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June 7, 2014 at 7:16 pm #58321
ParticipantI am a legally married woman who is approaching a divorce. I have slept alone for the better part of 4 years and have been married for almost 6 years. In a nutshell… I fell into a “crush” for someone I knew through, say, business… we had so many things in common… our home town.. the beach we went to as children… we met in a completely different state. I was very attracted to him… and I believe he was attracted to me… basically it wasn’t until I FELL for this guy, that I began suspecting that my own husband was unfaithful to me. I confronted my husband and over the course of about 2 months he slowly admitted to more and more things… affairs… kissing… etc….
Rewind… after I confronted my husband the first time, he admitted to a few things and I asked him to move out. Soon after… my… eghem… new crush and I slept with eachother and that was all she wrote. I cannot get this guy out of my head. It’s so so horrible. I at times wonder if he feels the same… just completely blindsided by a ridiculous lust and infatuation.
Basically… I WANT to be single… I want to be happy on my own… I want this so much.. I’ve never really had that peaceful alone place in my life. How do I get that? 🙁 Or should I just keep madly pursuing this guy? 🙁
We have talked about just being “friends” which I initially found laughable. I wouldn’t know how to do that. Not with him.
Due to the nature of our own life circumstances it seems as though it could take great sacrifice on both of our parts to actually stay geographically connected. So so sad.. hahaha. HELP!! How do I get over this guy? or….June 7, 2014 at 8:38 pm #58325Big blue
ParticipantHi Lucy,
I’ve been through divorce, am now single and am in that peaceful alone place. Once there I set up my own place and do what I want to do. It is a good feeling, having been through a rough divorce and then years later a challenging relationship, to be on my own.
You need to take care to protect yourself until you get there. A lot can happen, so step ahead carefully, following your heart and your head.
Big blue
June 8, 2014 at 4:26 am #58327Inky
ParticipantGood Morning!
You’re using this crush as a distraction from the iron hard reality that you will be divorcing. Maybe initially it was for that brief romantic feeling, but now it’s an emotional security blanket. It sounds like you won’t see him an awful lot, so in that sense he’s “harmless”. You will have that Peaceful Alone Place. But first, get through this divorce. It may be harder than you think it will be. And like Blue said, protect yourself.
June 8, 2014 at 6:47 am #58330Lucy
ParticipantThank you both. I will say how strange it is to be able to know in my gut that I need to sort of… avoid it… this “relationship”… but then at the same time… the other part of me is like… “you don’t HAVE to avoid him”… “what’s the harm in indulging a little bit”… but the fact of the matter is… he’s pretty much my super potent drug… it’s sort of crazy… Inky, I know, at first it was a super careless way to fill the void that my husband and I did not share… then it turned into… I hate to say it… maybe a little bit of a rebound… even though I did really like him before everything hit the fan. I guess timing is everything and right now it’s a bad time. And I will eventually get over him and he will be a distant memory. And I will be able to make more rational decisions.
I ordered some things to make jewelry at home, a few books, I run and lift weights almost everyday… my kids keep me motivated… I’m pretty busy in life… the sunshine I’m loving.
Now I just need to be able to LOVE LOVE LOVE being with my new best friend…. MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Any suggestions? Books… etc. 🙂
June 8, 2014 at 7:56 am #58331Big blue
ParticipantHi –
I’m glad you two said what I had trouble saying and held back from saying.
Lucy you appear to have it together and are on the right track.
Inky you’re spot on as usual.
Gosh it would have been so helpful to know about this site a few years ago. I’m grateful and no worries now.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Suppose to Be and Embrace Who You Are
Brene BrownBig blue
June 8, 2014 at 8:02 am #58332Inky
ParticipantRead or reread The Autobiography of a Yogi ~ it will help keep you thinking spiritually. I don’t know, that just came to me.
Have a Divorce Buddy. For every meeting with the lawyer, call her up and have drinks and smokes. (Well, that’s what I would do LOL!). Girly gab sessions. Commiserate. Go out for coffee and sandwiches. Yes, the opposite advice from above!! I don’t know, that just came to me too!! To get away from Really Bad, sometimes you have to dip into Little Bit Bad before you become Saintly. LOL
Find a church/spiritual center, gym, club, hobby where you can meet people on a semi-regular basis. Learn something new. A thing that you can take little road trips to get to the next event. Regattas, Festivals, etc.
