
I always think "WHY ME "

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    I’m 18 and 5’1″ , yeah right 5’1″. I don’t feel like the belong to this world. I have read a lot of topics like : “how to stop self criticism” or “stop comparing yourself to other”. It does make me feel good for a short time.However it’s never last longer than an hour. I always think negatively like “why does it happen to me” “why me” “life is so unfair”. I sometimes feel angry for some fat guys complaining “I’m so fat, I’m look unhandsome”.WTF! they can go to gym and start diet,Bro! What about me -_- it’s almost impossible to gain height. Ther are some Drugs on the internet that proves that it’s gonna help me grow taller”,but we all know that it’s just a scam.
    All I really worried is that I’m gonna be alone forever (Forever ALone) and it’s probably true. There are some people out there said that “Physical attractiveness is nothing, Personality is everything”. BUT, everyone know that 99.99% women like tall man. Emmmmmmm. Just want to get that out of my mind. SOrry my English is always bad.


    If it makes you feel any better, my college boyfriend was shorter than me, and I had a mad crush on someone years later who was shorter. Speaking for all women everywhere, as long as there’s something awesome going on (witty, fun, successful, doing something interesting) THAT is what will draw us in! And the older you get, the more attractive you are if a man.

    I had a different problem, by the way. I’m taller than most guys, so they REALLY had to have swagger to mentally even consider me! My DH is taller ONLY because the other guys had a confidence problem ~ “It’ll look funny if I’m shorter than my woman!” The 6’4″ Viking was the only one left!! LOL


    I’m 6’2″, devilishly handsome, and achingly single. Why? Because despite my physical “advantages”, I’m not at peace with myself.

    100% of women like men that are attractive spiritually and mentally. That’s where all your confidence comes from. The physical part is just a bonus.

    Work on your inner strength and attractiveness, maybe watch some Danny DeVito movies, and smile 🙂 because you’re probably a lot more awesome than you think.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Stephen.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Stephen.
    sheldon cooper

    What’s more unattractive than being short is being insecure. While looks is an advantage, it is not everything. There are bigger problems in the world dude, stop feeling like a victim all the time and focus on the things that you do have. Could be worse, you could have been 4’9″



    Being 5’1 is the worst thing that ever happened to anyone. You’re right, fat guys have no right to complain because losing weight is easy. 18 years old is by the way the perfect time to determine whether you will be Forever Alone, because you have all the life experience you will ever need and you also know exactly what 99.99% of women look for in a man, knowing all that you need to know about women. At 18.

    There is definitely nothing you can do to improve your attitude or your personality, especially because being Forever Alone is the curse of Forever Misery. No one has ever been single and happy. No short men have ever not been single forever. No one has ever been severely mistaken about the nature of life, the universe and all the rest when they were 18.

    Man, I wish I had some advice to give you, but there’s just Nothing You Can Do! Sucks, bro!

    PS: Those pills are definitely a scam.
    PPS: My boyfriend is a fat man and I fucking love it. Of course, that’s impossible because fat=unattractive (just like short=unattractive) and everyone knows women aren’t attracted to unattractive men. Like, obvs. Tautological statements are tautological. Clearly me and my boyfriend don’t exist.
    PPPS: Events with a 0.01% chance of happening happen every damn second. Not that your statistics aren’t hilariously messed up, but even if they weren’t. Every damn second.


    All right, I’m sorry, here’s some real advice.

    First off, the answer is right there in the thread title, as it so often is. “I always think, why me?” Right. So knock that off, you know it’s making you miserable. The next time you hear yourself thinking “Why me?” think, “Oh, hey! I don’t need to think that way. I know “why me” just leads to misery, so I’m going to take a moment to turn this around.” Say “why me” about the fact that you have a roof over your head in a country of wealth and freedom. Say “why me” to being born in the age of antibiotics. Say “why me” to the fact you have a healthy, functioning body and all the porn you could ever need one search term away. I don’t know. You can probably think of better things.

    Keep reading those articles about how to gain yourself some self-esteem, positive attitude, emotional maturity and resilience. Sometimes it seems like it only works for an hour or so, but internalising that stuff will, over time, bring lasting change. Your zing-bam rush from a work-out doesn’t last either, but over time you’ll build muscle. This works just the same. Except you build yourself a better brain.

    Now, about your Forever Alone issue: you’re focussing on the one thing making you unattractive (in your own perception) that happens to be something you cannot possibly change. I wonder why you focus on that. But there’s like the other 99.99% of attractiveness that you can change, which you’ve not even touched on.

    OK. You’re short. Them’s the breaks. But do you dress well? Do you know how to carry yourself? Do you dance? That’s how my boyfriend caught my attention. I first saw him when he was swing dancing and even though I was with someone I was very attracted to (and who was classicly buff) when I saw him, large as he is, I thought: “Shake it baby!”

    How much do you know about women/girls, about the things that make them annoyed and worked up and insecure? What are you doing to do to learn more? Do you know how rare it is for an 18-year-old to know and actually care about the stuff women care about? That would give you the edge over your peers in a snap. Learn shit about the world. Watch obscure films and documentaries. Volunteer in a foreign country. Travel. Put down the gamepad and read a book.

    Also: put down the porn and actually educate yourself about how to give women pleasure. Your sexual education is up to you. There’s a ton of really good resources on the internet, and there’s more to sex than knowing where to find the clitoris. Although, to be honest, even that would probably give you an edge. The ability to give great orgasms may not be something women can see on you (and no, don’t ever try to brag about it) but they increase your chances for a lasting relationship by a generous margin. There’s a lot of guys who don’t know how, and can’t be bothered to learn. Learn, and their relative height will be worthless.

    There are a lot of whiny baby-boys who are about your age. They threaten to overrun the internet, it seems. But this is good news for you. This means there’s actually not that much work you need to do to gain the edge in maturity. If you’ve got the edge in maturity, your height won’t mean a damn thing. Trust the woman who’s finally got herself a decent, upstanding, up-with-people man. Who happens to be well fat, and wonderfully skilled.


    Confidence and inner peace are WAY more attractive than any physical characteristic. Besides, anyone that doesn’t like you because of your height is not really anyone you want to be dealing with. More importantly, you need to get right with yourself! Self-love is the only way and the happiest way to live. I was deeply in love with a guy much shorter than me, but he was confident, kind and had a relentless curiosity about the world. That was all that really mattered! Besides, no one can avoid old age, sickness and death. What really matters is whether you can hold a good conversation or have a good laugh with someone (or with yourself!) when you’re old.

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