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ParticipantAlso can I add onto this while I’m thinking about it. whoever you all are, when I get these wonderful replies to my messages I fall in love with you. Why does this happen to me? my heart actually yearns for whoever you are to help me and I feel you can heal my life for me. I feel this way about lots of things careers, people, cars and motorbikes. I’ve read that this is an ADHD trait I hope this doesn’t put anyone off replying to me.
ParticipantCan I start by saying thank you and telling you that you are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G such an understanding of someone and their needs is so comforting to read it really helps.
Every word you have written is true I don’t ever look at my services like that and I do belittle everything I do as “ it’s just a haircut” and “it’s only a breakfast” anyone can do it. I put so little credit to these things myself so I suppose I am judgemental of others thinking they feel the same. I wish I knew where that came from I’d like to stop that.
I am in physical pain constantly from my feet all the way to my eyelids, years of standing on my feet I suppose but I do have good calf muscles 😂. I do my best to alleviate the aches and pains by taking up yoga recently and resting as much as possible(going to bed early). I don’t think being over 50 years of age can be underestimated either, it’s quite a physically wearing age I’m finding; which for someone who on and off has been fairly fit throughout their life.
You’re so right, holidays are where I am happiest and as I mentioned previously I’ve had a wonderful life with two daughters who’ve I had the most wonderful years with, watching them play and grow but who are now young women of 18 and 17 and are not my little girls anymore; which I’m finding so difficult as the family dynamics are completely changing. One is off to university and the other leaving high school to do A Levels there has been a lot of adjusting to them changing over the last few years things are not the same.
i do catastrophise everything it’s been my biggest problem. All the things i could have done but talked myself out of it preemptively foreseeing a disaster at every point. This I have to address before it’s too late.
Participant[quote quote=433349]Omg what an amazing lengthy response, thank you Anita. I scanned through it quickly but will give my full attention and the respect it deserves later this evening.[/quote][quote quote=433347]Dear Simon: “I’m in a pretty poor state of mind currently completely burnt out with stress from every corner of my life (May 30, 2024)”- as I re-read this sentence today, I thought to myself that you may be too stressed and burned out to read the post that I submitted to you back in Oct 2, 2023. Here is a summary of that post, a summary of what you shared back in Feb 2022: you were close to 50 years old, married and a father of five (3 different mothers), owning your own home and your own business (a very busy cafe where you were the chef), but you have been depressed and feeling lonely for more than 30 years. You shared that if one was to see you, one would see a “successful father, husband, good guy“, but it was a false image, and you didn’t know how “to keep the pretense going“. “My wife tells me I behave awfully as I swear at her and belittle her at work. I really don’t mean to, I have mental health issues, and I am so worried our business will fail. I feel I am… the one holding it all together. I worry so much I lash out with (words) and everyone suffers… I feel so bad about my behaviour, but it’s like I have Tourette’s with the insults, it happens so fast. I have obsessive compulsive personality disorder for which I am taking medication, and receiving therapy. I don’t see it absolves me at all, the fear of losing control is so overwhelming I abuse everyone I hate myself”. You shared that you noticed that you were troubled around 18 years of age (more than 30 years ago) when you had your first serious girlfriend: you didn’t trust her, but the relationship ended- not because of her infidelity- but because of yours. You shared about your parents’ breakup, that it was due to your mother’s infidelity. You remember “extreme shouting and swearing” between your parents, which “sounded pretty violent“. They were out a lot at nights, and extended family members looked after you and your siblings. You shared that you rushed into every situation in your life (“I rushed into every situation that I have found myself in“) with massive consequences to yourself and to others, such that you feel very guilty about. The reason you rushed: “To not be alone… I’m just too afraid to be alone“, that you were afraid to be left alone since you were a child: “lying in bed next to my sister as a child in the dark, wanting someone to talk to. That’s been the story of my life“. I asked you at the time, if you had someone to talk to, what would you say, and you answered: “I’d say please don’t leave me“. Fast forward 2 years and 3 months, you shared yesterday that you are “in a pretty poor state of mind“, “burnt out with stress from every corner of my life. Business, relationship, finances, a completely spent force running on less than fumes”. You ended your short original post yesterday with: “I have lived a very full on life since I was 18 years old with lots of life’s experiences I seem to have had everything I wished for and lived all of my dreams… I need to change my habits… Maybe you’d all have some ideas for me.