June 8, 2014 at 8:59 am #58335Matt
In contrast to some of the other sharply aimed advice, consider that there is nothing wrong with your feelings, they just are. Avoiding your feelings isn’t going to work long term, they just get suppressed and lead us to madness. Said differently, here you have a large woosh of feelings, finally, after years of neglect, and your instinct is to hide them, avoid them, remove them. Which makes sense, because who knows if the current interest would be as radiant for you if you didn’t feel so lonely. A few things came to heart as I read your words.
Consider that when we get married, we offer to our partner a certain promise of sharing our space. For many, and usually women, their space gets neglected, their desires sacrificed for “the good of the family”. This wears down our relationship with ourselves, getting used to having our desires regarded as “indulgent”, “selfish”. “Should i want this? Should I avoid that? What is expected of me?” Blah, garbage, unneeded.
Consider a different approach. Look at how when the new love interest came along, the slumbering goddess inside you woke up. She received a breath of life, tender attentions, connection, communication… and all your bits came alive, charged. That’s great! Awkward timing, being still married, but better to have an adulterous fling that wakes you up, shakes you down, than to sleepwalk endlessly.
It also makes sense that you need to refriend yourself, find that inner space of “just Lucy” before a long term relationship has the chance of being stable. Not because you “just need to take time away” or “avoid a rebound” or anything like that, those are meaningless. Rather, do you know who you are? Do you know what you like? Do you feel confident that you’re lovable, deserving, as is? These are the things that need exploring before diving in again.
The reason is that because of the loneliness from the years of empty bed, sharing a bed is really vibrant. “Oh, his butt smells, but goodness it feels good to have his naked body here.” or “Well, he’s racist, but sees my beauty.” These compromises, these “well, yes, but…” get in the way. Setting you up for a “new boss just like the old boss”. Said differently, instead of accepting you like a clean smell, and standing up for that desire, such as “if you want to lay in bed with me, wash your butt”, the grief and loneliness push us to be silent, just accept it, just sacrifice our desire. Then, the whole time you’re smelling the butt smell, less present, less happy, pull away, etc.
However, when you can make good friends with yourself, come to see yourself as happy, content, then the other things happen without all that pressure. As you shuck the cheaty husband and let go of the sensual rebound, you’ll still be there, learning who you are, what you like. That’s good! That’s what helps you find what you’re looking for, leads you down your path. The secret is that while the husband neglected (and the lover inspired) that inner goddess, you’re it. You’re the nexus, the center, the source. All that joy and beauty, the love and romance… all inside you, part of you. Not them, it doesn’t belong to them, its not theirs, they don’t give that to you. Its inside you, because of the curious, because of the exploring, the break from routine. But we don’t need a partner for that… we can open up our eyes to our own light, and find our way.
Practically, this happen by exploring our desires. What are you interested in? If you love to skydive, for instance, then meeting the skydiving with the goddess exploring brings the same sense of “whoosed Lucy” that he does now. Intrepid, smiling, learning… what a blessed journey! Then, being with a partner is a fun addition, but unnecessary. And, it makes all your other desires easier to accept. Such as “hey, that was a lot of fun parachuting with you, but would you take a shower? You stink.” Not “I don’t want to ruin our moment by talking about what I like/dislike/need/want.” Just “that was great, and now we are here, so what is here? What would we like to do next?”
Namaste, dear sister, may you find your desires, open to them, and see them fulfilled.
With warmth,
MattJune 8, 2014 at 1:26 pm #58355Lucy
ParticipantThank you for the book recommendations. 🙂
And MATT!!! ROFL LMAO…. overused acronyms, but I just can’t hold back from saying SERIOUSLY LOL. I LOVE your post. It’s a totally true perspective. All above are correct—including my own sickly perspective. haha. But Matt- thank you- can we “be friends”. 😀
Yea- why must I TORTURE myself by “forcing myself to be alone” when really… that will happen naturally the more I… toughen up… grow up… enjoy myself…. re-create… find…. love myself. 😀
Loving it! Keep it comin’ all. Thanks- EVERYONE.June 8, 2014 at 2:03 pm #58357Matt
ParticipantI never thought we weren’t, Lucy! 🙂 Thanks for the kind words.
