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Thank you for your reply.
I do believe you have my best interest in mind, the reflections you’ve provided have always been helpful for me to further my insight into myself. I realize the boy in me wants nothing to do with my mother or father, and that I make excuses why I have to continue to interact with them. I realize by spending time with them I am robbing myself of time that could be spent living the life I want and finding ways to get my needs met. Thank you for being patient with me. The most difficult part is missing my sister, sometimes there is a part of me who wished she would’ve refused to take my mom in after her divorce. If there’s one thing i’ve learned about people through my work in social services, it’s that people will figure out how to survive, my sister was sucked into my moms victimhood believing she was incapable of taking care of herself. I look at myself and I have been selfish since leaving home at 18, i’ve been selfish because I gave up so much of myself taking care of my parents for so long. My mom wouldn’t even think twice about ever asking to live with me, but she knew she could manipulate my sisters guilt (empathy abuse as you called it) and live with her. I digress. You’re right though it will eventually take zero contact between my parents for me to feel better. Hopefully this happens sooner than later. Everytime i think my parents are changing they do something to let me down once again. In this way I am insane, doing the same thing expecting a different result.
Speaking of avoiding insanity, I met a woman who took interest in me, and she seems emotionally healthy. As difficult as it may be i’m committed to building emotional intimacy with her slowly before getting physical. It will take self control and thinking ahead to what i really want to accomplish, but i’m so over my self-destruction at this point. I want something different for a change.
I have been thinking about your post for the past couple of days, and clearly I wasn’t valued by my parents in the ways i needed them most, which was emotionally. My emotions were always secondary to theirs. I remember a birthday when I was about 11 or 12 and unwrapping my gift. I wanted to get through with unwrapping my gift as quickly as possible and get to my room in the basement so I wouldn’t have to sit through my parents dysfunctional relationship any longer that day, i can’t remember where we were before i got home to unwrap my gift i just remember i couldn’t wait to be away from them and the hair trigger attitudes that filled the air with tension. What I do remember is already being hyper aware of my parents emotional states by that age, or else i would face the consequences of not taking care of them. As i typed out that last sentence my stomach turned a bit and reminded me of that feeling of walking on eggshells never being able to relax in their presence, my favorite part of the day in my adolescence was being home alone or just me and my sister, because it meant peace.
I have been excited lately to find out what can happen in my life if i’m able to heal from my childhood, and truly love myself the way i need to. I can’t believe how far i’ve come already and I can only imagine how great life can be if I keep working at healing and take care of those wounded parts of myself. I’m thirsty to know who I am, my soul, and purpose in this life and universe. I feel closer to the answer than ever before i just need some guidance to find myself. It also excites me because i’ve noticed the more im able to understand my self the better i have become at doing therapy with others. I have been receiving unsolicited positive feedback lately and I know it’s because I am able to recognize patterns in others that have been brought into light for myself through therapy and through your guidance on this forum.
I’m getting a little off track here from the original purpose of getting in contact with the boy i was before depression. I want to say my parents bought me the skateboard when i was about 4 years old because i picked it out at toys-r-us. I have a vivid image of it in my mind and have been thinking of recreating it through a drawing. No one really encouraged me to skate, i remember watching the first x-games on TV at my grandmothers house in 1996 and trying to do what i saw on tv. As i grew older they opened a skatepark right next to my elementary school so i would go after school, i skated off and on and got back into it around 16 and 17 and then stopped cold turkey when i met my first girlfriend which i now regret. Skating was everything to me at one point, when i was fed up at home i would skate about 2-3 miles to the park and hangout all day and come back when it was dark. It was like all the misfit children knew exactly where to go. Nowadays I cant get enough and i feel pure joy when im riding, i feel free, extroverted, playful, creative, and as if i belong in the presence of other skaters. I think we all know there is something deeply painful were running from and skating is the escape.
Thinking of what else brought me joy as a young child, I keep thinking of living at my grandmothers house at age 4-5, it was more peaceful there than the apartments we lived in before, and the house we moved into after when my parents had no one monitoring their antics. I would play outside for hours, digging in dirt, chasing animals, and my favorite thing to do was climb the tree in her backyard. Me and my cousins about 8 of us would climb into this tree and we all had a spot to sit. We would play games and talk, or just sit and admire the small changes in the tree every month. I still love being outside in nature and feel belonging when i’m in the woods. I haven’t been hiking in a while but a friend offered recently so i will take them up on that and get back to myself hopefully.
