven’t workout since 2 weeks i think, the medication makes me sleepy most of the day (i thought it supposed to give energy not take it lol), but it really doesn’t bother me, if i workout, in the same day, i make the proper food, and kinda make a plan for what exercise/ what muscle i should target, i have a somehow good body, i can make more muscle but i don’t want to really, my goal of doing workout is to have fun actually, since i really like hitting a muscle and see the result, since im kinda perfectionist in this side, i like to have full energy, actually i haven’t worked out much, but there is more result then i ever had even when i went to the gym, its a hard thing to do so i need the mindset and the energy to actually perform right so i can see an actual result
Anyways i watch a movie, go smoke a cigarette in the roof, to also get some sun i guess, i usually do different things everyday, but yes i don’t go out, unless i have to, i used to go for walks, but that was to fight boredom, luckily with the medication this is no longer neccessary
when you get outside, what do you see
I see loneliness, how different i am from those people, i see people playing this game called life, sometimes i see girls, and remember what i lost, i see them and know that they don’t like me, and i don’t like them either, i see robots not aware of thier programming, just acting in this theater, not knowing there is strings, i see married couple and get jealous, remind myself that i choose this solitary life, thats its my fault i feel so lonely, that it will never change unless i do something, knowing that i won’t do anything, a never ending gulit, and the other option is filled with obstacles, a never ending problems, what beautiful choices, i sometimes remember that this solitary life deprived me from meeting people like you, and then pain, filled with guilt and wishes, i lost it, and will never have it, sometimes i deny how much i want this, connection/ intimacy, i want it so much that i don’t want it anymore, maybe somehow i have it while keeping my self respect, my personality, but no, im doomed to this lonely way of living, sometimes i say that the future is open, and that anything could happen, but nothing will happen if i don’t do anything, im not even here, i died a long time ago, and this flesh what remins of me, just a body, and i can’t have anything while being this way, a nothing gets nothing!
This is the most personal/ vulnerable thing I ever shared with anyone in these forums, and I am sharing it with you
I will hear this with my full attention and power, and it means something to me, the only person in the world to me likes it, one of the few none norime person
ParticipantI want to read more from the living-breathing Ubermensch: Murtaza
I perfer to use birdamn, at least to me it has some value.
I just remembered something, when i used to go to this therapist, i had her number so we could agree on a sisson, one day i wanted to suicide, i had a big urge to self harm, i remembered that i have her number, i thought i might ask her for help, since i was on the edge, so i did, i begged her for help, i was so hopeless, and you know what she answered? Nothing, she just seen my message, after somedays, i went to the session, and she didn’t mention anything, she didn’t even ask me about what might happened, she just continue to try to change me so i could fit her world view and society world view, i knew that im on my own, before i ask her for help, i fantasize about asking, and in the fantasy she cared, she replied, that’s why i did it, thats why i was motivated to ask her, even knowing that this might be the result, i didn’t feel anything, since i was almost sure that she wouldn’t answer, but its this tiny hope, she wasn’t a bad therapist, she wasn’t even a therapist, therapy don’t exist in iraq, not yet, and the one that exist cost a fortune
Here i am, no feelings, no desires, no goals, only consuming, like an animal, at least an animal doesn’t have awareness, the drugs has made me even more apathetic, more numb, i kinda like it, this is why i laugh at everything that happens to me, because its all just a big joke, all of this
ParticipantThe western philosophers you mentioned studied the published work of pre-modern Iraqi philosophers.
Its true, one of the earliest philosophers were from iraq, from the great school, though most of them was influenced by islam, i think islam set a limit to the question one can ask, but again there is a type of Islamic people
I will be writing the following because it interests me, you are welcome to skip any of it that doesn’t interest you:
I will read anything you write
the hero of his book is a Stranger, he does not play the social game.. he is not a Normie (Murtaza’s term!)
