
Help me find positive words about finances

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    Hello! I am a happy, positive, lady. I have the world at my fingertips. I love, I live, I risk, I even started my own business. I am moving forward in my life’s journey.

    But… I get stuck in finances. I feel like I work very hard and never make any financial progress. I am just realizing that there is a lesson I need to learn here. After some meditations on my deep seated feelings about money and abundance I have come to realize that even though I feel like I can DO anything I want, I don’t feel like I can AFFORD anything… ever.

    I must say to myself, a billion times a day, that I can’t afford things. ‘Nutmeg is too expensive,’ I think. ‘I can’t justify new running shoes right now’ I say to my boyfriend. ‘I am going to have to put off that dream marathon this year, I just can’t afford it.’ I tell my Mom. ‘Oh no,’ I stress, ‘I am running out of shampoo and I don’t have the budget for it this week!’

    So I am asking for help. I need to find positive thoughts when these negative thoughts start running through my head. I do have a strict budget I need to follow but I am tired of telling myself that I can’t all the time.

    Do you have any positive words or phrases you use when negative money issues start popping into your head?


    Perhaps rather than “oh no, I can’t,” you can say to yourself, “I choose not to.”

    I would like some new running shoes, but it is more important right now that I stay within my budget and demonstrate to myself that I am disciplined and not blown about by any want that pops into my head.
    Running marathons is a big, expensive thing. This year I started a business, so for now, that’s the big expensive thing that’s taking up my time, energy, and my money. This is bringing me joy and it was a good choice.
    I need shampoo, but I can probably last a few days until the end of the week and buy it with next week’s budget. It might seem silly to some people, but actually, I take pride in sticking with my budget.

    Smile to yourself and rest easy in the knowledge that you don’t actually need these things.

    Or, perhaps sometimes you can say: “Hey, some part of me seems to think I can’t afford shampoo. That’s interesting. It strikes me as perhaps slightly ridiculous. Let me sit down and talk to this money-frightened part of me and see what it’s really worried about, and whether those worries are real and reasonable, or just ingrained thought-patterns.”

    Either can work. Good luck.


    I am also very frugal-minded and prone to feeling like I can’t afford “frivolous” things (aka anything other than bills and groceries). It’s a very common problem with people who are Savers.

    One way I’ve found to combat feelings around money is to counter negativity with facts and truth. For example, I always FEEL like I can never eat out, it’s excessive and unnecessary. But when I track my spending on a day to day basis, I can see that I’m actually under budget at the end of the month and there IS money to spend on something as simple as a delicious burger or stir-fry.

    Another thing I’d suggest to formally budget in a “Things Tiffany Wants” category in your budget. Put aside a set amount of money every month, just $5-10 if you want, and after 6 months you spend the saved up money on all the things you don’t think you could afford.

    I automatically contribute part of my salary to a Planned Spending account that is set aside for expensive things I want/need… new smartphone, dance classes, a TV stand, tropical vacations, etc. It’s important to save money and be prepared for the future, but not at the expense of the present!

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