Thank you for reply, your concern, and thoughtfulness about my life it really helps me begin to feel as i’m worthy of love because of the effort you put forth in these posts. Thank you.
The more i practice mindfulness and daily meditation, the more dreams i have at night. I have been noticing heavy themes in my dreams, the most prevalent being myself trying to earn love in one way or another, whether it be through protecting others, helping, or some kind of achievement.
To your point of making contact with who i was before depression i have been so hungry for that lately, especially as I’ve reduced my substance usage. It has made me aware that it is difficult for me to be playful or lighthearted without substances. I’ve also noticed wanting to feel various emotions but having difficulty accessing them. I’m not nearly as depressed as i once was because through the work i’ve done on myself i was able to access some of those buried emotions, though I have a sense as if there’s some serious grief that needs to be accessed and my ego keeps trying to do it’s best to protect me from seeing whats there. It has been frustrating to say the least, i have an intuitive feeling that is where my relief lies, in accessing and feeling that pain.
My hope is that through continued mindfulness practice, I might be able to shine some light on what’s been repressed and grieve. Through my own discovery last year I fell in love with skateboarding again, something that has been near to my heart since i was a child. I remember being 4 years old and getting my first board, one of my earliest memories. I cherished that board so much it felt like freedom. I’m so glad i found my lost obsession for skateboarding again last year, it is pure joy, and brings out the childlike playfulness and creativity i greatly miss. I’ve left the skatepark a few times with tears in my eyes the past couple months happy that i found something i love enough in this world to get me excited to get out of bed, all while connecting with that boy who couldn’t wait to get out of school to go skate. I want nothing more than to be close to that boy again. I agree with everything you said, he is the portal to my joy. My strong inner critic doesn’t want him to be seen, I hope i can figure out how to find him?
I understand why you continually reiterate that I need not to contact my parents whatsoever. I have no contact with my father, and I see my mom every now and then. I have drastically changed the way I interact with my mom over the past couple years. It would be nice not to have contact with either one of them, unfortunately I refuse to give up seeing my sister just because my mom will be around.
I know you are trying your best to help me gain some clarity. I also understand my lingering depression and attempted coping strategy of achievement is my inner child still serving my parents. However I disagree that just through having no contact will my thoughts and feelings about my lovability drastically change. I do appreciate everything you have offered me over the past few years and I’m so grateful for the insight I’ve gained because of your help. I just don’t know if what little contact I have with my parents is really what’s keeping me from feeling lovable. I realize it’s where the problem started, no doubt, but I no longer see it as what is maintaining it.
Exactly. My parents gave lip service to love though I did not experience what it actually felt like. I can remember countless times being left at school on days when my dad was supposed to pick me up. One time I was left at the bus stop for 2-3 hours when I was in grade school waiting for my dad to pick me up. The crossing guard waited with me thankfully. But that memory still hurts to this day. My mom was more reliable to at least be there physically, but other than that she was emotionally unavailable for me.
I suppose had my parents practically loved me as a child they would’ve been concerned with my emotions. Also their love wouldn’t have been conditional on whether I was being obedient and high performing. I remember having an emotional breakdown on the pitchers mound at a baseball game in little league because too many people were telling me to do too many different things. I asked for a substitute and my dad got angry with me after the game for “being a quitter” despite being the best player on the team, and a reluctant leader through my character it wasn’t enough. It was never enough. I needed to know I was enough so badly, I remember my aunts and uncles were always so proud of me and to this day always greet me with a smile of gratitude. I can’t say the same for my mom, last time I saw her she was too busy being depressed to greet me with affection, not that I expect it anyway.
While it is helpful to reflect on my relationship with my parents, I’m at a point where I just don’t care to much to talk about it anymore, I know I didn’t get what I needed and it makes me upset and I’m okay with that now, I’m relieved at this point that I no longer have to bear the burden of confusion of why I feel unlovable. Now my challenge is how to feel lovable no matter what my life circumstances may be. My confidence comes and goes, feelings of lovabilty fade quickly when they arise, and are usually externally dependent. I desperately want to feel loveable internally, no matter what. I reached a conclusion while thinking about this last night during a sweat lodge that no matter what i do, I cannot make myself any more lovable than I am or always have been. It is not some dependent variable as if life was a science experiment that depended on the right inputs to get love. It frustrates me to no end that I keep trying to accomplish and achieve to gain love just as I did my whole childhood. There is something in my heart that has been asking me to surrender to my pain lately, it’s coming in dreams, in my thoughts, and manifests in physical discomfort when I come into contact with women. I don’t want to try anymore. I just want to be okay with being who I am, and all the baggage that comes with it.