While i try to avoid philosophers and thier philosophy and followers, i do admit that they have ideas similar to mine, and they say it even better, im not very good with words, my definition of a non norime is similar (i think) to the definition of frederick Nietzsche (Übermensch), while i don’t like that idea, because it removes my individuality, the thing i worked hard for, and just so you know, most norimes do read Nietzsche, in here there is a thing for “educated” people to worship both Nietzsche and Freud, and some of them are musilms, thus i dislike when someone compares me to a philosopher that norimes read about, i rather have the worst but original idea, then to follow a good one that most people does
ParticipantShe is more into western philosophy, specifically existentialism, such as Albert Camus, Freud, fredrick neichze, also nihilism, since she feel like it could help her, i raed the first half of the stranger by camus, i just didn’t like it, i can’t read it just because she likes them, although i mean i can care for her when she talks about them, in general i don’t like books, for various of reasons, one that i don’t see it interesting to read a man thoughts about the world, two that i know that everything that they say, is somhow a product of thier life and age, back then they were very influenced by religion and traditions, the ones that aren’t will say stuff that has no proofs (just like what Freud did), i was stupid enough to tell her that, she was very defensive about it, “Freud started mental health”, to me if he didn’t then another man will do, there is no great man, or a genius, but she think otherwise, i don’t like the fact that we follow authorities even when they say dumb stuff, its more like a religion then logic, and i don’t like when we drop our logic and mind, just for authorities, because they must be smarter then us and therefore we should submit to thier ideas and beliefs
I talked to her, told her about what i meant by love, she didn’t response really, we talked for a few time then i went to sleep, i guess we will stay friends, i don’t mind really, as long as im close to her, as long as i could be nice to her
I think that you are a true Lover
I guess it comes with the package, its because im true to myself i guess, although there is no one to love, maybe my sister, i really think that if i get in a relationship i would be a good partner, not physically maybe, but mentally, a proof is that my relationship with my sister, i can’t think of anything would happen that will make us apart, even when she gets angry and say bad things, i don’t get mad back, i just understand that this feeling is uncontrollable often, we are very open to each other, and if i gets bother by any actions of hers, i would just tell her, that easy, thats how you build a good relationship, by communicating, the good and bad, by understanding each other
Participantread like she was/ is hopeless, that she was not able or willing to imagine that you can help her, that your love for her can make her feel better (?)
I don’t think she want my love, she said that she only like me as a friend, there is a whole persona she don’t show me because she knows i don’t like it, for example her liking to philosophers, in our conversation before i was dumb enough to say i don’t like them, she told me that i make fun of her interest, its just make my heart fall apart, i want her to share her whole persona with me, but she already think i won’t like them, and she don’t like talking about something knowing the other person doesn’t like it, or not interested, she thinks i don’t care about anything (which is true) but for her i can care, i don’t know how can i explain this to her, maybe she don’t even want to, i should ask her actually, im thinking making another account, but i hate liying, maybe i could see her for herself, without filtering, she filtered herself and our conversation
Participantno response to your expressed emotions for her and to your expressed impulse to marry her (?)
I cared for her, and she only felt botherd, i told her that i want to do something for her, anything, i don’t think she wanted anything
is a good thing when indeed, there is no hope. Hope in a hopeless situation fuels misery.
Finally, the truth, it feels so good to hear those words
I agree. I suppose we should have money not so to purchase love, but so to purchase food and electricity to keep the air conditioning going!
Sadly i have all that, but it doesn’t buy love, money does, well not love, but marriage, lots of money, sometimes i wish i had all the money in the world, just so i can have no excuse not to be loved, but there is always something
I think that you wrote earlier that she told you that she doesn’t want to love,
No thats a different girl, the one i was talking about (sara) is very respectful, thats why i loved her, still do, she is not a norime either, this one i talked to her before i wanted to marry sara, after she told me that its not worth it, i had the desire to work, to marry sara, but i guess it didn’t last long, and wasn’t for a good reason
That she criticized you for being girly, that’s nothing but rude.