“- – Yes, I have an idea for you: just like you said yesterday (the quote right above), you need to change some of your habits, particularly The Rushing Habit. You need to slow down the emotions rushing through you, the thoughts rushing through your mind, the words rushing through your mouth. You wrote yesterday that you lived “a very full life“- your life has been full with activity and with some business and financial success, but it’s also been very full with rushing and stress. You wrote yesterday that you seem to have had everything you wished for, that you lived all your dreams, but seems to me that your wish for and dream of a quiet mind and heart is yet to be had. I am adding below about different religions’ input about rushing, stress and peace of mind for your sake, Simon, for mine, and for anyone who tends to rush, and may be reading this (if because of the copying and pasting, the following will be full of excess print, I will re-submit it for clarity): faith up. com/ what does the bible say about rushing: “Rushing through life is something many of us can relate to. We live in a fast-paced world where everything seems urgent, but what does the Bible say about always being in a hurry? Let’s dive into Scripture to find some answers. One key verse that speaks to the issue of rushing is Proverbs 19:2 (NIV), which warns us, ‘Desire without knowledge is not good—how much more will hasty feet miss the way!’ This proverb tells us that moving too quickly, without proper knowledge or preparation, can lead us astray. It’s a clear caution against the dangers of rushing through decisions or actions without thoughtful consideration. Similarly, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds us there is ‘a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.’ This passage encourages us to recognize the importance of timing. There’s a time to move quickly, yes, but there’s also a time to slow down and reflect”. (ihsan alexander. com/ hadith haste is from shaytan: “When we live lives of haste and rush, we increase the stress burden upon our psyches and also upon our bodies. This then results in both psychological as well as physical imbalances and diseases. Yet when we learn to live from a place of calm and presence, we increase the level of peace, harmony and tranquility we experience in our lives. Consequently, our health becomes more vibrant and vital, we actually become more successful and effective as a result of a clear and focused mind, and even our personal relationships improve and attain greater levels of health and wellbeing. Calm is from God, and haste is from Shaytan— Prophet Muhammad… “The Divine Presence of God can only be experienced through deep inner stillness and surrender. When we live in a state of haste and rush, we further disconnect ourselves from the Divine Presence of our Lord and Sustainer, and so we become disconnected from Peace, Light, Love, Abundance and Joy”. medium. com/ why I am not in a hurry and you shouldn’t be either: “In today’s fast-paced world, you often find yourself in a hurry in the hope of achieving quick results… Have you noticed how less of a human you are when you are in a rush? How you could flip off another driver in traffic? How you could brush off your mom on the call? Or snub at your son with the words, ‘Not now, Daddy is in a hurry.’… “Being in a hurry is not solely a visible action. It is an internal state that comes from the human desire to speed up time in the hope of achieving the result faster. We may also say, it is an internal aggression toward time. In Buddhism, being in a hurry is generally seen as a state of mind that arises from attachment, craving, and a lack of mindfulness. Buddhism teaches that hastiness leads to suffering and a loss of presence in the present moment… People who speed up time drastically lower their energy levels and start getting chronic fatigue and sick… (causing) accelerated aging… “A rushing person never controls the situation... the one who rushes is the one who is late. Now after reading all the above, you are probably thinking, ok great what shall I do?! “Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh. The truth is if you stop rushing, you are far more likely (to) do everything on time! Yep, that’s a contradiction. Rushing and being late are two sides of the same coin. You can’t have one without the other… You must let go of rushing, internally as well as externally. It’s as much a mindset as a behavior that you are letting go of”. – End of Quotes from online sources. anita
[/quote] hi anita you’re so wise that is my problem 100% everything i have ever done has been rush rush rush my jobs even gave me an opportunity to rush barbering cutting hair as quickly as i can to make money cooking in my cafe quickly making meals to get people in and out of the restaurant. I think I’ve touched on this before with a counsellor that I’m afraid of running out of time. I had kids for my grandparents so they would get to see them before they passed so I could call one of them after my absent father. I am always trying to look as far ahead to the future to safeguard myself and my family looking for every pitfall which has served me well but I am now exhausted by this personality. It’s scary to try and just stop and not rush but I think it’s the only choice I have which is why I feel that escaping to a monastery for a year would help
ParticipantThank you Roberta, it’s typical of me to dismiss something in this country as not good enough for me or authentic. if I’m not getting something which I believe to be the best or original source I give no credit which is an awful trait. This is only something that is played out in my mind believe me I’m the most humble person you could meet. this internal dialogue of things not being good enough has plagued me at every minute of my life. I was a barber for 20 years but I truly believe that because I didn’t do a traditional apprenticeship in a barbershop I am not good enough. I am a chef running my own business but because I’ve not been to culinary college or trained by the best I give myself no credit. It’s been this way since I started dating which I’ve touched on in a previous thread. I think once I became interested in the opposite sex my self worth became apparent and I’ve never felt good enough in any way shape or form hating on myself for 34 years
