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ParticipantMark I couldn’t agree with you enough on what you just posted. It’s just weird because there are moments that she hates me and then some where she just talks to me like everything is cool. But when she does honesty it usually ends with the orgy. I told her that if I walk out that front door I’m not coming back. She acts like she doesn’t care.
Oh and this is another thing that makes me want to scratch my head. She got a little crazy and started to destroy a lot of my stuff. I had to call the police to come out because not only did she do that but she became violent and hit me. I have bruises from her abuse. I was raised never to hit a woman so the only thing left to do was to call the police. I could have put her in jail if I pressed charges but I didn’t have the heart to do it. She then later told me she didn’t want me to move and the reason why she was destroying my things was to make it longer for me to move. He’ll I was thinking “well this is a crazy situation but hey sounds like she wants to make things work”. Then the next day she’s back to the move out of my house song. I sometimes wonder if she knows what she wants??
ParticipantHey boots2018,
After being in a relationship for 10 years the relationship sometimes can become same old same old. Sometimes we also take for granite some of the things that we did for a while but don’t anymore. For instance, maybe he always opened the car door, or cooked super, or told you he loved you a million times a day but things are it like that anymore. Sometimes we just miss the whole beginning of a relationship thing. I could be totally wrong about this but if you are getting close to your boss then maybe your husband is doing something wrong. There has to be a reason why you have gotten closer to your boss right? My advise is to evaluate your marriage and see how you can make things better. Sounds like there is no future for you with your boss. He’s already said that he wouldn’t leave his wife. If you like your job then put your boss in the friend zone and spice things up at home. Sit down with your husband and plan some outings or be a little wild and just surprise him with something. Always keep things interesting with him and you’ll forget about your boss before you know it.
Again I could be wrong but that’s what I’m getting out of what you wrote.
Hope this helps!
ParticipantHey Phyleen,
Take a step back and read what you wrote. Look at it as something that someone else wrote. I bet you will see that the answer is right in front of you. You need someone in your life that makes you feel good about yourself and makes you better by just being around him right? Well does your ex make you feel that way? Sounds like the new guy does. Sometimes we have to close one chapter of our life and open up a new one. Close the chapter on the ex. The new guy sounds like you won’t be having the problems with the fighting and back and forth crazy stuff. Let your family know that the new guy is right for you and you don’t need negative in your life.
Now if I could only take my own advise!! Lol!!
Hope this helped
ParticipantHey Rei,
If you have tried everything to make the situation better and she still won’t make attempts to be nice to you then ignore her. Just live your life and she can live hers. I know that’s harsh and I know you want the situation to be better but if she’s not trying then you’d be better off just ignoring her. Live your life. Go out with friends and keep positive people around you. People that will make you feel better about yourself and not people that will put you down. Rei life is going to throw curve balls at you and believe me I’ve dodged a few in my life myself. But don’t let your sister treat you like that. Just ignore her and maybe one day she will get the picture and be like “damn I shouldn’t have treated her that way” and try to make things right. Sounds like you have tried to make things right but it’s like beating dead horse, waste of time!
Hope this gives you some inspiration!
ParticipantHey Nate,
You have the answer in front of you. You said you are looking for a relationship that would compare to your last one. That’s not the way to do it. What you had with her will be something that you will always remember and you’ll look back at it one day and smile and learn from it. My advise to you is when you are looking for another relationship you should be looking for a whole new chapter in your life. Someone different, someone better, someone that will treat you right. Don’t ever compare someone that hurt you with your next girlfriend cause if you find that girl then she’s just going to hurt you like the last one. Believe me when I say that you will find miss right. She could be in your life right now and you don’t even realise it.
Hope this helped!
ParticipantHey ash,
I had a similar situation happen to me in my early 20’s. She acted like she was interested but when I approached her to tell her I had feelings for her she just changed the subject or talked about something else. Took me a while to realise that I’m worth more than to be rejected by someone that didn’t want a relationship with me. Rome wasn’t built in a day and you will find your soulmate. It took me until I was in my late 20’s to find mine. My advise is to just live your life, go out with your friends and have fun. I’m sure that your future soulmate will run into you like mine did me.
P.s. the girl that would always change the subject is one of my dear friends on Facebook. She’s a great friend and I wouldn’t trade that friend for the world!
Hope this helps!