Its also true, by the standard of being a man in iraq and being a girl, this is why i said she was a norime, because she believed that this behavior (being vulnerable) is girly, i never assume someone is a norime without evidence, sara in the other hand, never said anything like that, even though i showed her vulnerability early on, and maybe it was too much, i only love a person who is worthy of my love, and i thought she is worthy, but i tried and got no result, there is no point to care about her, it will only hurt me because i will try, she already got what she want, and not looking for help
she told me something ‘that’s the difference between us, I work to satisfy my goal… You will never understand how to be emotionless
That one said by the norime girl, the one that assumed my whole life based on the cover, typical norime move, she also is younger then me (18), sara is (28)
what does she suffer from, and is she having a difficulty staying alive (?)
Sara suffers from a lot of mental health issues, OCD, Anxiety, General anxiety disorder, OCPD (perfectionism) at least in her opinion, when i talk to her, i see her bad qualities as something good, they made me laugh, not in a bad way, but i think of them as cute, i told her that i see her as perfect, the whole her, she told me that she is far from perfect, i feel like there is nothing much to say about her, since its very much looks like a dead case, i should say that i never form an opinion about something from bad experiences, i had plenty of bad experiences with women, i still love them
when i think about sara, i just see beauty, i can’t turn away that easy, though i never think of the consequences of my actions, always late, when the damge is already done, she already told me that she only see me as her friend, and that’s it, the thing is, i don’t want a romantic relationship with her, although i wish, but i know that it won’t happen, i just want to make her life easier, somehow
I imagine you putting together a Normie Questionnaire (NQ), selecting candidates for communication with you based on their answers to the NQ.
Lol, sounds fun honestly
Maybe I will be willing to answer your NQ myself, lol
You already passed, with an A+ 😀
Your last replay made me laugh actually
ParticipantYou value unconditional love (a love that is not conditioned on societal expectations), but you don’t believe it is possible for you.
I value a love that come from understanding and connection, a one that doesn’t need external things in order to be met, if money is a requirement for love, then it doesn’t matter to me, since i won’t be loved for myself, but for the money i have, i like myself right now, i don’t see any problem in it, and i don’t understand the need to change in order to be loved, i don’t think unconditional love exist in a adults relationship, and if it does then its not healthy, it should be conditional, but for me not by external things, but internal, i acknowledge the need for external in my situation, but i don’t see it worth while, especially when im expecting unconditional love
The why i don’t think its possible, is more like a guess, a guess based on evidence, lots of evidence, i wanna actually see other evidence, but anytime i try to talk to a girl, a lot of pain comes up, the last time i tried the girl said “not worth it”, just because i was vulnerable, “you are even more girly then girls themselves”, and this was a person who could speak English, and bit educated, thats why i approached her
when this happened, i had the desire to change and work, she told me something “that’s the difference between us, i work to satisfy my goal, you don’t” i felt so much guilt, and then i thought of working, making my desire possible, and not wait for a miracle, it was good, and i thanked her, even when she was mean to me, she made me feel love, she was also suffering, and i wished i could help her, “you will never understand how to be emotionaless” her words, she assumed so much about my life
A friend of mine (by friend here i mean a person i talked to) also talked to her, and now she is his girlfriend, nearly, i felt anxious ofcourse, pain like no other, he is younger then me, but he works, i guess norimes likes each other, i actually was glad i didn’t continue talking to her, knowing she is just another norime, just another robot controlled by society ideas and beliefs, but i didn’t stop talking to her, she did, i never underestimate people, or make them feel inferior, i actually understood why she treated me the way she did, and i don’t hate her, i actually still feel her pain, and feel sorry for her, not in a bad way, but i understand that her behavior must come from a lot of pain, she is just not compatible with me, norimes aren’t compatible with me, they aren’t inferior or superior, maybe in some areas, but overall we just dealt a different cards
This is what happens when i speak to a norime, i had so much guilt, i was suicidal, and out of self loathing and hating my life, i wanted to work, to disrespect everything that i stand for, the ultimate betrayal, to go against everything i value and like, just to fit in, and have the basic needs, maybe, then i won’t need people like her, i will buy a wife (yes actually in iraq it does work like that) but it wouldn’t mean anything with this mind
Am I exact in what I wrote above, and did I not mention any other goals and values?
