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  • in reply to: daily letter of mina #171279


    Your analysis is quite accurate.

    The main reason why I am studying at SKY is I understand that If I want to marry “someone” – I myself have to be “someone” as well.

    I need to support my future husband well, and without a good brain – it is going to be hard.

    You are not familiar with the Korean education system but being in the Student Council and majoring in Business at one of SKY Universities, your path to become a president is pretty much open, literally.

    If not a president, then an assembly member in the government body 0r at least an important CEOs of Korean companies such as Samsung.

    I believe that Gyunnie will become someone very important in the future, with or without his parents pressure, he is a brilliant person.

    Our university lost one of their brightest student when he dropped out.

    Imagine being a wife of someone like that. I have to prepare myself the basic things in order to survive.

    I have to protect and support my husband as well.

    I have to look presentable at all times and I have to be well educated. It is very important.

    I do not want to be a cliche trophy wife.

    I would actually love and take care of my husband and my kids.




    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mina.
    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171269


    My plan right now is to survive college and graduate with honours.

    Future jobs? I still have not think about it very deeply or in details, except for the fact that I will not stay in Korea.

    Singapore is my first choice, but it can still change – depends on the situation later on.

    The most important thing is : my job will be temporary only.

    I have no plans at all to continue working or my professional career after I got married.

    The ideal will be me working for 1-2 years and then getting married.

    Kids are in the picture, definitely.

    Do I hope that I will have a good life?

    Yes. It is an ideal life for me, personally.

    Some people call it “stupid” or a waste of my brain, but I am almost 100 percent sure that my future life will be something like I have described to you. Hopefully.

    I love taking care of my husband and my kids, just being surrounded with people that loves and accept me.

    Maybe once my kids gets older, I will consider working again or doing something in my life to keep it busy, but it is still too far ahead of me to talk.

    Anyways, yes, to answer your question, I hope so.


    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171253


    Thank you for the feedback on my last 2 reply.

    I respect all of your opinions.

    I understand that it is indeed possible, to live like that.

    But as you have mentioned, it is almost impossible to the point we call it a “fantasy”


    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171235

    [Oct 2nd, 2017]


    I am very lonely these days.

    I miss you very much.

    Are you well? I hope that you are eating and taking care of your health.

    I hope that I can talk to you. or see you in person.

    I feel like dying.

    I feel very lost.

    I lost the love of my life, I lost my spirit to live, I basically lost everything.

    I do not know what am I doing with my life.

    Gyunnie, is it possible for me to see you for one day?

    To go back, pretending like we were still together as a couple.

    For just one day.

    My birthday is less than one month away, I think receiving a birthday message from you would be the best gift to me.

    I am not hoping for anything, and you might forget my birthday as you are very busy with life but I am praying everyday that you would remember and say something to me.

    I won’t ask for any birthday present except for your sincere wishes to me.

    That is it.

    No new clothes, no new phone, nothing – except for you well wishes to me.

    I only need that.

    Tomorrow, maybe I will go to my favourite place in Seoul.

    The airport! I am leaving for London in 84 days. Still a long way to go, I know babe. But I love going to the airport.

    It is a little escape place for me.

    I want to share my favourite song with you today :

    “You have suffered, do not deny it.

    Just let go, your heavy load.

    You have been through a lot.

    Now, learn the ways to receive as well.”

    I needed to hear those words from you.

    I miss you so much, Gyunnie. I miss you desperately.

    Everyday is hell, and everyday is painful. I am not living.

    I cannot reach out to you as well, for obvious reasons.

    My eyes are blinded and my heart is shallow.

    It is just like staring at a burning river.

    Well, maybe now, it is time to stop.








    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171171

    A world where I do not have anyones expectations on me.

    A world where we can both be “losers” but are still happy.

    A world where our love can be just the reason and the solution to life.

    A world where we can make decisions without thinking about what our parents or family have to say about it.

    A world where we can be ourselves.

    I imagine this every single day, this beautiful that fantasy that probably will only stay as a fantasy.

    I cannot help but to think about how unfair this is.

    Two people that loves each other but cannot be with each other?

    Why? Why? Why?

    I was a very religious Catholic before the break up. I know that this website is a Buddhist website, but I know that everyone here are so nice and does not care about my religion.

    I am losing my Catholic faith very slowly but surely.

    I tried reaching out for help to several people regarding my faith, but I feel like it is not really working.

    I understand that God loves me very much, and He wants the best for me but it is so hard to see His plan beyond this sad relationship that had to end due to all those things.

    That is why I am mad at God, but at the same time – my heart still cried out to him to help me.