Participant[quote quote=433333]Hi Simon I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling burnt out in every corner of your life. Would you like to talk about it? I don’t think that eastern lifestyles are more peaceful, there is a culture of overwork, similar to America. Perhaps you have a specific idea of what you might be attracted to in this idea of an Asian lifestyle that you have? These things are so personal what makes us happy and gives our lives meaning. It’s very much individual to the person and means exploring your core values. What do you care about? I think that if you’re feeling burnt out and stressed seeking balance might be helpful. Focusing on downtime and relaxing can be helpful. What do you do to relax? Problem solving can be helpful for any difficulties in your life. Do you have strategies for addressing the issues with your business, relationship and finances? You mentioned feeling like you have it all so what is left. Practicing gratitude and meditation can benefit happiness, helping you to appreciate what you do have. Sometimes the difference between happiness and unhappiness is nothing changing except your state of mind. Savouring the small every day good moments can be a place to start. And if you don’t have those, try to work some into your life. For me, I enjoy food, watching a good television show, socialising, completing a goal. Appreciating when my husband or anyone else does something nice for me is another thing too. Wishing you all the best! ❤️🙏[/quote]hello and thank you for your reply I am from the UK. Yes I am burnt out in every corner. I feel like I have been battling all of my life since I was 18 years of age to find peace and direction for myself. I’m now 52 and can not face the future feeling this way of being detached from life just wanting to be quiet in my mind. I talk of the eastern way of life referring to their religious beliefs maybe Buddhism springs to mind perhaps that’s what I mean. I dream of going to a monastery in Thailand or china to recharge and reset my mind. I don’t seem to enjoy the daily pleasures which other people around me do. Everybody seems so excited about their latest Costa coffee or latest waffle with ice cream and maple syrup. Everything seems so materialistic to me without any depth to it so shallow.”have you tried the latest burger with skin on fries they’re so good” it’s the same with cars houses holidays everything seems to be a competition that I don’t want to be in. I don’t have any strategies in place as I can’t seem to ever be consistent I think this may be due to having ADHD and anxiety issues. When I said I have it all, I meant that I gained all the things I wished for, my own business a loving wife a family my own home but still I am empty. I read and listen to heaps of self help books but still can not find my happiness I am a tortured soul.
ParticipantOmg what an amazing lengthy response, thank you Anita. I scanned through it quickly but will give my full attention and the respect it deserves later this evening.
ParticipantI don’t know how to reply individually to replies on this
ParticipantThanks for that Stephanie, if I have anything; which some may say does not make things better I have honesty and openness. I ask for help and guidance from which I try to learn and be a better person and if doing so has helped you at all then that’s great. I just wish I could feel I am of some purpose in myself I feel so redundant of no use. I feel I make no contribution to life whatsoever I just want to feel.
ParticipantHi are you still active on this site
Participant[quote quote=400583]Dear Simon: Did your depression improved since you last posted, and is the following behavior under control: “it’s like I have Tourette’s with the insults it happens so fast”? Anything you’d like to share, please do. anita
[/quote]hi are you still active on this site
ParticipantAre you still active on this site
Participant[quote quote=396499]There are two purposes to life: to live and to love. It’s when we start thinking we have to live up to some imagined competition that we get into trouble. If you are living a lie, you need to own up to it and speak your truth. You need to fully accept your life as it is, your feelings as they are, and commit to living an honest, humble life. You need to be grateful for everything, every day. If you feel your life is pointless or joyless, it is because you are blind to the reality of what you life is and what life is offering you. I think digging into your past can sort of be a waste of time. Here is a letter I read elsewhere, and he much more eloquently and patiently expresses what I just said. Hello my friend, My name is Wind in Vietnam. I would like to gently share some ideas and questions with you. Everything I share is only to invite your curious quiet contemplation within yourself. If you choose to. After share, everything depends on you to choose this or that. Sometimes the door to escape all troubles and suffering is so close my friend, but what blocks each people from walking through it? Because though they may say, They Know. They understand. They can not give up their story that binds them inside to an illusionary self created prison to practice everything. I share.. When