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ParticipantVery interesting the TFlame experience is very complex. Again, i wouldnt worry about it. It comes to people when it’s relevant to them. Some people have twin flames they never meet, but they always feel them. I think it’s kind of wild that many of the people who started researching and identifying it met their TFlames in their sleep, but found their TFlames werent incarnate in this life. It’s simply a label. But all in all, everyone teaches us something. And I guess some things we’ll never know.
In terms of me and L. I was running at first and L was very attached to me. Then a certain instance happened when we connected after staring in eachothers eyes and i remembered everything. Right before that moment i had no idea what TF was and right before I was getting signs about TF , people out of nowhere was talking to me about TF, and when i was journaling i got images of TF before i knew what it was. When we stared in eachothers eyes (we always did that), but in that particular instance i had realized she might be. I ran from it, i thought it was irrational and just in my head. but i kept getting overwhelming signs. I still do, it’s one of those things you just have to allow to take its course. even when not together. Ive always been spiritual but never experienced that, i felt crazy and didnt want to tell L. but eventually, I like indirectly posted in on my social media. And they responded letting me know they were getting the same signs. I told them about the runner thing, they admitted to running. They still were in denial about even being attracted to me or wanting a relationship, while at the same time trying to stay connected, but never said the words TFlame. I know they know we have a strong intuitive bond though. it’s a challenging one. And honestly, i wouldnt have consciously chose it. lol. Though i love her to pieces. I’m okay with just a regular soulmate, didnt need all the extras. then again, i did need the growth. i wouldnt have been a life coach when i was if it werent for meeting her. I always wanted to do it, but was afraid. And after meeting her, i all of a sudden had realizations about my calling and built confidence.
I did let the TF thing get to my head though, it wasnt my fault in my opinion solely. the signs are rude. lol but yea. it was alot.
I mean to a certain instant, you talking about it and processing it, and thinking through your life and childhood now is inner work.
L journals, does therapy, and yoga. those can help but also be used as a bypass if we arent honest or really facing our stuff.
The work comes with asking the right questions. We ask questions when we are ready for the answers.
Participantworms* sorry, my typos have been terrible. I didnt proof read much in college either. lol
the twin flame thing is a can of warms i wouldnt suggest opening or worrying about. if someone is your twin flame the answer will come to you. but maybe me mentioning it after you saying mirror was purposeful I dont know. But its a tough journey.
I too have dreams that come true, I am a spiritual mentor and very in touch with my intuition. I had to learn how to decipher between, the different types of dreams. Some are fear based (teach us about our fears and worries), others are fortelling the future, others are from past experiences, others are literally meeting people and their souls (even if it’s not them but the essence of their soul.) etc etc. Each dream gives a different feeling. But in order to meet peoples higher selves which their higher self would be pure love, those dreams shouldn’t feel scary. If we do have unpleasant dreams about people, not that that’s not a true reflection of their energy but it’s not them at their best or higher self. All my opinion… lol
I’m not sure in what way i mean dark, it’s just a heavy feeling i get from her. It could be her literally self harming (which she’s mentioned), it could be a collection of anger, shame, resentment – which is a heavier denser negative energy that I am sensing as dark, it could be her literal situation maybe she’s trapped in her relationship & unsafe, could be addiction. not sure. But the absence of her freedom from any of this- is what I read or feel as dark or heavier. Or dominantly dark. We all have light and dark energy, neither are bad per-say its just in her case, its not balanced.
ParticipantAnd no, I started my life coach training mid-way of meeting L. I got my license while I was in contact with her.
I’ve had a few mentors and coaches, but none relationship specialist.
I took up the coaching from some really good relationship specialist, mentors and coaches after me and L took distance. I just really liked how they ran their business and I saw myself doing something similar in my own practice, not with relationships but with mentoring and running a class. And yea, they really helped me work through my own stuff.
L and I are definitely mirrors. I even got caught up in this Twin Flame idea… that’s a story for a different day lol
I would say the exact same things to L, but when people are not ready to receive certain things, they won’t receive it. For example, when L would tell me she cared about me or liked me, initially I wasnt in a place spiritually, emotionally or physically to receive or believe it. It just rolled off my shoulders.
And it’s never just you. It takes two. Though on the surface I was patient and seemed I had it all together. Internally, I pushed her away too. Ever hear of the law of polarity? It’s never just you. Especially if you feel this person was your mirror, our mirrors reflect us in every way.
