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ParticipantSorry about my double post, but I’ve been thinking a bit more and I realized I may have not been clear about some points above.
I believe a change of heart is always possible and one may follow a path of growth that breaks him free of his wrong assumptions and bad habits. However, you, as his girlfriend, are not in a very good position to help your boyfriend. You have an underlying interest, he may always accuse you (within himself at least) to be manipulative yourself and be suspicious of everything you propose. Moreover, due to that very interest, you are going to suffer because your needs are not met. You may actually help him more as a friend rather than as a girlfriend, when you are happy with your life. Some spiritual consuelor or psychologist may be a good help as well. A better help is a nice community to stay in. But this is going to require a lot of time and effort, maybe as many days as he’d been thinking that manipulation is a good thing. Do you want to wait so much?
ParticipantHi Kaith, I’m glad you found my post supportive.
“I’m curious though are they (emotional manipulators) bad people? Are there bad people at all?”That depends on what bad is for you. I’m sure a fly would call the spider a bad guy indeed. But the spider has to set his traps in order to live, he is like any other spider and he is not bad among his species. Yet he is a creature of nature animated by simple instincts deprived of the concept of bad and good.
As animal have their ways, also we, as humans, we learn skills and we find our way to cope with the needs of life. Some of us could appreciate some principle of fairness and respect (through empathy or logic) and developed enough self-discipline to abide to it. Maybe they were lucky and were born in a comfortable environment where people were mostly fair among them and did not have to watch their back to spot others who were not respectful of their feelings. Maybe they followed a more complex path of personal growth. On the other hand, some other of us could find no use for such a principle but making it a cover to be accepted in certain contexts. Maybe they had to fight in life like it was a jungle and they had to rely only on themselves. Maybe they realized riding on someone else shoulders was the quickest and safest route. Maybe they were not taught any other skill and had to resort to lying. Maybe they learned that giving the fault to others is the only way to feel better when they fail at something, because nobody encouraged them to persist or appreciated them.
Nevertheless, even when people accept some principle of fairness, they may have different ideas about it and look bad one to the other. For example, a manipulator may think he is fair, he may say that everybody else is completely selfish and just using their principles to cover their own selfishness (because after all they do better when they follow them), actually he may say that the other are trying to manipulate him with their principles. He is just taking care of himself like everybody else. The manipulator may not be a bad person, but you cannot defeat that thought alone, everything you say or do may be interpreted as a way to manipulate him, a way that needs to be defeated.
“I used to think we might behave bad towards someone because of our own troubles and weaknesses. But can it be that people might happen to be simply bad?”If we have troubles, we fight hard to solve them. If we are weak, we try hard to develop our strengths. If someone give us a way and a hope, and we have none, we consider it. If we trust the person or we like the suggestion, we follow it. We are repeatedly rough to someone only if we think he/she is the source of our illnesses. (or maybe we want to force them out of their confort zone, so that they will help us). As I said above, a manipulator may accuse others to be the cause of his own failures. Maybe it’s easier, maybe it is automatic and he does not even think about it, maybe he has some responsibility toward them and has to find a way to not feel bad because he did let them down. In any case, he does not acknowledge the fact that he should start working on himself. It is his way to feel better with himself, although his way may not be that effective or positive for him or the persons around him.
I do not know whether you want to discuss about it, however, what manipulative behaviors does your boyfriend show?
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
ParticipantHi Kaith,
After reading your post I took some time to read about emotional manipulation as well. If you really think that such descriptions match your boyfriend’s behavior, it seems clear to me that the only thing you should do is freeing yourself from him. Unless your goal in life is to be his servant (no matter what he does, say, feel or think) or to be an unloved saint, you should stop trying to believe that he may change or that if you change or grow his attitude toward you will change as well. Really, you may still love him, but do not expect to be loved back or to receive any feedback of validation, do not believe him he does. You should not count on him to decide what is good for you both, to acknowledge it or to willingly act for it, do not believe him when he says so.