Yeah, forcing yourself to do most things is wasted effort. Maybe if you were in a really painful cycle (such as injustice-anger), it can help to “murder the causes” or “cut the shit”. Here though, sheesh! The desire is there for a bunch of reasons, and the more you explore those reasons, the more the unhealthy shed and the healthy grow. Like cooking a meal, its easy to tell when there is too much salt, and adjust next time. Find your balance, what makes your heart sing, and you’ll be fine :). Consider the pressure from “omgwhatdoido whatdoido” is just leftover from old baggage, not enough self nurturing,being nurtured by your partner, etc. Don’t believe its immediacy! We do well when we are patient with ourselves, like watching a flower bloom. Rushing only tears at the pedals, which are tender, delicate, whispers of heart that go unheard when our mind gets all blabby.
With warmth,
MattJune 8, 2014 at 3:52 pm #58360Lucy
Participant“SHEESH” Is Right! It ‘aint all that bad. 🙂 HUman. Need a little salt… then a lot more salt… a little sugar… a lotta vanilla… Organic semi sweet choc chips and voila!! The Best Damn Cookies You ever ate. 🙂
Your tearing at the pedals analogy is so me. I’m like 1000 mi an hour everywhere I go. Which is totally impossible. I just burn out and miss the… blooming flower…. 🙂
I’m done with the blabbing for sure.
Thanks again, Matt
June 9, 2014 at 2:49 pm #58420sojourner
ParticipantInky, Matt, Big Blue – you are all amazing and it’s wonderful that you are on this sight. Lucy, good luck. So many people here “get it” and we are blessed to have a safe space to ask questions, get opinions and insight (and laughter).
I don’t have anything to add because a) these guys already said it all and b) I’m only about 3/4 through my own erratic, healing adventure with emotions as nutsoid as yours. Best wishes to you.
My therapist did recommend a book to add perhaps to the EXCELLENT recommendations above and it is Calling in The One by Katherine Woodward Thomas. Readable, smart, and not what you’d expect.
Also, I recommend the TED talk by Brene Brown entitled The Power of Vulnerability.
June 9, 2014 at 4:14 pm #58436Lucy
Participant3/4 of the way is pretty dang good!!! So I guess your next big hurdle would be something like………. “Do I realllly want to graduate this process? Or am I ready to do the same dang thing all over again?” I guess there is a large degree of bravery needed in graduating.. letting go… no more pattern…. room without a roof… truly. Best to you Sojourner.
And thanks for the suggestions… will take a peak!!
June 9, 2014 at 4:54 pm #58437Big blue
Thank you for your nice words – I am grateful to share and learn here.
Lucy on the process you describe … I’ve been going through some significant changes, and I think I’m even more myself as I go along. So, it’s interesting re: being a better person and partner potentially and whether this is achievable. Though maybe it’s the journey that counts… 🙂
Big blue
June 10, 2014 at 10:41 am #58492Jobebee
ParticipantHeya Lucy,
First off, it sounds like you’ve had a tough 6 years, so be nice to yourself, take the time to do the things you love by yourself… reading, swimming, singing, yoga, running… whatever it may be, make sure you do it!. You’re allowed to have a crush on someone, it’s human instinct. So don’t beat yourself up, it’s not like you were in a happy marriage. secondly, if you’re not happy, you have the power to change it. Look after yourself first. Maybe get some distance from both guys? find yourself and your feet again, and if the guy likes you as much as you like him, he’ll still be there 🙂
xxxx good luck and all the best! xx
June 15, 2014 at 7:23 am #58858Lucy
ParticipantThank you for that Jobebee………. I am really hoping that regardless of what happens, that I can get out of this strange love loop that I seem to find myself in………. glamorizing some one that I barely even know is just not good. 🙁
I don’t get it. I really don’t understand why we had to have so much in common though. Or why he wants to be friends instead of my idea to stop talking… or… why he will email me “hi” out of no where…. or anything for that matter. 🙁
UGH. And I still can’t stop thinking about him… adoring him… wondering… etc etc…. it’s so pathetic and annoying. And I have his MAIL… long story… but…. when he returns from out of town he wants to “get coffee” LOLOLOL…. this “mail” is haunting me!! -