
Is he playing?? Have I been ghosted?? Feeling stupid and heartbroken

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    This guy who lives in my neighborhood and I started communicating and occassionally seeing each other in September 2023. We both are busy and don’t get to see each other often. He works 8-12 hours a day, and I am unemployed due to disability and I also am a caregiver for my sickly 92 year old mother.

    Over the course of our dynamics, him and I have had problems and sometimes have cut communication with each other multiple times but so far have always ventured back to one another. In the time we’ve been communicating he expressed to me that he thinks I’m a nice person whose morals and virtues align with his, that he wants to eventually marry and start a family with. We both have expressed and exchanged feelings of fondness towards one another.

    We’ve had xes twice and each time after, he cuts off communicating and has ghost me. The first time we had xes was 6 months ago…he ghosted me for a short while…and later apologized and said that it was due to him feeling insecure and questioning his size, performance, and capabilities. . We just had xes for the second time 3 days ago, and I haven’t heard from since, and he’s been ignoring my texts… I have only texted him twice. Once to ask how he was feeling…the other to wish him a good day ahead.

    Him ghosting me last time lasted for about 2 weeks… then he texted me apologizing, saying he missed me and told me things were not okay with him and he questioned me if I had been satisfied.

    Last week he had about 2 guys over for company…or so I thought… I had asked a few minutes before I knew of his company, if he wanted to see me then…in which he never responded.that day…not even to tell me he’s busy…

    I thought that was strange because he’s always asking to spend more time with me…even if it’s a quick hug… He has left company before to see me for a hug.

    I am almost certain that I saw him there with another woman as well and they were making out…

    He swears that there are no other women…

    During our breaks, on his way to and from work he often looks at my house as if hoping to see me.

    Is he playing me, and perhaps only using me for sex, to fill voids of loneliness and ego boost???

    Does he mean anything he tells me?? Are these red flags and should I end things once and for all??


    Dear Laven: I will be able to read and reply to you in about  12 hours from now.



    I am sorry but I just do not understand how a man can have physical relations and say they have serious feelings for you just ghost you the next day. What excuse can be good enough to explain this. You give yourself to someone who says they care for you and the next day, he disappears for two weeks. It sounds like a player or just an idiot of a man with no feelings at all. So, why are you still thinking about him. I know I sound harsh. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Dump him and find someone who will give you the love you deserve.

    Note: I am not always right. Wait for Anita to answer.


    Dear Laven:

    You shared that you and this guy who lives in your neighborhood started seeing each other six months ago, in Sept 2023. Back then, the two of you had sex for the first time. Following that 1st time, he ghosted you for 2 weeks, and then texted you an apology, saying that he ghosted you because he was insecure “due to him feeling insecure and questioning his size, performance, and capabilities“, saying that he missed you, and asked you if you had been satisfied.

    Last week, he had a visitor or visitors in his home, he says it was 2 guys, but you think that saw him with another woman, making out. He swore to you that “there are no other women“. Four days ago, the two of you had sex for the 2nd time, and he ghosted you again, not answering the two texts you sent him (true to yesterday when you submitted your original post).

    You asked: “Is he playing me, and perhaps only using me for sex, to fill voids of loneliness…???“- when you say that the two of you had sex only twice, I don’t know if you mean that there were only 2 occasions of a sexual nature between the two of you, or that there were only 2 occasions of intercourse. If it’s the former, if he pursued you for any kind of sexual activity only 2 times in 6 months, I’d say that he wasn’t using you for sex, at least not regularly or predominantly.

    As far as filling voids of loneliness- maybe, but that in itself is not a negative thing, we are all people who need people (as the song says) to fill our human void.

    Does he mean anything he tells me??“- he probably meant some of the things he told you, but not all. Did I understand correctly: he told you that he wants to marry you and start a family with you?

    If that’s what he told you, do you think he meant it?

    I am sorry, Laven, it reads like you are hurting, and I do understand this kind of hurt. Maybe if we talk about it all for a while, back and forth, maybe you will feel better, and the two of us can learn something from each other.


    * Dear Tommy: it’s a good thing that you are my role model as far as Ego is concerned, so, I don’t let myself be carried away with what appears to be a compliment.. haha, and thank you!



    We’ve only had sexual intercourse twice inn the relationship.

    We use to talk daily multiple times. Both initiated. When we would have disagreements sometimes, and would stop communicating for a few days..due to differences of opinions..but he always ventured back to me often apologizing, telling me that he missed me, and just wanted to sit down and talk in person..that we never have to do anything that I don’t want to do. He’s never pressured me into having sex.


    Two days before we saw each other last, he told me that he didn’t think it would work out between us and was pursuing other women on social media..and was going to focus on that… I got really upset and heartbroken and wanted clarity..then later on that day he begged me to forgive him and told me he was just saying that to make me jealous,  and to see if I was really interested and cared about him. That he felt uncared for by me. He said now that he knew how I felt, he wanted to make plans to spend the rest of our lives together.  That I was the only one for him, etc….