However, try to not be a quick judge and consider that some bad behavior may be the result of new insights or problems he experiences. Nevertheless, if that bad behavior happens again and again, no matter what your reasons and without regard for your feeling, you may be actually right. If you have a doubt he may be an emotional manipulator, try to not commit to a long time plan of growth and change. Change a tiny bit, and see how he reacts. Does he appreciate you? Moreover, try to not just show the pro of your change, but also the cons. If he reacts badly and accuse you, you’ll know he is not really sure about what he proposed you. Moreover, do not change for him, change for you both as a couple. So think whether changing is what you want as well (consider your past, your friends and everyone important who may have an opinion on that, consider your goals for the future).
ParticipantHi Yanmei,
Five years of relationship are really a long time and his sister was there already. You have already accepted her in the past. Maybe you implicitly assumed that the marriage would pull them a bit away. That was your core belief: when a person forms a new family, it seems natural to make the old one come in second place. Did you discuss this belief with your boyfriend? I imagine not. So you endured it all, waiting for the time to be the first in his life.
So, what is that you have to accept?Do you want to accept the fact that a marriage does not bring siblings apart and that their bounds is preserved even when they start a new family?
You may reflect on the fact that such a deep bound cannot be broken from one day to another. This is true for every pair of siblings. However, marriage is a big step indeed, it is a change of life that brings new needs and new duties on the table. That is when one may realize he/she does not have all the time to keep in touch with his/her siblings as once he/she used to. Hence he/she draws the line. This is what may happen naturally. Your boyfriend is not married yet. Nevertheless, under the pressure, he may actually decide that the time he dedicates to his sister is OK even after marriage. If this is what you are fighting to accept, try to imagine that spending time with his sister is your boyfriend’s hobby. When he is away, imagine for example he went to watch a car race or went to see some other show you dislike. He is going to be much happier when is bad. Wouldn’t you let him go? Or is there a difference?This leads to my second hypothesis.
Do you want to accept the fact that your boyfriend will keep in touch and help a person you are not in good relationship with?
He is your boyfriend, yet he goes out and helps and listens to a person that talks bad about you and maybe also tries to sabotage your relationship. It is not a nice feeling indeed. However, there are plenty of situations when your boyfriend may hear someone talking bad about you or may benefit from the fact he was single. Imagine, someone offered him a job somewhere and they really needed his skills, wouldn’t they try to take him away from you if you were a problem and hindered his performance? Such things are not under your control and you have to rely on your boyfriend to be honest and fair about it. I suppose you’ve talking to him about what was bothering you: the fact that his sister is not nice to you. I further suppose that he also reassured you that nothing his sister would say or do will make him change his mind about you. But a request you can make to him.
Tell him that when his sister calls you with names or uses some other bad tone, she is emotionally undermining the appreciations he has for you. Due your experience of fighting hard to be accept in social circles, that is something you are very sensible about. You fear that the bad feeling she puts in those words is really a mine that may explode when he least expects it. Cite some example from your past. Then ask him what he thinks when his sister call you with those names and reflect together about why such bad feelings injected from the side will not hinder your love. As a first hint, observe that five years make quite a strong bound. As a second hint, try to detect what “defect” of yours his sister is trying to highlight by calling you with names, and reflect about why that “defect” is not important.
So expand your concept, when someone attacks you, you do not have to attack back or run away, you may just simply keep constructing your fortress, so that the stones they will throw at you won’t make a dent in the wall. Well, maybe the stones will not make you sleep during the first nights, but you will get used with time. Moreover, keep the doors open, you never know the poor guy will get bored and think that joining you for a dinner at your fireplace is a better idea.Vhanon
ParticipantHi Yanmei,
I apologize for my late reply, but I could not read your post earlier.