I would not try to be my sisters therapist, I realized a couple years ago our differences in our opinions of our parents was causing conflict, so i decided to just be supportive of her, and she does the same for me, in this way we have both learned to keep our relationship with eachother strong. I am grateful for that because i see alot of siblings who have disagreements about their parents let their relationships suffer because of it.
The anger i have towards my parents is closely tied to my own self-hatred. I am angry no one taught me i was lovable. I am also angry my father & mother never taught me good social skills, leaving me alone often to figure things out. I am angry because i struggle so much as an adult because of what i was not taught.
Thank you for your reply.
Lately I have been having car troubles, and phone troubles. I had to buy a new phone unexpectedly and a few hundred dollars in tools and car parts. While work is starting to pick up for me and im getting more clients every week money is still tight. All that to say most of the anger I’m feeling at the moment is towards my father for the way he’s been treating my sister, which lead me to completely shutting that relationship off. Not that we had been close, but I still would ask to use his garage from time to time, which i also put countless work hours in all kinds of weather to help build. So this time around I just did the work in my sisters driveway.
What makes me mad, pardon my language is that my dad is such an asshole, and easily manipulated by people. Long story short he basically wont allow my sister over the house to see him without an appointment because of his new girlfriend. While i had given up on my dad being a father years ago my sister was still holding out and it’s tearing her apart to realize my dad is a shitty person. So once again im angry with him because he continues to hurt people i care about, though in the long run i knew my sister would eventually have to come to grips with the reality of my parents so in some ways im glad she’s finally grieving the loss of her expectations of our dad to be a parent.
I also continue to find myself angry with society, for the damage i see harmful ideologies causing to people, myself included. I find myself angry with myself for a number of reasons, but mainly for continuing to not to love myself (i know it’s paradoxical and silly but its the truth) and continuing to long for friendships and romance. I’m angry and frustrated with myself because I find myself dissatisfied with life because of what i don’t have (mainly close relationships) even though i know i need to be grateful for the people i do have. I feel like i’m constantly getting in my own way, and i’m judgmental towards myself for needing people at all.
I hope you are well.
I’ve been meaning to post here for a the past week or so to let you know I’m doing well. I feel I often overlook the times when I feel peaceful and I’m striving to become more aware of them, so acknowledging them more often is in my plan.
Not to say I’m void of any difficult emotions however, the longing to be loved is still strong, anger and disappointment towards my parents still resides in me, and feelings of loneliness are always close. I also slipped up and had a couple drinks last Friday night. I didn’t proceed to get drunk because part of the way through while at the bar I realized it was making me sad, and I wasn’t actually connecting with anyone so I left my friends and walked home alone and went to sleep. I think having increased my mindfulness made me realize how awful drinking excessively makes me feel.
The more answers I find in life seems to lead only to even more questions. The question I’m stuck on now is the purpose of my grief? I have been grieving the loss of close relationships to old friends, realizing I only have 1 genuinely close friend right now that lives in my city being my roommate. I have other friends but I’m not as close to them as I’d like to be for various reasons, like their own (romantic) relationships, work schedules, and others I can’t think of right now. It makes me sad. I feel lonely.
Wanting to accept and experience all of my feelings as much as they demand to be felt, has me questioning what is the grief doing for me? Im wondering if it is trying to help me let go of some kind of pain to open myself up to future opportunities should they present themselves, ones that I would otherwise be closed off to or wouldn’t recognize if I never felt the pain of loneliness or lost relationships. I’m not sure and would love to hear your input.
Thanks again
ParticipantHappy new year to you as well Anita!
My goal for this year is to work on my mental/emotional health and learn peace. I’m starting off by having a sober January and I’ve got some friends and family to join in as well. I want my relationship with pain to change this year. I’m tired of the chaos and it has to stop.
In response to your previous post, I agree wholeheartedly my expectation of love is unreasonable, I remember daydreaming constantly as a child in school, and at home about being loved, and that child is still in me stuck chasing that daydream. You suggested I was looking for a thrill or emotional roller coaster ride a few weeks back and I couldn’t agree more. I’m serious about getting myself together, I really feel as if I have no other choice, I can see the outcome if I stay on this path of thrill seeking and living in a false reality. I’m honestly excited about learning calmness. Also, I hope love might be more boring, or calm than what I’ve had in the past, because that would mean something new which probably will mean healthier too.