Yes, everything you say is a goldmine 😀
Participantmakes no difference to her, it doesn’t take away any of her suffering.. instead, she doesn’t understand it, it bothers her. She doesn’t want it.
Its true, i remember the first time i actually thought i loved her, not at the beginning of our talks, but lately, i just woke up i remember, and i said “i want to marry sara” its just came to me, and i was ready to work, maybe my chances will get higher, i wanted to buy a motorcycle since its essential for work in iraq, but that meant i could no longer afford my medication, and i said “so be it” i was suicidal at the time, i felt that her love might be worth it, and i must make my chances higher, give no excuse to the other gender to not love me, but that meant i go against my values and goals, i felt so much self loathing for even choosing such path, i said “maybe then i can actually do it”, when i started to care about her, and i saw no point, no matter how much i show care and love, no difference, no response, so i stopped
love and anxiety/ pain go together, hand in hand.
Im glad that you shared this with me, this is true for me too, whenver i think about her, i feel anxious, my stomach/chest hurts, it actually been this way for a long time, whenever i actually love someone, but lately, it’s been clear, when i love her, and know that i can’t do anything for her, it hurts, i actually stopped talking to her out of the idea that i might bother her, and if not talking to me means less suffering so be it, i don’t care
it is safe to love a painting. It is often dangerous to love a person.
I think that its because i believe that females won’t love me, in this scenario, its a one sided love
a young child needs the love of his mother/caretakers (the adults living with him) as much as he needs oxygen, and he will pay whatever the cost.
Im glad that i didn’t pay anything for love, im glad that i didn’t listen, and kept my self respect, and im glad that you pointed out this problem, now when it arises, i will know that its my programming, and i must fight it
whatever he pays/ gives-away makes no difference (no love is coming his way), he stops paying the price, and he guards what is left of him: he will not give away any more.
“No love found, No love lost”
Its funny because you described exactly what happened to me and her
but neither one of us knows how it feels to love and/or be loved on an ongoing basis, without fear and pain being in charge, do we?
And we will never will, its the price for living that we must pay, everyday, though i like that i have something similar with you
I had to digest your replay, and let it sink in then actually replay
ParticipantI just wrote something and my page refreshed, so its gone, i guess it wasn’t much, i just had a glimpse, when i checked the song you mentioned, that there is a person in the other side of the world, listening to this, actually talking to me, and what a wonderful person this is, i wish that i actually do something to such person, something that somehow benefit him, i remember i told you about the female friend i had, she is also from Iraq and had similar ideas, she is just too beautiful, she suffers a lot, and i want to help her, though i don’t know, i tried to listen to her, to let her talk about her suffering, i feel her pain, i wanna make it less, the last time we talked, it only seems to bother her, so i stopped, i just wish things were different, i told her i love her, she told me she not interested in love, she just wanna live, the thing is, she misunderstand what i meant by love, she thinks its romantically, but in reality its the same love we having, it hurts me to know that i can’t help her, i tried everything, she just won’t allow me to get this far, i always like to imagine my love to her is more like an artist loving a painting he saw, just admiring the details, appreciating it.
I remember after i told her that i love her, i had a dream, i dreamt i was in my bed, then i just remembered that i lost her, and started crying, but the cry was werid, it was very suppressed, i wanted to tell her, but i felt its too personal, besides it wouldn’t matter, it wouldn’t change anything, before i tell her i love her, i felt guilty for not doing what i can to be a better person, to be liked by her, maybe its the job, maybe its my pessimistic views, maybe its my desires and goals, i wish i was exactly what she want, maybe she will love me then, what would that cost? To me, everything. But when i told her, she told me that it isn’t my fault, its just that she isn’t interested in these kind of things, i didn’t fix her misunderstanding of the word love, but i didn’t see a point anyway, i like to let people think what they want, to make the image they want about me, when we first talked, i didn’t care much how you see me, but to just see me, the real me, then accept and understand, that’s the point, that’s the hard thing for me to do, since both my mother and uncle have this “this person have to like me” belief, and i had to fight this, i might take it too far sometimes, but i see it as an absolute win, to be myself infornt of people that i know exactly will hate me/dislike me
ParticipantI see it as a GOOD choice
thank you, although this was late, it seems i only feel bad when people mentation bad things about me and not the opposite
because it includes not hurting anyone (!) and not bringing children into a life that’s likely to be a lot of suffering (!!)