Both you and your boyfriend have a need to belong, to feel cared and loved, to express care and love, to nurture a friendship, to create a family, to have someone close in the night. Your boyfriend had and have part of these needs already met thanks to the presence of his sister, they have a great bound of friendship they learned to trust through ages. That’s an automatic response from their heart to look for the other in a moment of need and an automatic response to comply.
On the converse you never had such needs ever met and expected that one day that you would find a person you would completely trust, a person that loved you above all else and that you could love as much without fear to be left out or be spoken at the back.I’m sure your boyfriend considers you a very great friend, but his best friend is his sister now. You cannot possibly beat everything they have been through together, the bound of blood they share, the care they showed one for the other. Imagine for a second that during those times you had to fight hard alone to be part of the popular group you actually had someone that supported you, wouldn’t you feel tempted to go back to him for advices and consider your boyfriend later? In the present, your boyfriend and his sister will remain best friends even if they not talk to each other, they will still have that feeling.
In the future, as you and you boyfriend walk the path of life side by side, your bound will become stronger. It may match or even pass the bound he has with his sister, but my advice is to not rely on it or make it the quest of your life. If you leave it to fate, it may never happen. If you try to break the bound, it will be like trying to break him.There are three things you may do.
Your first way is to expand the concept of your boyfriend. A boyfriend is not only a single person but also the set of all the relationships he carries with him. Bend your boyfriend’s boundary of existence so that they include his sister as well. In other terms, he won’t be him if he did not have a sister, he won’t be him if he didn’t care for her. Consider his sister like a second mind of his you have to relate to. Consider them to be emotionally one. When you ask him for something, think that you are asking THEM for something. When you offer him something, think that you are offering THEM something. Even if he is the one actually acting or receiving, it’s because they somehow agreed to that. Talk with them both, define expectations with them both. In further other terms, you should love both of them and felt loved by them both. You are not his best friend, you are their best friend. You are one big large family.
Your second way is to expand the concept of happiness and relationship. Take example from him: you do not have to put everything onto one person to be happy, your needs of love and care do not need to be met by only one person. Talk with your boyfriend and define what you expect one from the other, give him time to think and to even agree with his sister if that is important to him. For example, try to define how much time a week he is going to dedicate to you without thinking to his sister, how much time you are going to spend together, what you are going to do together. Once you set your rules, find something good and relaxing to do in your spare time. Consider looking for a person you can call best friend indeed.
If the two above solutions make your stomach turn. You should start thinking that he is not the boyfriend you were looking for after all. Part of him exists in the interdependence with someone else. Even thinking to break it, it is like thinking to break him. You are looking for someone who does not have already a deep connection with anybody else. So, why do you hope to find it in a person that has a best friend who’s going to stay for a very long time? It’s because you have him and maybe he is your best friend (even if you do not feel you are his best friend). Is this enough for you? Please, be sure to consider that most people may already have some degree of connection with someone else, be it a sibling, a parent, a teacher, a friend or a priest. So, take into account that finding someone who has absolutely no connection with anybody is going to be very difficult (and you may not even like him). Try to define a reasonable level of existing connection you are going to accept. How much should depend on your age (the longer we live, the more bounds we make). Who knows, you may find out that your boyfriend’s bounds are reasonable. Unfortunately I cannot give you any accurate statistics on the matter, but maybe you can look by yourself, if you decide to look for some new friends.
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
Participant“I am trying to find the understanding between acceptance vs changing my belief system so that it becomes easier for me to accept. Does that make senss? Does anyone have any input to help me bridge the gap? Thanks. ”
You should ask yourself the question why you hold such beliefs. You have a first answer as you say that’s because those are things you grew up with, its your tradition and culture. However, try to go one level further with your inquiry. Why does your culture hold such beliefs? Because they believe they are right somehow, they make your community function as a society, and people who abide to these common rules, collaborate together more easily.
