
How do i stop concerning myself with other people's thoughts?

HomeForumsTough TimesHow do i stop concerning myself with other people's thoughts?

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  • This topic has 13 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Jen.
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  • #188415
    Isaac Wechuli

    I started a blog two weeks ago, named http://www.unboundedwisdom.com.  the blog encompasses many topics including power, success, motivation, ideas. Whats stressing me is that i graduated from university 4 years ago with outstanding results. Also, since high school i have always been a best performer in academic education. However, i ignored looking for a job because i wanted to be an entrepreneur. Most of my friends are now employed and i am broke struggling with my blog. The source of stress is that i a preaching success to people while im broke. i think people are laughing at me because i am advising them about success while i have nothing to prove that i am succesfull. I also think my blog is not good enough despite some friends telling me that its good. I think they just want to make me feel good. Whats your advice to me, and how CAN i stop concerning myself with other people’s thoughts.



    I like the Buddhist model where there is the Dharma, the Buddha and the Sangha. (After all isn’t this website is about Buddhism?).

    This means in your situation you need a plan, i.e. the Dharma.

    You need a mentor, i.e. the Buddha.

    You need a support system, the Sangha.

    I am sure you know that having instant success is rare being an entrepreneur.

    Start having that structure in place, your question will be moot as you go forward especially when you are among others who are getting started or struggline.

    Good luck,



    Isaac Wechuli

    Thanks man….i have a plan but i lack a mentor and support system. I will look for them


    Dear Isaac Wechuli:

    If you are preaching financial success to people while you are financially broke, then perhaps stop preaching it?

    You wrote that you have been “a best performer in academic education”- well, this is your achievement, academic education. You can blog about that to people out there, how to perform well academically.

    Are you considering employment for yourself?


    Isaac Wechuli

    nope, i am not considering employment..i preach motivation, ideas, positive thinking, and success. i launched the blog two weeks ago and now it has 914 views. should i continue? you can check it out http://www.unboundedwisdom.com, just check the topics and tell me if i should stop or continue


    Isaac – First off it is fantastic you have ambitions to become an entrepreneur. Remember its good to self critique but do’nt do it to a point where you are self sabotaging your self.

    I believe what people think of you and what you are doing is none of your business.  If you have been a good student all your life trust me you will get a job when you interview the interviewer will be super pleased if you say you took time off and invested in a business of your passion. If you can get a part time job get some income and work on your blog at the same time it might help you financially. There will always be a voice in your head that will make you doubt your self question is will you listen to it.

    All the best with your blog and do not give up.

    Isaac Wechuli

    Thank You Buddi…Love ya,,,its 5 a.m here in Africa..Im grinding and you just lifted my spirits..thanks


    Hey Isaac,

    I saw your post here and really felt compelled to answer…
    I wanted to share with you a book that really helped me to turn my life around and to let go of things you mention like what other people are thinking and feeling about you.

    The book is called Things Are Going Great In My Absence and its by Lola Jones.
    I started with the book and then went onto all the other amazing resources in Lola’s program, Divine Openings. Lola guided me in changing the way I see things and approach situations in life…she helped me to transform my life while feeling guided and supported. I urge you to check it out!

    I’m telling anyone I can about this book since it has helped me so much. I’ve been sharing it with all my friends and family and getting them all involved with Divine Openings too! They are loving it and I hope that you will love it to. Get the book! It changed my life!

    Sending ease and love

    Isaac Wechuli

    thanks. im buying it right now


    So happy to hear that Isaac!
    I know it will bring so much to your life!


    “When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.” ~Winston Churchill

    Why We Worry About What Other People Think of Us (And How to Stop)



    Hi Isaac,

    If you are motivating and helping people..then, isn’t this success?


    Your blog is great, Isaac. It will take time to grow. You’ve only been doing this for two weeks and you already have a ton of great content. I see mainly content about strategies for success…not any evidence of you stating how you got rich. Not everybody knows those strategies so you are not being an impostor, you are giving people advice. I started a blog and social media presence a year and a half ago and I worried about this same thing….what other people would think.  Most people love what I’m doing and say they are inspired. So that is all that matters. If there are any haters, you don’t have to give them your time. Why focus on the negative people more than the positive people? And like many entrepreneurs say, “Its a marathon, not a sprint”. It won’t come overnight. Just stay consistent and believe in yourself. Celebrate any victories you get. Like your amount of page views. That’s great. Think of it as you are training yourself to deal with any criticism you will get online in the future..and embrace the criticism because that is when you know you’re doing well. Keep doing what you’re doing.


    From your original post: “i think people are laughing at me because i am advising them about success while i have nothing to prove that i am succesfull. I also think my blog is not good enough despite some friends telling me that its good. I think they just want to make me feel good.”

    A place to start is to be more positive to yourself – these words show that you are not thinking positively about your own situation. That will come across in your writings. You should be thankful you have friends who think the blog is good. Many people would define success as having good friends.

    Now if you are struggling financially – and that is part of how you define success – then you really should consider finding some employment that allows you to earn money – enough to help you feel self-sufficient – and do the blogging as well.



    I am absolutely fan of your blog (Unbounded Wisdom)  Isaac. It is great, really ! As Jeff said, it will take time to grow. People are NOT  laughing at you because you are advising them about success while you have nothing to prove that you are succesfull. Your advices, your ideas … are very interesting. It is already a success.

    May be, people are surprised to see you are advising them about to be not worry, to conquer discouragement to be motivated and then read here that you ask people if you will continue or not while you do your best to work hard?

    Go ahead Isaac.

    I would like to translate your blog in french. Are you interested?
    Thank You


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