that’s not the only reason, but i thought if im gonna have children am gonna adopt, either way its not worth it to bring someone that is mostly likely gonna suffer, even if i KNOW he won’t it still better to adopt, its like saving someone or creating someone to save
what is the temperature there, I wonder?
very hot
And is there a lake close to where you live where you can get into the cool water on a hot summer day?
no lakes here, only buildings and stores, i live in the city, we have 3 showers at home, and all have cold and hot shower, and air conditioner in every room
Participantim glad that you enjoy our conversation
followed by disappointment, of course
i like that line 😀
if only there is just one woman, just one (in the area where you live), who would be okay with you not working, etc., you just need one for this parallel universe to be your own.
even if there is, its nearly impossible to talk to her, since in iraq there is no social settings, and people never take online thing seriously, even if i somehow talked to her, then what?
and out of nowhere a thought in regard to not having a woman in your life hits your brain, feeling like a slap
let me correct myself, not out of nowhere, often i see something or hear something that reminds me
Annoyance, jealousy, anger- these are energies-in-motion that are attached (at least at times) to thoughts of other men having what you don’t
not only of the thought that a man having what i want, but that i can’t have such thing, and that’s its partly my fault (for not working towards such thing)
is that sometimes you feel peace or indifference to the the idea of never having a woman in your life, but too often you don’t feel peace or indifference to the idea
the way i see it, is that its just my programming, valuing women too much and have a dreamy thinking on how it could be to be in a relationship, the thing i try to do, is see the truth, the bad sides of relationships, especially in iraq, if you say relationship in iraq, the very next thing that appears to anyone minds is marriage (responsibility), to me this feels like a cage, i actually have no desire to start a family, just gets my needs met, in my previous post i said i might have a daughter, i only say this thing if this went perfect, which they won’t, i will never bring anyone into this world, unless i know they gonna have a happy life, with this mindset, half…. , no actually most females won’t marry me, since their parents would want babies, with the combination of having no social settings with females, and the things i mentioned above, its actually smarter to just give up and save the unnecessary suffering, i actually have no choice here, i know that this is the truth, and im obligated to lessen my suffering and go for the easy way, i won’t forgive myself…. , no i would HATE myself if i do such thing
ParticipantI wonder what would happen if you were magically transported to a magical parallel universe where life is just what you would want it to be, such that would make you want to live that life. What would that life be
its funny that you asked that, because i always think of that option, i actually just had an idea just before seeing your post “i don’t think happiness is achievable in this universe, but maybe in some other universe, where live is a bit more fair, a bit less hard for me, to answer your question, i will answer it in two ways, the magical one (which is impossible to achieve) and the middle ground one, the first one gotta be to be a baby again, not only that, but to have a mother that actually know what love is, i actually think this is heaven, and i don’t want to grow up in that universe, infinite unconditional love :D, the second would be to have a normal life, a wife, maybe even a daughter, though i would at least ask for a wife that i can be myself in front of, seems like a good life
I think that within your brain there is a Normie Murtaza whose loyalty is to the Normie World
i really don’t think having some normie qualities bothers me, since i know it was uncontrollable to have such
you *&** (name calling), it is all your fault, you are not like the rest of us, you are less than us
no its not like that, perhaps i didn’t make myself clear, its the thought of not having what i crave, love accepting etc.., from females, the both jealously and envy to other men that have it, and the thought of never having such thing, then the fast next thought would be (its my fault) which is kinda true i guess
In my mind’s eye, I am seeing you right now on the roof, under the night Iraqi sky, singing Bohemian Rhapsody
it do be like that, only i have a bad taste in music 😀
ParticipantI didn’t enjoy it much Thursday, I am not enjoying myself right now
i thought it was about my past remark, so i point it out to make sure
when we suffer less, make us desire life. This desire for life is hidden when we are depressed, but it is not gone
i actually don’t want to desire life, its too expansive for me