With a belief system, people knows what to expect in a given situation and knows when they are treated right or wrong. That’s an immediate emotion, you do not rationalize, but you feel inside you. So you may hold some expectations of your boyfriend, he never felt compelled to follow and you get disappointed automatically. You may try to grasp those emotion and sort them out.
Now, you’ve got a tiny society with your boyfriend, where the rules can be created anew. You may learn what to expect from each other in a given situation, you may define what is right and what is wrong between you two. This takes time and may work if there is enough goodwill from both sides. You are not changing your belief system, you are expanding upon it, you are making it wider and able to accept the other differences. You are shifting from believing that your culture is right to believing that your culture is right for its people, but not for your couple.Though, I must say, that if you boyfriend said he is accepting you they way you are, he is also expecting your are doing the same. You may try to challenge the position if the rule “everybody does whatever pleases them” does not really fit with you. For every expectation you hold and he does not comply to, ask yourself why is that expectation useful to your society and your culture, what deep need does that rule try to satisfy. Discuss that very reason with your boyfriend, so that you may find some compromise that still satisfy that need. This quite theoretic and I cannot give a better advice, unless I know what your actual expectations are and how he behaves.
One more thing, during these discussion, you may find something you do not agree about at all. Something that nobody of you wants to explore further or wants to discuss. At that point you should ask yourself whether that’s a minor problem (easily compensated by other good things) or a major one. It its a minor one, in order to minimize your discomfort, try visualize the good things he does when he acts they way you do not like, think that those good things compensate his “bad” behavior somehow. It its a major one, you should seriously consider a break-up or exploring further your reason. Tough with time he may as well open up.
Anyway, everything I stated requires effort, and I cannot estimate how much since you gave me no complete details. So you have also to choose between committing to this work for some months and see how things go or considering a break-up and find someone who already fits your view.
ParticipantI could not sleep tonight. I have to take back what I said in the previous post about not replying to this thread anymore.
Quote from Inky
“To be honest, I skimmed half of what you said because the defensiveness is so heavy. Did you come here for advice, opinions or to argue?”No, I’m not doing anything wrong by asking more questions, developing the consequences of one’s statements or trying to make sense of it all. So, let’s apply Tir’s advice in the previous post and let’s part from this conversation that is leading us nowhere. Tough, I thank you, Inky for your attempt to enlight me. Feel free to consider me an idiot.
“To love our enemy is impossible. The moment we understand our enemy, we feel compassion towards him/her, and he/she is no longer our enemy.”
Thich Nhat HanhHow true…
Quote from Tir
“Compassion isn’t about allowing or accepting bad or questionable behavior but about feeling peace and calmness as we evaluate a situation and/or a person and can determine whether or not they are who we want to journey with in this life. The two souls you were referring to made each other sick, or depressed, therefore the compassion would come with letting go of each other. Had they wanted the same things, and valued the same things and were both invested in a comparable relationship, the sickness would have been replaced with communication, trust, inter connectivity, and the desire for a future together. Relationships are like a river..too many stones and the water no longer flows, therefore the river is no longer a river.”Let each other go… Jerry couldn’t let her go, because he could hardly accept he had invested so heavily on nothing. He felt angry and tried his best to not let his rage ruin everything. He did not hurt them both by breaking suddenly. He proposed a way to restore the trust. She demanded that trust was restored through forgiveness. He waited for her either to accept his view or to part. He was drained in the waiting, because he wanted to stay true to his commitment. She eventually parted.