    To help me stays alive, help me see things beyond him, or maybe let us be with each other somehow if He cannot do that.

    My life right now has no direction. No hope. No light.

    I am just holding on.

    I have to.





    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171165


    Thanks for understanding.

    I think you completely understand the reason why we aren’t together at this very moment.

    We are both suffering from our parents and society expectations of us. His issues goes deeper than just a simple college moving.

    Your fantasy sounds … exactly like a fantasy. Something that only exists somewhere, maybe in our next life.

    Maybe there isnt such a thing as past or next life but if there is – I am praying that we can meet like that.

    That is why I was very angry and still angry at God in a sense, because I met him in a such difficult situation.

    That we had to part because of everything in our life.

    I cannot help to think that just like how Romeo and Juliets love was separated because of the family, and how Jack and Rose (Titanic)s love was separated because of death.

    Me and Gyunnie, we are being separated by an ocean of expectations.

    Our love will go on, even if we are not together anymore.

    Do you understand what I mean by that sentence above?

    It is a figurative expressions. Because the term “love” itself never ended for me or him.

    It was cut off not ended. It is different from ending it.

    I will always have a special place for him, maybe as a fond memory or someone that I respected.

    P.s : It was very comforting, reading your fantasy for us. I wish that your fantasy would come true one day for us. I really hope so.




    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mina.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mina.
    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171103


    Thanks for the feedback for yesterday`s letter.

    I think I should make it clearer that what I have wrote above is only an example.

    The picture that Gyunnie uploaded was not something that he made by himself.

    It was just a regular picture taken from the internet being used by some Koreans when Thanksgiving day is coming, maybe since there are cultural differences between us, it is very common here in Korea and any East Asia culture that once you meet your family – you can ask things like weight, college, marriage, dating, or jobs. It is a part of our culture and it is considered NORMAL.

    I will post what he uploaded exactly yesterday :

    The Tittle : The Menu of Nagging during Chusok (Korean thanksgiving) 

    – Are you thinking about college? (50.000won)

    -Please lose some weight (100.000won)

    – Are you currently dating? (100.000won)

    -When are you going to go to the military? (150.000won)

    -When are you going to graduate? (150.000)

    -Are you thinking about employment right now? (200.000 won)

    -How much yearly salary are you getting? (250.000won)

    – Isnt it time for you to get married? (300.000 won)

    – Isnt it time for you to have kids? (500.000 won)

    He is basically “selling” those concerns that people had for him that they expressed by asking personal questions. He was not serious, obviously and these things will never meant to be implemented in real life. Who will will buy such things? I would not. He was just being bitter and sarcastic about upcoming Thanksgiving day.

    That is exactly what he posted. Some of them are not relatable for his situation (kids, yearly salary etc)

    But young people these days find it quite uncomfortable for obvious reasons. Even I get uncomfortable when people ask such questions, let alone Gyunnie who is somehow going into the “unpopular road” here in Korea.

    Out of SKY Uni – he got accepted into K University.

    Now he is moving to Y University.

    People find it very odd, that he is moving to a college that has the same exact standards as his previous university.

    Like moving from Stanford to Yale.

    I have never mentioned this but Gyunnie is an only kid which makes him the only son. In Korea society, having sons is somehow better than daughters.

    He has a lot of expectations on his shoulders from his parents and family as the only son.

    I think that is the main reason why he puts so much pressure on himself to be perfect.

    He told me once that the day before the SAT, he could not sleep at all. He prepared that exam for 3 years. He can only slept after his mom lowered her expectations by saying that “It is ok to fail, Gyun-ah.”

    He ended up getting #1 on that SAT exams.

    He was a very good student but he did not have a good relationship with most of his teachers.

    From what he had described, most of his teachers are just super subjective in grading. and too religious for his preference.

    He spent his teenage years (12-18) in China. He went into a top international school there, with only 20 students per year – though he made a lot of good friends.

    Imagine moving from his high school to K University that has 15.000 students per year. His major itself has around 500 students per year.

    I think Gyunnie had a very rough transition from high school to college.

    He is “shaking” a lot. In Korea, these are not good signs. People who were a good student and good son is expected to continue their roles like that forever.

    His parents has a lot of concerns regarding moving college and military service as well.

    He is losing time, and they are losing money.

    Gyunnie is not in the best situation in his life right now. People are probably criticising him for being so unstable, one of the biggest sign is him letting K University go (from their perspective)

    I can go into more details about his family stuff if you want, in my next reply to you.

    But now, I can see why he was not happy in K University.

