
Posts tagged with “wisdom”

Please Stop Encouraging Reconciliation

The Beauty in the Broken: How to Celebrate the Fragility of Life

“Sometimes you get what you want. Other times, you get a lesson in patience, timing, alignment, empathy, compassion, faith, perseverance, resilience, humility, trust, meaning, awareness, resistance, purpose, clarity, grief, beauty, and life. Either way, you win.” ~Brianna Wiest

Last month, I was feeling super fragile.

I was deep in the woes of another round of covid type symptoms, along with an onslaught of chronic health conditions that were flaring up left, right, and center. I was one month into a new job, and after the initial excitement, I was starting to feel wildly overwhelmed.

I spent two weeks waking up …

When You’re Hurt, Injured, or Unwell

Maybe There’s Nothing Wrong with You

Look After Your Friends

The Kindest People Are Not Born That Way

How to Let Go of the Past and Forgive

“Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.” ~Jonathan Lockwood Huie

As a child, I faced constant physical and mental abuse.

Several classmates would beat me up in the schoolyard, hitting and kicking me. They also chased me down the streets to my home when school was done for the day. I had to cycle at my fastest to avoid another beating. It felt like I had to go through a war zone every day.

Besides the physical abuse, these children also constantly criticized and ridiculed every single thing I did. This made me feel …

One Lazy Day Per Week

A Heart of Gold

It’s Not Really About You

Self-Care Is Knowing Your Emotional Triggers

Relax, Breathe, Let Go

If the Pain Was Deep

It’s Scary Because It’s Unfamiliar

Sometimes You Have to Let People Go

How Little You Actually Need to Be Happy

Stop Treating Yourself Like an Afterthought

You Know What Breaks Me?

Honest and Kind

Making Big Decisions: What Would Your Higher Self Do?

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.” ~Paul Millsap

The personal growth journey is easy when everything is going to plan. But when you’re presented with a difficult situation, that’s when the real test begins.

In 2018, I embarked on a nomadic journey to do some soul-searching. I faced my fair share of challenges during this trip, but for the most part, life was good.

I led a good life and coached people to do the same. But then I was given a …