was the last time you sat down face to face with yourself and everything in your life before you ran to old habits for an imagined temporary feeling of safety? Do you think that when the Death appears, it will care about all your study, wanting, hoping, needing, anxiety, depression, worry, your dreams… and show compassion and time with you?.. Do you think ‘the time’ is beside you like the friend, waiting with you in all your suffering and wanting? Suddenly the Death appear, do you think you can hold and bring all your PhD, doctorates, dreams, worry, anxiety, tablets, wishes and wants through the door?.. The Death care about your study? You are important with the time and Death? My friend… questions are for you to patiently face and contemplate if you choose to. Why the difficult question has value? Because from the question creates occasion for everything to open. Now you are the man of 42. Can you answer, what is the law that controls each and every Soul that comes to the life? Why at 42 you are still here but many did not even get past one hour of life?.. What law controls? A story.. One day the man plants a fruit tree in the ground.. A special tree he chose. He like so much. He dreamed of the tree becoming so big and beautiful and many fruit. Each day he water, take care.. Always checking every day its height. The leaves.. Everyday he watching, wanting it to grow. He begins impatiently. Inside him he sees the imaginary tree so big. He begin praying to make it grow and everything will be ok. Inside, he begin all sorts of suffering in the wanting. He can not sleep, always checking, worry something wrong.. He think, why not growing? Is it sick? Too slow, too slow…. My friend… In this small example story.. Did you see you? What is the mistake of the man? His mistake is he did not see that the tree must follow the law of tree. That everything takes place according to the Law and on the time, with enough details and conditions, everything appears. Not early or late, but on the time. What is the cause of the suffering? From grasping in imaginary outcomes. In each imaginary outcome from grasping at what is or not and what if… Each person did become like the man running through the desert trying to keep a piece of ice in their hand. The door to escape is to drop all grasping in the wanting. Have you ever tried to catch the space around you in your hand? You will only most certainly tire yourself out. From imagine, everyone did invite the appearance of all kinds of illusionary trouble and sickness. Now you are the man of 42.. You good mind, study.. do everything for your life.. But you did not understand anything about yourself. And the purpose of the life. Means, in the grasping, you mistake with you. What is the nature and root purpose of any job, from a President to a Beggar? Only to earn for ones life. Everything else is only the appearance. And so.. when we lose ourselves to the appearance of the life, we begin to lost ourselves inside. Whether the man is happy with the tree growing or angry with the tree not growing does not change the Law of tree. So what happens inside the effect or grasping and wanting? You lose yourself to your emotions that become like strings controlling a puppet. From your dominating emotions attached to the grasping, you volunteer your Soul into slavery. You lost the time becoming attached to the prison of KEEPING. Keeping false ideas, thoughts, opinions, fears.. That develop into all kinds of different names.. My friend.. Each persons life is like the fruit tree. And the name of the law that controls each tree is the cause and effect law. No one can know what fruit will or will not appear until it appears. Fruits equal effects. Behavior is the most important detail. Behavior with yourself in each moment. As each idea, thought, action becomes the seeds for effects tomorrow or another time. But no matter what.. effects always come right without discrimination. So from your grasping, your wanting of this and that… What will be your effect you invite? Stay in the purpose of your purpose and cut the habit of grasping. And……….. Everything will take place. Relax with your life. The life. How is too relax? Relax means to see everything as it is and accept everything as it is now. You see that like the tree, the life is always moving and changing on the law. That all possibilities appear on the time. You either begin wake up and practice to create space inside by removing all false obstructions, for these possibilities to have the right conditions to grow and develop.. Or… from your grasping in fears, desires of imagine.. of wanting.. you grow weeds that suffocate the space inside. My friend.. No one can imagine that all they need is the courage to NOT KEEP. KEEP, may have many different appearances but the effect is always the same. As, what you keep, keeps you. Now at 42… You must (must means if you choose to) begin wake up and see the limit of all things and the deeper value of the life. Even if I wrap my body around the tree in fear or happiness.. Does not change the Law of tree. I borrow an example from early in my life to describe idea… As my Father died.. when he knew he was going to die at 26.. He said, ‘It’s ok’ Inside Its ok, has the big lesson my friend past the appearance. Means, inside the nature of Its ok, is a complete acceptance of ones life. Its ok mean, we are not against the circumstances of our life. We accept everything that is or is not and peace and balance in any situation that comes or not come. My friend.. from 2 small words you can see the great value if you can quietly inside and put the idea beside your life. Whether the job appears now, or a year.. Its ok my friend. You only stay in