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December 26, 2014 at 10:33 am #69844
ParticipantHi – I’ll be quick and breezy.
Been dating a guy for about 3 months…we are in our early 40’s. I knew him from before for about 4 years through friends. Things seem to be moving nicely, we’re liking one another etc. We see each other about 2-3 times a week – he “says” all the right things…and when we are together its very nice, but as soon as I walk out the door…I hardly hear from him. Maybe 1 a day to say hello or goodnight…maybe he calls every 4-5 days vs. text. He does make nice plans for us..but I feel a lot of distance when we are away from one another.
I don’t feel “courted” when we are not together – I feel “courted” when we are together.
He even told me he loved me already…but words words are just words.Result: I don’t feel good in the relationship.
Dilemma: Do I “tell him” Hey I feel a disconnect when we are not together and see what he says?
Is it too soon…
I just have not been happy with this situation for almost the entire time we have been dating and it makes me feel like he’s just “not that concerned” about me or about my life. Naturally, he is…when I am standing right in front on him. But as soon as I walk out….poof. It’s like keeping the lights on with one text here and there until we see each other again and then “bam!” he is all over me again.
I hate telling him “hey there’s a disconnect” bc come on….he must know.
December 26, 2014 at 12:27 pm #69848Banu Sekendur
ParticipantHello girlinwonderment,
That is confusing isn’ it? As a woman, I would say that you have to trust your gut feeling. I am guessing that this “getting built up and dropped is a pattern in you and is replaying with this guy. I see it as a juicy opportunity to dive deeper into it, not make it about him but understanding and healing this pattern in you. That can only happen by finding its source,feeling it, forgiving it and practicing a replacement behavior. I wrote a recent article that got published here on Tiny Buddha on finding your ideal partner: <a href=”http://tinybuddha.com/blog/key-finding-ideal-partner-life/. Identify what you need, based on self-love. He is your teacher now. Use this to get ready to open up to the love you deserve. In short, speaking up will break the cycle. Don’t be afraid of losing him. Someone who cannot understand the importance of consistency may not be the ideal partner for you. Communicate what you need. That IS self-love.
PS: Check out my other TinyBuddha post on Self-love.You can do this!
BanuDecember 26, 2014 at 12:37 pm #69850girlinwonderment
ParticipantWow. You are so right on. I can’t thank you enough for how you framed this for me. I will check out your other posts. You are a gifted one.
December 26, 2014 at 10:40 pm #69860Banu Sekendur
ParticipantI am so glad it helped you out! You can heal and create happy, trusting relationships. Please don’t give up!
BanuDecember 26, 2014 at 11:00 pm #698611der
ParticipantHello girlinwonderment
The issue could be about you, or him, or both of you, or compatibility. It’s probably a bit of all of the aforementioned. 🙂
This relationship is not meeting a need that is very important to you. Whether your need springs from neediness and unresolved issues of abandonment is worth considering, but my main concern is not so much that you don’t like the situation, but that you don’t feel like you can discuss your dissatisfaction with your boyfriend. You are not genuinely relating in your relationship.
What is holding you back?
What is stopping you from opening up about your expectations?
I think it might be worthwhile talking to this man about what you are experiencing. Obviously, you will want to start with “I” statements to help prevent him from getting defensive. Even if the conversation does not end with the outcome you would like, the least you will have achieved is putting self-care into practice by honoring your inner voice. Plus, you will gain confidence that should help you handle similar situations of questioning or doubt in the future.
He may not be the right one for you, but maybe you’re a little bit curious about where he is coming from and what motivates him. It would be interesting to find out if he cares, or if he is capable of caring for you, in a way that warms your heart, body, mind, and spirit.
Best wishes
JenDecember 27, 2014 at 5:58 am #69870Inky
ParticipantHi girlinwonderment,
I don’t want to sound mean, but this is probably why he is in his forties and still single (or divorced?). Girls don’t put up with that for long, and you are a grown woman. What I would do is keep your relationship undefined or tell him you’re dating other people. When he texts one day and finds that you genuinely are busy ~ meeting another guy for a drink ~ I bet the text and calls will come more often!