    I noticed now that he never really made any comments or remarks about his friends from K Uni. Most of his friends that he talked about and introduced to me were his high school friends.

    I tried to find out from my other friend in Business major, he said that Gyunnie has quite a lot of friends. Not to mention being in student council is a huge deal as well.

    I feel like he did not have any problems in his social life but he had mentioned and expressed a few times that he does not feel like he got along with them very well deep down inside.

    Like his personality and their personality is way too different.

    But I mean out of 500 students, what can you expect? You cannot get along with everyone.

    I noticed that he has a small group of friends (2 girls, 3 guys including him) before I dated him.

    But when I started dating him, he never once talked about them. They seemed quite close in my eyes, they even went to see Cherry Blossom together.

    I asked him about them and he said that they are close but not that close.

    I feel like Gyunnie put quite a distance between him and Business school people.

    I asked our mutual friend that introduced me and Gyunnie, he said that he only met Gyunnie outside school to drink once.

    Later I found out that they aren’t even that close, and they actually kinda got closer because of me.

    I feel kind of guilty for not really seeing his struggles now.

    Gyunnie was forcing himself to be nice to gain friends that does not even understand or get along with him very well.

    I think in K University, he only has less than 10 people that he can really trust.

    Now that I think about it, I was probably his best friend in K University.

    I was the first person that he told in K University that he is moving, later on he finally told his “close” friends which is like 3-4 people that he is moving.

    From the outside he seems like he has tons of friends but not a lot that he genuinely likes.














    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171059

    [Sept 30, 2017]

    What an eventful day for me.

    I saw the Fireworks festival with Evelyn nuna today. It was so magical that I almost cried. I wish you were there with me.

    Did you perhaps got to see the fireworks all the way from Daegu?

    Probably not, right? Since Daegu is so far away from Seoul.

    By the way, I saw the picture that you uploaded today.

    I am well aware that you are concerned and stressed out about Korean Thanksgiving day next monday.

    You will have to meet every single of your family members that will ask you stuff about college, when are you going to military, where is your girlfriend, annoying stuff that is none of their business.

    You will have to meet your annoying aunt who is always giving you a hard time because she is jealous of you.

    Jealous because her son is a loser while you are such a star at everything.

    I have told you before and I will tell you once again : those people do not matter. they are just jealous. do not believe anything that they says about you.

    You will always be Gyunnie, the most amazing and thoughtful guy I have ever known in my life.

    Do not be too sad or stressed out, please.

    Your life will get back on track next year once you start your new semester at your new university. Trust me.

    It is killing me to see you being stressed out and having a very hard time. I wish that I can hug you for one minute and support you.

    And give you tons of encouraging words.

    This is off topic but today I heard in details about what happened to that girl that apparently jumped off from Liberal Arts building.

    She did not die.

    In fact, she was not even a student at our university. She was just some crazy girl that came from a rural area in China, making a fuss out of nothing because of a guy in our university.

    She met him while the guy was doing volunteer work in China, out of 80 persons – she was one of his students.

    She apparently liked the guy so much that she came Korea, and to our university looking for his information.

    Of course, our university would never give out students personal information to anyone. Let alone a crazy girl like her that came from China.

    She climbed up the top of the Arts building and threatened to jump if the guy does not come.

    The poor guy ended up coming. They talked for 4 hours, but the girl jumped off anyways because the guy does not like her or even know her that well.

    The girl survived because the police had a mattress set up already.

    What a disgusting and selfish girl.

    How dare she came into one of Korea`s prestige university and disturbed the students?

    More than that, I am very mad. How can she did such awful things to a guy that she apparently loves?


    I was so mad and dumb founded that I had to take a walk for 40 minutes to calm myself down today.

    She just embarrassed the person that she loves, and even gave him a huge personal mental scar to him for the rest of his life.

    I feel so so sorry to him.

    I wish that the girl had died now. She does not deserve to live for doing such things to the person that she loves.

    It is the most cruel and selfish thing I have ever heard in my life that you can do to anyone.

    Our university and the guy decided not to sue, If I were them – I would.

    I would never be able to forgive such things.

    Imagining Mina doing that to Gyunnie …. makes me shiver in fear.

    I would rather hurt myself than hurting you. I would rather die and suffer alone than letting you see me dying in front of your eyes.

    How can she that claim that she loves him after what she did?

    It is not love to me. I think she has some serious mental issues.

    Sorry for sounding really angry 🙁

    Not really in the right mind due to that news.

