
It frustrates me that I'm still a virgin and haven't had sex yet?

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    I’m even more unattractive then most other girls.

    Please tell me the the truth and no lies.


    But lloeshopping- I can’t see you, you know that. So how can I tell you if you are physically attractive or unattractive?

    Or do you mean attractive or unattractive in an invisible way, that is, character and such?




    Being attractive is a competition is it?  You were born with your looks whatever they may be and your looks, bit by bit, were inherited from people who looked something like you.  If you really want the truth, that means that people who could match you in the looks department managed to have sex, conceive a child, give life to others who then went on to have sex, conceive a child, give life to others who then went on to have sex, conceive a child give life to others who………………………..generation after generation.

    Are you a shopaholic for a reason?  Anything to make yourself feel good eh?




    Hi Iloveshopping,

    You know you’re a virgin (which is not a bad thing), but other people don’t have to know that. When I read the topic I assumed you were a guy. Only guys would get frustrated that they are virgins and complain about it. Apparently I was wrong.

    Why do you want to have sex? Why do you not want a relationship?

    If you love shopping, you’ve already picked out makeup and clothes that would help make you more attractive.

    Don’t worry, sex happens to everyone. Just hang out in a bar for a while (when you’re 21) and see if that’s not true.




    Dear lloveshopping:

    You started about seven threads and wrote very little in each, one sentence maybe.

    In August you wrote a few threads, putting your writings there all together: “The level of ugliness that I’m on is hideous… I’m scared I might be a virgin for the rest of my life and never have sex… I’m scared I might never have a relationship… I want guys to accept me for who I am”.

    You don’t want to be ugly, right? Let’s look at the painting on canvas thread you started not long ago: a few members responded to you but you didn’t get back to the thread and didn’t thank a single member for replying to you= this is an ugly behavior!

    You don’t want to be ugly, well.. return to a thread you start- if any member answered it with good intent and tried to give you something helpful- and say: thank you!

    In one thread I suggested you come back and let me know that you read my reply to you and you did just that- you responded and not in a hostile way- so there is beauty right there in you!

    You can practice being beautiful right here,  on this thread. Don’t let it end the same way as the others, with you not coming back to it (or coming back for just one line).

    I asked  you in the thread that you did return to with one line to tell me about your ugliness and you didn’t respond. Here is a way for you to express your beauty: express your thoughts and feelings. You mentioned painting on canvas on another thread- your thoughts and feelings are like the paints on canvas, they are colors that make the painting beautiful.

    When you start threads with just one line it is like a drawing one grey line over the canvas with a pencil, no shapes, no colors.

    Well.. paint this thread with shapes and colors: come back and show your beauty here. Tell me, tell us what you think, what you feel, type and keep typing and then submit.


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