    On the last visit, we decided to have sex…and afterwards we talked a bit before him leaving. Before he left he swore he would call and see me the next day, told me he loved me..and kissed me. I told him that we had to learn how to better communicate with one another, and not put  much space between us when there are disagreements.


    He agreed, and apologized profusely saying that he wouldn’t disappear anymore. That he often has trouble expressing his emotions. That he wouldn’t do that anymore. That he really loves and cares for me.


    It’s been 2 weeks since we’ve last communicated.. whenever I see him from my window coming home from work he’s always on the phone now..he was never on the phone before. It must be another woman, or multiple right??


    He’s logged into social media often, even when he is allegedly at work. The login status is usually a half hour to an hour last active..all during the day…Does that mean he was being dishonest and playing games when he claimed to not be online looking for other women..or another??



    Before, when we got into disagreements and arguments, he was always apologizing profusely, telling me that he loved me and didn’t want to loose me. Begging me to stay. Ringing my phone a lot….

    Now..radio silence for 2 weeks.

    I feel like he used me to build himself up and dropped me now that he’s feeling confident and confident enough to go after what he wants.

    The other day I caved in and called his phone numerous times..each time it would ring a lot and it would cut to voicema, saying that the user mailbox is full…I feel like he blocked me.

    I sometimes feel like confronting him, but I think that may be a bad idea. I don’t want him to think that I am desperate and thinking about him.

    I’m soo confused and heartbroken. It is extremely difficult moving on…especially living in close proximity  to one another.


    Dear Lavern:

    Does that mean he was being dishonest and playing games..“- from all that you shared, reads to me that he is mentally/emotionally unwell, not that he is well and is cold-heartedly playing games with you.

    I’m soo confused and heartbroken. It is extremely difficult moving on.. especially living in close proximity  to one another.“- the behaviors of people who are mentally ill are indeed confusing.. until you understand what ails them.. what ails us (mental illness is so very common, unfortunately).

    Do the best you can to take care of yourself. Seems like he is not good for your mental health, You need someone who is consistent, reliable, dependable, and he is not it.

    Please post again any time with your thoughts and feelings and I will reply.



    Dear Laven,

    what I am noticing is that your relationship was rather rocky from the start, with quite a few disagreements:

    When we would have disagreements sometimes, and would stop communicating for a few days..due to differences of opinions..

    I told him that we had to learn how to better communicate with one another, and not put  much space between us when there are disagreements.

    You would stop communicating after those disagreements (I don’t know if it was him or you who stopped contact?), but then he would be the one to apologize and seek contact again:

    he always ventured back to me often apologizing, telling me that he missed me, and just wanted to sit down and talk in person

    Could you say a little bit about the nature of those disagreements? Because if two people have fundamentally different views on topics that are important to them, it’s not a good prospect for a relationship anyway.

    It’s not a good sign either that he recently told you he wanted to break up with you:

    Two days before we saw each other last, he told me that he didn’t think it would work out between us and was pursuing other women on social media..and was going to focus on that… I got really upset and heartbroken and wanted clarity..

    And then after you got very upset, he apologized and backtracked and told you he wants to spend the rest of his life with you:

    then later on that day he begged me to forgive him and told me he was just saying that to make me jealous,  and to see if I was really interested and cared about him. That he felt uncared for by me. He said now that he knew how I felt, he wanted to make plans to spend the rest of our lives together.  That I was the only one for him, etc….

    This is a sign that he is internally very conflicted about this relationship: on one hand he wants it (he initiates contact after your disagreements, he apologizes and begs, he comes home from work just to get a hug). But at the same time, he ghosts you after sex, which is a very hurtful behavior, and he also told you directly that he doesn’t think the relationship would work out and is seeking other women.

    I am almost certain that I saw him there with another woman as well and they were making out…

    He swears that there are no other women…

    Even if there are no other women at the moment, he is thinking about it. He seems conflicted, he might have self-esteem issues (being worried about his sexual performance), but in any case, it doesn’t look promising, as it is now.

    He is definitely hurting you with his hot-and-cold behavior, his disappearing after intimacy, his promises which he later breaks. This is not sustainable, it’s not a basis for a healthy relationship.

    He would need to not only admit that he has a problem (as he is doing now, when he apologizes), but also act on it, e.g. seek therapy. Because right now, his behavior is abusive: he apologizes for hurting you and tells you something that sounds good (e.g. that “he often has trouble expressing his emotions”). He promises not to hurt you again, but then he still does. So it’s a false promise, and the abuse keeps happening.

    I think that unless he agrees to seek counseling, you shouldn’t be hoping for him to change. Even if he is not manipulating you on purpose and playing games with you, he is hurting you. His behavior is abusive.

    I sometimes feel like confronting him, but I think that may be a bad idea. I don’t want him to think that I am desperate and thinking about him.

    I’m soo confused and heartbroken. It is extremely difficult moving on…especially living in close proximity to one another.

    I am sorry you are hurting, Laven. He does seem like trouble. I am not sure if you should confront him and ask him to seek therapy, or you should just let go. I don’t know if based on everything you said, he is a good match for you and actually worth pursuing… (considering your frequent arguments, for example, which might indicate deeper disagreements).


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