    Love always,

    -Mina x

    P.s : for everyone who is reading this and wondering what kind of picture that Gyunnie uploaded, he uploaded a picture basically saying how much money he would get if everyone asks those very basic questions during family gathering such as,

    1. Asking about when he will go to college (100$)

    2. Asking about girlfriend / dating life ($150)

    3. Asking about when he will go to his military service ($150)

    4. Asking about what he will do in his future career ($500)

    He was being sarcastic that he is selling those “worry” that people over him according to that price.













    in reply to: daily letter of mina #170911

    [Sept 29, 2017]


    I had a great day with Evelyn nuna today!

    How was yours? Hope it went well.

    I want to share my favourite poem with you today :

    “Do not ever regret your decision.

    Because in that one moment, that decision was your best option

    and it was the best choice you could ever made.

    You are definitely doing well right now. ”

    (translated from Korean to English by me, taken from Ha Tae Wan`s book)

    Those words, I very much sympathise with it.

    I hate you a lot for making that decision to move college and go to the military earlier than what you had expected, I really do Gyunnie.

    But at the same time, I admired you.

    For admitting that you aren’t happy, for your bravery to let go of everything. Everything, including me.

    I wish you all the best. I wish you happiness.

    Truly I loved you, from the bottom of my heart and soul.

    I love you very much that if letting you go is the best option, I will.

    Maybe we aren’t meant to be in this lifetime, but the next one… I promise that we will be together.

    A lifetime without different countries being involved, culture, language, military service, and life changing decision.

    It will be just Mina and Gyunnie.

    With our love always being the answer,

    I hope that we can meet like that.









    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mina.
    in reply to: daily letter of mina #170783


    I just cried reading your reply.

    Thank you, I needed to hear that. That he will be proud of me.

    Sometimes I tell myself that when I am having a rough day – that he is proud of me and he wants the best for me.


    in reply to: daily letter of mina #170763


    I know that this question might sounds stupid and you might have no answer either but,

    do you think that he will be proud of me?

    do you think that he will say that what I am currently doing is good and that I should keep going?

    I somehow cannot this song out of my head, the one I posted about how he saw the best in me.

    I feels somehow so overwhelmed by the love that he gave me that I cried.

    Because it just surrounds me and I feel the love inside keeps growing and it just .. glows within.

    From loving Gyunnie, I learnt what true love felt. How it felt to be truly loved and accepted.

    and no one can replace or take that away from me.

    It will remain within me.

    I cannot see him, but I can always feel him with me.

    I am sounding emotional, again. Sorry.




    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mina.
    in reply to: daily letter of mina #170727

    [Sept 28, 2017]

    Hello Gyunnie,

    Are you doing well these days? Are you eating and sleeping well?

    I hope that you are.

    I am doing quite ok these days. I am trying to be happy again.

    Even though you’re not with me, I still talk you, as if you’re here by my side and doing all the things that you want me to do.

    Do you remember my favourite actress Suzy? She got a new show, and I am so excited to watch it these days.

    It became the highlight of my depressing days! I know that you’re not a big fan of her but her new show is really good.

    The weather is cold right now – I am getting ready to change my wardrobe. I want to buy a knee high boots seriously been wanting to buy it since summer hahaha

    Summer is really gone, it is Fall right now.

    My heart feels bitter sweet because Fall is my favourite season but during Summer – we were still together … letting summer go in a way is like letting you go.

    Gyunnie, do you think that I will be able to be happy again?

    Will I be able to get out of this?

    Anyways …

    Nighty night sweetheart x


    in reply to: daily letter of mina #170601


    To be fair –  a lot of my friends are dating, it is a bit hard but at least if we are in the same campus, it is easier to eat lunch or dinner together considering our inhumane schedules so there is an advantage of that.

    I think if you want to date, you have to be able to be stronger than the stress and pressure of studying. One of my guy senior, he is number 1 in his major (like the smartest person in his year and major) and he still have a long term girlfriend as well. It depends on your attitude and your willingness to sacrifice your time and focus.

    Gyunnie was not willing to do that. Which is understandable, as he is a perfectionist and was overwhelmed by his own decisions and situation.

    Please do not consider my attitude or my thinking as every students perspective. There are a lot of students here that are happy and is getting a good grade easily by studying like how they usually do since high school. At least 30/40 percent are quite happy with their college life in SKY. As getting accepted is already a dream came true for them.

    But for me, there are a lot of severe problems due to my own personality and depression. That is why I think not only my university but Korea as a country is a prison camp for me. My favourite place for me to visit here : the airport.

    I am very much looking forward to my UK trip in 88 days.

    88 more days and I am out of Korea. I am counting each days. 🙂

    “Maybe it will resume one day, it is possible.”

