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ParticipantWorry can be addictive and though you might hate it your mind and body may have learned to crave it and craving it create it.
Worry can be the fear of not having control where we never have control. Life lives off life, birth and death are a part of life. To fear death, to fear this cycle, is to fear life and so to many people stop living.Never lose the opportunity to worry about something now about what might happen in the future… If it never happens well at least we didn’t waist the opportunity to worry about…
Sounds silly right but that is what most of us do. We imaging a future of fear and loss and worry about it today.
The wisdom traditions tell us that the solution is to learn to live in the present. To appreciate the time you have with a loved one in the moment and avoid muddying the moment with fear of the future. This is easier said than done as by now you may have created a dependency on worry.
I think the first step is to acknowledge the addiction to worry and that the worry stories you tell yourself are ones that you wrote. Avoid making judgments of good or bad, right or wrong on that acknowledgment as that just feeds the worry. It just is. You worry about things that have not happened.
Worry and fear serve a purpose. These emotions are intended to get our attention. However once the issue at hand has your attention fear and worry are no longer helpful. Instead say thank you to fear and worry for pointing out the concern, you see the problem, and are doing x, y and z to address it… and in those situations where you have no influence over the concern work on acceptance.
Instead of remaining fixated on the fear of losing my grandmother I’m going to appreciate the preset movement that I have with my grandmother. I am only emotionally week because I tell myself I am emotionally week, I om working on telling myself a better story.
Give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as the wisdom traditions suggest,
This world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
ParticipantI understand why the situation is hurtful as your friend may be insensitive to your feelings. The rule of charity suggest talking to her about what you’re feeling however if you can’t or won’t all you can do is imagine why she is doing what she is doing. If this is the path you are going down the rule of charity suggests picking the better story that allows you to move forward and avoid the villain and victim stories that tend to keep us stuck.
From what you wrote your friend may be inspired by you while you appear to be jealous. Imagine if you both had such farm, what you could learn from each other?
May I ask, are you following through on your dreams? If you’re not, that has nothing to do with your friendship, so you may be projecting your frustration onto it.
“The usual hero adventure begins with someone from whom something has been taken, or who feels there is something lacking in the normal experience available or permitted to the members of society. The person then takes off on a series of adventures beyond the ordinary, either to recover what has been lost or to discover some life-giving elixir. It’s usually a cycle, a coming and a returning.” ~ Joseph Campbell
You won’t feel ready for it when it comes. No one does.
Castor doesn’t train heroes anymore. No, your call will come when you are folding the laundry, punching the time clock, sitting at your desk with stacks of paper in neat and organized piles. One day, when you are writing checks, the wind will blow through you, and you will wonder where that chill came from as you notice your windows are so safely shut, and the room is a comfortable seventy-five degrees. This is your warning.
For those among us who are prone to leaping off bridges just to feel the thrill of falling, your call may not feel like a call at all.
You might meet a tall dark stranger who extends to you a harmless invitation and find yourself suddenly hurdling through space- gleefully- while cosmic dragons hurl fire that whizzes past your ear, singeing your hair and giant spiders weave nets all around. Be careful out there.
Your call to adventure may come as a shriek in the stillness of the night while you lie awake ruminating about the rising waters, the secrets you keep, the way your lover turns away from you after sex. Or it might come as haunting and melodious pipe music you can only almost hear, being played by a nymph in the wild places of your dreamscape.
Your call might be a regal horn blown by the breath of a great angel through a million tree branches scraping against your window. Finally, if you’re truly destined for greatness, your call may not arrive until the skies catch fire, and set ablaze all the small comforts you’ve so meticulously collected, turning the house you were raised in to ash.
No matter how your call comes, it is the trumpet of your destiny. You will say that you have more important things to do: you are raising children, punching the clock, planning a vacation to escape from an oppressive life.
You will protest to the messenger. You will say he has confused you with someone else, that you’ve not a heroic bone in your whole body, that your Honda, your atrium, your sensible beige walls are who you really are- what you see is what you get- and you simply cannot accept his invitation right now. You’re too young. You’re too old. You’re not financially ready. You’re not emotionally ready. You’re blind. You’re deaf.
“But the makers of legend have seldom rested content to regard the world’s great heroes as mere human beings who broke past the horizons that limited their fellows and returned such boons as any man with equal faith and courage might have found…. The hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” ~Joseph Campbell
It’s already too late. When you are called, no refusal, no denial, no sputtering rejection can stop it from beginning, so don’t go back to sleep.