It’s possible that he has never had to “court” a woman before. I’m sure they all (gladly?) came to him. But you’re not like them.
Let Him Chase You,
December 29, 2014 at 3:03 pm #69959girlinwonderment
ParticipantThat’s good advice. Thanks inky. I just dont feel like its “time” to have a conversation. yes..he said he loved me. yes…he makes plans. But something doesn’t feel right. Its the little contact when we are away from each other – that’s weird and odd and it doesn’t make me feel good.
Whatever. I am not having any kind of talk with him. It’s simply too soon for that. The way I see it its either there or it isn’t.
If I keep feeling like this over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to end it.
He is a grown man. He should know what a woman needs.
December 29, 2014 at 3:09 pm #69960girlinwonderment
ParticipantHi, thanks for your words. Well, whats stopping me is that its just too soon to have that conversation. It’s there or it isn’t. I am not the man in the relationship – he is. I don’t need to set the expectations. He does.
In my book – it is his job to woo me – and if he doesn’t then he does’t.I’ve had other men that liked me a lot – and they chased chased chased me – and I knew that they liked me – without a shadow of a doubt. we got into a relationship because they wooed me! And maybe at first I didn’t like them 100% – but I fell in love with their treatment and behavior and caring for me. For me its 50% physical and 50% emotional/spiritual. Things didn’t work out later bc well….I got to know them better and we weren’t aligned on things (values/ beliefs..etc).
I just would not feel good about myself “opening” up – maybe he just isnt right. Sigh. It’s been hardly 3 months – and we just started seeing each other more often…
Too bad bc there are a lot of other things I do like about him – but in my opinion – if he liked me so much (like he says he does) – I’d definetly feel it. I’m just not feeling it. Sigh.
December 29, 2014 at 7:26 pm #69972Anonymous
InactiveHi girlinwonderment,
I was just wondering about something. You knew him before, through friends, and now you have been dating for 3 months. This is pretty new to both of you, so maybe he is just trying to figure out where he stands with you, and possibly trying to not come off as clingy towards you. I could be wrong, but it sounds like he wants to be with you, but he just doesn’t want to be in your face. Although, telling someone that you love them after 3 months is a pretty open and bold move.
Every guy is going to approach things differently. I’m in my early 40’s too. When I first started dating as a young guy, I was always in “woo” mode. After 20 some years, and being divorced, I’m not as sure as how to approach things like that. It seems like some women get annoyed when you try to do too many things like that, and then other women just love it. I can’t say what your man is thinking. I just know what I feel about this and it could be that he’s not sure about what he should do.
If you feel it’s worth it to talk to him about this situation then you should. Maybe it’s what he needs to be more open and attentive to you in this relationship. If you don’t think the relationship is worth carrying on, then let him know this, and soon. I know from experience that it sucks to think you are in a relationship and the other person isn’t. I hope that this is some kind of help. Good luck
December 30, 2014 at 12:03 am #69989tempest
Participanthi girlinwonderment. there’s an 8-hour time difference between my boyfriend (of 4.5 months) and i right now, and i started my morning out by wondering why i haven’t heard from him in about 24 hours (despite some illicit solicitations). after reading the post on knowing whether i might be with the right person or not, i realised that my feelings of rejection right now are less about him and more about me. in actual fact, our recent email exchange ended by me saying i was satisfied with his last response despite not actually getting what i asked for. i was not clear with him that i believed the object of my seeking would help make me feel closer to him. i have no one to blame here but myself, but instead of blame, i can turn myself towards myself and curiously examine why i think i so badly need to feel that connection in that particular way when there are a lot of other signs (words and actions) that there is already a connection there. this is a familiar pattern to me, and i appreciate banu’s thoughts on exploring that.
