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ParticipantThere is an option to get notified via email below the box where you type your reply and above the submit button, over to the left. Not sure this always works though, as I think there are times I haven’t gotten the notification but have checked the box.
ParticipantAww, good! Slow and steady 🙂 You will be ok regardless of how things go with him, remember that!
ParticipantEhhh I don’t agree about constant contact. I think that may be how some people operate, but not all. Before we could text all day what did we do? *Maybe* talked on the phone once a night after work/school. Maybe it wasn’t even every night. I know for myself, this is where I get into trouble – when I start thinking “well I would do this or that, so why isn’t he?…he must not be into me like I am him”….failing to take into account the fact that we’re two different people that show and process love and attention completely differently. I think it’s these expectations that kill relationships. I agree that if you want to be with someone you will want to talk to and spend time with them, but this amount and frequency of time does not look the same to everyone. I think just because he is taking a little time/space doesn’t mean that he won’t reach out or doesn’t want to continue talking at all.
ParticipantYou’re welcome Heartbrokengurl 🙂 Please keep us posted!
ParticipantI think Amber has some good points but have to say that I don’t see him not asking about you as an indicator that he doesn’t want to keep seeing you/talking to you. I think some people just don’t have this question reciprocation skill down like the rest of us. I would just give it a couple days and things should become clearer. xx
I’m glad you’re feeling a little calmer. I know how fleeting that can be too so I hope it continues with you, even if only in waves!
I would love to know why we do this to ourselves too!! I can tell we are both strong, smart, independent and beautiful women but we seem to need a man to feel validated. SO annoying.
I think it’s important for you to wait for him to contact you not only so he can see that you’re strong and can go a while but also so that YOU see that he will not completely go MIA even if you haven’t heard from him in the time frame that makes you comfortable. I completely get your fears though…I had and still have the same ones. That I’ll get forgotten, he’ll lose interest if I’m not blowing up his phone (ha! I feel like the opposite is true, tbh), he’ll realize I’m not that great after all, …the list goes on. Definitely makes it harder when you don’t have plans to get together, but this is just another chance for you to do your own thing and take care of and be kind to yourself. I have to remind myself we all have different needs from communication and connection, and some people (I feel like guys especially) just don’t need to be in constant contact, or need much less than maybe you or I do. It’s important to remind yourself that his lack of communication might have much more to do with what’s going on in his life (work, family, house stuff, whatever) than his feelings for you.
You got this girl!!
ParticipantHi Pearce,
Thank you for the kind words and I’m glad my vision resonated with you!! In an earlier comment of yours on this thread, you said that while you’re away in these places, you have physical sensations like your fingers feel like they’re miles apart. I totally know what you mean! It’s so hard to put words to that feeling of such expansion. I have the same feeling in my head sometimes, like the space in my skull is just limitless. Also like my body is floating. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt that way with any regularity, but I can remember it being a common feeling when I was younger and perhaps less bogged down by the daily grind!!
ParticipantHi Heartbrokengurl,
Our situations are different but I understand your anxiety…I deal with it myself. It’s so not fun when you’re in the thick of it, which it sounds like you are right now. I think you’re right that it’s not a good idea to call and talk to him, especially when you both know that what he needs is some space and time. For him to feel smothered and pressured into a relationship will only make him turn away from you. You need to focus on other things in your life, and just try to be present in the moment and not worry about what is or isn’t happening with him. Easier said than done, I know but all you can do is try…each moment, just try. Your future is NOT dependent on him.
It’s so easy to pick apart text messages, I do that too. I would read “have a great day” and think “oh, what so we’re not going to talk for the rest of the day?!” But this is NOT accurate. It’s just him being kind and sincerely hoping your day is a great one!! Nothing more and nothing less. After reading a comment by PearceHawk on another thread, I started really thinking about the way texting so much especially early in romantic relationships really kinda sets us up to fail. Men and women both see texting so much differently and I know in my own new relationship, I have had to learn his communication style and become ok with the fact that he really just does not like to text. I think you need to give it some time and let him reach out to you and this will make you feel better and see that he is interested in you. It might take a couple days for this to happen (I know, scary!) but when it does, just show him that you’re happy to hear from him and that you’ve been happy just living your life in the meantime. And in the off chance that he doesn’t reach out, this is better to know too. You deserve someone who wants to be with you – whether it be this guy or not, it will be someone!!!