It’s part of how I learned to have compassion for L. When I stopped pointing the finger… I was upset because she was running from me. Admittantly running too. lol But when day i had a dream where we met in person and she was like “okay let’s go” and in the dream I actually ran away.. I had realized then, internally I was running. I was running from my responsibilities, my self development, my own trauma. And though I’m pretty mature and have a lot of tools, I wasnt where I needed to be in terms of my own self evolution. If that makes sense. It’s never just you .
I know you feel down about not taking a leap then but this gets into a larger bit about self trust. We have to trust that our lives and purpose unfold in the way that is best for us. If he is meant to be with you, he would be with you. He’s not, and though you love him and he loves you, that just means he’s not for you right now. But someone else is. Again we have many soulmates, not all are our romantic partners, some simply come in our lives to nudge us, wake us up to our true potential.
Also sometimes we fixate on people, like myself, worrying or beating self up about not doing certain things in past, sometimes we go there to distract ourselves from what’s happening in the present time.
With L, honestly, my heart is broken. I want to be with her, but she’s got alot of work to do. She’s dealing with internal battles, of shame and not trusting or choosing herself. She’s also a bit in the dark, and she keeps choosing the dark – which is a form of self harm. I couldnt be around her right now even if I chose to because I am so empathic, not unless she trusted and opened up herself to healing and love.
ParticipantYeaa, I would say focus on your strengths. Its understandable considering, i think you mentioned the person you are with now is your first? First anything is really difficult to let go and it also makes sense that you feel you’re not sure what to do when developing close relationships with others sometimes.
Practice makes perfect.
I’m not sure how long L and her partner have been together, she kind of acts like he is her first too. i’d imagine they’ve been together for quite some time..
ParticipantThanks, I try. I wasnt always this way. And I did have alot of judgments about her. Internally i was convinced she was the cruelest person. But through self work i realized we are really very similar just at two different places.
I’m a life coach, and for my training, i had hired relationship specialist and coaches -that really helped me through this situation. I knew if i could take the lessons and apply them right, it may not lead to me and L being together, but it would lead to me finding my life partner.
I’ve also had a very hard life and had to grow up really young. In addition to that i started dating in high school. I’ve had a couple partners, many of them were atleast 2 years older than me and wise, they taught me a few things. I’ll respond to the rest when I get back in from my errands. Have a great day! Not sure what time it is there. Im on the west coast so it’s 12:46pm.
ParticipantI just checked her social media. She tweeted “I can survive well enough on my own with the proper reading material.” And that’s cool with me. it’s exactly why i cut it off. She rather be with books and pets than actual human connection because of fear, but instead of communicating her fear of intimacy she come’s off very anti-social. And it’s a turn off. lol
I know she does it because she know’s i will see it.
Her pattern is.
1. She’ll push away – so i leave.
2. She’ll say something not connected but nice- i stop responding
3. 4. around day 5 of no contact she gets angry lmao.
and instead of saying “i need you.” she says something to try and make me angry or feel just as hurt as she is.
So, hopefully therapy helps that.
ParticipantDon’t beat yourself up. It’s a learning process. Everybody’s got something to learn and this particular thing is something you are learning. And it will help you later on.
I communicated that to her yes. I also began to over communicate and make assumptions as my frustration increased. I then began to push her away, i think honestly i was acting crazy at times. lol I didnt care how emotional i was i just kind of lost myself. I need to learn my limits and i did, and part of it felt good to act out. and she acted out. and we usually cant do that because of how people see us. but then it just was frustrating again because she wasnt in a place to fully come forward. Shes got a lot to work through, sexuality, her current partnership, family, her job, probably finances, her mental health. that’s going to take some time to heal and resolve.
We all get scared. fear teaches us to educate ourselves. fear dissipates with learning the facts. again, don’t beat yourself up.
Yes when i am making friends i struggle with feeling like a burden. I have countless memories of meeting up with new friends and hanging out and having fun, but after like 25 minutes I start thinking “arnt they tired of me yet?” “What if they are ready to leave?” “Maybe they are being nice and just wont say they are ready to leave.” Then i do something stupid like ask them “so what time are you heading out?” then they feel pushed away.. and I have to word vomit and explain “no noo, I just feel like a burden at times.” then they cheer me up, and Im a huge puddle on the side walk outside a random ice cream shop.. like get it together Grenada seriously… lmao
ParticipantApple Tree,
I know it’s a hard thing to come to terms with but I am glad you are able to see the positive and lessons that came from it. You are allowed to not be sure, change your mind, not be ready. Not all soulmates are meant to be in our lives for ever, some are , others just wake us up, nudge us a little. If it werent for him, you probably would not have known what those feelings felt like. And now you know theres something more out there and thats a beautiful thing.