    I know. Gyunnie also knows this as well.

    But for me, I do not think it will be possible. I do not have any plan to stay in Korea (I have mentioned this before) – I will be working in Singapore.

    Gyunnie is probably going to stay here permanently (possibly) – he mentioned a few times that he has interest to live overseas but the future is too far ahead of us to predict and I would like to get married as early as possible so waiting for him seems like something that I am very unlikely to do.

    Different country, different view of marriage (regarding the age), also differences in life sequences. I will be graduating in 3 years while he will still be in his 2nd year by then because of military service that made him hold his study. I will prepare myself for marriage after I graduated while he is still stuck in college, thinking about his future blah blah. Even if we are together, I will have to wait until he graduated and get a job.

    He isnt the type to get married early, and is very career oriented … so he will get married only after he is successful with a very well paid job. I can predict that one.

    I have think about it very thoroughly – but maybe there isnt a future for us.




    in reply to: daily letter of mina #170555

    [Sept 27, 2017]

    Hi Gyunnie,

    I cant talk for a long time with you today.

    I have a morning class tomorrow and my schedule is very much packed. I probably need to rest.

    Life has never been easy these days for me. I hope that you are doing well.

    I remember when you told how you have no idea what are you doing in your life right now,

    I am feeling the same thing right now.

    3 more years and I will be done, Gyunnie. Do you think that I will make it and will still be alive by then?

    I hope so .. I really do hope so. I want to see the end of this.

    The real end of my life, not the end that I created by myself.

    I have never realise how much you loved and treasured me until we broke up. I felt so sorry and so sad for not realising it sooner.

    You always understand and supported me. Even when I was being such an annoying girlfriend, you always treat me so well.

    I remember our first date while writing this.. maybe it was meant to be after all.

    How did we managed to talk about 6 hours that day? On our first date?

    I am surprised. I am scared. I feel like I was very blessed.

    What did the great student council president saw in me?

    You’re smart, you’re nice and you always try your best to be friends with everyone.

    I am socially awkward, does not even like drinking, and the only thing that probably saved me is my face.

    How come that out of thousands of girls here – you choosed me?

    What did you see in me that was that good?

    Because I am not seeing anything good inside.

    Gyunnie, I miss you very much today – I wish that you are here by my side telling me that everythings gonna be ok again.

    But you are … not.

    I am so sorry, that I was not someone that you can lean on during the hardest time in your life.

    It will remain as one of my biggest life regrets.

    “I close my eyes but I see you again
    I walk on the streets but I can only think of you again

    Again today, if I take you out of my day
    Nothing remains, there’s nothing left

    Why didn’t I know that you were getting tired?
    Why didn’t I know back then?

    I love you so much
    I only love you
    I thought when this all passed
    I would be okay

    Why didn’t I know
    That you were my everything?”

    My song for you today x






    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mina.
    in reply to: daily letter of mina #170323


    “I am thinking students are not likely to talk about their stress, they are just doing their best to ignore it and keep their focus on the studying, knowing they have no option but to keep going, study and study. Just like you feel there is no option, no way out.”

    This is 100 percent correct.

    Everybody is having a hard time here, trying to be #1 but at the end of the day all we can do is try our best and just study.

    “At this very point I have better understanding of why your ex boyfriend broke up the relationship, the pressure to succeed academically is just too intense to allow a love relationship. No, he didn’t reject you. He ejected you from his overwhelming life.”

    So happy to read this from you, Anita.

    You can now imagine how his parents felt when he came to them and told them that he wanted to change university?

    Gyunnie is having a very hard time as well, he threw away our college to go to another college (another SKY university, if you wonder which university that he is moving into) but at this point, everything seems unclear and there is NO guarantee that things will get better for him once he is a new student there.

    I expressed this to him, and he understand this concern as well but he promised that he will try to do harder than he did in our university – and he will definitely not join any kind of student council. He will only focus on his social and study life.

    But, Anita, I do not understand – why can’t Gyunnie try harder HERE in our university?

    I have a lot of thoughts regarding that.

    And yes, you can refer him to Gyunnie as well.

    It is actually a nickname that I use but talking to you about him for 3 months here … I feel like you also know my Gyunnie.

    You deserve to call him that as well. Because the Gyunnie that you know is the Gyunnie that was described by someone who loved him very much.

    You saw him through my eyes and perspectives.

    You understand him.

    and I know exactly what he will say to you knowing how supporting you have been on his reason and struggles :

    he is saying thank you.

    I am sorry for sounding kind of emotional … I just miss him.




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