
Is this what they called love?

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    Jewel Fortalejo

    I have loved you enough, given up everything for this love that I have felt for you, faced all the monsters in your life. I sacrificed long enough just to make you happy, contented and stay with me for the rest of my life. I can even imagined myself growing old with you, racing our family together, but everything changes when you said you are so done with me. You always want to change me, to make me the perfect girl for you, but even how much I tried I am still me. It’s your idea that we will be living together even without marriage, I know its wrong but because of my love for you I agreed to it. I lost my reputations, I lost my jobs, but I said it’s okay because I have you anyway and that’s all that matters most. You are into depressions and I tried to ease the pain, and I thought it’s only me that you needed. But what happened now? You did not broke up with me but it feels the same. Just because your family members are saying that you are married already and you changes a bit, that your friends don’t want you anymore because you married earlier and you forgot about them. How about me? Did you ever asked what my family is thinking about me; how my friends got so upset knowing I am not choosing them? Did you ever care to ask me about my feeling? I ready don’t know what to do now, all I know is I still love you no matter what; maybe I’ll just wait for you to come back with me when the time is right.

    Buddhist Wife

    Sorry to hear you are having problems.

    Jewel Fortalejo

    yeah..i great problem when we are growing up. I wish i am just a grade school girl…maybe by then i wont be feeling this very complicated thing..if you are in my situation? what would you do?


    wow…. the words and the way you have expressed is really touching.. what exactly is happening between you two.? Is he avoiding you.?

    Jewel Fortalejo

    Yes he is now avoiding me…


    Although you may love him very much maybe time apart is what you need. Instead of looking at what happened in a negative way, realize and recognize what you gained from your relationship. You learned how to love harder, how to be patient and sympathetic. On the other hand, you should never change anything about yourself for another person, love yourself first because it is important and could be the greatest lesson you learn in life. Hope all is well 🙂

    Alexey Sunly

    Loving is wishing the best for other person even if it means letting them go. It’s something we can give, but not something we can take. So, love and take care of yourself first, then wish the best to the person you care about or even help if you are able, but that is all you can do 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    Jewel Fortalejo

    Hi Alexey…After 4 months, i am still in the same in the same situation…i thought we would broke up after the said incident..but we didn’t..i tried to confront him just to have a closure but we end up reconciling..but the said issue happened all over again..the truth is..its more on him who found someone new but refuses it…i thought he already broke up with that girl just as he promised me…but he just let me believed he did..We did not broke up but at this moment i am struggling to forget him..to forget the feelings i have for him…i want to find someone new whom i can love and hope that someone would love me too..

    Jewel Fortalejo

    Hi LOVE…thanks for a very touching reply..i just wish time can really eased the pain////

    Alexey Sunly

    You CAN love anyone and everyone. What do you mean you want to find someone new you CAN love, when you are free to love anyone you know and don’t know as much as you wish? And as for hoping that someone will love you, that tells me that you have a certain expectation of how people suppose to treat you when they love you. If i tell you right now that I love you, even if I don’t know you, you will either don’t believe me or make me try to prove it to you by acting in a particular way that you think a person in love should act… Well, that’s not how love works, and that’s not how life works. At least, most of the time they don’t, and you can either accept that people love and live in many different ways, or you can try and find a needle in a stack of hay.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    Jewel Fortalejo

    Thanks alexey for inspiring me..Sometimes its very hard for me to believe if love really exist or its just some creation of our very imaginative mind..but if it really exist ..i hope it will find me.

    hồng nhung

    you have loved him at heart but he is no worthy to receive your love.


    Love is what you want it to be. There are different kinds of love and come in various forms and shapes. There’s sisterly love, brotherly love, parental love, friendship love and all these types of love have deep felt meaning. However, we tend to question ourselves what is ‘LOVE’ as in ‘LOVE’. We all have love within us to some degree. However, how do you define love in a situation where you are married to someone for years and for the time of your togetherness, all you imagined ahead of you were 2 people growing old together, watching the kids grow up and having kids of their own and so forth till one day out of the blue that person turns into a stranger. Someone you’ve never known, yet again thought you had.
    Love is something that works on a ‘give and take’ basis with two people being involved. For one person to love alone it is impossible to succeed. A very wise dear friend said to me once ‘to be able to love someone, you need to be able to love yourself’. I was wrapped up in a marriage where it was just me ‘giving’ the marriage 100% and HOPING to get back a little love in return at some point. I focused so hard on this marriage and lost my own identity to keep the identity of others. Fortunately, the marriage broke down, as did the wall that had formed in front of me, breaking down ‘HOPE’. I knew at that stage there was no HOPE.
    I now have all the love in the world to share with my children. I have a circle of friends whom I love dearly. I have all positive people around me. Sadly however, I wish I knew what it felt like to be loved outside that of a daughter/sister/mother and friend, but the best thing about my life now is I am my own person and I don’t go out to look for LOVE. As my friends will constantly say ‘ you don’t need to go out to look for love, love will find you’, but I’m not looking. I’m free and I’ve got my identity back.


    Contracting the Law of Love

    I give I give I give
    NOW ‘give me some candy!”

    This is a tort. this is “twisted”

    The law states:
    I make an offer, it is accepted.
    If not accepted
    There is no contract.

    The Law of Attraction states

    I do nothing but hope and things come to me

    The law states:
    I do ME, the BEST ME, the bestest, bestest me and good things come to me.

    There is the work……
    There is the rub…..

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