I’ve been wrestling with the idea that I just want security and something to attach to. I know the Buddhist would say attachment is the cause of suffering. So I’m hoping to learn to let go of expectations, and grasping so hard for what might not ever be there.
ParticipantAlso I know you may not have all the answers right now but I’m suprised at how often you do. It is amazing the quality of help you give thanks again
So then what to do with this desperate feeling? Or rather how to soothe the desperation? I’m trying to be patient and find peace of mind, it may be a lifelong struggle I suppose, maybe the need to feel love is just my burden to bear in this life. I sure hope that there is hope that one day love might be more accessible to me when I need it. Again i am grateful for people like you and my therapist who feel like an endless well of compassion towards me, I’m glad you’re here for me and the others on this forum. i can function in this misery and hopelessness, even help others from this place, but I’d rather not. I’d rather live with peace and love
thank you for your reply and genuinely wanting to help. I’m not sure you can do anything other than what you have been for me. It’s very comforting to know that you will always respond to me when your able to, something I’ve not always had in my life and I’m very grateful for. I don’t know there’s anything anyone can do for me honestly. It seems nothing is ever what I need, maybe I still don’t let people help me, maybe I’m still not vulnerable enough in my life, I’m so lost and confused right now, don’t know where to go to find what I need. I find myself fresh out of ideas, I won’t stop trying though, I think I just need strength to continue trying, I’ve always been successful at whatever I do despite failed attempts as long as I keep trying, sometimes I just get tired and burnt out and lose hope. I know I am lovable I just have to keep trying to find the places and people where it’s at, and stop looking where it’s not. The search is exhausting and even if I do find the kind of love and belonging I’m looking for there’s no guarantee it will be there for me my entire life. I want to attach to something secure, I want something to hold onto to feel safe in this scary world, but there is nothing permanent as bad as I want there to be, I forget that often. So all I can do is keep trying when love is not present and be grateful when it is.
i am ok, I drove back home today because I have a full day of clients to see tomorrow. I went to the skatepark for a couple hours, and it really helps distract me and keep me present. I’m so grateful for skateboarding, it gives me something to look forward to. My least favorite part is having to leave, Knowing that I’m going home to be alone with my emotional pain again.
i don’t want you to be concerned for me. I will live. I’m just not sure it will ever not feel like a drag. I want so desperately to be held, and seen or heard, but I don’t know how get these things, I try and will continue to try it just hurts running into so much failure in relationships with people and is very discouraging and confusing. It is difficult without good support. I’m glad I have this forum and my therapist, unfortunately that feels like about all the support I really have these days. My roommate won’t pay me any real attention she just wants to fix me, my sister doesn’t understand, my other friends are flaky and generally unavailable, so when I’m sad I’m the only witness, I just wish for someone else to see me so I don’t feel so alone.
thank you for your reply and attention. Even here on this forum I feel guilty asking for attention over and over again, for still being in need of love, despite hundreds of replies, hundreds of therapy sessions, countless conversations with friends, at the end of it all I feel guilty and underserving. As if I should be okay to just go on living life without having an emotional crisis every week. It’s just that the pain is so much sometimes and I don’t know how to reach relief, I don’t know what to do to make myself feel better. I’ve given up on my parents cognitively at least, I think you hint frequently that emotionally feeling wise I have not, and this very well may be the case, even still if I did I feel as if I’d still be missing affection and unconditional love. A lot of times friends can’t be there for me, i can’t just call you anytime, I can’t live in my therapist’s office. I just want to feel like at the end of the day I don’t have to be alone with my pain forever, it’s making life brutal for me, and I would never end it myself, but sometimes I just can’t wait for the end if it means this pain will go away. I don’t want to think that way, I want to see the beauty in life. I feel like I’m constantly waiting on a catastrophe, I fear my car might give out one day even though I obsess over it and I don’t want to ask my dad to use his garage anymore because we don’t even talk regularly. Sometimes I just want the worst of life to come my way so I can get it over with, I want everything to go to shit so I can be forced to deal with it and not have to live in anxiety. I don’t know if I’m making sense I’m very emotional today and didn’t sleep very well.
ParticipantI feel like I’m not going anywhere sometimes with my health, like there is no peace out there to be had. It all just feels so painfully repetitive. I feel broken is the best way I can describe it, or hopeless.