And yes, I was just saying this the other day. I am very empathic, i feel things deeply and intensely and I like to communicate those feelings, i like to learn and have deep conversations. Not all the times, but I am a deep person. And that’s okay. Thats what boundaries are for, healthy people know how to set boundaries, and they can just say “i like talking to you, but can we talk about something lighter.” I appreciate people who know how to be honest and straightforward and communicative about their needs and wants. It’s not always all on us. Theres nothing wrong with being deep.
I, like a a-hole cut it off right after she sent me the Well she also posted a video on her social media about what healthy boundaries looked like. And she said if people cross those, then they arent right for us. And I thought about how my boundary was, i wanted her to be honest and reach out, and she hasnt been honest nor has she reached out. I was fighting for us, and she was fighting herself. So i ended it after that because , she was right about boundaries. I think she gave up on herself. But i was cool with it, because she was atleast in therapy. I do still check on her. lowkey compulsive but, i miss her. alot. but , the more time passes, i check less. or im less anxious.
She’s older than me, but i felt older spiritually if that makes sense. I think she felt embarrassed by the fact that i was younger but was able to teach her certain things and also bring out things she hasnt fully worked on. I think she felt she should have known better. She also struggles with her intense emotions and pulling back and fear of intimacy and i think she is ashamed of that too. And i wish i could convey to her, how much i understand , as ive dealt with similar things.
ParticipantSorry Apple Tree, I should have made this in all one post but, I was forgetting what i wanted to say. lol
I hear you with having struggles making friends. I have a lot of “friends” but we arent really close, I find it hard to let people in. I just know these people through my entertainment jobs, I do comedy and filming on the side.
L, the person I love, also has very few people close to her i think. she doesnt havent many friends. would you say, that not having many friends has also made you hesitate with opening up? like out of fear you wouldnt know how to start a conversation or develop the connection?
ParticipantIn terms of relationship arguments and bringing things to surface. we live in a society now where the dating advice tells us, if the relationship has arguing or brings out certain things its all bad. but in all honesty, if someone has trauma, that’s got to come out some how. as long as when its coming up and out they are actively working to heal and remedy it- the relationship could work out. It’s necessary sometimes. People bring lessons. And soulmates should push us to grow. sometimes it takes a soulmate to inspire us to get help, because we sometimes dont help ourselves because we dont love ourselves enough. and then a soulmate comes around and makes us feel seen and loved, and then we start loving ourselves enough to want to get better. Its crap in my opinion when someone says we can not love until we love ourselves. It’s psychologically proven that having other people love us and love us right, helps us learn how to love back and love ourselves.
ParticipantApple Tree,
I live in the U.S. , interracial dating etc happens a lot more often, stuff like that, age gap & Lgbt are more accepted then it was in the past. But I could imagine coming from a conservative family would still make that hard and i think thats the case with her.
I am a LGBT woman and she is also a woman. And she has commented she is straight, yet would come on to me and pursue me heavily. It was frustrated so i left, and she still pursued me. I asked her about it she said “I can’t do anything about my denial.” We did bring out the best and worst parts of eachother, some relationships cause us to grow. In this case, we are both service oriented people who for the most part people see us as having our stuff together. We both have been in newspapers, and are respected by our community. I think we both felt we were pretty developed and kind of had our asses on our shoulders (not towards eachother but individually). Then we met and bam, love, then bam “oh crap i havent healed all my trauma.” and we fought to heal, the inspiration came from wanting to be together, but in order to really be together we’d really have to face our inner issues and that’s scary. we ran from that too. We did work through some things, coached eachother, helped each other heal a little (it was all still distant though). as much as we could online. I know she’s in therapy now, finally.. I am happy about that. i think she was afraid to go. She sent me a snap of her in the office, I could feel her fear. Im just really in tune with her.
But im also giving her space to let the therapy work and her clear her mind.