there is a question mark at the end, making it a question, not an affirmative statement. There is a hidden desire to live in this title
yes, that is the dreamy thinking, hope you might say, although i was asking only for validation (and the hope is to be wrong)
your inborn desire to live
i don’t see these things worth it honestly, though i was just saying the things that i do have and feel grateful for, and to not be advised to change my lifestyle, since i already think this is the best one for me
a desire that is a core characteristic in all that is alive
hmm, do i wanna survive? yes, do i wanna live? no (by living i mean the normal way), is survival worth it? no
these days, i feel so numb, a numbness like no other, i sometimes miss the sadness i used to feel all day when i wasn’t on drugs, the insomnia, the killer boredom, the urgent desire for intimacy, im glad all that is gone, i always wanted to live like this, a zombie, just existing
i wanted to ask you something, there is this thing, i will give an example, im sitting comfortably watching a movie and i remember what i lost (females) usually this idea doesn’t bother me i leaned to accept it, but when it comes fast in my mind, it feels like a slap out of nowhere, i get annoyed for 5 sec then it goes away, this happen often, if i see (in movies or social media) or think about this kind of thing, mostly its the jealousy thing, when i see someone else have what i really craved for, then i remember its my fault, then i just remember it doesn’t matter to me anymore, when this happen often i laugh or just say F**K, sometimes even loud, i remember reading something about this for the people that have OCD, though this is bit different, what do you think ?
ParticipantBecause you said twice that you don’t want anything that requires “therapy or people”
because i obviously don’t have those
All that lead me to believe that your rejection of working with a therapist might not be just about money
it doesn’t matter why, the truth is, there is nothing like that in iraq
but a therapeutic one. Any good therapist is trained to give you the so-called unconditional positive regard, to have compassion and understanding for you, to be non-judgmental, to see you and validate you.
i remember when i went to a “therapist” in iraq, it was very funny and a waste of time, as soon as i entered i told her that one of my problems is apathy, she was like “well in here you need to forget about that, in here you must care, too much” i was like “well i guess im gonna quit” she laughed told me i haven’t even started yet, at the end of our session i told her i always wanted someone to understand me, someone to accept me, she told me “then what?” the whole point of therapy for her is to change and live life according to society, she is what you call ” a practical person”, i remember she telling me that “i need to re program myself to think positive” i really don’t know what degree she have, but she “and most of the people in the middle east” seem to think that “positive” thinking somehow attract good things, its laughable, its actually has a name “law of attraction” pseudoscience is a common thing in the middle east, not only i have to bear all these stupid people, but also i have to follow them (the therapist), i like when a “therapist” project her silly beliefs and values on me, like somehow her pov of the world becomes objective, that’s why i don’t like the idea of therapy, i don’t want anyone to advice me, no one is allowed to do that
You can work on yourself by yourself
my problems (as you already said requires the intervene of other people), well are you ready to accept the fact ?
So you’ve got options, you don’t have to “suffer in peace”.
ah yes, the illusion of the choice, or whatso called “hope”, nah thanks, already watched hundred of videos on YouTube about mental health, all have the same themes “workout, meditate, drink water etc” the same bullshit, i think im good where im at right now, and if we are talking options, better suggest the best one
ParticipantI see you’re not too keen to work with a therapist, and not necessarily just because you don’t have money
oh really ? please tell me why on earth i would refuse a unconditional love, acceptance and compassionate
(or almost impossible)
i can finally suffer in peace
but I’d like to say first that the core wounding happens in a relationship, therefore healing happens in the context of a relationship too
you even know the amount of luck to find such female, if she even exist in iraq? and the amount of girls i have to talk to just to find this person, the amount of change i have to do in order to be liked by any female that was programmed to like a normal person, a “man”, i have to meet a lot of requirement that i don’t have, in order to get any kind of female, let alone the one that even know that mental health actually exist, and haven’t been brainwashed by society ideas and beliefs, you clearly have no idea