1. The calling itself is your qualification.
“The real work of our lives is to become aware. And awakened. To answer the call.” ~Oprah Winfrey
You don’t feel qualified? Good. Neither does anyone else. In the ass-backward and meaningless world created by our collective insanity, you must qualify. You must qualify to be permitted to work, to be housed, to have status as a human being. If you are bat-shit crazy and poor, you are diagnosed with a thought-crime from the big book of The Healthy State’s Conformity Manual (fake book title- you know the one).
If you’re crazy- and you find a way to monetize it- you’re eccentric and brilliant, a sharp and creative mind (relative to the growth and return on your bank account, that is).
How strange, to give so much power away in a world that measures the value of a human life with numbers in a vast virtual databank. What is your life worth? Do the numbers add up?
Are you qualified to receive the right to live with dignity and purpose? Do you qualify for healthcare? A safe home in which to raise your child? Food? This is a system that we collectively- and literally- just made up. It is insane. It is meaningless. Only our agreement allows it to exist at all.
Underneath all your concessions, your hold-outs, your hold-ins, your thrashing, your frozenness lies something original, unique and profoundly real, truly alive, bursting with creative ecstasy.
If you have done everything right-or even if you haven’t — and you don’t know why it feels hollow, how you’ve become so tame, so stiff and gray and boring, like the color has been squeezed out of you, then your call has come right on time. Pick up. The phone. Fate knows you’re home. Don’t make her blow a tornado through your living room to get your attention.
2. Your life begins taking on magical or supernatural qualities.
“Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell others.” ~ Mary Oliver
Once you have been called it is not so far-fetched that you would begin to experience unusual phenomena. After all, you do not yet know what you are called to- what you will become could not be explained to you because it is not in your frame of reference.
Can you imagine a color that does not exist?
Even as you take your very first step, you are blind. It seems unfair to be asked to walk a path that you cannot see, but in exchange for your lack of sight, you shall be awarded vision. You will see with the eyes in your hands as you feel your way forward. You will peer into worlds that lay upon the dust under your physical feet; you will see the greater focus of existence and you will learn to let go your attachment to appearances.
With any luck at all, it will start small: a glimmer out of the corner of your eye, a strange encounter with an old woman who says the oddest thing you’d ever heard, the sense that you are not alone in an empty room. You will wish to brush these off as tricks of your clever mind, but failure to heed the secret knowledge of your gut will only result in more powerful demonstrations designed to dash the illusions under which you live to pieces.
If you think the chill rolling down your spine in the silence is eerie, just dare to ignore it.
If you insist on physical demonstration it will come, but great risks you take with this demand, whose form you cannot control. Do you really think you are ready to kneel before an apparition as solid in your perception as your own flesh? Do you really believe that you could withstand the light of your own being without being shattered to your humanity? Would you become a prophet or an empty shell housed in the nearest nuthouse?
You cannot answer these questions. You are too fragmented as yet to know what you are. We all are. If you do not think you are shattered, then you do not yet know even the most basic thing about your human condition. When finally you see yourself break, which may not become evident to you without great loss, only then have you begun to see what has happened to you in your sleep. This is the first hint to the true purpose of your journey.
3. You begin to lose your grip.
“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another, unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present.” ~ Anais Nin
So tightly clenched have been your fists around what is left of your old life- of the pre-called self- that your fingertips have turned white, the joints in your knuckles ache, the ragged edges of your nails draw blood in half-moon shapes from the meaty bases of your palms.
Your old reality is now called into question. What was solid and true begins to warp and fade. The bedrock on which you built yourself is turning to dust beneath your feet, the walls on which you have hung photos of your dearest memories turn to ash before your eyes.
At every threshold you lose something: your shoe, your watch, your favorite negligée. Yesterday you needed these things; today the Universe teaches you that you don’t. You’re in a perpetual state of grief and wonder. In every mirror you will see yet another of your many faces. The days of being two-faced have ended as you discover, slowly, that you are everything that has ever been.
What a great and terrible responsibility that falls upon the awakening human. Ever more weary as you tread, you cannot return for you have lost your way in the vastness of yourself now.
Time, you find, moves in every direction. The alarm clock still rings, you still drink coffee, your body still sits in traffic, but your spirit is stretched across eternity. Everything looks the same, and yet, not at all.
Your skin becomes increasingly uncomfortable as you try to contain all that you are. You find you cannot stuff anymore in, and so now you must begin to sort through the storage of your eternal self and cast out what no longer seems valuable, what no longer seems true, what no longer seems real.