girlinwonderment, only you know what’s best for you, but i also want to point out something: if you don’t already have it, you can’t get it unless you ask. you said, “he is a grown man. he should know what a woman needs.” i am curious why you are lashed to such gendered expectations. remember, it wasn’t that long ago that women broke out of what society believed to be their role of minding the kids and the kitchen, and it takes generations to catch beliefs up to social circumstances. in any case, no person ought to know what another person needs, except on the most basic, shared levels like food, shelter, etc. all humans need some kind of connection, but it’s up to each of us to recognise what that connection is for ourselves, and be open enough (with ourselves) to reveal our needs in order to satisfy them. basically, what i’m saying is that if you don’t ask for what you need, you can’t expect him to give it to you. as steve1 alluded to, your man might be playing his cards close to his chest so that he doesn’t come off too strong. remember that he’s probably been hurt, too. the question you have to ask yourself is, what is worth the risk of love? you can either test him to see if he comes around on his own, or you can ask him if he can come around. either way, he will or he won’t. all you ever have is your own actions and thoughts, and you’ll be left with them either way.
December 30, 2014 at 6:10 am #69995girlinwonderment
ParticipantHi Steve, thanks for your advice. First of all let me tell you – you are one well-balanced guy! You sound like such a cool person with a good heart! I think you have you’re own personal “We Love Steve1” following from all us gals with bf questions 🙂
Well – idk. That’s the point. That he “seems” to be very bold when we are together (you should hear some of the stuff this guy tells me…super sweet..although some of my gfs think its creepy cause its too much too soon…and maybe they are right.), but then we we are apart he is like fallen off the planet (just one text a day – if that…and maybe a phone call every 3-4 days. And given, we do see each other ever week.
I want to think that its because he doesn’t want to “be in my face” and keep the mystery going – but I have to tell you … it doesn’t feel that way. Something is awry w this fella. And its becoming clearer and clearer each day.
There are things I know about his past that make me question his emotional stability and ability to feel love a little bit…and one of the main reasons I hesitated at first going out with him. But he seemed to be past these things and has certainly done a lot of work that I command him for- and I am open minded about people going through life – lord knows I’ve had my share of struggles . We have all fought something at some point or another.
I am a pretty emotionally stable and confident chick. So I don’t question so much… “does he like me? and does he want to be w me.” I know he does – I just question if this is the man that I will be happy with.
I’ve decided to just let it run for a couple of more days – but it feels kind of nearing the end for me.
And now for the original question: Do I tell him what I need? This one is a toughie. For me, if you have to ask, you already have you’re answer – but I will be open minded and tell myself that maybe I am wrong here – I will mostly likely ask…and see how the convo goes…and at that point..I will make my decision.
A wise woman once told me: You have to like them just exactly as they are…not what they have the potential of becoming.
Life is such a mystery…So glad to be part of it all.
Steve1 for president :)!
December 30, 2014 at 6:32 am #69998girlinwonderment
ParticipantHi incurigirl42,
Thanks for your words 🙂 Well, if you have actions forget the words honey. It sounds like your bf is doing all the right stuff. Focus on that. the first 3-6 months of any new relationship we are getting to know each other and there are many insecurities flying about. you know when you are acting up and you know when something’s not quite right. I know you can tell the difference. It sounds like in your case – you’ve discovered it was about you. I did something similar w my last bf – he was doing everything right (including the calling and seeing me EVERY day – super sweet…) and I was still falling apart (behind his back of course) when I didn’t hear from him for 6 hours bc I liked him soooo much! Anways, I got over it 🙂 it gets better. Just don’t “question” him – makes you look insecure. Be confident he is with you and doing all the right things! And remember, its normal to be insecure in the beg when you like someone so much! Normal normal normal! Just bounce it off your gf’s and let the story develop. If you are happy w him- then that’s all that counts 🙂People get busy (specially w 8 hr difference!) so you get busy….you will hear from him sooner than later and it will be all that sweeter. And don’t be so hard on yourself.
