
Anxiety: The Blur

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    Dear cali sister:

    The first step to take, always, when figuring what to do to improve your life is to relax best you can. Even if only for a  short moment. After all, you already have  the experience of being calm, sometimes. Catch a moment of calm and take advantage of it. Then make one action step, a phone  call to a career  coach perhaps. Then go about living, later  to relax best you can and see the coach.  If  anxious during  the appointment, maybe you can record the appointment for later viewing, when calm.

    A bit at a time, calm-> small action, break, calm-> next action, congratulate yourself  for action  taken, give yourself  time.


    cali sister


    Thanks. I think i struggle with the pressure of always knowing. But – i do know i deserve a break. schooling was intense and my job is intense. i do not need to rush


    Dear cali sister:

    I don’t understand “I struggle with the  pressure of always knowing“?

    You mentioned a break, reads good to me, taking  time out for yourself, a vacation of sorts, alone in a  small village in another country… away from your life as-is.


    cali sister


    pressure of always knowing refers to always having a plan and being academically/career oriented. However, of recent – i can put no energy towards this. I am exhausted

    my life has been go go go. stress. anxiety. go go go. it would be nice to stop – however, i dont think this is sustainable (finance wise)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by cali sister.

    Dear cali sister:

    It is probably  not sustainable financially and  in any other way for you to keep this “go go go. stress. anxiety.  go go go.”

    How about a walk in nature, once a day, or so. Taking  time out.


    cali sister


    yes i am very good about making time like that for myself. i spend a lot of time outside

    let’s go back to when i talked about the root of my anxiety and my mother etc. so the ROOT is that i consistenly put myself down and have this fear or true confidence that i will fail. so before reading an article, but head already says “well you wont get it anyway” (Which i know is not true, bc i know i am very intelligent) – but this hinders me from reading and causes so much stress

    cali sister


    Dear cali sister:

    “Well you won’t get it anyway”- the origin of this thought?

    Did your mother say something like that to you, not necessarily in regard to reading?


    cali sister


    yes – she has said that to me about everything. i am never good enough or strong enough or as smart as others – in her eyes. always puts me down


    Dear cali sister:

    Your mother exists in your  brain as a combination of  many neuropathways. This combination functions as a … mental representative of  your mother. In her absence, it  terrorizes you just as she  has done. Maybe  even more so because it  has  your eyes to see all that is happening in your day, and that is  a lot of  material to put you down for.

    Repeatedly  terrorized  by your mother’s mental rep, your anxiety, the blur is maintained.

    This is  not necessarily a life sentence. What  do you think?


    cali sister


    yes – i completely agree. it is not a life sentence. but i dont know how to get bailed out


    Dear cali sister:

    You go about it by the very slow process of interrupting those  neuropathways by inserting realistic, truthful thoughts  into  it and  by relaxing, over time, into a greater  awareness of  the experience of your childhood.

    Such is best done in  quality psychotherapy and may not be  possible otherwise.

    There is no quick way, no short cuts. Unfortunately.


    cali sister


    i understand. i have an appointment scheduled


    Dear cali sister:

    It is important, crucial for the process, to choose the right psychotherapist, to go about it purposefully, with objectives stated early. It is amazing what progress you can  achieve in a few  months, with the right help and with ongoing work, persistence and  patience. Once on your way, in   this process, you will be  able to  continue the work without a therapist’s further help, or  while  seeing the therapist less frequently.

    Post again anytime.


    cali sister


    i would love to write more – but i feel as if it may just be a diary entry – bc the answer is in what you just said – psychotherapy – so then i feel…well whats the point if i know the solution


    Dear cali sister:

    I don’t understand: “what’s the point if I know the solution”?


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