You no longer look with your eyes, but with your inner sight. You see all the world, all its devious systems, the way it lulls, the way it oppresses, the way it is designed against all truth. You have fallen for so many deceits. You can no longer trust anything you once knew. You begin to realize that this quest will claim your life, and one blink later…
4. The Abyss has taken hold.
“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” ~Joseph Campbell
Lost and empty, there is no longer a road, only darkness all around. It breathes, it hisses and all lights go out. You no longer exist, and yet you are in pain. All but catatonic, you lie there in your sweat, your tears, in the blood spilling from your broken and hopeless heart.
You believe in nothing, in no one. You are sure your end is upon you; you wish for it to come swiftly and terribly. You can do nothing but wait for your heart to stop beating, and out of this long dark night, a distant, golden glimmer, and harp music calls you through the boundaries of worlds.
Finally, you’ve broken. Finally, all your defenses have been defeated. Finally, you have no choice but to see that all you have clung to is meaningless, that it could not save you. Finally, you have surrendered to the void.
“When there’s no sign of hope in the desert, so much hope still lives inside despair. Heart, don’t kill that hope…” ~ Rumi
You die.
You dream.
So many sights from a life now over: streamers and cupcakes, past due notices and pink slips, campfires and moonlight. Here, in the nothing you face your fears, no longer formless they rise as phantoms in the dark.
War weary, fightless, you watch them hang you and light you on fire, drag you through the dust by a rope around your neck on horseback, throw you from bridges, chop your head off on dusty cobblestone streets. You hear yourself screaming, through the long hallways of time. You hear yourself wailing from a cavern on the ocean floor. Your spirit has carried this pain since the first time you took form. You are sharing the womb with thousands of selves, frozen in the traumas of ages in human time.
You begin to realize what you have done. You begin to realize that your cleverness is not so clever after all. You start to see that your mis-creations never die, not even when you do. You see that you have forgotten, but your creations never did; they cannot. They are bound to you and you are bound by the laws you made for them.
You are ready now, to accept your undoing. You are ready to become a stem cell again. Formless. Helpless. You might become anything: a liver, a heart, a uterine lining. A star, a queen, a priestess. You’ve lost your will. You await instruction from the vast dark womb of the Mother.5. You are ready to accept your transformation.
“The deep parts of my life pour onward, as if the river shores were opening out. I feel closer to what language can’t reach. With my senses, as with birds, I climb into the windy heaven… in the ponds broken off from the sky. . .” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
The cacophony of all worlds falls silent as you cross the bridge, the only direction you can now go. Behind you there is no life. It’s funny how you glide now, swimming through the etheric soup, no longer hindered by your clumsy body, loaded down with heavy, dented armor, or bags of worthless trinkets from a world that no longer exists for you.
It is dark in the womb, but it is peaceful. You have made it to the temple. You lost everything along the way, even your identity, which no longer hinges on what you do for money, what you do for specific individuals, what kind of car you drive.
You are utterly empty and without will, you have come to realize that you cannot know what to be next and have finally let yourself go into the arms of the Great Mother, whose embrace is a soft golden cocoon where your emaciated self can finish safely disintegrating.
The caterpillar cannot imagine what it is to be a butterfly. The sperm cannot imagine what it is to be a human. And ever so slowly, you are being rebuilt. You are being made new.
You are going to be birthed one day, into a world you cannot yet fathom, into a life you did not know was possible. Where you have come from will seem like a dream, and your slate will be wiped clean by the hand of She who created you.
Though the home you now live in seems to get increasingly cramped and tight as you grow, you also have been given new ears and eyes, new limbs, a fresh and open heart, innocence. You can sense the excitement as you float, you can feel that a new dawn is now close.
You can hear their voices now, the voices of those who you are coming to save, to heal, to love into newness. You can hear them speak of you as the royalty whose arrival they eagerly await.
It takes some effort- the labor- it is uncomfortable and your new muscles, new lungs, new eyes work hard to adjust you as you squeeze through the same bridge you crossed as a tiny speck of pure potential all those long months ago, so you can emerge atoned, and blazing with soul.
“Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.” ~ Barbara Marciniak
You are no longer a slave, but a true and compassionate servant. You have no needs, only desires that burst into being by the power of the divine will you now are.
Your body, your brain, your singing heart exist only to embody God, as you, in a world that once seemed so scary, so dark, so dangerous. The dark armies are now like ant colonies.
