
How do you relax?

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    Hey guys, I was wondering what are some of the simple things everybody does when feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, to recharge and relax?

    Some of the things I enjoy doing to release stress and relax are:

    – Drinking hot tea* in the shower.
    (Ideally any kind of black tea which is proven to lower levels of cortisol in the brain which is directly linked to high-levels of stress)

    – Sitting and breathing mediation

    – Reading a good book

    – Writing poetry/journaling

    – Any kind of creative activity, using my hands (ex: crocheting, sewing, etc.)

    – Going for walks in the woods/nature

    Please share any of the little daily things you do to help manage stress and keep peace in yourself and your life. There are always so many things at our disposable that can help us feel okay and achieve peace.. however, when we fall into negative-thinking patterns and find ourselves overwhelmed it easy to become blinded and unable to recognize that we have options.

    Mindy Boot

    For me, it was a nice warm shower while listening to soothing piano music. I also like your idea of drinking hot tea in the shower, though. Might give that one a try.


    Whenever I feel stressed or something I straightly go for a shower and I don’t know how many hours pass when I’m in shower. The favourite thing I do is grab my favourite book and go on reading and reading. I listen to music most of the time. Drinking hot tea or coffee makes me go all calm and cool. I go for a walk with my mum and of course nature is the best way in order to relax.


    Anyone, we’re so similar in some ways!

    I like to go for walks, sit in the park, watch the sunset, walk/be by water. Read or listen to audiobbooks. Hug myself in bed and just allow myself to feel feelings without judgment. I write in my journal.

    I look in the mirror and into my eyes and say comforting things to myself.

    I think about the things that I want in my life, I send positive vibes and prayers to my future husband – whoever or wherever he may be.

    Adam P

    Here I am Nicole and thank you for your thoughts and prayers. 🙂
    Let’s see, how do I relax besides helping bump an old topic and bringing a smile to a stranger.
    I love to relax by reading all sorts of different subjects and trying to learn new skills/hobbies,etc.
    Thank you and take care.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Adam P.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Adam P.
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