Surely Jerry could have told Martha they were not meant to be one for the other, that their differences of value would push them away eventualy. Jerry could have decided the road they had to follow and not wait for Martha to take a decision. But how could Jerry know Martha’s values? He had a different view of her up to that point (after one and half a year), it took time for him to realize how false it was, and Martha did not validate Jerry’s view on her. Jerry thought it would have been a betrayal to look for someone else advices and tried to sort things within the couple. Maybe the law of attraction hindered Jerry’s rationality…
When Jerry’s realization became more clear, he had already invested three years of thoughts in the relationship. It was his first relationship and he always dreamed he could have just one everlasting. He looked a failure to himself, he just couldn’t take the decision to kill it all. He let Martha decide. After all she was the strongest, she had 12 years of previous relationships at her back. Moreover, if their values were those Jerry thought she had, it would have been much more easy for her to part ways, especially when Jerry would look so weak and lousy that Martha would not have any advantage to be with him anymore. So she left him when he was more weak, and hopefully she did not suffer the break-up because she was not leaving that much of a man.
Would have been better that Jerry took the decision to part up front or was it ok for him to let things slowly decline and let Martha decide? Maybe are those the same things? Maybe Martha realized where Jerry’s heart was going anyway. Wouldn’t have been easier on Martha that Jerry took a decision and slowly left when he was healthy and strong rather than letting her decide and leave him when he was frail and weak?
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
ParticipantOh, thank you Tir, what an enlightening reply. I’m not sure whether it changes anything, but let me extend the scenario a little bit.
Jerry and Martha started to know each other one year before they actually started the relationship. During those times Martha told Jerry she had been single since a few years. Slowly Jerry started to have an interest into her and he proposed. Martha refused to start a relationship with him. Jerry hoped that Martha made her decision easier on him with an explanation. Among the other things Martha said she did not want to make the same mistakes again. Since Martha arguments did not really convince Jerry, and she looked interested in him, he told her he felt committed and was willing to wait, maybe she could change her mind or give him a reason to believe she really did not want to stay with him. Jerry failed to state that if she found another man that would have been a very good reason to let her go and move on. He thought she would tell him for friendship sake. If they wanted different things in the future, that would have been another good reason too. Eventually Jerry and Martha fought, he wanted to know why she was looking for him, what were her goals, what she wanted in life, what was her view of love. Martha got angry at him because he did not want to comply to what she looked right behavior to her, and he looked obsessed with his feelings for her. They did not meet each other for five months. Jerry got depressed, Martha got diagnosed with an illness. Eventually Jerry gave up, he apologized to Martha for believing she was interested in him, he proposed to be friends. Martha accepted and promised him to not lie and he promised her to not nourish any hopes for the feelings he still held. They were friends for a couple of months. Jerry had found a job in a city nearby and was planning to move there. Martha had a dream, a voice that told her “you are going to lose him if you do not stop him now”. Martha told he had been thinking about him those months they were apart and she proposed to him. However, when as a mere confirmation about what he already knew, Jerry stated that Martha had been with nobody else during the time he had been waiting, she did not say a word. Nor she did say a word in the a few following situations the topic was touched later. Jerry forgave her that she made him believe she wanted to be just friends, even if she actually wanted something more.
Compassion. Shouldn’t there be a limit for it? If someone starts counting on the fact you are always showing compassion, wouldn’t he eventually take advantage of it? How can you say when the person he is genuinely wrong or is acting on purpose? How do you distinguish between a malicious or a fragile place? If a bat sucks your blood, should you stay still and be amazed at what a wonderful creature of nature it is (well maybe one little bat would be ok, but imagine it is very big and hungry)?
“Couples who know compassion, who do not rely on each other to make the other happy and who are well adjusted would probably have the tools to deal with past omissions and treat each other with compassion and respect instead of duplicity and depression. ”If two persons do not rely on each other to make the other happy, why would they ever be together? Why would they ever make plans for a future? What past can they ever celebrate? At the very least you are counting on the other to exist somehow.
“Another man, who was more compassionate and open hearted would have seen the situation differently.”So Jerry was not compassionate. He did not wait for Martha to understand she stabbed him and make a choice to either heal him with an apology and her presence or to look for a new relationship before he died. Jerry did not feel sick to give Martha the chance to actually help him. And Martha did not feel sick because she had trouble deciding. But yes, I suppose that was unworthiness what Jerry projected into Martha after he knew the truth. It was impossible for her to restore the trust, unless she showed that same compassion to him, with who knows what great sacrifice.