They climb over your your big toe on their way to feed on the crumbs left behind by picnicking families, but they cannot see you, let alone harm you. Now, the dark cities where you were chased by monsters are the playground of creativity, mercy, joy, peace and happiness. Miracles are ordinary occurrences, and you give them away freely to everyone you meet. Your breath raises crystal cities, and your heart beat is the rhythm of the music that holds the universe together.
You are home again.Then, the phone rings.
Pick it up.
ParticipantI can relate to the feelings your experiencing and wish I knew a magic word that would flick a switch and set you on your authentic path.
I am certain of very few things other than the following
We become the stories we tell ourselves and that we must work for that which no work is required.
We have to learn how to get out of our own way and that is a first task of hero’s journey.You currently feel divided, the person you feel you are and the person you think/know you could be, the authentic self pushing you to become the best version of yourself. Listen to that voice and “just do it”, there is no short cuts, no magic, no excuses, just do it. Tell a better story and just do it and doing it be it
Based on my own failure to listen to the hero’s call because I was too afraid I can assure you that eventually the voice telling you that you can be more will become harder and harder to hear and time will pass you by.
“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us”.
“Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to Life. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning.”
Joseph CampbellDecember 5, 2016 at 10:06 am in reply to: Is it really better to be alone than with the wrong person? #121970Peter
ParticipantI struggle to feel its truth.
Clinging on to a relationship that I know is not what I want and not good for me because I’m so afraid of being alone and am unsure if there is anyone better out there..I firmly believe that we create what we fear. On the upside that also implies that we can create what we hope for, it’s just more difficult as it is the nature of fear to grab our attention, (And so intention), and once fear has our attention, it takes skill to look past it.
As long as you hold onto your fear of being alone and worry that something better “may or may not be out there” your relationships will always be at risk. Authenticity/nature/self/god demands that you to become and so you will find yourself recreating and reliving scenarios where you will be faced with this fear over and over again until you overcome it.
ParticipantFor what my opinion is worth
Trust your initial instinct of blocking all calls and creating a clean break.
Noting is worse than the drama of a on again off again relationship based on inferred intentions.
We can never know with certainty what another person is thinking or why they are doing what they want to do. However one would hope that a authentic relationship those involved would not have to to infer intention but could be honest with each other.That you are playing the inferring intention game could be a sign that the relationship is not authentic and that it is time to move on and seek out better. You deserve better.
Through personal experience and observation I know how strong the pull is leave the door open just a little after a break up. There are psychological reasons behind this need and overly simplified perhaps I might call it the ‘Just in case’ affect.
Keep the door open: Just in case something better doesn’t come along, Just in case I start feeling lonely
Just in case my ego needs the boost of knowing someone is waiting for me – control, just in case….Just in case isn’t good enough. Don’t accept Just in case from yourself or from others.
ParticipantIf I’m reading you post correctly you’re an intuitive introvert and a bit of a dreamer. Living more in your head then in the material world?
In an overly extroverted world qualities such as introversion and dreamer can be experienced as being at odds with everyone made worse as we imagine that everyone else’s life is so much bigger than our own.
Sometimes to get out of a cycle you have to fully enter it. Like getting caught in an undertow while swimming you can struggle or let go and let it run its course as you keep your eyes open for the moment to start swimming again.
Instead of fighting the qualities that are part of your authentic self my advice is to learn how to accept them. Once you accept them you will better understand how they are influencing your experiences and then what you need to do to grow.
Recommend: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
ParticipantPolitically I do think we are heading into a time of a shadow as it seems the lessons we learned through the experience of the horror of past destructive wars was not enough to remain conscious to the reality that we are our bothers keeper and in this together.
“we’re big and I guess we’re small – If you think about it man you know we got it all – Cause we’re all we got on this bouncing ball
ParticipantWe recreate and replay scenarios that our authentic self needs us to work through and become conscious of.
‘When the Past Is Present: Healing the Emotional Wounds that Sabotage our Relationships’ by David Rich
We all have a tendency to transfer potent feelings, needs, expectations, and beliefs from childhood or from former relationships onto the people in our daily lives, whether they are our intimate partners, friends, or acquaintances. When the Past Is Present helps us to become more aware of the ways we slip into the past so that we can identify our emotional baggage and take steps to unpack it and put it where it belongs.
• Understand how the wounds of childhood become exposed in adult relationships—and why this is a gift
• Identify and heal the emotional wounds we carry over from the past so that they won’t sabotage present-day relationships
• Recognize how strong attractions and aversions to people in the present can be signals of own own unfinished business
• Use mindfulness to stay in the present moment and cultivate authentic intimacyPeter
ParticipantIn the natural world there is no such concepts of good, bad, justice… life is.
