
Don't know what to do- boyfriend left me to "figure out who he was".

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    Here’s the backstory:

    My boyfriend of 6 years recently broke up with me (about a month ago) because he wasn’t happy because he felt like he didn’t know who he was. Said time and time again that it had nothing to do with me. He kept saying things like “if we ever will work in the long run this is for the best” and “I want you to keep in touch with our mutual friends because one day I want to be able to contact you”. He constantly told me he absolutely did not want to break up with me (literally 10 minutes before he did break up with me) and told me before he left that he still loved me more than anything. I am so broken, and I feel like I can’t get over it because 1. He gave me this stupid hope for the future that one day we’ll be together and 2. There is nothing bad that happened to cause the breakup, it was an amazing, loving relationship, so there is nothing for me to dwell on to say that I’m better off.

    It’s been three weeks since we’ve spoken and I so desperately want to talk to him, but I also want to respect the fact that if he doesn’t want to talk to me he doesn’t have to. Is there a right time to reach out to him? I still love him so much so I also want to heal myself and protect my heart from getting broken again, but I truly believe that he is the one.

    Any advice is welcome, I am so lost.


    Dear Sophie:

    To offer any advice regarding talking to him or not, I ask: during the six years, you got to know him. What did you learn about his childhood, his past and current relationships with his parents/ siblings and his current life circumstances, such as school, employment, his career plans, etc.?



    * didn’t reflect under Topics


    We were each other’s first relationship. We started dating when we were 16. He has a really great relationship with his family. He just graduated college and is moving to another state to work, but I am still in school and was willing to move with him (not right away because I wanted to graduate first/ save some money/find a job).


    Dear Sophie:

    You and your now ex  boyfriend were 16 when you started your first romantic relationship. You were both in high school, I assume. Recently, at 22, he graduated college and is planning to  move to another state for employment. A month ago he broke up with you telling you that he “wasn’t happy”, that he “didn’t know who he was”, that it had “nothing  to do with me”, that “this is  for the best” and suggested that the two of you may resume the relationship in the future: “if we ever will work in the long  run… I want you to keep in touch with our mutual friends  because one day I want to be able to contact you”. He  also told you that he  didn’t want  to break up with you and then he  did.

    Are you interested in finding out the reason or reasons he broke up with you-if you do, can you list a few such possible reasons?




    * again, didn’t reflect under Topics…


    Hi Sophie. My ex broke up with me for pretty much the same reason, although it seems he was also going through a depressive episode and had a lot of personal, emotional, and physical issues he’d been going through at the time and I was not the only person he pushed away at the time, so I’m sure that contributed. But overall, it was basically that he was unhappy with his life as it was and needed to change it and couldn’t do that while he was with me (and I’m sure he blamed me for part of his unhappiness while in that depressive state, whether I was actually a cause or not, just because I was the one he was closest to, so his relationship with me needed to change, too). Otherwise, we had a happy, loving relationship. But he wanted to go, so I let him go. That was a little over a year ago.

    I tell you this because sometimes that’s really the reason…. he just really needs a change and to figure out whatever it is that makes him happy. Your boyfriend is 22, right? Just out of college. He knows his life is about to change in general and he’s probably not completely sure what he wants to do with himself and he’s probably slightly panicking and maybe wants to explore what he wants outside of everything else he’s known in the past (which includes you).  The only thing you can do at this point is to just let him go. Don’t let him put you on the back-burner and don’t wait around for him.  The quicker you can move forward and do your own exploring, too, the better. Take this time to learn new things, pick up some new hobbies, meet new people, and figure out what you really want, too, and if you really are meant to be together, you will find your way back to each other when the time is right… after both of you have had a chance to grow and know more of what you want, what makes you happy, and also once he feels more confident in his life in general. Time apart to grow individually can sometimes really strengthen relationships, no matter how long that time ends up being, but don’t rule out other options. He’s all you’ve ever known, too, so for all you know, there could be someone out there that could be an even better fit for you than he was… you just might not have met him yet.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Valora.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Valora.

    I don’t think you did anything wrong. I personally feel that he is undergoing a lot of changes in life and wants to explore new things (often, with this, comes the desire to meet new people and gain experience in terms of dating). Sometimes it is as simple as that. I agree with Valora’s advice to do the same.


    Hi Sophie,

    I agree, he’s 22 and has to (basically) figure out what he’s going to do, where he’s going to live, and how he’s going to support himself without Mom and Dad. This year!

    Age 22 (or 23 if a late bloomer) is a huge one, I don’t know how you guys do it. My daughter’s doing Age 22 right now and she’s more grown up than I am. She has to be. I did it and I don’t remember (or could explain) what the heck happened!

    He didn’t even need all those flimsy excuses. He could have just said, “Listen. I’m freaking out right now. I have to revamp and start over with everything. Including you. Consider us the starter relationship because I’m not in the space right now to be the boyfriend (fiancé, husband) you deserve.”

    Please give him space. And don’t take it personally. I know, it’s hard.




    Well, Sophie, your ex boyfriend was your first serious relationship at the tender age of 16 so by the rights of ‘firsts’, he would be considered to special to you. And then you spent 6 years together as girlfriend and boyfriend, getting to know each other’s way of life, learning each other’s like and dislikes, giving each other time, attention and energy. You made space in your life and your universe for a person whom you deem to be dear to your heart. Is it any wonder that you would be heart broken to have that person leave after 6 years of memories together, the good and the bad?

    But you have to understand that while you have a space for him in your heart, he is still his own person and you are your own individual. You both have a life to live on your terms, and no one else. Your ex probably realized that and so went looking for his terms. Though he cared about you, he wanted to search for himself in a way that is his, and not what other might tell him. If you went with him, he would have to be mindful of you and your wants. But that’s not worthwhile when searching for something so personal, it’s would actually hinder him instead.

    Though it’s not that you can’t include each other in your own separate life, but not at the expense that one person would be giving up their life, their dreams, their goals, to cater to the other person. When you give up your dreams for another person, you are giving that person the agency to dictate which way your life will flow, and you would eventually grow dependent on him for directions or grow resentful because you had to give up your life to follow him. Neither scenario is good for you in the long run and it seems that your ex boyfriend wouldn’t want that either.

    Now that you’ve broken up, let yourself mourned the 6 years together of good and bad. Let yourself have the space to grieve until you feel you can move forward, but do not wait for him. Waiting is useless in the sense that you can’t foretell the future so you don’t know if he really will come back, if ever. Remember, he doesn’t know and you don’t know, so waiting is fruitless when you yourself have an open future before you that you’ve yet to explore. So look to yourself, look at what you are and what you can be.

    What do you want to do? What is it you hope to accomplish? Who are you? Don’t wait for another person to tell you, find yourself. You only have the now, that’s why it’s called the present. So present yourself with a lot of hugs and compassion.

    Good luck.

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