Quote from Inky
“To be honest, I skimmed half of what you said because the defensiveness is so heavy. Did you come here for advice, opinions or to argue?”I just wanted some aswers to my questions. I also hoped for some analysis rather then a simple statement of the kind “Jerry was an idiot to assume the truth would have been revealed”. But that’s ok. This is my last post on this thread, I’ll stay quiet.
ParticipantYou are right Inky, one punishes his kids at home… as long as they are HIS kids, they are actually kids and he actually has a home. Adults should have dignity to choose. If adults risk to fight wars, it is better to go to the judge.
“So good luck finding a friend or lover who dovetails perfectly with your own value system. It’s not as easy as all that, and hopefully you won’t clash!”
However I do not know why you are personally attacking me with your irony. Do you feel attacked somehow? It seems you also have a value system to defend. You may as well be my friend, I do not mind what you do as long as it is not going to hurt me or someone else intentionally in some way. Tough I suppose you would not like me as friend, because I would warn you for the bad consequences of your actions, and you may no longer act with peace of mind. I believe I’m just giving you some tools to reason about how you may hurt someone else without intention to do it.
I do not know what you hid to your friend, and I do not know why your friend wanted to know about that, but personally I may start to feel a fake if my friend was proud of me for something I never did or respected and valued me because he thinks I did not do something. (I imagine he talks proudly about me to everybody he meets.) Eventually I may start to think he is talking about somebody else, that he is actually a friend to somebody else and not to me. Moreover I would fear he will find out, I will hurt him and lose his friendship anyway. In the end, even in the course of the relationship, I would feel lonely like I had no friends at all. Then it is better to not have friends at all, at least you are not risking to disappoint anybody.
Do you really want to live in a world where a person pretends he is somebody else just to be friend with a person that pretends to be somebody else? It is a fair and fun game, yet it looks loneliness to me when you are looking for a deep connection.Anyway, I guess your opinion on the scenario is “Martha did OK, she acted in her own self interest, being with Jerry what was mattered the most to her at the moment. Jerry was an idiot to think she would say the truth just because he asked for it and she said she loved him. Once he knew the truth, Jerry should have punished her and go over with it. Martha did OK by leaving him, once again she acted in her own self interest.” If I’m right with this summary, I’ve got one question. How should Jerry have punished Martha?
“People are selfish at the end of the day and their values do change.”
If you say that people are selfish, it means you also have an idea of “unselfishness”, how does that look like? What should a person do to be unselfish?
By the way, thank you for your replies to my post.
ParticipantI apologize for the double post, but I misunderstood Inky’s post and failed to realize that he was talking about a friendship.
Most of the things I said remain true for a friendship as well. After all it is more or less like a relationship with less intensity and connection, it is also based on expectations, respect and trust.
As I said, I’m not sure why you assumed she would go on and on about what you hid. Though, if she really did so and the discussion lead you nowhere, you could put sense into her by telling her to either accept you as you were or spend her time with somebody else. Can you be a friend with somebody that does not respect you? Can you be friend with somebody that you cannot respect? Wouldn’t you hate to assume you share values, and strengthen them through the friendship itself, just to find out later that they were not real? Is it better to to know the truth, be able to make choice based on it, but get stressed during the choice itself or to be ignorant, enjoy the present, yet risk to be disappointed and hurt later? We do not think alike on the matter, we also think differently depending on the context, but if someone has a preference why shouldn’t we respect it?
ParticipantLet me try to answer you questions.