I’m attaching a couple articles that have helped me see texting differently. This different perspective has really helped calm my anxiety some…I hope it can for you too.
Stay strong and keep us posted.
ParticipantPizza Hut!! Cheese with their pretzel crust mmmmmm
I love reading these posts!! And thank you for sharing some of your other meditative visions. Ohhh how I love the beach, but am not so fortunate to live close. Agreed, when at the beach, all is good. I did go kayaking this weekend and while along the narrow river, imagined myself swinging from tree limb to tree limb, slowly letting go of the sandbags keeping me down until I was just bouncing from tree top to tree top, eventually making my way up to the clouds. That vision thanks to you 🙂
August 1, 2017 at 9:35 am in reply to: Self Sabotage – how not to ruin a good thing before it's even happened…?!?! #161553Katie
ParticipantHi Laura,
I’m sorry I don’t really have any solid advice to offer, but I do understand what you’re going through!! I’ve left relationships before thinking that it would be really easy to find someone perfect for me and then what a surprise when it’s not. But you getting out of an abusive relationship was for sure the right thing, and that’s good you see that – and also that you’ve allowed some time for yourself. Unfortunately, as much as we work on ourselves, some times the real work and the real test of the self work we’ve done can only be done in the context of a relationship. Like I know for myself, I will feel really good and confident on my own for a while and then as soon as I’m really into someone that all just crumbles. How frustrating!
What I’m learning is that we see everything through the filter of our own experiences and perceptions…like when he was late to your date, you immediately took it personally like he was blowing you off. When in reality, he could just be a not very timely person and it has nothing to do with you. You may have texted to let him know you’d be late if the roles were flipped but maybe that’s just not his thing. And because he hasn’t initiated anything physical with you…maybe he’s just a respectful person who wants to take that side slow (a good thing, in my opinion) or maybe he has insecurities of his own.
When you feel yourself having the sabotaging thoughts, I would challenge you to think of any possible explanations for what’s happening other than anything that has to do personally with you. I wish I could offer something more concrete, and I know it’s SO hard, especially in the moment! From experience, I know that things I tend to take personally usually have very little to do with me, and more to do with what’s going on with the other person (how their day at work was, what traffic was like, how they feel physically, etc). But it took me a few years of questioning significant others for me to figure this out. Next time you have these thoughts, I would just take a step back and try to remove yourself from the situation almost. Look for other ways to see and interpret what’s before you.
ParticipantHi Colby,
So sorry about your cat. 🙁 That’s adorable about the skunk that would scratch on your door for food!! Fellow animal lover here 🙂
Was looking through some of your old postings because I like advice you’ve given and WOW this is beautiful…gave me goosebumps and misty eyes. I love this imagery and am going to snatch it and adapt it for my own beginning dabblings in meditation. Impatience is something I struggle with too, along with self doubt and low self esteem. I love seeing the sandbags drop and dissolve, and being able to soar higher and higher in My Life because of the release of the weight of those things that don’t serve me.
You’ve definitely shared some happiness and peace, thank you very much. 🙂
Yea, I probably gave that impression…when I post on here it’s usually at my worst and I’m seeing everything in a negative light. Plus it legitimately does seem like I’m often the one to initiate everything most times because I can’t go more than a few hours without reaching out. But I feel like if I gave him the chance to reach out he would in his own time, it just might not be with the frequency I would like…with the frequency that my inner insecure self needs to feel reassured.
Thank you for that advice to write a letter to my anxious self while I’m in my calmer state! I like that and hope I can get the motivation to get it going. 🙂
ParticipantHey Anita,
I decided to just sit on it for a while (my go to lol) and went home on Friday and took a nap. Woke up to a phone call from him wanting to make plans for the weekend. 🙂 So I really do feel like we just have different communication styles and my overactive brain thinks and reads way too much into it. This has happened a few times with him…I’ll start spiraling and then he’ll reach out and I’ll realize that in reality nothing was wrong the whole time…it was just the way I was thinking and re-thinking it. My challenge now is how the heck do I keep myself from spiraling into anxiety and negative thoughts in the future (I know it’s bound to happen)?? I think keeping busier would probably help, but I become so pre-occupied when this stuff’s going down that it’s really hard to focus on anything else.