
Friends who never make an effort…

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  • This topic has 10 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    My close friend didn’t tell me that she was pregnant or that she had a baby.
    Even though I called and texted and kept in touch like I always did for years being the usual initiator !
    She didn’t even bother telling me over the phone when I called her during all that time.
    I found out when the baby was 10 months old and only because I continued to keep in touch with her otherwise I would probably have found out at a later stage!
    I tried to look past it but it hurt,even though I bought her all these baby gifts and even after everything,meeting up with her and checking up on the baby,she never bothered to explain herself or apologise!
    When I finally asked she just went on to give me excuses and still didn’t bother to make up for any of it!
    The first time this happened she out of the blue told me she was getting engaged,I was so shocked because I didn’t know she was dating anyone and they were together for four years before the engagement but I forgave her and looked past it,but it happened again with the baby!
    I decided to ignore her and let go last week Monday but it still hurts and I feel like a bad person for distancing myself from her even though it seems not to bother her one bit!


    Dear Floralina:

    It makes me curious why you feel like a bad person for distancing yourself from a person who has kept herself distant from you all these years. Can you elaborate on this feeling like a bad person…?

    Why have you been in initiating contact with a person who is not interested in sharing very significant aspects of her life with you?




    I can kind of relate to this issue. Your friend sounds a lot like my friend – we were best friends in secondary school but we lost contact – I would try to stay in touch and find out how she was doing but she wouldn’t return my calls. On a few occasions we even passed each other in the street or waiting for the same bus at the bus station and she just completely disregarded me. A few years later through the magic of Facebook, she reappeared in my life – “We should really meet up again!” We did and at first it felt like nothing had changed in our lives, but in the four years she had been out of my life she had gotten married (she was 19 at the time) and was subsequently going through a divorce because her husband had cheated. She started making more promises – “Let’s be friends again and hang out more” but when I called her up on it, she would either flake at the last minute or just not bother answering my calls. I decided she was an unreliable and untrustworthy friend so I just stopped bothering with her. From what I’ve heard she has since gave birth – she did have my number at the time but clearly didn’t feel this was important enough to share with me.

    You think you know somebody really well but it turns out you don’t!

    The point I’m trying to make here is – friendship is a two-way street, effort from both parties is required for the friendship to work out. Friends are supposed to keep each other in the loop on what is going on with their lives and not withhold important information, and getting engaged and having a child seems pretty significant! You said your friend kept on making excuses – just like my friend. Excuses that aren’t good enough.

    I know it doesn’t feel great when a friendship ends but this friend of yours seems like a person who has taken you for granted, and just bothers with people only when it suits them. You deserve so much better – like any relationship, you are going to feel sad, upset and resentful when it is over but after a while those feelings will soon diminish.

    I hope this helps



    Out of curiosity, did she just not tell you these things, or did she lie to you? Did you ask if she was seeing someone and she said no, or did she just not volunteer the information?


    I can kind of relate, I’m almost always the one to start conversations with my friends but that’s because we’re busy and don’t have much to talk about.

    Regarding your friend, it could just be her, she could simply be a private person, but I would talk to her about it and if she still seems to shrug and go “stuff happens” then I would reflect and ask yourself honestly if the relationship is worth it. If it feels one sided and each conversation leaves you drained emotionally you might be better off making new friends.


    If a pregnancy is “unstable” people are generally hesitant to say anything about it–I’ve had friends who lost their babies in the 7th and 8th months. Also, afterwards is generally a very busy time. However, if someone is dating a person for four years, their friends will know. It looks to me like the feeling is not mutual in this relationship–maybe she doens’t want to be rude and tell you in a straight way and is ending up being more inconsiderate by doing this other stuff to you.

    If someone wants to interact with you, they will find a way. Eventually. That’s what I’ve come to realize.



    Don’t feel bad for distancing yourself. That is the best thing you can do, because while you see her as a close friend, she obviously doesn’t see you that way.

    I had a friend like that. However, me and her had been best friends since elementary school. Our friendship continued all throughout high school. However when I got a boyfriend we communicated less and less each time. While we were still friends and talked, texted each other, talked on the phone, hung out, we just weren’t confiding in each other as much. After my boyfriend and I broke up we got to talking more and she finally told me she had been seeing someone. She kept me in the loop, but once again it wasn’t like before. It took a while before she finally told us she got engaged. After that she finally opened up again and started talking about her fiance and their plans. I was invited to her wedding, but I felt left out because everyone there was someone from her church or family. After that, we drifted apart again. She didn’t tell me she was pregnant with twins, and I wasn’t invited to her baby shower. Even when I texted her, our conversations would be brief. I had to find out all those things through Facebook. She distanced herself, I guess she felt very different from me, and I suppose I understand. Here she is, married with twins, and here I am, in college, not married or dating, and no children. I guess what I am trying to say is, we don’t have much in common, and life gets in the way.

    While you made all the effort, she didn’t make any, and that is not fair. Your friendship with her is rather one sided. You need better friends than that. Ones who will confide in you as much as you confide in them.

    If it doesn’t bother her it is because she simply does not value your friendship as much as you value hers. It’s sad, but it’s better for you to step away now, rather than later.


    My wife’s friend of 30+ years cut off communications with her for no reason.
    It really bothered her.
    A few years later she called and asked outright why.
    The explanation was essentially that she became frustrated that my wife’s life was going good and her own has become stagnant and she never really progressed in 30 years.

    One the other hand, I have cut ties with a person because their life was a negative influence on mine.

    Remember, don’t ask questions you aren’t ready to hear the answer.
    You may find the issue is with your friend or you are the issue.

    Is the answer really that important?
    Either way the relationship is damaged.

    I suggest focusing on closing this chapter and starting a new one.


    @joe thank you so much for sharing your story,I hope that you are well and thanx for your appreciated input!

    yes you’re right and I have taken that leap,even though I’m still hurting but I know it was the right thing!

    arghh that must have been tough for her,but why hurt her like that,it’s no excuse at all!

    you’re right,there’s always a way,and I called her even after she had the baby and she said nothing then,you see

    ,yes I have decided to embrace change and go out there and meet new people,she isn’t a private person!

    she just didn’t tell me anything,with the guy I had no reason to suspect anything because I thought she was single and with the baby I couldn’t tell because she was back home at her parents so didn’t see her for a couple of months but I still checked up on her even though she didn’t reciprocate…
    Thank you all for listening,it is highly appreciated…


    @anita I felt bad because this is not something I’m used to doing or thought I’d ever have to do because it is just not me…I valued her so much,I think it’s that I’ve been so afraid of change,especially with feeling lonely and this huge transition in my life trying to find meaning and with it myself…its not in my nature to hurt other people,and as much as I have tried I have realized that I cannot change my personality,I just keep going even though I know that pain and heartache is inevitable…
    I have since let go even though it still hurts but I believe I will get over it as soon as I stop question why she would do such to me!
    About the other thread on giving up and worrying,it’s all about my life and career path which have both been created by my depression!i worry that I’m getting older and I’m almost 30 but have nothing to show for it!At the same time I’m afraid of going through with my dreams even though they are all I think about after my family now that I have lost so many friends…
    I’m an extrovert and have always been,I had the perfect childhood even though we didn’t have much,it’s the growing pains that have had me this way,I often joke with myself that I’m done with my mid life crisis enough for two life times…


    Dear Floranlina:

    You wrote that it is your personality, that it is who you are to “just keep going even though (you) know that pain and heartache is inevitable” So, you mean that … I don’t understand. Can you elaborate what you mean by this, maybe give me a couple of examples?


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