“(a) I do not know how someone who got along so well with me could abruptly pull away for no apparent reason”
Actually there are plenty of reasons you can imagine. As Peace stated in the post above, he may have got problems with his wife. Now, he may actually talk with you about those problems. However, that will promote a complicity between you and him at the expense of the relationship with his wife. Hence, that man would risk to make the relationship with you stronger and weaken the relationship with his wife. No matter what logical argument he may propose, you are always going for a way to talk and meet him, and he may actually like the idea. He may have started having feelings for you, but he is trying to suppress them for the sake of the marriage. Of course these are not things he can discuss with you. If you care about your friendship, you can wait for the day the problems with his wife are solved or his feelings have abated.
“(b) I am tempted to keep on trying to reach out to him assuming he will get back to his normal self. ”
To become and to change, to morph in a new self should be his decision. He’s the owner of his soul. As stated above he may not be willing to discuss his reasons with you, he may not even be able to verbalize his reasons to you. When the feelings push you from one side to another depending on where you are, it’s quite hard to think straight. One needs time to remake oneself. Do you care for him, do you love him as friend? You have no ownership of him, no commitment with him, accept him even in his change. One day he may be able to discuss his reason with you.
“If it is time to let go, why am I not able to? Is it fair that I have to let go of the only bright light in my life?”
You do not have to let him go. The memories, the words, the support, the care he showed, the friendship, the inspiration you had are real and yours forever. He may be changing and dieing to your eyes, but the old man he was is still there in your heart and still lives somewhere inside him. Repeat to yourself what he had taught you, be proud of what you have done and do not disappoint him. Wouldn’t you like to show him your successes when he is out of what he is passing through and able to discuss once again with you? Even if he changed and died forever, wouldn’t you honor his memory with your achievement?
If these thoughts are not enough for you to stay at peace, it may be the case you are really in love with him. And that may actually be the reason why he does not talk with you. He may be waiting you are back to your old self. If that is the case, let him go as lover and he’ll be back as friend.Vhanon
ParticipantI’m not sure why you assumed she would go and on about it. Were you already in relationship, did you know her quite well, did she already behave like that before? Sometimes we may have prejudice and fear reaction from another person just because we saw similar people do the same before, but every person is unique in his ways, and your girl should be the most special above all else. What if she just wanted to know the truth from your mouth, what if she wanted to be reassured that your behavior was all right, that you actually knew what was wrong about it? If someone makes plan, and builds castle upon a fact or the absence of it, shouldn’t she be informed so that she can make the best out of her work for you both?
If you saw no wrong in it and she does, that may be a sign things may not work in the long run, you’ll always be tempted to do those things she considers wrong, she may eventually find out, be really shocked and angry. Why shouldn’t you look for someone who approves you for all you are? Why shouldn’t let the other person look for someone she can fully approve? Is the present worth the pain in the future? I suppose you thought so and she did not. We do not think alike, let’s find out who we are and respect each other. But that’s the fatality of love, when people do not want to part and keep hoping the other may change and see the right of their way.Anyway the above scenario is a bit different. The omission happens before the relationship starts, when Jerry and Martha are friends and Jerry did not mind what Martha have been doing unless she wanted to be with him. When Martha proposes, Jerry minds the fact, he bases his decision upon that fact and may decide he does not want to stay with Martha at all. Martha denies him the truth and reveals it to him when it is already too late for Jerry to act in such a way to make things right for them both. Martha had decided what was the best course of action for them both all by herself, she did not consider Jerry’s feelings or the importance he put on the facts. Tough, Jerry failed to state would have been the consequences of an omission: that looked so unlikely, he trusted her.
Now, there are things one may find once the relationship starts. All that is fair and good, you cannot know everything in advance. However, shouldn’t be something like that fact in the scenario always be mentioned before the relationship starts? Especially when the other person seems to give importance to it? If something is found during the relationship both people may conclude they are not one for the other, or accept each other limit. For example if your girlfriend really got fixed on that fact, you could put sense into her by telling her to either accept you for what you were or leave you (I know it’s easier said than done for fear of a break-up). However if something is assumed to be true for a long a time, and one day you find out that’s false, wouldn’t you be scared and hurt? What if you put a lot of effort to build something that relied on that foundation, wouldn’t you feel like you’ve taken advantage of? Wouldn’t we be all scared if tomorrow the sun did not shine?
