Posts tagged with “wisdom”

When You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Past Relationships
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” ~Jon Kabat- Zinn
Over the years I’ve talked to a lot of people about that one love, the one who got away, the one who it didn’t work out with, the one with whom the timing was bad.
I’ve had these conversations with people from all age groups, including people in their seventies. I’ve had my own journey with all of the above as I traveled toward finding a life partner.
It seems whether you stay together or not you’ll likely be in each other’s minds for quite some …

Meeting Grief with Mindfulness: How Embracing Pain Opens the Door to Joy
“We shake with joy, we shake with grief. What a time they have, these two housed as they are in the same body.” ~Mary Oliver
Mindfulness is a way of relating to our experience that opens us to the totality of it—that is, we learn to embrace it all, the joy and the heartache. But some experiences are harder to be with.
It’s difficult to be with physical or emotional pain, and we often retreat to the mind in search of distractions. But when we are able to fully be with our experience, something that feels like magic happens.
It …

How to Start Loving the Parts of Yourself You Don’t Like
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
The sun was breaking into my living room as I was sitting at my dining table, viewing a video that I had just recorded for my Facebook group. It was the first one I took, two minutes long, and there were ten more waiting to be recorded.
I had just pressed the play button to see how I look and sounded, and boy, was I in for a surprise.
I kid you not, I felt like I …

How to Set New Year’s Goals You’ll Actually Enjoy Pursuing
“Intentions and goals are tools for liberation. But when we use goal-chasing like a hammer, it can beat up on our self-esteem, relationships, and creativity.” ~ Danielle Laporte
Every year, we set out to reach new goals and change our lives. This may mean finally meeting that girlfriend or boyfriend, achieving the dream body, or increasing our salary. Or maybe it’s all three, and a bit more. Whatever combination of goals we have, they help us see how we want to live out our year.
But we can get obsessed with reaching them, so much so that we start to …