
Moving through sadness

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    Hello all,

    I am sad. I’m sad because I keep having memories of my ex-gf pop up and because I haven’t really let go, I think (I’m really trying to identify what is causing my sadness so I can let it go). The past few days I’ve been in a rut. I don’t know what to do. Sometimes my mind feels so chaotic and tangled up that I just want to sleep to avoid thinking. This person hurt me, immensely. But I loved her deeply, so it makes it all the worse. I do miss her, but I know that we cannot be friends so she is no longer in my life. I can’t help but wonder if she is happier now without me, and that creates a lot of negative feelings. I wish I could stop thinking about her, but it almost feels like the harder I try the more she creeps into my mind. I have no hate in my heart towards her, despite her hurting me the way she did. Idk, I’ve just never been able to stay mad at her.           It just hurts.

    Any advice at all about navigating through sadness, letting go, breakups….please? Or if you have any wisdom or insight as to why this may be happening?

    Brief background — dated for a little under a year, talked about marriage and children “thought she was the one”,  last time I spoke to her was 2 weeks ago (we had been broken up at that point for 2 months), was not a mutual break up, I got dumped. She is with someone else now, living in another state.


    Another thing to add, this might sound crazy, but I almost feel like I’m seeing signs of her. Everywhere I turn and look, there is a reminder from the universe that she is there OR maybe I’m just looking for there to be. Idk. Confused. Overthinking, probably ???


    Hi Cruzzie,

    I’m sorry you’re going through this. Being emotionally attached with someone who has caused hurt is such a difficult and painful thing to go through. Thoughts like this person was the one, or they were perfect for us can also hurt us because they make us hold on to hope (if they were the one, they must come back) and stop us from moving forwards with our life. If this person has made the decision to no longer be part of your life, then she is not the one.

    I have also gone through the phase of interpreting sings of the person I am emotionally attached to (still sort of going through it) and for me I think it was searching for something to attach hope to ( I saw her name on a shop sign, that must mean something) because the alternative is painful.

    What has helped me in this process is admitting that she met certain needs of mine, for connection and for closeness, admitting that I had those needs, and actively trying to meet those needs (to an extent) by increasing the time I spent with friends, increasing the depth of conversations I had with other people, expressing my needs more to friends/family.

    I’m sorry I don’t have more definitive/more hopeful input. It sucks, but hang in there, be mindful of your thoughts and of your needs and try to meet them actively.




    Dear Cruzzie:

    You asked for “any wisdom or insight as to why this may be happening?”- my in-sight, what I see, is your need to have a girlfriend, your need to love and be loved in return. An inborn and natural human need. Nothing more, nothing less.

    You asked for “Any advice at all about navigating through sadness, letting go, breakups….please?”-

    1. Don’t try to not think about her because it doesn’t work: ” the harder I try (to stop thinking about her) the more she creeps into my mind”.

    2.  When you think about her, think about how she hurt you, again and again direct your thinking to the hurt: ” This person hurt me, immensely. But I loved her deeply, so it makes it all the worse. I do miss her (when you miss her, remind yourself of that immense hurt)… I have no hate in my heart towards her, despite her hurting me the way she did (no requirement that you hate her, but that immense hurt requires another reminder).

    3. Focus on your life, here-and-now.



    Hi Cruzzie,

    I hope that today you are finally getting the answers you deserve and through those answers you are well on the way to the loving, happier life you deserve. I am not sure what the motivations are for someone to hurt another. I don’t think it is one thing either, I’m sure it is a multitude of reasons. Regardless, hurting someone seems to come out of nowhere when we least expect it, and, we just don’t need it. I am not sure if you read a previous response I had for you in a previous post, but look at that again. If not, remind me and I shall post it again for you. You really don’t need to “identify what is causing my sadness so I can let it go” because you already have-you are a loving soul that got hurt. Period. The reason(s) for that that having happened can only come from the person who hurt you. There have been some moments that I have been hurt and wanted to know from the person, why. Then I realized why would I want to ask someone who hurt me, why they did that, only to hear the answer justified by the conjunction,”because.” It took awhile for me to understand that when my ex(es) hurt me in such a way that it seemed as having been done so without a conscience, I was actually walking through a door that eventually would lead me to being with someone who genuinely cared and loved me. At first it was hard from to see what it was that I was moving toward after walking through that door because the hurt clouded my vision of where I wanted to go. So when I realized that where I wanted to go became more clear, because I let go, the present state I was in became more clear and exciting and that my journey was clear because it was not clouded with “what could have been.” I actually thanked my exes for letting me go because I was able to make myself available to discover new things and allow some amazing people in my life. I could move forward with a never again mentality. Some hurts did happen but to a much lesser degree because I was aware, I had knowledge. I think that people who hurt another with whom they are involved with do so out of many reasons, self-centeredness, ego, inconsideration, whatever. What happens when you step on a piece of glass? You become aware of two choices: (1) leave it in and let your foot get infected, or, (2) remove it and allow the healing process to begin. Just because you are still hurt does not mean you are chained to “what was.”  “Everywhere I turn and look, there is a reminder from the universe that she is there…” is also a reminder that you no longer are available to her, but are available to be loved. You most certainly deserve love.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by PearceHawk.


    Thank you for your kind words and positivity . I appreciate you taking the time to reply, your advice has been helpful. I hope that you are well and continue to find inner peace.



    I cannot thank you enough for every time you have replied to my posts and have shed positive light into my life. You are so straightforward and I truly truly appreciate everything you say and take it to heart. You are so full of wisdom. And you are right, I need to live in the now.

    Many many thanks, again. Have a wonderful day.



    I did read your last reply to my other topic, thank you. You are very gifted in not only showing me a  different perspective but in helping lift my spirits. You have so much positive advice, wisdom and strength.

    From your reply, I was able to see that I am seeking an answer as to “why”my ex did what she did and also the how (“how could she have done what she did?”)  And you are right, I cannot ever understand, only she can. It’s not up to me to understand.  I need to focus on learning from the pain.

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.



    Dear Cruzzie:

    You are welcome and thank you for your kind words of appreciation!

    Regarding thoughts and feelings about a past relationship, people tend to focus on the loving parts and continue to long for the person with whom that love was experiences… forgetting the hurtful, unloving parts. My suggestion was to complete the thoughts and feelings about a past relationship with all that it was, keeping real that way.



    Hi Cruzzie, I know exactly how you feel. I am going through the same thing. I always hear songs, or bump into something that reminds me or gives me a sign of my ex and I think of him literally constantly, it’s just so sad. But we parted for the best and sometimes we have a tendancy to remember all the good times, (few and far between for us) then people remind us of all the negative times that led us to part anyway, but I just don’t want to remember those, I only remember the smiles, the kisses, the funnies, you know but that is not reality. We broke up for many many reasons. Anyhow, what I am doing right now is “interruptive thinking”; when I think of him I force myself to start thinking of something else immediately. Perhaps envisioning myself in 6 months from now, meeting someone new, writing down my goals, really thinking of other things and remembering how well we weren’t together.

    But then I also wonder does he have a new girlfriend? is he happier? why isn’t he calling me….But in reality those things don’t matter, if I call to find out I’ll be hurt #1 I KNOW IT, we just need to move on within ourselves and see our futures as brighter and filled with other loved ones and put ourselves out there a little bit. For example I am going to join a gym….just get out of my boring life for now and create a new one. Vox_Populi

    I hope it gets better for both of us! We can do it. Just imagine yourself in 6 months!!!

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