ParticipantSometimes people, especially young one, do not know what they want or have an hard time putting it in words or may deny to themselves that they want it or simply have unconscious rules that forbids to look for what they want if some conditions are not met.
He may actually be in love you and nourish great feelings for you. However, he’d like to learn how to manage them and make them coherent with the picture he has of himself or the man he would like to be for himself or the others around him. Maybe he thinks that the best way to handle them is to ignore them, and act cold with you so that they may eventually pass. Maybe he does not want to be a slave of passion, or maybe someone or even you said something that change how much he enjoys the relationship. What is his parents or friends told him he looked so lousy when he spent time with you, what if his friends were beating him easily at some competition because he was daydreaming about you, what if you put great expectations on him by mentioning a relationship that could last forever? There are things he may not be willing to discuss, because he is ashamed of them in front of you, they make little sense in front of you, yet they are important in other context. He is at crossroad, he is putting other needs in front of the need to stay with you. One can barely discuss them, they are not real reasons, because you can always find a way to move past them, it is just his decision to not put effort into changing his ways for you.
He mentioned he had an exam and needed space. What if during that week he just could not concentrate on the study and was daydreaming all the time about you? He may have noticed his weakness. He also admitted it somehow by telling you that his feelings were quite strong. What do you do if you cannot do both things at once? You have to choose. Maybe he is secretly angry with you because he sees you as the cause of his “sickness”, a love that makes him feel pain and does not allow him to do anything else. You did nothing wrong of course, such “fatalities” just happens, and he knows that, that’s why he act cold and he is not showing anger. You know his choice: he’d like to sort his feelings out.
So there is a choice for you to make as well: you may wait for him, think about him, tell him that you are actually waiting for him to sort his feelings out, that you are patient, that once he knows what to do and feels better you’d like to be friends or maybe lover again if he so desires, tell him that with time he will manage to handle his passion. Mind you tough, if you follow this path, be alert that the thing that keeps him away from you may actually be another girl (like many posts above said), hence know your risk. You may mention to him you’d like to know whether there is another girl so that you may step back. If it is no problem for you that he may be spending time with another girl, tell him that it is not a problem he is undecided. Maybe you can look for someone he trusts and may talk to for an advice. (sorry you may not be good enough to give him advices, because he’d like to keep a peer to peer relationship with you, and he is proud)
The second option is not wait for him, forget about him and look for someone else who may fill the emptiness he left. It is easier said than done tough. But you may actually find someone who does not have these problems and be happy with him in the present, rather than waiting for a future that may never come. Actually, if you find someone else, and you share this experience with him, he may learn from that person.Vhanon
ParticipantWhy does Jerry live in the past? Everyone has one, and he should be happy someone wants to have a relationship with him in the present.
I suppose the reason is that the future is the projection of the past. Jerry should have been happy to have someone in the present if that was his need. However, suppose that Jerry wanted one and only one reliable person in his life, a person that assured him she would remain. Assume that Jerry was more willing to be friend with Martha rather than be in a relationship with her if she could not be that reliable. Now it happens that Martha had omitted a fact. So Jerry is scared that she may again still hide things that may hurt him one day, even her promise to not leave each other starts to be less believeble. Jerry is in a trap, whatever he does, he suffers: if he breaks the relationship his needs are not met and he will lose Martha even as friend (he knows things cannot be back the way they were and she will also suffer), if he stays a doubt that she actually care about him will arise, a doubt about whether she will actually remains. Jerry knew this could happen long before the relationship started, that’s why he asked Martha to be truthful. He feels she did not respect him with that omission. On the converse, Martha believes that not everything should have been said, she says that she wanted to spare Jerry the pain of that knowledge. She feels she was right and way better than many other women.
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