There is a time and rhythm for all things and at the core of our experiences of life rhythms is the reality that life lives of life, life requires the sacrifice of life. Every breath we take is a sacrifice of life, one form of life for another form. That is life’s awesomeness-it wonder and its fear.
It is I think as we experience the tension that comes about through the confrontation with that reality, sometimes through major life changing experiences but usually the accumulation of 1000 cuts, that we label our experience good and bad.
The question becoming is life, even as it must live off life be good? Can we say yes to life as it is and label it not only good but that it is Love?
In the story of genesis we are confronted with the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Note that it is not the knowledge of what is good and what is evil but only the awareness of a difference in our experiences that we might label good or bad. It is the awakening to the problem of opposites.
What is the good and what is the bad? How can something that feels good be bad? How can something I experience as bad be experienced as good by someone else? How is it that what is good one moment becomes bad in the next? How is it that good often arise from our deepest pain, and pain from our deepest good?
I might argue that it is the tension created by the problem of opposites that creates consciousness. (is consciousness a good?) As all the wisdom traditions teach us one of the steps in the art of becoming requires us reconcile the problem of opposites. Good and Bad are not opposites and so do not ‘win’ over the other.
But that answer does not help when you are in pain or witness the pain experienced by others so perhaps not your real question. What is the point of being good?
You must live your truths as you know them to be as you live life within your destiny.
There is no point in being good other than that is who you are. That must be enough in and of itself. Not for some future reward or fear of punishment but because you are being true to your authentic self. Yes you will get it wrong, yes others will hurt you but I truly believe that if you live your truths while being open to learning better and learning better doing better that that matters, and that is good.
I very much recommend the book Fault in our stars‘ by John Green who effectively through the power of story explores the question of the problem of good and evil and what is the point.
“I believe the universe wants to be noticed. I think the universe is probably biased toward the consciousness, that it rewards intelligence in part because the universe enjoys its elegance being observed.” ― John Green
“There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. There’s .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others. Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between 0 and 2, or between 0 and a million. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.
There are days, many of them, when I resent the size of my unbounded set. I want more numbers than I’m likely to get, and God, I want more numbers for Augustus Waters than he got. But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.” ― John Green
That is the key – grateful- grateful for the good and the bad we experience, the experience of noticing that if we push through reveals itself as love.
My favorite song “The Riddle” – Five for Fighting
There was a man back in ’95
Whose heart ran out of summers
But before he died, I asked himWait, what’s the sense in life
Come over me, Come over meHe said,
Son why you got to sing that tune
Catch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moon
Let an angel swing and make you swoon
Then you will see… You will seeThen he said,
Here’s a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There’s a reason for the world
You and I…Picked up my kid from school today
Did you learn anything cause in the world today
You can’t live in a castle far away
Now talk to me, come talk to meHe said,
Dad I’m big but we’re smaller than small
In the scheme of things, well we’re nothing at all
Still every mother’s child sings a lonely song
So play with me, come play with meAnd Hey Dad
Here’s a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There’s a reason for the world
You and I…I said,
Son for all I’ve told you
When you get right down to the
Reason for the world…
Who am I?There are secrets that we still have left to find
There have been mysteries from the beginning of time
There are answers we’re not wise enough to seeHe said… You looking for a clue I Love You free…
The batter swings and the summer flies
As I look into my angel’s eyes
A song plays on while the moon is high over me
Something comes over meI guess we’re big and I guess we’re small
If you think about it man you know we got it all
Cause we’re all we got on this bouncing ball
And I love you free
I love you freelyHere’s a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There’s a reason for the world
You and I..I love you free…
ParticipantI would love to work on improving myself if the rest of the world won’t change for me… I have to accept that we’re all humans but that is very hard for me to do.. It’s hard for me to lower my expectations. So please?
The rest of the world is not going to change for you however you can find happiness becoming the change you would like to see.
One of the things I noticed in your post is a concern for how others see you and then how that impacts how you see them.
No matter how intuitive a person maybe we can only imagine what other people are thinking and feeling and the reality is we are wrong most of the time. It is also true that people do not think about us as much as we imagine they do. Like us they are trying to work out their own issues.
The rule of charity suggests that if there are multiple possible explanations for some experience and there is no way to determine which is the correct on, pick the better story.