I am upset w my dude bc I have “tried” to get him on the phone 2 in the last 5 days and that is just plain weird that he can’t “talk” he needs to text me back bla bla bla…its just not normal for someone who has said all the things he has said to me and quite frankly – my feelings have changed. I just don’t feel good. It feels like I am grasping for attention – and this is where I draw the line…and I am not a needy chick…so this feels odd and weird. There’s no real “connection” it feels. It all seems watered down and like “morsels” of attention to me…
He knows has to call- he has done it before – he knows how to stay in touch – he has done it before. Something’s awry w the fella.
yeah he knows what to do. Of course he knows what to do. I have seen him do it. “hey babe, just want to say hi.” to…hardly no contact in five days? And me calling him 2 and him just sending back txt messages bc he is “sick” or “working”…
Hmmmm….I honestly dont think he is seeing anyone else – that’s not the vibe I’m getting. But there is a general lack of concern (and other things that have happened that I wont list here that just show a big lack of apathy on his part…like he is clueless)
Example – don’t “not call me” for 5 days and tell me you miss me. and still not call me. again. on day 6. But shoot me a text message to tell me you “miss me”- Please.
He is weird! weird weird! I’m not digging it.
January 1, 2015 at 9:21 am #70092girlinwonderment
ParticipantBanu, Well…after a couple of weeks of hiatus with sporadic texts and missed communication every other day or so.. (and really about a month of this)…I went back and forth on “do I just end it or do I talk to him..”
I like the guy – He has the makings of someone I would consider getting to know better and see what happens.The thought of talking to him…terrified me. There is nothing more I dislike than being the needy girl, something I take pride in never being.
Self love has always been a conundrum for me bc I am a successful, confident, strong, outgoing woman, get a great deal of male attention… I take great care of myself, in all areas of my life…so this “self love” thing really had me spinning…But I knew there was something there…
I took your advice – and dug deeper. My last relationship ended bc I walked off causing a ton of chaos by ending it without talking to him about what was bothering him. not that my ex didn’t have an equal part to it ending…he didn’t handle it well either. But I was unable to express like a grown woman how I felt without feeling 1) Needy, 2) High Maintenance or 3) yucky for having to “ask” – when I feel they should know what I need. So I dumped the guy…after a year and a half of never having one argument,,,before telling him how I felt…and this opened up a whole can of worms…(again, he had an equal part to the dissolution).
After a lot of praying…the words finally came to me. I sent him a text telling him exactly how I felt. In a very polite, but firm, non accusatory way…. Knowing this may be the end, but ready to end it either way. Knowing i could not go into the new year feeling like this anymore.
And the response I got? I never would have expected. He called about half an hour later and we opened up and talked. He had no idea I was feeling this way. And he was concerned, and wanted to know how long I’ve felt this way and what he needed to do to fix it. I was so shocked. I had not expected this response at all. I didn’t tell him what he needed to do, he came up with some great solutions on his own 🙂 Because I believe in saying how you feel, but I am a firm believer of letting the person be who they are…not dishing out a list of instructions.
Banu, I cannot tell you how good this feels! This has been a problem I have carried a long time.
I feel liberated.
What happens now? I don’t know what’s in the cards for us. I have no problems living in mystery as long as it feels good I feel my needs are getting met, and I feel like I am growing.
I am in Grace.
Happy New Year Banu !
January 1, 2015 at 12:37 pm #70095Anonymous
InactiveHi girlinwonderment,
I’m glad things have worked out for you. Sometimes people are just oblivious to what the other person in thinking and just need a little nudging to help make things work better for everyone. It’s good that you took the opportunity to let him know how you felt about the way things were for you. It sounds like that communication was enough to help point him in the right direction, as far as your relationship goes. It is a great feeling to say what’s on your mind and release that weight.
Also, thanks for saying the nice things you said about me in your post. It is good that you and maybe others felt I helped a little from a guy’s perspective. It would be nice to find women similar to the ones that I have chatted with here in my day to day life. Between online dating and just being out in general, I don’t know what I am doing wrong. It’s been a tough ride, and another New Years alone, kind of got me down the other day. I’m hoping I can make this new year better.
Again, I am glad things worked out well for you.
Happy New Year 🙂
January 23, 2015 at 4:34 am #71812Sunfl0wer
ParticipantThank you for posting the follow. It brings me much joy hearing how you were able to work things out. Even though I was not involved in this thread, I find myself learning so much browsing through around here and it is always so great to hear the follow ups. Thank you! I feel so happy for you. A great way to start my day. 🙂