good purpose, good behavior with yourself in each moment. You do everything good in prepare and courage and confidence in each step… Then you will see, that everything will take place. Must courage to get of the wheel of habit like the mouse run and run.. But did never go anywhere. The wheel of always a slave to emotions. And begin see everything from another corner. The space of awareness. Awareness burns the dark inner clouds of emotions. The life has many appearances.. but all suffering regardless of the appearances come back to the emotional attachment to grasping in the life. Not one tablet, not one worry, not one moment of lost sleep, not one imagined outcome… can add one second to your life my friend. I have… I am.. I want… are all small prisons for the Soul. All attached to emotions…that run deep like the roots of a tree. Begin to overcome yourself by opening your hands with the life. Begin practice gratitude in each action. as gratitude creates the space for balance in the acceptance of your life. The value only appears in the positive action. All your fears, are the effect from your View. As by the view you use, so it exists exactly. Grasping in the appearance of imagine, dominated by emotions we become like a person searching for keys in a dark room. Where is the light my fiend? The light is your awareness. Awareness needs energy. You have awareness but not the energy because your so busy with your emotions, which are like a thief that continuously robbed you in broad daylight but you did not see. These words can not save you. Do not attach to the words but focus on the content inside. As……Only you can save you or destroy you. So I share.. You must courage to begin drop all grasping. Drop all grasping does not mean we lost purpose. But inside the purpose we see the limit of the life. Of all things. The movement of the life. We see at the same time, that the purpose of the life is to pay and receive equal with our cause and effect. To practice to grow up our Soul and awareness and overcome everything. To release the grasp on illusionary objects and outcomes that become our false idea of real and continue to lead the soul deeper into confusion. My friend.. Now at 42… If you can quietly with ideas. You have the great occasion before you. The life always has 2 faces… That is the law of the physical space we live. When everyone stands in happy, means sad waits. Everyone says, I love, means hate waits. Everything feels so good, means the face of bad waits.. All from emotions attached to a discriminative View. When you have the courage my friend to face to face with YOU. You life. Not an imagined life from, WHAT IF. And begin fresh steps towards putting everything down inside. Letting go of all grasping attached to false thinking and ideas. Put down the inner discriminations and judgements of everything is either good or bad and just see everything as it is.. And practice inside the idea of ITS OK. You can not imagine… the possibilities that will begin to appear inside. They were always there… just like the Sun is always bright.. even when obstructed by dark clouds. Now is the good time for you to begin forget an imaginary past and bring your eyes back into your own eyes to see everything that is right now. To awake in each step. I share from sincere experience. You must choose. You continue to push up your story of difficult to be your illusionary prison of real. Lost in the circle of talking and repeat. Or… you begin focus on clearing and cleaning everything inside and put down your attachments to wanting. Begin the courage to break up everything. Like a fire burns a forest of all dead wood and creates the fresh occasion for the new to appear. Everything wait for you my friend. The life wait for you. Your possibilities wait for you. All you need to practice is to release your strangle hold on all your grasping and wanting and needing and imagined outcomes and come back to yourself in sincere acceptance of NOW. Once there was this Lion. She had a cub. She was starving and the cub too. Each day she was hunting but kept missing. After miss, she just rested quietly under the shade.. wait for tomorrow.. days passed.. she kept missing.. starving.. But, after miss.. always relax in shade. Save energy. On the time, when everything connected.. She caught they prey. Her situation change. Like you my friend.. Do not scare… Must courage to peace in the unknown. peace in the uncertainty. Courage in the not knowing. Drop all grasping. So.. on the time when all the right right conditions and details appear.. You are ready with the energy you need to do everything equal with the occasion. Confident. Balanced. Faith from your positive actions. Its ok. Everything will take place. It is your duty to overcome you. That is the duty of the man to overcome everything. My friend.. These ideas should only be seen like strange rocks on the path of your life. To curious, to see, pick up, understand and practice is always your free choice. As each life, depending each person courage to self perfect = each destination. I wish you good luck. Thank you so much, Wind.[/quote] hello are you still active on this site
ParticipantHello Anita
I am well thank you for asking
ParticipantI see I didn’t know it was that bad now you make me feel like killing myself thanks
ParticipantNo it’s not mr successful I feel far from successful I feel a fraud and useless. I feel so bad about my behaviour but it’s like I have Tourette’s with the insults it happens so fast. I have obsessive compulsive personality disorder for which I am taking medication and receiving therapyI don’t see it absolves me at all, the fear of losing control is so overwhelming I abuse everyone I hate myself