The truth is it’s usually not a matter of not being able to determine which explanation or story is correct but that we don’t ask or act to find out. Instead we tend to assume that we ‘know’ and more often than not pick the most negative story that then sends our experience spiraling downward.
My advice stop worrying about what you imagine others are thinking about and focus on the person you want to be. Like will attract like.
As above so below we are influenced – by focusing on your outer experience your sense of self will be influenced even determined by outer experiences of which you have little control if any.
As Below so above we influence – by focusing on your inner experiences and who you are, becoming the changes you want to see, you take ownership of your sense of self and in that way start to influence your outer experiences.
There is a suggestion to ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ Note that it does not say like.
The reality in life is that we will not always like everyone all the time, even those we love the most and that’s okThat’s the thing, you can still Love someone even in those time you might not like them. In fact those are the times when love is exercised and put into practice and not just some concept or feeling.
If you can connect to the Truth in that and let go of this fear of liking or not liking your heart will lighten.
Start by working on how you love yourself in those time when you might not like yourself or are disappointed in yourself. Can you acknowledge your humanity and still love yourself enough to do better when you learn better without the negative self-talk. Forgive your failings as you forgive the failings of others?
ParticipantSorry to be a naysayer
My opinion for what it’s worth – move on.By all means be upfront with him about what you want, but be honest, you don’t just want to be friends.
Any “lets be friends” conversation will likely be interpreted as you wanting something more anyway.Ask for what you really want and be ok with the answer. Yes or no
If you settle for maybe, “lets be friends” in all likelihood he is going to open and close this crack in the door over and over again and your worth more then that.
The end is in the beginning.
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
ParticipantSo what is Change? Everything changes but stays the same.
To “make America Great Again” is that a change or a regression?
As a call to return to some “magical” past would it not me more correct to call it a regression. But regression is also a change, if illusionary, as you “can’t step in the same river twice”. We fight to hold a moment that no longer exitsThe only thing that never changes is change which means everything stays the same but, perhaps as Nina points out, it is our perception of what we see that changes. The reality was always there we just never notice it and till we do, if always incompletely.
Gnosticism has always fascinated me as it is based on Gnosis, the knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means. Yet the moment such knowing is codified and taught to others as the way such teaching is no longer Gnosis. I view Gnosis as an individual experience that might intuit change but not create it.
I’ve been reading quite about the Gnosis, Goddess, and shamanic cultures. One thing that I have noticed is that they were not able to stand up against the desert masculine god religions. I think that the reason is due to innovation. The above cultures are more likely to accept “life as it is” which has little energy for innovation and so easily overcome.
I see the current tension between the ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ movement in the same way. The conservative will always be more “innovative” in the ways of politics then the liberal
ParticipantI know you are correct Jeena
I’m just disappointed that the movement of awakening to this awareness changes so very little. The pendulum still must swing.
And this is the time of the shadow.Peter
ParticipantThank you all for all the responses.
I wrote the post after the US election and the disappointment I felt at seeing the American people fall under the influence of the shadow. Historically when nations give into the shadow it does not end well
It had been my hope that the movement of awakening consciousness would have rallied and point to a better way. Instead I saw the movement rendered helpless, we would not change and history will repeat itself. Worse I saw no energy to engage.
I understand that the principle of polarity and rhythm are realties of nature and that light changes to dark through the swing of the pendulum and that this realty are attributes of love as light and dark are not opposites but part of each other. Still I had hope.
I read the posts on the site and am equally discouraged as I hear story after story of people repeating there history in hopes of this time for sure things will change.
I am discouraged
Does accepting the world as it is, life as it is, mean we stop standing up for our truths as we understand them in the moment. Yes open to learning to do better when we know better but still be must stand.
Its sounds like a contradiction to simultaneously stand for your truths and act while at the same time accepting life as it is and that the present is exactly where it is meant to be. This is love
Only I’m not sure it worth it anymore.
Today is Remembrance Day. We remember so that we don’t repeat past horrors and yet as the services end and the people walk away we do forget.
I apologies for the rambling and what likely sounds like babble. I know what it is I want to say but seldom know how to say it.
I am disappointed that Love does not conquer all as the bitter and sweet, light and the dark are also qualities of love. I just tired of being in a time of darkness.
Melanie you my find David Richo book – How to be an Adult in relationships helpful.
Our expectations on what love should look and feel like within committed relationships are often at odds and can get in the way of the intimacy you are seeking. We tend to keep looking for that something and because we are always looking miss the moments when we have it. -
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by