ParticipantApple Tree,
I appreciate your responses & Questions. This is good processing for both of us. I am headed to my daily hike/run then meditation (helps to get out of my head sometimes.) but wanted to answer this before.
i work at a different location now. But we recently cut off all communication last week when I sent the email . They never responded to emails with emails, they just responded on social media. Weird , I know.. part of me feels like they are doing certain things not saying things for survival. Also a big part I failed to mention is then coming to terms with identity things. When they first came on to me and pursued me I also didn’t pay mind because they were in denial about their identity. There’s also a race difference and 6 year age gap. So struggle on struggle that – if we were able to overcome would be a beautiful thing for this planet in my opinion. Healing through love regardless to past things that would have made it illegal for us to be together like bans on interracial marriage etc. I also think they come from a conservative family but I don’t know. Just using my intuition and seeing patterns that I’ve noticed in other people I’ve worked with.
drama addiction is like- deep Down you know the situation is toxic and painful, but you chase it to satisfy a part of you that wasn’t satisfied some time in childhood. A random example, if my father was never present. I may pursue men who give me just enough attention but it’s never enough, but I fight for more attention because it soothes that child self in me that needed it from my father . It’s also a control thing.
Chemistry & true love happens in a peaceful lease resistance relaxed state. Now that doesn’t mean later on the situation can not become drama filled too. Especially if both people haven’t worked on their trauma.
in my case we fell in love when we allowed our hearts to be open, and trusting. But we hadn’t completely worked on our childhood trauma and so we had this push pull explosiveness where though it seemed we were mad at eachother we were truly mad at ourselves. And we will always argue until we come to peace with ourselves , stop projecting & learn to trust one another. This particular soulmate is one that causes one to grow .
but we have many soulmates. And things like this prepare us for others so we don’t make the same mistakes.
because we recently cut off contact it is still sore for me. Waking up isn’t a problem but focusing and not letting my days waste by from wondering and ruminating has been a issue. I’m also still grieving. But it does bother me how much this person is on my mind because I’ve come to terms with regardless to why they are distant they don’t want to be together and there’s nothing I can do. I get lost in wondering about what ifs too. But I’ve just been allowing myself to talk to friends and other people where there’s some fun & love (even though I don’t see myself with them). It helps to distract myself and helps my confidence to know others are attracted to me.
im also on a tiny dose of anxiety meds that I take as needed. My stress manifest physically so I was dealing with pains and rashes. Scared the crap out of me . I was just under intense stress I had lost so much at one time it felt.
it heals with time. But it helps to distract self.
also are you still with your boyfriend? It seems this situation , not knowing what you want. Fear of leaving because it’s comfortable. Then guilt is stressing you out. I don’t know if just leaving will feel freeing . I get the feeling you need to build stability and confidence in yourself over time in order to leave . By finding meaning , and doing things that can help you renew yourself bring back excitement. Maybe making just friends but new friends. Going out. Taking yourself on dates. Show yourself you can be alone and okay. Then leaving your boyfriend or not will become more clear – in terms of what to do. Just a thought .
ParticipantApple Tree,
Thank you for your kind words.
Yes, for me being abandoned by my parents at a young age made me try my hardest to be liked in my growing years and adult years. I always dated a certain physical and emotional type. And I got a lot of knocks on my head for it, so I took two years off to myself to explore and learn in hopes I could identify the pattern & heal it. I thought i had chemistry with these past folks, but it was just my addiction to drama.
The person I met at work, was actually completely different. Appearance wise and emotionally. We were alike in many ways & i felt true chemistry for them, something i’ve never felt before. I fought it for a while, ignored it for a while actually. I began to notice they had feelings and attraction to me, but I was distant. Maybe because I was tired of getting hurt by people. They then began to tell me how they felt, and we both had struggles opening up. I was closed off and distant. And they were vulnerable. I was also in the early stages of dating other people (toxic people similar to those from my past), so was too distracted by comfortable dysfunction and patterns didnt really notice this person. Though I felt deeply connected, a deep love for them, i didnt allow myself to feel it. One day however, I came to my senses, and felt a deep powerful love in my heart for them a deep realization of how much i truly wanted to be with them. I didnt know what to do with it, and i definitely felt it was mutual.
We began arguing because of frustration. I also think they were upset because i had pushed them away and was talking to other people when they tried to open up to me which i hadnt known then but is extremely hard for them. If I had known that, and if my heart wasnt so buried in pain I would have responded and recognized it earlier. But I cant beat myself up about it.
Social media i guess seem like a safe ground to communicate for us where we could get past the job, and maybe for them they didnt feel too bad about communicating with me while they still live with their partner. etc. But we’d communicate daily. I knew I was on their mind daily. And we tried so hard to work things out. But they just werent able to step out, or trust me fully, or take a is and was a difficult situation.
But like you said in your previous post, if we truly love someone then we want them to be happy no matter what.