Posts tagged with “wisdom”

What Happened When I Let Go of My Big Plan
“Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” ~Sonia Ricotti
Turning fifty felt like a milestone worth celebrating—a time to honor myself, reflect on my five decades of life, and embrace the journey ahead.
For someone who had never believed I was worth the fuss of a big celebration, choosing to honor myself in this way felt like a profound shift. I wanted this celebration to affirm that I am worth the effort and expense.
The way I envisioned this milestone? Hosting a retreat for women like me, who were born in 1975 …

Life After Abuse: A Story of Hope and Healing
TRIGGER WARNING: This post deals with an account of domestic violence and may be triggering to some.
Growing up, I learned early on how to be aware of the little things that spoke volumes. My mom wasn’t just an alcoholic; she was also bipolar, and I never knew if I’d come home to a mom who was cheerful and loving or to one who would say hurtful things and obsess over cleaning.
I grew up in AA, surrounded by people trying to rebuild their lives. My parents were both recovering alcoholics, and while I didn’t fully understand it at …

From Awkward to Authentic: How to Show Up as Your True Self in Love and Life
“Don’t make yourself small for anyone. Be the awkward, funny, intelligent, beautiful little weirdo that you are. Don’t hold back. Weird it out.” ~Unknown
You know that moment when you’re mid-conversation, and your brain throws up a flashing neon sign that says, “Abort mission! Abort mission!”
Meanwhile, you’re left replaying your words like a bad karaoke performance, cringing at every note.
Or when you’re swiping through dating profiles and mutter, “Why does everyone here look like they’re auditioning for a toothpaste ad?” We’ve all been there. Here’s the thing… we’re so darn busy trying to present a polished, “perfect” version …

How to Reclaim Your Power After Being Denigrated or Disrespected
“As they become known to and accepted by us, our feelings and the honest exploration of them become sanctuaries and spawning grounds for the most radical and daring of ideas.” ~Audre Lorde
The high-speed train barreled through the Japanese countryside. Craning my neck to take in the scenery, excitement fluttered in my tummy. I was twenty-eight years old and living my dream of being a professional singer.
My duo partner, Caroline, and I had just completed a month onstage at the Intercontinental Hotel in Manila, Philippines. A twenty-piece orchestra backed our forty-five-minute show, an entertaining mix of Motown hits, 80s …

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Trying Something New
“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” ~Lao Tzu
During the Great Recession I lost my business. And I was devastated.
My business partner and I built the company from an idea we were kicking around over wine into a thriving brand strategy agency. We had twenty employees. We had a cool studio office. We were winning creative awards competing against agencies many, many times our size. And then—slowly at first and then so, so fast—it was over.
I remember when I called time of death. We had yet another client come in and say they couldn’t pay us …

Grief Has No Rules: Love, Loss, and Letting Go
“Grief never ends … But it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.” ~Unknown
“Thank you for letting me know.” The moment I hung up the phone, the tears came. I was confused and caught off guard. Why was I crying over the death of my ex-husband?
We’d separated six years ago. I had a new partner and hadn’t thought much about him in over three years. So why did his death hit me so hard?